Believe me, Mark, I understand and I agree that it isn't fair when testosterone is involved in competitive sports. They probably have made their own choices because they love a sport and don't fit in either a square or a circle. I don't believe they are mentally ill, however. This is a physical issue. It has to be a terrible frustrating battle for them. Let's just stay compassionate on this subject.

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Paul you are quick to point out correctly this kind of senseless killing and the awfulness of the January 6 mess. But I don't recall you ever condemning the disasters in every major city in our country - all run by democrats for the past 50 years. Black on black crime is rampant, but let's defund the police. The public schools are incompetent and and 80 or 90% of black kids are born into a single parent home and you can't find a father/usually fathers with a search warrant. The schools have no chance. Read some of the editorial content in the WSJ and you might get some insight into what other major issues we're dealing with and what some really bright people are offering as help/solutions/ideas. Sadly these folks are not anyone in charge of any part of our government at any level at the moment. It's quite sad really that people as smart and well spoken as you won't talk/write about it in a constructive way. And you sir are one hell of a writer.

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Only one correction - second greatest player - Ronaldo is #1 just by a hair. He does things with a ball no one has ever done

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Love the music...I think music keeps me alive these days.

And who is Martini? Where are these guys coming from. Maybe they have a reputation for hitting the ball a mile, but it would be comforting if they did it while playing with our otherwise dynamic Team. Sometimes this all just makes me just want to go and poor a drink.

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Not as great as some of the others mentioned, but the first four Aerosmith albums (particularly Get Your Wings, Toys in the Attic and Rocks) are an amazing slab of rock.

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CSNY: Crosby, Stills & Nash, Deja Vu, 4 Way Street.

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Doc, I agree with you on everything you said in this blog except for the Reds. Did you think we had a chance for Sherzer or Verlander? Other than no-hitter Lorenzen who could have been had for cheap there wasn't anyone out there worth giving up any of the young core. Marti is going to be a great (not just good) player. Giolito, Lorenzen are Free Agents in my Fantasy League. I still think they may have enough to squeak into the playoffs. The true tell will come next year or the year following if they dangle a few of these players for a couple of YOUNG Stud pitchers. We'll be rid of Votto baggage salary wise with no big commitments going forward. I don't think 5-7 starts from some so-so pitcher would have made any difference.

The idea that the locals will be accepting of people of different cultures/viewpoints is ridiculous. How long did it take for you to be accepted here and feel like a local? And you share most if not all of their characteristics. ( White, Christian...) I was born and raised here and am always surprised when I hear people I know including family comment on someones race or religion. Accepting? I don't think so.

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More "Stick to Sports" please. Thank You!

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I just love living in Ohio - we get climate change for two weeks every sumner. Then it’s gets cold and I can’t play golf in the winter - you know snow and maybe ice and cloudy days. Here is to the great state of Ohio - mostly climate change free except for a week or two.

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I’m detecting a hint of sarcasm ya damn climate denier 🤣🤣🤣

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Green River Willy and the Poor Boys Cosmos Factory by CCR

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Rush - 2112, Farewell to Kings, Hemispheres

Rush - Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures,


Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, PowerSlave

The Scorpions- Animal Magnetism, Blackout, Love at First Sting

Any of the first five studio albums from Lynyrd Skynyrd

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I love the talk about favorite 3 album runs. During the first year of the pandemic, via Zoom, a group of over 20 friends and family members held several "drafts" (similar to fantasy football) of our favorite songs, movies, etc. I was not surprised that I had a great time but was surprised how much everyone else enjoyed taking part. Somehow, we neglected a draft of our favorite albums. My hope is to host an in person draft at some establishment in the Cincinnati area. Any mobsters looking to take part, please contact me. I know that it sounds goofy, but, sometimes goofy is great!

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Friends will be in their seats in the Bailey cheering the hometown club on against Messi and his buds. One of them expressed disgust at a Cincy bakery’s special cookies bearing Messi’s face.

Too grumpy to like Running on Empty? Not even touching that. Movie of the same title also excellent.

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3 albums? Taylor Swift - 1989, Reputation, Lover.

I am thinking there is more to that California murder than we are being told. Early narratives often fall apart later.

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How did I not see that coming? I suppose when she does the “Taylor’s Version” of all three you will “doubly” win, IB.

Well played.

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Exactly! Taylor’s Version of “1989” coming soon. 😀

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Kudos to your girl for giving out 55 MILLION DOLLARS in bonuses to all of her tour crew. That’s a record that will never be broken unless she breaks it with her next tour. Given her popularity, she probably will break her own record.

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Man I can't lie.....I had been wondering why nobody mentioned TSwift yet LOL

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More than happy to oblige. And live in the 21st Century not the 60s and 70s. 😀

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Hey Jay, at least two of the three album runs I mentioned in my comment are post-1980! Haha.

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You could hole up with the first 5 Allman Brothers albums and not leave for days, and Fillmore, Eat a Peach and Brothers and Sisters as back to back to back? Hard to beat.

As for the Reds, I dedicate a Johnny Winter song, slightly modified. Still Alive and...Well?

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Black Sabbath - 1 to 6 - pick any combination of 3 in a row.

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