We need more people like John and his wife in the world. I wish I could’ve met them both.

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Great Game Tonight! Keepers: Friedl/Friedl/Friedl! Benson, Steel McLain and even Fairchild who is an up and coming star. Defense is incredible! Razzle Dazzle confused the Guardians, as it does with all teams we have matched when it becomes our weapon of choice. The electricity hasn't gone anywhere, it is just an amoeba without boundaries. Elle never stops smiling, and celebrating, even on one of his most difficult nights. That attitude will hold him together as he learns from his peers.

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Friedl since the ASB has been pedestrian at best, getting on base at a sub .28o clip. Last 7 games he's slashing .217/.217, that could be a slump, a regression or hitting a wall. All you kneejerks insisting he needs to be in there vs LHP crippling the offense should occasionally inform your lineup imperatives excoriating Bell with the actual performance stats. OBP is where your offense generates, small ball or bloop & blast ... the more you get 'em on, the better the rest of everybody's equations function


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Might as well take a crack at managing the bullpens over this series. Keep in mind you're looking at a doubleheader coming up. Once your starters get up around 8o pitches, pay attention to where the 7-8-9 hitters turn back over to the top of the lineup. Tapping the top of any column gives you a sorted count


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Peaky Blinders! If you like the actor that plays Oppenheimer, he is even better in this Netflix series about a poor crime riden London family in the early 1900s that rise to the top of the gang world. Watch it Doc!

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You may need to watch with closed caption because their accents are hard to understand even if you have perfect hearing.

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Yeah I have no idea- not a lawyer or know the law- I have heard multiple versions now on what it is and why- but like you I don't feel we are any closer to the truth?

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Enjoy the time with your boy! They are the best of times.

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R.I.P. John Fay! There was an outstanding article in the Enquirer about him. It almost brought tears. The world needs more John Fay’s. I like that Al Michaels stood his ground and didn’t cave in to this woke bull crap and cancel society propaganda that is trying to ruin our world! I still drink Bud Light and feel sorry for all of those workers/ families who lost their job over this crap! Nice tune you picked and I still listen to one of your other picks!

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The John Fay story was the best piece of true journalism in the Enquirer in years. Dan Horn interviewed multiple people for their John Fay recollections then did a great job weaving it together.

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It's funny you bring up Al Michaels today. I just sat in my living Monday night, pulled up YouTube on the big-screen, and watched a vintage 1990 Bengals-Seahawks Monday night game in its entirety, with the great trio of Al, Frank Gifford and Dan Dierdorf. Easily the best trio in the MNF booth, in my opinion. Michaels is top-notch, and his attitude toward "anti-social media" makes him even better.

Speaking of the 1990 Bengals, today's iteration of the Reds is resembling one of the players from that squad -- Rod "Toast" Jones. They are toast unless something happens real quick, say, like Bell not putting out a AA lineup in the heat of a "pennant race" because the opponent is starting a left-handed rookie.

Not sure why now, of all times, the debacle arises regarding "The Blind Side" parties. The book came out in 2006; the movie in 2009; Oher retired from the league in 2016.

Why, seven years after his retirement, 17 after the book and 14 after the movie, is he suddenly claiming what he's claiming? I mean, he might be right on all of it, but if it chafed him THAT MUCH, I'd think he would have brought it up a lot sooner and in a more timely manner. Oh well, not my circus ... and, yes, another fairy tale story bites the dust.

Enjoy the long weekend with The Kid Down the Hall, Montreat Man. Hope it's a memorable and great one, as they all have been for ya!

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I'll be curious regarding what comes out of the 'Blind Side' legal proceedings. I'm pretty confident the Touhy's had good intentions when they took Oher in and raised him with their other children. How could they know at that time that he would become a future football star and they could write a book about it? Their explanation of the conservatorship makes sense, but I'll hold judgement until I see more information. Oher made millions during his football career, so I'm surprised he is now making a big deal out of this unless the Touhy's did something we aren't aware of. Did Oher's management and hangers-on spend all of his money so now he needs more? Something doesn't smell right.

Regarding the Reds, it appears India's return will be delayed due to medical issues and he is upset at a misdiagnosis. The Reds really need a new medical team because this isn't the first time this has happened. Kremcheck doesn't have the best reputation in the medical community and some pitchers were never the same after his surgeries.

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He was already a heavily recruited all-state football and basketball player before the Touhys became involved

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Where did you get that information? In the movie, he clearly moved in with the Touhy's before joining the football team and becoming a star. I've never seen any information to indicate he was already a sports star. If you statement is true, that would definitely impact Oher's case.

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The movie is fictionalized. Oher's wikipedia page (footnoted) is where I got my info. Oher didn't become associated with the Touhys until he was a HS senior and already a highly sought 5 star recruit. Just so happened their kids attended the same private academy as Oher

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Oher was 2A Lineman of the Year and All-state Tennessee football in 2oo3. He didn't get with the Touhys until 2oo4

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It appears the conservatorship was for the benefit of the Touhys specifically steering Oher to Ole Miss and being NCAA eligible. He had his choice of elite SEC scholarships w/o that otherwise. An 18 yo doesn't need parental consent to be adopted in Tennesee, which is a simple legal agreement process between the 2 parties and which was also never done. The Touhys apparently didn't take advantage through consevatorship but I don't see how it would have been of any particular benefit to Oher, then or up 'til now. The Touhys felt some point needed to be made for Oher's mother signing or at least acknowledging herself off from his conservatory rights. Once Oher graduated there was apparently no need for it, nor did the Touhys exercise control of Oher's subsequent pro football affairs. It also meant he had no say in the book/movie dealings or rights

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As far as book/movie payment, they treated Oher as 1 of 5 which makes it appear the children were being treated equally. I suppose one perhaps might ponder whether Snow White and the 7 dwarves would be fair and equitable in splitting similar proceeds equally 8 ways?

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Oppenheimer - If you want to know more about his human struggle and what was going on in the “constant battleground of his mind,” read American Prometheus.

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Enjoy the mountains Doc. Their glory pails to time with the boy, obviously.

Reds are in trouble for sure. Run DLC is evolving into the 2nd coming of Wily Mo…too little of wow, did you see that mixed in with you know, repeatable baseball skills. That swing of his is the shape of a 3 iron from the fairway. Poor boy mustn’t realize the ball isn’t going to lie there, still on the grass. Mac and Steer appear to be players. Dudes you can fight with. Possibiy Friedl as well. Jury is still out in CES, but I’d bet on him over DLC. It’s been a great season to watch, especially after last years comedy routine. Here’s hoping the youngins they keep talking about still currently located in the minors bring more with them next year.

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Oh, and don’t fall off the mountain.

I agree that the lineup doomed the outcome last night.

Not a big fan of the football movie. It is possible they got him int Ole Miss as a legacy admission. Ergo conservator strategy.

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He had football scholarship offers from Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, LSU and South Carolina in addition to Ole Miss. I'm thinking legacy admission had nothing to do with it. As the #38 5 star recruit in the USA, i wouldn't rule out venturing into sordid territory grey areas. The Touhys are 'claiming' they were told adoption was not an option, which was simply not the case in Tennessee. 18 year olds can be adopted by a simple agreement between both parties

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Its been nearly 60 years since Bob Dylan declared that "Money doesn't talk, it swears". I don't think even Bob has the mastery of language to update that sentiment for the third millennium.

Thanks for the review of Oppenheimer. I nearly had my wife convinced to take it in with me the week it opened. But she backed out when she saw the running time. Chose to see Barbie with our daughter instead. I look forward to seeing it on Netflix. Or hope that we have whichever streaming service that the roulette wheel stops on.

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Haven’t seen Oppenheimer yet. May wait until the guy on the couch can listen through his earphones. I once wrote an essay redefining original sin as having been born in the nuclear age. Side note in a piece about Auden’s sin of omission. Had recently learned such a thing existed. Medieval epics class. Dante, Milton, and Spenser. Bought my first Cliffs Notes.

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Ladies and gentlemen, our resident scholar. (I say that purely out of admiration.) Bluegrass Kat is close to an Original Mobster, people. That's 17 years. Honored by her presence. Write on, sistuh.

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Re: The Blind Side, I wish fair winds to all who set sail to the far off isle of fairy tales. Poor bastards.

“In the history of the world, no one has gotten away with anything, ever.” —Hell or High Water

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Loved that movie. Which may have more to do with my crush on Sandra Bullock than the story. But when she's showing him his new room and he says "I never had one," and she replies, "What, your own room?" and his answer is "A bed," I'm wrecked. It's remarkable all the things many of us take for granted every day. I'm so thankful I've always had a roof over my head and known when my next meal was coming.

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Add Sandra Bullock to the born on 7/26 list along with Darlene Love, Mick Jagger, Kate Beckinsale, Jason Statham, Dorothy Hamill, La'el Collins, Nana Visitor, GB Shaw, Helen Mirren, Stanley Kubrick, Taylor Momsen, Andy Goldsworthy, Aldous Huxley, Jason Robards, Mark 'Saint Germain' Kneass, Carl Jung and me

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Also recently took in Oppenheimer. Also came out thinking of it as good-plus, not great. I don’t feel the plot pirouette of a vindictive bureaucrat née ally offered the foundation to support the weight of the ratfckery. I saw some nuance in Oppy’s muted acceptance of his professional degradation, in that he saw it as penitence, whereas his wife, having sublimating her “self” for his career, roared to life when she witnessed him being railroaded.

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