I’m with you Doc, my mom was so busy working to provide, our happiness was up to us. I’ve been thinking for a few days about your question. Happiness was watching my kids play sports and watching them have fun doing whatever. I’m am happiest and always have been when our house is full of family and friends. As new empty nesters we are still trying to figure things out.
Certainly Bengals, UC, and the Reds are fun distractions. TML is fun! Helping people makes me happy. Talking to God makes me happy. Drinking coffee on a beach in Hilton Head on family vacations makes me happy. Playing golf makes me happy if the company is good.
Garth Brooks “The Dance”. (Don’t make fun of me) 😃
A. Your musical taste is near impeccable. Desperado is one of my 'island ' albums. Dickie Betts IS a guitar magician, by the way.
B. We have Not Your Average Joe. Fix the issues. Not the time for skimping.
C. Baseball absolutely makes me happy. Music makes me happy. Messing around with written words makes me happy. But I'm happiest when the people I love are happy. A few songs have been written about that, I believe.
And this is also a rec for Doc, who reads for style, not content. Moore kicks off literally twisting words and language somewhat akin and far beyond what Anthony Burgess did with 'A Clockwork Orange' in service of further twisting both the reader's experience and the narrative in his signature un/reality re/twisting style
If you click the related links there you'll find one to a long running blog fully dedicated to 'deciphering' the first chapter. Even the foreward forewarns the reader there may become need for some for various strategic decisions perhaps being made in approach of Chapter 1. But in the spirit of what Moore seemingly might have intended, I'd save the blog for another, later time
Oh, oh, oh...you say stick to athletics; heh, heh....same answer. Oh...you mean, like the sports that you read about in the sports page? Well....if you're talkin' sports viewing and/or playing, it used to be baseball. Maybe speeding up the game will help. The competitive imbalance will not. Golf is fun to play, & sometimes fun, other times boring to watch. Soccer is like visiting the moon. Very strange. College basketball is still excellent to view from an easy chair, beer in hand. College football is pretty good. NFL is too noisy, too intense, too many commercials and reviews. Pro Basketball is too narcissistic. Hockey is like Where's Waldo, only it's Where's Puck? Can I go back to my first answer?
Super strong A side albums;
*Crosby Stills Nash and Young
*Loggins and Messina
*Workingman's Dead
*Old and in the Way, 1st album
Not a bad song anywhere on front side of any of those.
*Peter Gabriel's-So gets a nod, too.
I think if you listen to any vinyl album often enough, you start to like all the songs based on familiarity alone.
Hey Doc, I realize it's a no-brainer to say pretty much all Beatles albums contain nothing but great song after great song. However, if you're looking for an album that's completely listenable and flows perfectly from beginning to end, I'd say Abbey Road is unsurpassed!
Along those lines and in the joy of life and happiness vein I think 'Briefcase Full of Blues' from the Blues Brothers is compelling with no throw out tracks. Maybe Blues purists or afficionados wouldn't give these 2 clowns that can't sing, live, backed by state of the art sidemen 'crooning' select staples and classics time of day, but it's just a big huge fun romp of a Chicago Blues celebration from beginning to end
What if a World Series game 7 is decided by a pitch clock blunder in the bottom of the ninth? Will people complain, like they do for the Super Bowl, that the rules shouldn’t apply in the last inning of the biggest game of the season? Should there be a rule against that rule being ruled?
Bottom of the ninth. Home team down 1 run. Bases loaded. Full count. Batter has already used his timeout. As he is readying himself to hit before the pitch clock times him out at 7.9 seconds, a gnat flys in his eye. He isn’t ready to hit yet the ball was thrown and it was a ball. But…the batter clock expires before the ball was thrown and the batter is assessed a strike which ends the game. That’s not a way anyone wants to see a World Series end but it could. Given it’s a dying MLB, it’ll happen this year. Of course it will.
The changes made by MLB might just get me reacquainted with the game, no matter whether the Reds stink to high heaven or not. What I'm hearing from the early reports of spring training makes me think the game is starting to resemble the game I grew up with -- and was taught how to play -- in the 1980s. Stolen bases, hit and runs, etc.
It got real old, for a lot of folks that grew up with that style and strategy of play, to watch baseball become a "strikeout or hit a home run" event instead, for three-plus hours.
I have to agree with a previous commenter that AC/DC's "Back in Black" has absolutely no forgettable songs on it. Nor does "The Wall" or "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd. I'd even go out on a limb to say that Metallica's "Master of Puppets" also is a great one, all the way through. Released 37 years ago today, I believe.
Happiness, for me, is just living life grateful for what I have, and what I've been able to experience to this point in my 45 years. And soaking up the moments and putting the phone down. One recent instance was watching my son and his 8th grade basketball team this year. I watched the games, enjoyed the teamwork and effort, and didn't record or take a picture of one moment of one of the games.
Simply burned them into my memory, and enjoyed the moments as we all used to do before pocket computers/cameras (AKA cellphones).
Happiness can be a state, or it can be fleeting moments. Football provides the latter. being struck by the fact that you more or less have your stuff together and are generally content with the life you've left behind you and what lies ahead is the former.
Blood on the Tracks and Ritual De Lo Habitual (Jane's Addiction) are both pretty flawless.
So Eagles. We all agree amongst the greatest of all time. Funny. Peaceful Easy Feeling was my favorite song of all time. But now I like Tequila Sunrise. Two minutes? Who does that nowadays? Change of subject: February was Black History Month. I am told March is Womens History Month. I wish to know when is Old White Guys Month? Thanks.
I’m with you Doc, my mom was so busy working to provide, our happiness was up to us. I’ve been thinking for a few days about your question. Happiness was watching my kids play sports and watching them have fun doing whatever. I’m am happiest and always have been when our house is full of family and friends. As new empty nesters we are still trying to figure things out.
Certainly Bengals, UC, and the Reds are fun distractions. TML is fun! Helping people makes me happy. Talking to God makes me happy. Drinking coffee on a beach in Hilton Head on family vacations makes me happy. Playing golf makes me happy if the company is good.
Garth Brooks “The Dance”. (Don’t make fun of me) 😃
Dew tracks on the first green; playing the “leaf rule”;sweet tea on a hot day;Christmas spirit
Thank you Doc for the timely reminder about the truly valuable things in life. Brings a smile to my face.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Hank Williams Sr. I only know his compilation albums. But I don't think he ever wrote or performed a forgettable song.
A. Your musical taste is near impeccable. Desperado is one of my 'island ' albums. Dickie Betts IS a guitar magician, by the way.
B. We have Not Your Average Joe. Fix the issues. Not the time for skimping.
C. Baseball absolutely makes me happy. Music makes me happy. Messing around with written words makes me happy. But I'm happiest when the people I love are happy. A few songs have been written about that, I believe.
"Messing around with words" ... have you tried Alan Moore's 'Voice of the Fire'? I'm a huge metafiction ... i guess addict you might call it
And this is also a rec for Doc, who reads for style, not content. Moore kicks off literally twisting words and language somewhat akin and far beyond what Anthony Burgess did with 'A Clockwork Orange' in service of further twisting both the reader's experience and the narrative in his signature un/reality re/twisting style
If you click the related links there you'll find one to a long running blog fully dedicated to 'deciphering' the first chapter. Even the foreward forewarns the reader there may become need for some for various strategic decisions perhaps being made in approach of Chapter 1. But in the spirit of what Moore seemingly might have intended, I'd save the blog for another, later time
Thanks, great video!! They were having a blast doing that number. Contagious energy.
"Does Football Make You Happy?
No? Then what does?"
S-e-x. I mean, you did ask.
Oh, oh, oh...you say stick to athletics; heh, heh....same answer. Oh...you mean, like the sports that you read about in the sports page? Well....if you're talkin' sports viewing and/or playing, it used to be baseball. Maybe speeding up the game will help. The competitive imbalance will not. Golf is fun to play, & sometimes fun, other times boring to watch. Soccer is like visiting the moon. Very strange. College basketball is still excellent to view from an easy chair, beer in hand. College football is pretty good. NFL is too noisy, too intense, too many commercials and reviews. Pro Basketball is too narcissistic. Hockey is like Where's Waldo, only it's Where's Puck? Can I go back to my first answer?
Super strong A side albums;
*Crosby Stills Nash and Young
*Loggins and Messina
*Workingman's Dead
*Old and in the Way, 1st album
Not a bad song anywhere on front side of any of those.
*Peter Gabriel's-So gets a nod, too.
I think if you listen to any vinyl album often enough, you start to like all the songs based on familiarity alone.
Add Jim Croce to that list if you're so inclined (or reclined).
Yeah, good addition.
“Family Style” Stevie Ray & Jimmy Vaughn
Marvin Gaye (take your pick)-
Beatles - White album
Steely Dan - Aja
Springsteen - Born To Run
Peter Gabriel - So
Hey Doc, I realize it's a no-brainer to say pretty much all Beatles albums contain nothing but great song after great song. However, if you're looking for an album that's completely listenable and flows perfectly from beginning to end, I'd say Abbey Road is unsurpassed!
Along those lines and in the joy of life and happiness vein I think 'Briefcase Full of Blues' from the Blues Brothers is compelling with no throw out tracks. Maybe Blues purists or afficionados wouldn't give these 2 clowns that can't sing, live, backed by state of the art sidemen 'crooning' select staples and classics time of day, but it's just a big huge fun romp of a Chicago Blues celebration from beginning to end
Maxwell's Silver Hammer. No.
Well, OK...I got nothing. 🤣
What if a World Series game 7 is decided by a pitch clock blunder in the bottom of the ninth? Will people complain, like they do for the Super Bowl, that the rules shouldn’t apply in the last inning of the biggest game of the season? Should there be a rule against that rule being ruled?
It's not likely to happen, therefore it will happen.
Bottom of the ninth. Home team down 1 run. Bases loaded. Full count. Batter has already used his timeout. As he is readying himself to hit before the pitch clock times him out at 7.9 seconds, a gnat flys in his eye. He isn’t ready to hit yet the ball was thrown and it was a ball. But…the batter clock expires before the ball was thrown and the batter is assessed a strike which ends the game. That’s not a way anyone wants to see a World Series end but it could. Given it’s a dying MLB, it’ll happen this year. Of course it will.
Happiness comes from within....it is not up to other people and/or things to make ME happy.
The changes made by MLB might just get me reacquainted with the game, no matter whether the Reds stink to high heaven or not. What I'm hearing from the early reports of spring training makes me think the game is starting to resemble the game I grew up with -- and was taught how to play -- in the 1980s. Stolen bases, hit and runs, etc.
It got real old, for a lot of folks that grew up with that style and strategy of play, to watch baseball become a "strikeout or hit a home run" event instead, for three-plus hours.
I have to agree with a previous commenter that AC/DC's "Back in Black" has absolutely no forgettable songs on it. Nor does "The Wall" or "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd. I'd even go out on a limb to say that Metallica's "Master of Puppets" also is a great one, all the way through. Released 37 years ago today, I believe.
Happiness, for me, is just living life grateful for what I have, and what I've been able to experience to this point in my 45 years. And soaking up the moments and putting the phone down. One recent instance was watching my son and his 8th grade basketball team this year. I watched the games, enjoyed the teamwork and effort, and didn't record or take a picture of one moment of one of the games.
Simply burned them into my memory, and enjoyed the moments as we all used to do before pocket computers/cameras (AKA cellphones).
Happiness can be a state, or it can be fleeting moments. Football provides the latter. being struck by the fact that you more or less have your stuff together and are generally content with the life you've left behind you and what lies ahead is the former.
Blood on the Tracks and Ritual De Lo Habitual (Jane's Addiction) are both pretty flawless.
So Eagles. We all agree amongst the greatest of all time. Funny. Peaceful Easy Feeling was my favorite song of all time. But now I like Tequila Sunrise. Two minutes? Who does that nowadays? Change of subject: February was Black History Month. I am told March is Womens History Month. I wish to know when is Old White Guys Month? Thanks.
Nobody else around here "hates the #@$%ing Eagles, man" as a fan of 'The Big Lebowski' cult movie classic?