The Reds and pro golf...both are hitting me hard right now. As usual you are right on. Don't knock yourself Doc. Many songs have driven me crazy until I realize I'm humming along!

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Maybe. Another of mine was not being able to find my locker in high school on my first day. It probably was true.

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Next time, wrap TJ's hand in layer upon layer of color-coded paper.

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May 16·edited May 16

I used to dream all the time about falling, usually off a cliff. Nothing sez fun like waking up in the middle of a free fall, your body tense as an I-beam. Usually the covers were wrapped up all around me. Maybe I was trying subconsciously to form a parachute; I don't know, I have no frkkin idea. Laying there in the dark in a moment of terror, spooked out of my mind, as reality tries to return, is always fun, too. More fun than a barrel of monkeys, I tell ya (...hit sarcasm font....).

The weird thing is at one point farther down the road, I used to work off 40' ladders for a while. Go figure.

My question is; is this team worse than the 2022 team? What is the one constant thru these last 6 years of choked playoffs, underachieving free agents, weird injuries, choked regular season end (lasl year), and never ending bad starts (after 40 games, the Reds haven't been above .500 yet. Why, yes, it's David Bell. The Jonah of all Jonahs. Chuck Dressen said it best;

"Nice guys finish last."

Truer words were never spoken.

By the way, Bell also managed the Bats in Louisville in 2012. His record? 51-93 (.354). Nothing sez greatness like those kinda numbers, yessiree BubbaLouie.

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I think Leo Durocher said that

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Reds don’t have a star. Heck they don’t have anyone who could be a star. They are a team of minor leaguers.

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How many LIV players are playing in the PGA? Who are they so I can root against them. Don't care, they're taking assassin s money.

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May 15Liked by Paul Daugherty

The Reds continue to suffer from the Cinci injury jinx. Last year it was the starting pitchers and this year it's position players. I'm not optimistic regarding their chances this year. Friedl is out another 6 weeks, and I doubt McClain will play/contribute much this year. If you recall, it took Joey and Suarez awhile to recover from shoulder injuries and McClain hasn't even been able to work out or run for several weeks.

Regarding the NFL, why do the Bengals have to play in KC again? Shouldn't these games be rotated and shouldn't Super Bowl winners have tougher schedules? Is gambling now impacting schedules?

I think your dream may have been stimulated by the recent Bird/ Mayhem ads. I also have weird recurring dreams. While in school, I dreamed I went to school in my PJ's or underwear. In college, I dreamed about going to class and having an important exam that I didn't know about or prepare for. During my career, I dreamed of being informed of an pending office closure/ merger or that someone else was in my office when I went to work. I did experience four mergers and two office closures, so that might explain them. Last night, I dreamed I was listening to Deep Purple 'Book of Taleisyn' album that I hadn't listened to in years. The positive thing about most dreams is I realize it is a dream and can wake up.

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May 15·edited May 15Liked by Paul Daugherty

It really is impossible to make a sound judgement of the Reds without the presence of McLain, Marte, Freidl...

But I do wonder how much the presence of one Joseph D Votto is being missed. Other than DLC, there really isn't a hitter in the lineup right now that would scare me, let alone a big league pitcher. He had also grown to be a leader - which is something else sorely lacking right now.

In my most frequently recurring dream, I am driving with zero visibility and unable to stop the car. I also have one where all of my teeth have fallen out and no matter how many I spit out, I can't empty my mouth. Pretty gross, huh?!

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Stephenson has been smacking the ball. Joey hasn’t swung a bat in almost 2 months. This season attending mid March.

Some really awful luck and a stupid decision. Reds need to fill up pipeline fast. Not much help in AAA.

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It is nice to see Stevenson hitting the ball again.

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Let Votto drive your car in those dreams. He's invincible. You'll sleep like a baby.

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I’ve had that car dream!

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Reds. A tough start, and some tough luck. 3 right hand bats out, and a lefty with success against southpaws. 2 in and out, 2 missing major time. Never knew there were so many lefty starters in baseball. Still, with the parity in the league, it's way too early to panic. With the Dodgers directly ahead, however, we need to make some hay and try to keep fairly close. If we do, then we need to do some damage within our division, with lots of those games coming up. Heck, all of our starters are under a 4.00 ERA or close. If they maintain that and we get relatively healthy, we can get back in the conversation. But it's a big IF.

Tom Brady naive? Mmm hmmm.

Always liked Max Homa. Like him even more now.

Really like Nirvana, and that's a great song, but I prefer Pearl Jam. By a lot.

My only recurring dream came when I was younger. A giant bear chasing me in a stream, and I keep falling. I always woke up sweating, just before he got me. I do have the bad feeling I'll have one this year, an election year. I wake up with a certain 'politician' standing over me, yelling 'I won! I won! Okay, boys, take him out back and shoot him.' But that couldn't happen, right? Right?

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Did anyone watch Jimmy Fallen's Tenth Anniversary Special last night? OMG it was awesome! The musical sketches were the best. I have recorded the rest of this season. Great laughs are needed somewhere.

I used to have dreams of falling also, out of the sky. Then I would dream of airplane crashes in the cornfield behind my house. Creepy stuff for sure. Most of them have dissipated...until now that you reminded me....lol

Pretty sure the way of the current political world and the mishandling of justice has us all on edge....and if it doesn't, it should. But, yes, another dark day...probably another night at the pub to take off the edge temporarily.

The music is a good release. I personally like Radioactive on full volumn.

The Reds won. Note that Green changed up his speed on fastballs to get it done.

Need some sunny days to get back to "golf"....

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I have the airplane crash dream as well. Or walking at work or at school in my underwear, and not caring. Aren't most dreams about fear and/or your true self being discovered by others?

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When I was young, I also had vivid dreams about planes crashing in the woods behind my house. The planes were usually Constellations lighting the sky with flashing green and red lights. After the crash, I giant head would appear. I think these dreams were from watching 'The FBI Story' that had a similar opening scene, followed by the Wizard of Oz.

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Wow, yours were scarier than mine. I envisioned myself helping neighbors trying to help people that crashed in the plane...as if I could.

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Missed the Fallen special - thanks for the heads up. I have a somewhat similar dream where I can see a plane plummeting from the sky. But I always wake up before it hits anything.

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May 15·edited May 15

Dreams: I also have the one you have where I'm in a high school hallway, late for a class where there's gonna be a test, and I'm lost. Another one I have is about as strange as they come. I haven't had this in a while, but had it a lot when I was younger. I'm in my basement and get captured in a cardboard box by Bluto (later Brutus) from Popeye. He carries me upstairs into the kitchen past my Mom, who is doing dishes, right outside to the back yard where we have apple trees. Mom doesn't notice, but Popeye comes to save me! I also have lots of tornado dreams. Never seen one in real life, though.

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I have had the not-studied-for test dream many times. I've had tornado dreams as well.

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In 2023, Hurtubise batted .330 with a .961 OPS, seven homers, 46 RBIs and 45 stolen bases over 119 games combined for Chattanooga and Louisville. Cincinnati protected him on the 40-man roster after the season.

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May 15Liked by Paul Daugherty

Good local reference. Hacksaw Reynolds played for Western Hills High School! Story goes when he got pissed he would hacksaw at a car’s motor block

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The Crown Jewels were if recall. Kal Daniels, Tracy Jones, Kurt Stillwell, Barry Larkin, Paul O'neil and Eric Davis. Pretty, pretty good and yes...Kal Daniels could hit but couldn't catch. This year's Reds squad will rebound and if they can come out of May 5-6 games under .500 then there's hope. If they go continue to go bust in May try again next year. I'm still bullish on the 40 man roster and with some health, some luck and a few front office moves this could work. My only gripe with David Bell is that long, long losing streaks seems to be an annual event each year.

Recurring Dream: I've been having this what seems my entire life. In any situation where there's a need for me to move fast like playing in a basketball game, running from a wild animal, hustling to catch a Bachman Turner Overdrive concert, or anything that requires urgency....I run like I'm in the shallow end of a pool, fall way behind and never get there.

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Where do I send the Murray cook bobble head?

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One long-standing dream that I cannot shake: I am of grade school age, back in my hometown of Hamilton, Ohio, and my mom is shaking me, in an attempt to awaken me from a bad dream. As I wipe the cobwebs from my eyes, I discover my mom surrounded by three strangers, who identify themselves as Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory. I then proceed to ask mom "who are these people," as Kansas's acoustic hit, "Dust in the Wind," begins to play softly from my nearby transistor radio. I then close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone, which signals to me it's time to start my day.

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Was there a cowardly lion?

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Yes, surely you must remember poor Zeke, a lowly farmhand, who was not exactly Captain Courageous when it was his turn to slop Auntie Em’s prized hogs? Fortunately, for Zeke, his self-esteem recovered nicely, decades later, after leaving Kansas for the big city where improbably he became a successful pitchman for Lay’s potato chips (betcha can’t eat just one). A true rags to riches.

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At their best they were an 82-win team, barely over .500. That's inclusive of a 12-game winning streak. This organization has been living on What-If for nearly 3 decades now. Keep Calm and Wait for Robert Stephenson. Keep Calm and Wait for Cody Reed. Years later, we're calmly waiting on Nick Lodolo, Jonathan India, Hunter Greene and Elly De La Cruz, who have MAYBE, maybe arrived, but even that's TBD.

We overvalue prospects here because we have to - absent of free agent splashes, how else do you drum up excitement? I'm not going to waste time bitching about spending, even I'm sick of it, and the Diamondbacks just made a WS run with a Reds-like payroll. Still an outlier, but proves it's possible, if you know what you're doing.

The Reds don't. The Reds are a professional baseball franchise run by someone with literally no professional baseball experience, who hired a GM whose only job was working in one of baseball's least successful organizations his entire career, someone who's likely never had another job offer outside of Cincinnati that we can document, and he and his crack Nepo squad are selecting the raw talent the Reds will lean on for success.

How's it playing out? And how are any of us surprised anymore? And why do we still talk about this GM, this organization, as if it's even remotely competent?

A property of mine just took on ground water, in a finished basement. Naturally I'm conducting a competitive bidding process amongst companies who claim they can fix this massive problem. How do I know which company to use? Reviews, thousands. The best companies have them, it's all very public. But instead of rebuilding a sump system, we're building a contending baseball team. Let's Google who to use. What do you think the Reds builder's would be rated on Yelp? On Angie's list? What would Google Reviews say about hiring Phil Castellini to build a professional baseball team?

Because that's the General Contractor here and shocker, he and all of his executives, who all lack any experience building a contending team, are now attempting to build a contending team, and they just can't do it. Everyone knows this, it's just time we start talking about this franchise like the true F*** Fest it is, because no one internally knows what they're doing. The Castellinis will never sell, because oh my god why would they? They'd never have jobs like this without their family asset. Phil can't just put himself on camera from the fruit stand.

The more you consider this org., the more rotten you realize it is - from PR (Phil going on camera AFTER his Opening Day performance lmfao), to the awful concessions (thankfully I love skyline and larosas), to the on-field baseball product - and there's no hope for change, unless Phil were able to stomach hiring people who know moren than he does. Thankfully, there are thousands in baseball. They'll just never work here.

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