I like the Candelario signing. IF. Switch hitter, doubles machine, some power, plays both 1B and 3B. All good. IF, because IF Reds don’t trade Strand/Marte/India to get a stud starting pitcher all Candelario signing does is overload the bench. The division is there for the taking. IF we get 1 top of rotation starter.
The first game after injury Joe sat and looked disconsolate/bored on sideline, sitting by himself. I’m sure he hated not being out there. Joe adjusted and he’s been the epitome of a great leader and teammate these past two games. No one is perfect. Joe is getting it done. Kudos for Jake in stepping up. Would love to see them make playoffs.
The "troll" has a name, did you ask him? He is likely a retired guy, making a few bucks and getting free rounds of golf, sound like anyone you know? I know a few of the "trolls"; they are nice guys and gals who have a job, with rules and try to do well, even when hassled by folks like you.
Hamilton County funds the parks through property taxes, supported by a clear majority, grants/donations, and fees for the pass. Some of the best walking paths, camping sites and play grounds around. I don't play golf, but I hear county courses are pretty good. Preservation of green space, wild life education programs and fishing! And so the pass (daily or annual) is well earned and worth it!
It is more than a little rude to argue and name call the guy in the booth.
Clearly I missed my calling. I should have gone to law school. My arguments with the gate troll were succinct, brilliant, and imho worthy of making a law review. In the end, like OJ's dream team, I wore him down and he acquiesced to my bulletproof, if increasingly heated, logic. And the daily entrance fee stayed in my pocket.
You, on the other hand, are perhaps more perfectly suited to entertain us with your wit and wisdom in the written form. Not everyone can be the second coming of Clarence Darrow. Just me.
The whole thing was a joke. The Hamilton County Parks should be ashamed of themselves. The near-octogenarian wanna-be cop in the booth should be summarily retired for good. He's an embarrassment. Late in the year, after the booth has been empty most of the previous 11 months, to have a clown in there charging non-county fees for 1 day to play 9 holes is utterly stupid. Hitting someone up for $8 in December for a one day pass to play a mere 9 holes is complete gouging.
LOL Never thought of that. Next time I'll look in the booth for a tent and back pack. Good thinking. I see detective work in your future, lol.
He did open his jacket and proudly point to the GREAT PARKS logo on his golf shirt and claim he had been working the booth for years. I reminded him that didn't make him a cop, just some cranky retiree working as a lowly booth guy, which shook him up, since he clearly loved believing he was a cop. After that exchange, victory was mine and I drove in, non paying. Hah!
I voted against the stadia. My wife worked for Ham. Co. Parks as her first job out of college. I buy the park sticker every year as I park at Little Miami to ride the trail. It's a cheap insurance policy as I've had my car broken into at Lunken twice. Never happened at LM. The Vineyard is also a Ham. Co. Course but I've never seen any sticker enforcement there. Seems like the last place to enforce the sticker is LM. I guess your alternative is to not play at LM. I don't blame you.
It's Always the little things Doc. This is from a Nike ad. Golf is an invitation to hear the trees. To play well and know it's going to end; to play poorly and think it's never going to end. To feel the grass. To ask your soul, " mind if I join you?" Don't let some jerk ruin thst day for you! It's your choice!
Re: Little Miami. Yes, it's a goat track, Yes, There's been a troll only a few times all year. But the parking fee has been in effect for all Hamilton County Parks for 30 years. The fee for residents of Ham. Co. Is $10 for the year. Just think of your parking fee (to play a sh..ty course in horrible shape) as a token for not paying a dime for Payjoe, GA smallpark, even the Coliseum. It's a small token to the residents of Ham Co. Who've been fleeced all these years. Beside JTW, get a crowbar out to support one of the best park systems in the area. Shoulda gone to California anyway.
Well, you voted for the stadia. Let's turn the tables here: Say you hate golf. Never played, never even walked a course. But you love everything else at a HamCo park. What if the troll says to you, "that'll be 8 bucks for the golf, your pass covers the rest.''
Okay, so did you have a golf cap on? Were your clubs hanging out of the trunk? Were there golf ball dings in your car? Did you ask the quickest way to the Nineteenth Hole? These OG's are wise.
The new administrator of Hamilton County Parks doesn’t care about you paying a fee. He cares even less for the families of Hamilton County. He’s cut services, gotten rid of many volunteers and wants more money. Most challenging golf course was Shawnee Lookout. It was permanently closed. Miami Whitewater is a good course. I’m surprised the administrator hasn’t closed it.
Fun column today. Great back and forths on the fee. I agree with you, by the way.
So proud to be a Bengals fan. A classy group of men. KC? Not a great moment. Guess they'll have to make more funny commercials to redeem themselves. Lol.
Teams like the Reds have to...
1. Draft well. Lately they have, but gotta do the homework religiously.
2. Make astute trades. Their recent ones have, for the most part, brought some great talent on board.
3. Sign free agents that fit the team, and avoid the massive contracts ( Can you say Moose?). Hit and miss here.
4. Stay healthy. Yes, it's mostly luck, but the amount of pitchers going on the DL lately is a bit alarming. Me thinks we make the playoffs last year if we'd had just one starter healthy the whole year.
5. Remember! Anything is possible. I do believe the team representing the NL this past fall was... uh...not the Dodgers...umm...not the Braves...oh yeah. The Diamondbacks. Get to the playoffs. Good things could happen.
Always look forward to the TOTD. Very similar taste in music, and every now and then there's a song I've never heard, like today. It's a beauty, and now I have to check out the album. Thanks!
No excuse for blaming the zebras. It was the right call. If the tables were turned, the Chefs (🤣) would have been bitching if the call wasn't made. They had 10 other guys who could have yelled to Toney to move back. Waaaah!
See Fargo to see what happens to insistent parking attendants. See Patrick Mahomes to see what happens to people who whine about the rules that need to be enforced just because they are the rules.
I have a question for you. Watching games yesterday I saw several defensive players picking up and throwing their tackled victims onto the ground as hard as they could. Is this legal? I understand if they have the guy wrapped up around the waist or whatever, all they have do is hold him for the whistle or put him down, not toss him like a bean bag. A particular player was on KC where I saw him do it more than once. It's turning into "injury tackling". Enough bloodshed I say.
Kate, noticed it as well. Flipping the guy to get a good head slam into turf. If Observer spots an issue the tacklee gets put in blue tent and maybe protocol.
The well known judgment call on unnecessary roughness has changed but not far enough , Kate…back in the Butkus days, everything was OK…as for judgment calls, see Horse Racing, deep stretch, your payoff on the line and a stewards inquiry leaves you penniless!..,
Economic theory says for free markets (those without interference from government or other entities) that prices are based on supply and demand. Whenever I read or hear about anything as outrageous as Ohtani’s new Dodger contract, I try to remember that it isn’t what I think is right, it’s what the free market says is right. When it is clear that some participants in a free market cannot afford to pay such prices, it suggests that higher tier pricing is occurring and that the results are likely to be skewed for outcomes.
MLB as well as the new golf world (Jon Rahm!) and maybe the NBA with the luxury tax are in the grip of this tier pricing now. The king, of course, the NFL, has an agreement with the union that controls NFL players to restrict prices to a total unit level (skewed towards QBs with trickle down pricing from there). To a faithful free marketer like me, this is heresy. Nonetheless, as a fan, all I can say is thank goodness. Even the Lions are SB contenders this year…
As for PayJake Stadium, I watched yesterday’s game in a loud and crowded sports bar. Every time they did a shot of the group in the club suite, I thought it was the owner’s digs and was looking for MB to see his reaction. Finding out that the current owner of the leased premises had loaned it to the family of his short-term replacement was a feel-good story after a big win. Made me think people are nice for once!
I'd love to know to what extent Burrow "coaching"/motivating on the sidelines has done to keep this team loose and focused? Between his wearing a headset on Monday night and communicating with Browning (as well as giving Jake his seat/suite) and the reports that he's sitting in with the defense on their weekly meetings, he might be as valuable an asset on the sidelines as he is on the field?
As a Hamilton County resident who pays $300 in annual taxes for the parks, which I never use, I am OK with non-Hamilton County residents chipping in $8 to use the parks.
Speaking of rules applied with common sense, I think Novak had something to say about that on 60 Minutes last night.
But Jay, I’m using the golf course and I’m paying the county for that. What if you hate golf, never played or even walked a course. But you love the park’s trails. You get to the hut and they say to you that’ll be $8 for golf in addition to your annual parks fee. You’d argue you’re not there to play golf. They’d say so what? How is my argument different?
When I read “Reds” or “basketball” on TML, I skim the remaining paragraphs to find something else that interests me. I’m quite sure I’m not the only one picking my spots. Is what I get out of TML worth 80 bucks a year? Sure it is. I recognize that it just isn’t me and my interests but the mob and the mobsters interests that compensate you enough so that we can continue to read your great writing.
The only thing that pisses me off about this topic is a few comments that were made here by people making fun of retirees working a booth doing exactly what you did when you retired. You found something to do that got you out of the house, made you a few extra bucks, and got you discounted/free fees to play/practice golf. Work you don’t need to do but you want to. They are doing the same. No reason to call them trolls or worse.
I would argue that the golf course is part of the park and you are paying for the entire park eco-system including the use of the golf course which would not exist but for the park. Also, the green fees would likely be higher if it was run privately so the park fee would be an offset of that.
BTW, I don't entirely disagree with your point. I had a similar moment of outrage 15 years ago when I was nicked the $3 park fee to play Sharon Woods. As a Hamilton County taxpayer, I was annoyed that I was being charged to use something I was being taxed for. I guess I mellowed and learned to buy the annual pass so I could park my car at Little Miami to start my weekend rides. With the trail being extended to near my house, I no longer have to do that and deal with the retirees of varying dispositions manning the booth.
For the record, I pay $600 annually for the non-use of the parks. $300 is per half.
I like the Candelario signing. IF. Switch hitter, doubles machine, some power, plays both 1B and 3B. All good. IF, because IF Reds don’t trade Strand/Marte/India to get a stud starting pitcher all Candelario signing does is overload the bench. The division is there for the taking. IF we get 1 top of rotation starter.
The first game after injury Joe sat and looked disconsolate/bored on sideline, sitting by himself. I’m sure he hated not being out there. Joe adjusted and he’s been the epitome of a great leader and teammate these past two games. No one is perfect. Joe is getting it done. Kudos for Jake in stepping up. Would love to see them make playoffs.
The "troll" has a name, did you ask him? He is likely a retired guy, making a few bucks and getting free rounds of golf, sound like anyone you know? I know a few of the "trolls"; they are nice guys and gals who have a job, with rules and try to do well, even when hassled by folks like you.
Hamilton County funds the parks through property taxes, supported by a clear majority, grants/donations, and fees for the pass. Some of the best walking paths, camping sites and play grounds around. I don't play golf, but I hear county courses are pretty good. Preservation of green space, wild life education programs and fishing! And so the pass (daily or annual) is well earned and worth it!
It is more than a little rude to argue and name call the guy in the booth.
Clearly I missed my calling. I should have gone to law school. My arguments with the gate troll were succinct, brilliant, and imho worthy of making a law review. In the end, like OJ's dream team, I wore him down and he acquiesced to my bulletproof, if increasingly heated, logic. And the daily entrance fee stayed in my pocket.
You, on the other hand, are perhaps more perfectly suited to entertain us with your wit and wisdom in the written form. Not everyone can be the second coming of Clarence Darrow. Just me.
The whole thing was a joke. The Hamilton County Parks should be ashamed of themselves. The near-octogenarian wanna-be cop in the booth should be summarily retired for good. He's an embarrassment. Late in the year, after the booth has been empty most of the previous 11 months, to have a clown in there charging non-county fees for 1 day to play 9 holes is utterly stupid. Hitting someone up for $8 in December for a one day pass to play a mere 9 holes is complete gouging.
Did anyone check. Maybe he's just a homeless guy getting a few handouts.lol
LOL Never thought of that. Next time I'll look in the booth for a tent and back pack. Good thinking. I see detective work in your future, lol.
He did open his jacket and proudly point to the GREAT PARKS logo on his golf shirt and claim he had been working the booth for years. I reminded him that didn't make him a cop, just some cranky retiree working as a lowly booth guy, which shook him up, since he clearly loved believing he was a cop. After that exchange, victory was mine and I drove in, non paying. Hah!
I voted against the stadia. My wife worked for Ham. Co. Parks as her first job out of college. I buy the park sticker every year as I park at Little Miami to ride the trail. It's a cheap insurance policy as I've had my car broken into at Lunken twice. Never happened at LM. The Vineyard is also a Ham. Co. Course but I've never seen any sticker enforcement there. Seems like the last place to enforce the sticker is LM. I guess your alternative is to not play at LM. I don't blame you.
It's Always the little things Doc. This is from a Nike ad. Golf is an invitation to hear the trees. To play well and know it's going to end; to play poorly and think it's never going to end. To feel the grass. To ask your soul, " mind if I join you?" Don't let some jerk ruin thst day for you! It's your choice!
Re: Little Miami. Yes, it's a goat track, Yes, There's been a troll only a few times all year. But the parking fee has been in effect for all Hamilton County Parks for 30 years. The fee for residents of Ham. Co. Is $10 for the year. Just think of your parking fee (to play a sh..ty course in horrible shape) as a token for not paying a dime for Payjoe, GA smallpark, even the Coliseum. It's a small token to the residents of Ham Co. Who've been fleeced all these years. Beside JTW, get a crowbar out to support one of the best park systems in the area. Shoulda gone to California anyway.
The Queen Goat Course was Shawnee Lookout. That's why it's not there anymore....
Yes, I played Shawnee once or twice back in the day. I think they closed it because it was too expensive to maintain. Yes it was a Billy goat track.
Well, you voted for the stadia. Let's turn the tables here: Say you hate golf. Never played, never even walked a course. But you love everything else at a HamCo park. What if the troll says to you, "that'll be 8 bucks for the golf, your pass covers the rest.''
You: I don't play golf.
Troll: Too bad. Eight bucks.
How's that different from my situation?
Okay, so did you have a golf cap on? Were your clubs hanging out of the trunk? Were there golf ball dings in your car? Did you ask the quickest way to the Nineteenth Hole? These OG's are wise.
We're dealing with family issues. "Sunny Side" helps calm me down.
The new administrator of Hamilton County Parks doesn’t care about you paying a fee. He cares even less for the families of Hamilton County. He’s cut services, gotten rid of many volunteers and wants more money. Most challenging golf course was Shawnee Lookout. It was permanently closed. Miami Whitewater is a good course. I’m surprised the administrator hasn’t closed it.
Fun column today. Great back and forths on the fee. I agree with you, by the way.
So proud to be a Bengals fan. A classy group of men. KC? Not a great moment. Guess they'll have to make more funny commercials to redeem themselves. Lol.
Teams like the Reds have to...
1. Draft well. Lately they have, but gotta do the homework religiously.
2. Make astute trades. Their recent ones have, for the most part, brought some great talent on board.
3. Sign free agents that fit the team, and avoid the massive contracts ( Can you say Moose?). Hit and miss here.
4. Stay healthy. Yes, it's mostly luck, but the amount of pitchers going on the DL lately is a bit alarming. Me thinks we make the playoffs last year if we'd had just one starter healthy the whole year.
5. Remember! Anything is possible. I do believe the team representing the NL this past fall was... uh...not the Dodgers...umm...not the Braves...oh yeah. The Diamondbacks. Get to the playoffs. Good things could happen.
Always look forward to the TOTD. Very similar taste in music, and every now and then there's a song I've never heard, like today. It's a beauty, and now I have to check out the album. Thanks!
No excuse for blaming the zebras. It was the right call. If the tables were turned, the Chefs (🤣) would have been bitching if the call wasn't made. They had 10 other guys who could have yelled to Toney to move back. Waaaah!
See Fargo to see what happens to insistent parking attendants. See Patrick Mahomes to see what happens to people who whine about the rules that need to be enforced just because they are the rules.
I have a question for you. Watching games yesterday I saw several defensive players picking up and throwing their tackled victims onto the ground as hard as they could. Is this legal? I understand if they have the guy wrapped up around the waist or whatever, all they have do is hold him for the whistle or put him down, not toss him like a bean bag. A particular player was on KC where I saw him do it more than once. It's turning into "injury tackling". Enough bloodshed I say.
Kate, noticed it as well. Flipping the guy to get a good head slam into turf. If Observer spots an issue the tacklee gets put in blue tent and maybe protocol.
The well known judgment call on unnecessary roughness has changed but not far enough , Kate…back in the Butkus days, everything was OK…as for judgment calls, see Horse Racing, deep stretch, your payoff on the line and a stewards inquiry leaves you penniless!..,
Economic theory says for free markets (those without interference from government or other entities) that prices are based on supply and demand. Whenever I read or hear about anything as outrageous as Ohtani’s new Dodger contract, I try to remember that it isn’t what I think is right, it’s what the free market says is right. When it is clear that some participants in a free market cannot afford to pay such prices, it suggests that higher tier pricing is occurring and that the results are likely to be skewed for outcomes.
MLB as well as the new golf world (Jon Rahm!) and maybe the NBA with the luxury tax are in the grip of this tier pricing now. The king, of course, the NFL, has an agreement with the union that controls NFL players to restrict prices to a total unit level (skewed towards QBs with trickle down pricing from there). To a faithful free marketer like me, this is heresy. Nonetheless, as a fan, all I can say is thank goodness. Even the Lions are SB contenders this year…
As for PayJake Stadium, I watched yesterday’s game in a loud and crowded sports bar. Every time they did a shot of the group in the club suite, I thought it was the owner’s digs and was looking for MB to see his reaction. Finding out that the current owner of the leased premises had loaned it to the family of his short-term replacement was a feel-good story after a big win. Made me think people are nice for once!
I'd love to know to what extent Burrow "coaching"/motivating on the sidelines has done to keep this team loose and focused? Between his wearing a headset on Monday night and communicating with Browning (as well as giving Jake his seat/suite) and the reports that he's sitting in with the defense on their weekly meetings, he might be as valuable an asset on the sidelines as he is on the field?
So agree...but I sure miss him on the field.
Toney's foot was clearly over the line of scrimmage-that's offsides.
Rules are rules-yet folks whine and complain.
A park sticker is required for cars to enter Hamilton County parks.
Rules are rules-yet folks whine and complain.
You could have walked that short flat course and saved 8 bucks.
Hope you had fun!
Eh. Rules are rules when applied evenly and with common sense. The Stamp Act was a rule.
Stamp Act? Nice colonial reference.
As a Hamilton County resident who pays $300 in annual taxes for the parks, which I never use, I am OK with non-Hamilton County residents chipping in $8 to use the parks.
Speaking of rules applied with common sense, I think Novak had something to say about that on 60 Minutes last night.
But Jay, I’m using the golf course and I’m paying the county for that. What if you hate golf, never played or even walked a course. But you love the park’s trails. You get to the hut and they say to you that’ll be $8 for golf in addition to your annual parks fee. You’d argue you’re not there to play golf. They’d say so what? How is my argument different?
So you want to pay for just what you use?
When I read “Reds” or “basketball” on TML, I skim the remaining paragraphs to find something else that interests me. I’m quite sure I’m not the only one picking my spots. Is what I get out of TML worth 80 bucks a year? Sure it is. I recognize that it just isn’t me and my interests but the mob and the mobsters interests that compensate you enough so that we can continue to read your great writing.
The only thing that pisses me off about this topic is a few comments that were made here by people making fun of retirees working a booth doing exactly what you did when you retired. You found something to do that got you out of the house, made you a few extra bucks, and got you discounted/free fees to play/practice golf. Work you don’t need to do but you want to. They are doing the same. No reason to call them trolls or worse.
I would argue that the golf course is part of the park and you are paying for the entire park eco-system including the use of the golf course which would not exist but for the park. Also, the green fees would likely be higher if it was run privately so the park fee would be an offset of that.
BTW, I don't entirely disagree with your point. I had a similar moment of outrage 15 years ago when I was nicked the $3 park fee to play Sharon Woods. As a Hamilton County taxpayer, I was annoyed that I was being charged to use something I was being taxed for. I guess I mellowed and learned to buy the annual pass so I could park my car at Little Miami to start my weekend rides. With the trail being extended to near my house, I no longer have to do that and deal with the retirees of varying dispositions manning the booth.
For the record, I pay $600 annually for the non-use of the parks. $300 is per half.
The golf course is part of the park just like “Insect World” or whatever it’s called is part of the zoo.
(I was going to mention city parks and what one could do there for free.)
I’ll stick w parks that don’t charge me for anything or at least not for things I don’t wanna do. 🙃