This city licensed/regulated independent taxi subcontractor worked Friday afternoons, which were my de facto 'Monday mornings' after having had 4 full days off since my previous 'work week'. What I did was purchase one of the products of the 'cab company', a 72 hour taxi 'weekend lease' + daily insurance, due payable at lease end on Monday at 6am. Whenever i got started was my 'Monday', technically the kickoff of two 8-hour shifts (if you took a mandated 3 hour break away from the 'gamepiece' somewhere inside that 19/2o hour span). Then you were supposed to be off the grid a minimum of 1o hours before another consecutive 12 hour grid available grind (you could do extending 'breaks' inside that 12). Then 8 more off, before another 12 on/8 off cycle.

In reality, it wasn't unusual for me to have operated nearly full blast from circa noon on Fridays to maybe 2 or 3pm Saturdays and quite ready for as much dead sleep down time in those next 1o mandated off hours, as manageable from the time I logged off from the playing of the dispatch grid for 'calls'. Calls (the dispatched location and phone #) were the other main 'product' of the 'cab company' you've purchased via the cab lease ... basically the first give-or-take half my 3 day 'work week' was at that point in the bag. I tended to frame the log time concept working backwards from the 6am Monday finish point (which you could extend if, say, you'd hooked a red eye voucher ride to CVG from a canceled flight from your (potentially) last inbound drop-off at LEX ride). You'd then need to park your 'gamepiece' on the cab lot at the end of such a leased platform and taking care of your check out & pay paperwork, full of fuel for the next potential player

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FUN hearing your recollections Doc ; ) I do recall reading about a guy who ate hot dogs for lunch for 6 mos or sumthin and lost massive weight - I did a bit of that, it worked (yeah, they're no good for you but they are often a guilty pleasure ; ) My Dad was a good judge of character. He often noted to me 'Boy, you like everyone, 'like' is over-rated (he also knew what / who / when a 'nice SOB' or a horse's ass was, telling them so on occasion and still getting along well w them. His focus was on respect, aside from 'like' ; ) I've eaten the pimento cheese at Augusta simply for its nostalgia, unwrapping it from its green tissue ; )

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Good stuff. Erik Hicks was a true old school bearcat. He was only 6'4 but he played like he was 6'10.

Skip Prosser might be one of the greatest sports figures to come through this town and the last decent guy to coach Xavier.

I would love if you did a whole column or essay on your experiences through the lost decade. I have tremendous memories going to Cinergy Field as a youngster in early 90s. I was in 2nd grade when we hosted the "Shula Bowl" that we lost 26-23. When Esiason came back and led us on a winning streak. A few Doug Pelfry 50+ yard field goals to win games.

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I have been retired 5 years. Soon you will not want to or, at times, be able to stack rank your bests and worsts (I know) from the job. Just embrace each day, love your wife, kids, and dog, in that order, and relish when any of them take the time to ask how you’re doin’. That’s the best there is.

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Hey Doc

Next week give us your view of Bill.Cunningham's homophobic baiting of Huggins.

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I found it interesting Huggins graduated magna cum laude from WVU with a double degree in education and physical therapy

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Did you stop by the battered and bruised but triumphant Everybody's today?

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I love the column today and feel the same way about everything you wrote. I have two additions:

Don't drive if you can take a train (The only problems are Amtrak's terrible current management and lack of options except the Northeast Corridor).

"I could write the worst column ever, have Lou Piniella scream at and spill pressbox food into my lap, but when I got home, my family would still hug me" I would add that your dog (s) welcome you as if it is the best part of their day and haven't seen you in a month'.

On a totally different topic, has anyone else seen more snakes around their yards this year? We have seen a 6' black rat snake, a 4' black snake, and smaller garter snakes in the past week after not having seen any in the past 3 years. Nothing has really changed in our area and no new construction. I don't mind snakes except when they surprise me but I guess I won't be wearing shorts for yardwork for a while.

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I’m so confused I thought it was Friday ….

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I have a Bill Burr for President T-shirt if you would like to borrow it. I can always wear my Bob Ross for President shirt instead for a couple of days. I may have one of those on right now.

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Fun one today. I imagine what it must be like to get yelled at, cursed at, and outright ignored by sports people you've covered and idiots like us who comment and bloviate here. I enjoy the hell out of it, but I would not do well on your side of the fence. I'd yell back.

Have a good weekend Doc!!

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Great stuff. I admire any professional writer-especially those who don't just cover sports, but are tasked with generating thought-provoking observations on a regular basis. While the internet has given Everyman a platform to pontificate-it hasn't demanded frequency or quality. It's easy to write about something you feel strongly about-much more difficult to come up with insightful content without resorting to polemics. Well done.

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How about "The Waiting"? Linda Ronstadt with a pretty good cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6mCtHcIvw

Kevin Mitchell in 1994. That dude was locked in! Man, that strike sucked so badly. That Reds team was meant to do great things. So were the Expos. The Reds were excellent in '81 and superb in '94. Hopefully there is no work stoppage when the Reds are good again.

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My mind's a blank all week on my blog as well...nothing unusual, but I truly mean "blank"...must be something in the air.

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"I could write the worst column ever, have Lou Piniella scream at and spill pressbox food into my lap, but when I got home, my family would still hug me."

That sums up how all of us should look at our jobs, daily. We get to go home to the family afterward, and that's a reward more powerful than any job recognition, award or criticism we could receive.

I personally enjoyed your trip down memory lane. I remember watching that Davis homer off of Stewart in Game 1, sitting on the living room floor as a 13-year-old, family all around the TV. Of course, I had to go to bed about 30 minutes later -- school night and all -- but I went to bed happy. Something told me that the Reds were gonna win it all, just based on that one single blast. It truly was magical, and I think stands as the most significant home run in the long history of the Reds franchise.

Loved how you also painted the real picture of the profession of a sportswriter. I got a small taste of such while at UC, and writing for the News Record. Was given the opportunity to go out and cover a UC-Pitt game at Heinz Field. Of course, there were the benefits -- coming through the Fort Pitt Tunnel under Mount Washington, and seeing the Pittsburgh skyline laid out along the river (beautiful view); the prime seats in the press box; walking the field during pregame and then watching a UC win -- but also the drawbacks, such as spending roughly 11 hours driving to Pittsburgh and back, fighting for parking, getting home at 5 in the morning, etc.

That's sportswriting, I suppose ... stretches of tediousness, interspersed with amazing sporting heroics and sights of beauty.

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Doc…No mention of the Bengals schedule? Anybody buy any tickets last night? I dropped $800 for tickets to the home opener against the Ravens and a Sunday night game against the Bills plus got a hotel room reserved for New Year’s Eve weekend in KC for that game

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There was enough hype over the past few days regarding The Schedule Release that I could do without that subject for a few days!

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WHAT??!! Never enough hype for the Bengals as far as I’m concerned. But hey..that’s just me. Have a good weekend sir!

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Really enjoyed this one, Doc...

Having a difficult time trying to dream up a topic for my next column as well...

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