Phil may be totally correct, but whether we are disgusted at him or at the economics of baseball, it still does not help the situation. Emotional investment relies on competitive relevance. Think I went to the playoff game the other night to spend 8+ hours in the freezing cold while enjoying Bootsy and cool fireworks? Nope-It was the for the 'juice'. That pit of your stomach feeling when Jonah went down as well as when Sam ran it back...that excitement/apprehension that makes it impossible to go right to bed when you get home. Of course, baseball is lower intensity, but at its best it provides a daily taste of the juice that spans months. Without that GABP is just another pleasant, but overpriced Banks establishment. It's bad when I'm more excited about re-signing Alvarro Barreal (midfielder, FCC) than I am about any Reds news.

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It’s not just the ball-o-nomics. It’s the moves that didn’t work out and the moves that shouldn’t have been made.

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Even without the exemplary "National Passed time, that was as good as any column you ever wrote 🍻

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Sell the team Bob and FIRE little Phil who lives off his dad’s coattails!

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The Castellini's bought the Reds in 2006 for 270 million. According to Forbes, the Reds operating profits from 2013 through 2022 were 63 million and would have been 110 million if not for a 47 million dollar loss in 2021 due to covid. The franchise is now worth 1.2 billion. If Forbes is correct, the leader of our local "non profit" can't read his own balance sheet.

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PC is a classic example of a person that has worked for the family business his entire adult life. I am not sure if that is the case but it appears that way. I have a few friends that their families have very successful businesses and the rule is no child came out of college and worked for the families business immediately. In other words go out and get a job outside the family biz then come back “home” when you know what hard work is and you are ready to contribute.

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Phil wants the Reds to be a Mickey Mouse outfit so he can sell the team to Disney in a few years.

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It appears that this ownership group doesn't get the key emotion that baseball has always evoked: HOPE. Spring training in the warmth of another sun and the crack of bat on ball through the radio are sights and sounds of hope for the new year and new season. With public statements at this time of year such as what we have heard and seen, it's almost as if the owners are TRYING to discourage their fan base. I pray that it's not an attempt to justify moving this historic franchise and taking with it a chunk of our hearts. Are we dealing with another Modell family here?

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It’s sad that the Reds saw how excited the city got with the Bengals run last year and instead of deciding to try to keep that energy alive and commit to the big league roster, the lesson that they took was “the Bengals sucked for years and when they finally had success, the city went wild. It will be Ok for us to suck for years and years too.”

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He comes across as a spoiled, pompous ass. Perhaps he is and Daddy’s latest toy is a ball team.

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Saying and wanting to be like Tampa Bay is an insult to the Rays, who very clearly know what they're doing from top to bottom in terms of player development and management. Currently, the Reds make the Pirates look competent.

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The economics of baseball is killing the game. I get that smaller markets need to be creative but the Reds have no creativity. If the Reds aren’t going to spend the money on the field, then spend it in the front office. Quit promoting from within and get some people in there that actually know what their doing and quit this trial and error BS.

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What? So he can "pick it up" and go somewhere else, such as say, Florida, or Texas or Wisconsin, and still call it "Cincinnati Reds"? How about he gives it up to someone who actually cares about The Reds, with their charm and history in this City, and ride off in his hot car to someplace that doesn't care that he is there, either.

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Great overview and spot-on take for Phil. I attended the Tom Browning celebration of life 10 days ago at the Bally Sports Club, 1st base side. I do not know the family, just one son who works at my golf club whom I really like and wanted to support. They had a cash bar for everyone. Roughly 50% cost of soft drinks, water, wine and beer relative to game day. Phil was there. I found that to be off putting or “low rent” as Marty would say. How much would the receipts total, $500? They surely got that outta Mr P in marketing over the years. I’d really like to know if the Reds charged his family for the event.

I think Phil tells it how it is, and we like that. He’s not a charlatan. But real leadership, and what would draw fans back, would be to say we have a strategy, this is how we benchmark ourselves to other clubs in middle markets, and here’s how we find a way to compete. No effing excuses. Or sell the team.

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It’s sad. I was 10 years old in 1975 playing baseball for St Antoninus on The West Side. We drove our coach crazy taking batting practice in Pete Roses, Joe Morgan’s and Tony Perez’s batting stance. I thought it was just a given the Red we’re going to be a playoff team trying to win a championship every year. That it was always going to be like that. It is sad what’s become of the game. They have to fix the economics of it, or it will just fizzle out eventually.

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I haven’t seen the Reds’ financial statements or attendance records in recent years, but I had a 40 year career as a business and sales manager. Simple business fact: you lose customers, you lose revenues and profits. Baseball was my #1 favorite sport until very recently. I was a season ticket holder for many years. The Reds owners’ lack of interest in putting together a competitive team drove me away. I went to 1 game last season because I was invited by friends. I do love a good day at the ballpark, but I am not giving them my money. I am confident I am not alone. We spent our sports $$ on FC Cincinnati.

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