I remember being at the park one time when Barry Larkin hit 11 foul balls in one at bat and then hit an easy double. It was amazing! The pitcher was done after that inning and it was still early in the game. Don't remember the date or opposing team but I'll always remember that.
I remember something similar at a game at Crosley when Nellie Fox of the then Houston Colt 45’s had a 10+ foul ball at bat. Can’t remember Reds pitcher but it led to an early exit to the showers!
I can't wait. I think the new rules will promote more action and less jock scratching. Kids talk about soccer being more constant action but not too much scoring. Hopefully these rule changes will eliminate the rockets hit to right field that are scooped up close to the river and throwing out the runner by two steps. Everyone is looking for the 2 and 1/2 hour game. What's a matter with the 2 hour game? I'm trying to remember who the heir apparent is to Sean Casey adjusting their gloves each pitch. Is it Senzel? I'll applaud the first strike called because the batter is not in the box. I don't care if it's the last out of the game. Play Ball.
I attended at AAA game in Indianapolis last summer. The pace of the game was excellent. I applaud all of these changes. I am old enough to remember the two and a half hour games. Now if we could get pitchers and coaches to remember what it was like years ago when a complete game was the goal. Maybe they could watch some Tom Browning and Greg Maddux tape to understand what pitching efficiency is all about as well.
Bravo to all the rule changes. The disengagement rule amps up the game within the game between the pitcher and baserunner, and tempts the baserunner to gamble after the second disengagement. Promises to be interesting and controversial. Of all the rules, this one is most likely to be modified. Love that Savannah minor league foul out rule. Great idea to get the fans involved. Does anyone care it's unfair to the visiting team? Doubt it.
The Savannah team plays the Washington Generals of baseball "The Party Animals" Any foul ball caught by a fan is an out for whichever team hit it. Also their games are called at two hours and they have a sudden death ending.
The Reds announced today that they have sold their broadcast tv rights to Pfizer for 225 million dollars per year. Pfizer stands to make billions on the deal because the only thing that puts people to sleep faster than Ambien is watching the Reds on tv.
I'd also love to see a limit on the number of fouls allowed, but I reckon batters (and managers) would have a conniption because it'd mess with the stats and probabilities or whatever data-driven analysis is used to play the game nowadays.
Now, I'm only 39 but here's where I feel old: I know it'd mess with stats if we were back in the old days of RBIs, strikeouts and batting averages, but hell if I know what sabre stats would be impacted!?
What in the name of Randy Myers and Nomar Garicaparra is going on here with these time limits? Actually, most of these changes will be a positive, especially the non-shift. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the limited pick off thing though.
Talking about eager kids vs fatted big leaguers got me thinking about a different sport….. I sat through almost all of the epic SEA vs STL XFL battle last night. And I must say it more than sufficiently scratched my football itch. Yes there are some NFL washouts….errr….familiar names on the rosters but I appreciate the fact that most of these young guys are grinding away for $5000 per week to get a crack at the NFL. I like the live mics and some of the amendments to the rules and PATs etc. but like the NFL the way it is (mostly). It actually was an entertaining game with a walk-off FG at the end. This mobster says if you are not busy watching your paint dry or folding your socks, it's actually worth a watch.
I haven't seen a game yet. And being fairly calcified in my routines, I wouldn't bet that I will any time soon. But I did see where they have a couple of rules (kickoff, etc...) that the NFL might have to consider implementing.
Pitch clock, Doc? The bigger clock for MLB fans to worry about is the generational clock. There are only so many ticks left before MLB goes the way of chariot racing, croquet, and the steeplechase.
Stolen base attempts are high injury situations as well. Take ol' Scrap Iron India who may already take 4o-6o hbp and foul balls off his hands and shins and add 4o-5o-6o hard flops and dives into the dirt stressing wrists, ankles, elbows and knees. Teams with 1 or 2 speed demon specialists may see big increases but I'm of the mind GASP in particular is Mecca for high OBP station to station baseball and stolen base outs = rally killers. India will still never come close to a 7o% success rate so it's just not worth it in his case
Local/regional great bands that somehow never made it big amaze me. Ran into these guys 20+ years ago in Cape Cod at a local outdoor festival. Entrain...lookemup on you tube. Found this recent version
Entrain "Dancing In The Light" Live In The Livingroom Jul 4 2020
Novel feature/sound of the trombone, although it struggles matching the energetic level of the others' playing. Strumming it like an air guitar is a snicker. Reminiscent of Gloria Estefan in parts. I have one of those blue/green shirts the singer is wearing
I'm 71 and I like the changes. I advocated a pitch clock decades ago. I can hear fans, when an opposing pitcher is on the mound, chanting in a countdown "4, 3, 2, 1" to rattle him. No more throwing to first base a dozen times is a good thing. No more shifts is a good thing. There is a possibilty some teams wlll resort to a five-man infield, with a fielder on the grass just behind infield, and a two-man outfield. That I find exciting seeing if a hitter can gap the ball into a two-man outfield and outfielders srinting for the ball. The shift has cut down on plays like this and other stellar defensive plays, both in the infield and outfield. I hate what the ghost runner has done to history and tradition, but after three years, it's beginning to grow on me.
I'm genuinely excited about Baseball's new rules. I'm sure they won't all stick. The first season will be trial and error, I'm guessing. But I can't imagine that regulating shifts, encouraging stolen bases and pumping a little more Offense into the game won't be a big positive.
My only concern is that the first time a batter is seriously beaned by a pitcher rushing to beat the clock, Safety may become an issue. And, of course, I'd be significantly more excited if we had something resembling a Contender around here.
I attended 8 Dragons games last year and they used the pitch clock there for the season. It really didn't feel rushed, but there was definitely much less down time. I really like it. I'm not someone with a short attention span, either. I love the game...but I think the pitch clock strikes the right balance to keep the game moving without feeling rushed.
I certainly like the idea of it. I'm even relatively optimistic that it will work. My biggest concern is that big league players will be more likely to try and game the system than minor leaguers will, because so much more is at stake. I have no doubt at all that this is the right move for MLB, though. They absolutely had to do something.
I predict there will a class action lawsuit by the hitters. They will not have time to re-Velcro their gloves after every pitch? Wasn’t it The Mayor (Sean Casey) who started this “habit” that is now emulated by so many???
I scanned too fast ... the Velcro King got 2X his fame for his trend setting. Reds fans could probably accept our (losing) plight if only we had more Sean Casey types to throw our affection too?
There is a really good station you can download the app for, Doc. WFMU. It's out of the NYC area and on Saturdays at 11am, Michael Shelly has a really entertaining couple of hours of music. You'd like it. He plays a lot of different stuff. Some you might like, some you won't, but it's entertaining.
Until MLB and MLBPA start getting serious about economic parity of some sort, all this on-the-field change stuff will be nice, but the game won't mean much to me. I'm sort of over it. Like I said before, my heart just isn't in it. I'll listen, maybe watch, but meh.
Weren't you looking for fantasy finds? Take a look at E Saurez and his .27o/.37o/.54o slash vs LHP but they only let him get 13o ABs. He should be crushing LHP like he always did before his inexplicable reversal but these rules should h'ep him lots vs RHP too
I've also noticed many Reds relievers seemingly ignoring runners on base and almost giving them bases in competitive situations. What Votto should do is form a little clique and see just how many ambush/afterthought/defense indifference bases they can collect like Todd Frazier used to do
I remember being at the park one time when Barry Larkin hit 11 foul balls in one at bat and then hit an easy double. It was amazing! The pitcher was done after that inning and it was still early in the game. Don't remember the date or opposing team but I'll always remember that.
I remember something similar at a game at Crosley when Nellie Fox of the then Houston Colt 45’s had a 10+ foul ball at bat. Can’t remember Reds pitcher but it led to an early exit to the showers!
I can't wait. I think the new rules will promote more action and less jock scratching. Kids talk about soccer being more constant action but not too much scoring. Hopefully these rule changes will eliminate the rockets hit to right field that are scooped up close to the river and throwing out the runner by two steps. Everyone is looking for the 2 and 1/2 hour game. What's a matter with the 2 hour game? I'm trying to remember who the heir apparent is to Sean Casey adjusting their gloves each pitch. Is it Senzel? I'll applaud the first strike called because the batter is not in the box. I don't care if it's the last out of the game. Play Ball.
I attended at AAA game in Indianapolis last summer. The pace of the game was excellent. I applaud all of these changes. I am old enough to remember the two and a half hour games. Now if we could get pitchers and coaches to remember what it was like years ago when a complete game was the goal. Maybe they could watch some Tom Browning and Greg Maddux tape to understand what pitching efficiency is all about as well.
Bravo to all the rule changes. The disengagement rule amps up the game within the game between the pitcher and baserunner, and tempts the baserunner to gamble after the second disengagement. Promises to be interesting and controversial. Of all the rules, this one is most likely to be modified. Love that Savannah minor league foul out rule. Great idea to get the fans involved. Does anyone care it's unfair to the visiting team? Doubt it.
The Savannah team plays the Washington Generals of baseball "The Party Animals" Any foul ball caught by a fan is an out for whichever team hit it. Also their games are called at two hours and they have a sudden death ending.
Might be more fun if a foul ball caught off a home team bat gives the batter another strike. If it's catchable and missed, he's out.
This is good news:
The Reds announced today that they have sold their broadcast tv rights to Pfizer for 225 million dollars per year. Pfizer stands to make billions on the deal because the only thing that puts people to sleep faster than Ambien is watching the Reds on tv.
I'd also love to see a limit on the number of fouls allowed, but I reckon batters (and managers) would have a conniption because it'd mess with the stats and probabilities or whatever data-driven analysis is used to play the game nowadays.
Now, I'm only 39 but here's where I feel old: I know it'd mess with stats if we were back in the old days of RBIs, strikeouts and batting averages, but hell if I know what sabre stats would be impacted!?
What in the name of Randy Myers and Nomar Garicaparra is going on here with these time limits? Actually, most of these changes will be a positive, especially the non-shift. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the limited pick off thing though.
Talking about eager kids vs fatted big leaguers got me thinking about a different sport….. I sat through almost all of the epic SEA vs STL XFL battle last night. And I must say it more than sufficiently scratched my football itch. Yes there are some NFL washouts….errr….familiar names on the rosters but I appreciate the fact that most of these young guys are grinding away for $5000 per week to get a crack at the NFL. I like the live mics and some of the amendments to the rules and PATs etc. but like the NFL the way it is (mostly). It actually was an entertaining game with a walk-off FG at the end. This mobster says if you are not busy watching your paint dry or folding your socks, it's actually worth a watch.
I haven't seen a game yet. And being fairly calcified in my routines, I wouldn't bet that I will any time soon. But I did see where they have a couple of rules (kickoff, etc...) that the NFL might have to consider implementing.
Pitch clock, Doc? The bigger clock for MLB fans to worry about is the generational clock. There are only so many ticks left before MLB goes the way of chariot racing, croquet, and the steeplechase.
JP You're killing me again. Does your wife know what a catch you are?
Let’s see?
No she doesn’t think I’m a catch unless you are talking about pink eye or a severe cold then, yes, yes I am.
Speaking of croquet and a local legend ...
What a great story!
Baseballs heyday is long gone.
This applies to baseball and golf, the great John Daly said " Grip it and rip it ".
I thought Daly's motto was Grip It And Sip It
LOL ! I think you're right !
I just wonder if pitchers forced to pitch more quickly might actually result in more injuries?
Stolen base attempts are high injury situations as well. Take ol' Scrap Iron India who may already take 4o-6o hbp and foul balls off his hands and shins and add 4o-5o-6o hard flops and dives into the dirt stressing wrists, ankles, elbows and knees. Teams with 1 or 2 speed demon specialists may see big increases but I'm of the mind GASP in particular is Mecca for high OBP station to station baseball and stolen base outs = rally killers. India will still never come close to a 7o% success rate so it's just not worth it in his case
Local/regional great bands that somehow never made it big amaze me. Ran into these guys 20+ years ago in Cape Cod at a local outdoor festival. Entrain...lookemup on you tube. Found this recent version
Entrain "Dancing In The Light" Live In The Livingroom Jul 4 2020
Novel feature/sound of the trombone, although it struggles matching the energetic level of the others' playing. Strumming it like an air guitar is a snicker. Reminiscent of Gloria Estefan in parts. I have one of those blue/green shirts the singer is wearing
Entrain was different, I'll give you that.
I'm 71 and I like the changes. I advocated a pitch clock decades ago. I can hear fans, when an opposing pitcher is on the mound, chanting in a countdown "4, 3, 2, 1" to rattle him. No more throwing to first base a dozen times is a good thing. No more shifts is a good thing. There is a possibilty some teams wlll resort to a five-man infield, with a fielder on the grass just behind infield, and a two-man outfield. That I find exciting seeing if a hitter can gap the ball into a two-man outfield and outfielders srinting for the ball. The shift has cut down on plays like this and other stellar defensive plays, both in the infield and outfield. I hate what the ghost runner has done to history and tradition, but after three years, it's beginning to grow on me.
I'm genuinely excited about Baseball's new rules. I'm sure they won't all stick. The first season will be trial and error, I'm guessing. But I can't imagine that regulating shifts, encouraging stolen bases and pumping a little more Offense into the game won't be a big positive.
My only concern is that the first time a batter is seriously beaned by a pitcher rushing to beat the clock, Safety may become an issue. And, of course, I'd be significantly more excited if we had something resembling a Contender around here.
I attended 8 Dragons games last year and they used the pitch clock there for the season. It really didn't feel rushed, but there was definitely much less down time. I really like it. I'm not someone with a short attention span, either. I love the game...but I think the pitch clock strikes the right balance to keep the game moving without feeling rushed.
I certainly like the idea of it. I'm even relatively optimistic that it will work. My biggest concern is that big league players will be more likely to try and game the system than minor leaguers will, because so much more is at stake. I have no doubt at all that this is the right move for MLB, though. They absolutely had to do something.
I predict there will a class action lawsuit by the hitters. They will not have time to re-Velcro their gloves after every pitch? Wasn’t it The Mayor (Sean Casey) who started this “habit” that is now emulated by so many???
Mike Hargrove was among the worst offenders of this back in the day. "The Human Rain Delay" !!!
Did ya read the post?
I scanned too fast ... the Velcro King got 2X his fame for his trend setting. Reds fans could probably accept our (losing) plight if only we had more Sean Casey types to throw our affection too?
Jonny Gomes was another who tortured me.
Nice! An old rockabilly tune by Warren Smith (Carl Mann had a excellent cut of it, too0! Love it! Sounded like early Bob Seger (Katmandu), too.
Here's Warren's version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZl5uf_6OzM
There is a really good station you can download the app for, Doc. WFMU. It's out of the NYC area and on Saturdays at 11am, Michael Shelly has a really entertaining couple of hours of music. You'd like it. He plays a lot of different stuff. Some you might like, some you won't, but it's entertaining.
Until MLB and MLBPA start getting serious about economic parity of some sort, all this on-the-field change stuff will be nice, but the game won't mean much to me. I'm sort of over it. Like I said before, my heart just isn't in it. I'll listen, maybe watch, but meh.
Look at it like this: If the changes work how they're spozed to, it'll be 2:30 of your life you'll never get back, not 3 hours.
Good point. I will take what I can get. lol
Weren't you looking for fantasy finds? Take a look at E Saurez and his .27o/.37o/.54o slash vs LHP but they only let him get 13o ABs. He should be crushing LHP like he always did before his inexplicable reversal but these rules should h'ep him lots vs RHP too
I've also noticed many Reds relievers seemingly ignoring runners on base and almost giving them bases in competitive situations. What Votto should do is form a little clique and see just how many ambush/afterthought/defense indifference bases they can collect like Todd Frazier used to do