Well this column aged well. How can a guy, who made his living covering sports, have been so wrong?

Nice work, SchlepDoc!

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I used certain strong descriptive words for you because they're a perfect fit.

I consider asking a woman for her opinion on anything a strength, not a weakness. As for your implication that makes me less a man, all I can say is that's ridiculous. Clearly you haven't heard that the times of seeing women as inferior and nothing more than a man's property are long gone.

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Did your 'gal friend' have to edit your reply? I knew you couldn't handle it on your own. How are the living conditions in your mommy's basement you internet warrior?

When you can't form an opinion on your own, you ask someone else. Or do you form an opinion and then ask your 'gal friend' if that's acceptable to her and amend your opinion accordingly?

I see women as inferior? You are the one calling your feminist friend a 'gal'. I'm the one supporting Haley! You (and your 'gal friend' who speaks for you) are a special type of dense - calling Haley nasty and far-right without citing exaples. You two accuse your enemies of what you are guilty of. Just what the German Nazis did. You and your 'gal friend' are losers. Now gather those ten brain cells you two, together have, and take your show elsewhere. A couple villages in California are missing their idiots.

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Ah, as last, the real you. I see you suffer from serious anger management issues. YIKES!!! Typical Republican--full of anger issues.

Why does it eat you up so much that another man might enjoy a woman's input? Why see it as a weakness, dude? You're really missing the boat here. It's stunning, sad and quite odd that a women's thoughts and opinions threaten you so much. I thought most men were past that. Obviously I'm wrong. I don't know if I've seen a case this bad in years. I think women are great, personally. Love 'em to death. Sorry you can't enjoy them like I do; your loss. Why that brings out such passionate hate in you is strange. To let your masculinity be threatened and your anger blown out of proportion by the idea of a man having a great friendship with a woman and valuing her for her brains is both sad and neanderthal. It points to a deep fundamental insecurity. I feel sorry for you. Most misogyny is rooted in shame and self-hate issues.. It appears someone along the way did a real number on you. I strongly suggest you find the help you need. In the meantime, you might wanna stop projecting your problems onto others. Never a formula for success in life.

BTW, you forgot the first rule of web discussions. When the other guy starts bringing up the Nazis, that's when you know you've won. But, hey, thanks for playing. One more point: frankly I hope Haley runs as a third party candidate, like she threatens,, cuz she'll split the vote. Which means a vote for Haley is a vote for Biden. Ouch!! Have a nice day, sweetie pie. Try to get that temper under control. Not a good look, not at all.

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Doc, your point on Zac losing to the Dolphins to get Burrow is a good one but also important to his Culture build was that he didn't lay down in that game. Down big in the 4th (and everyone watching and expecting them to fold for Burrow), they gritted back to a tie for OT (fortunately the Dolphins obliged with a victory). But not laying down certainly said something to the players on the roster and more importantly those that would ultimately join the roster over the next 2 years. As Marvin would say, "laying the bricks"...

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I think Taylor has done a great job with culture. He proved that when he started handing out playoff win game balls to local bars. How cool is that?

I agree on the economy. Stock market is at an all time high, inflation is pretty normal, unemployment is low, wages are growing, and despite Trump's drill, drill, drill, I have news for him. We are now producing the most oil we ever have. He'd also be shocked to know that over the past 10 years, the single month lowest gas prices occurred under Obama, February 2016. But the Republicans want you to think the economy sucks.

As for the parlay, that's gambling for ya! That's why I don't do it. I hate lose more than I enjoy winning. The feeling of losing lasts much longer. Ask Cris Collinsworth.

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Marvin deserves a lot of credit for turning this franchise around. I think they kept him around a little too long. He also gave too many questionable people too many chances like Pac Man and Burfict .

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We no longer call these events, 100 year storms...it's more like weekly. I've been on this earth a lot longer than you, I'm betting, but not telling. I didn't just fall off the truck. I believe in scientific facts. Al Gore was pretty right on, actually. Read the facts.

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In an effort to be true to what I criticize about Doc, I will give Biden some credit that is near and dear to my heart and what I despised about the GOP in the 80’s and 90’s: domestic jobs.

The Inflation Reduction Act, while full of pork, requires that vehicles, batteries, microchips, and solar panels to be manufactured domestically in order to qualify for tax credits. And they need subsidies to attain cost parity.

My hometown was decimated by outsourcing to China and Mexico and is a shell of itself now. I hated that about the capitalists.

Ironically (because of lower costs to operate) many red states are getting new investment in all of these manufacturing facilities even though EVs are a low adoption buy for most of their citizens. Charging infrastructure will help that along.


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Browning said today that the Vikings game was a revenge game for him. Jake, make Pittsburg a revenge game this week too, okay?

I hope the Men go into Pitt with a chip on their shoulder and with attitude. I hope they win by 70!! One game at a time... one play at a time!!

I lost my bet too doc, by 2yrds. Ugh

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The guy who owns three dwellings, vacations wherever he wants, buys custom golf clubs, and works at a golf course, not for money to buy groceries but to play free golf, says the economy is great. You don’t see that disconnect? From your perch, and most of the squawking perches here today, the economy is fine. Plenty of people are living check to check and plenty more people are drowning in debt. Housing prices will cave. People will lose their homes. People who enjoyed a great economy will buy those homes at a 30% discount and rent them back to people that lost their homes.

Rising tides, right? Wrong. So wrong.

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Credit card debt has sky rocketed to over 250 billion in the last few years. Groceries are up 17-20%. Utilities are up drastically as well. My heat bill worst month of winter this past year was $700. Yep, $700. People are spending through the pain with plastic. The fairy tale of printing money stopping bad things from happening will end. Someday.

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I thought I was getting robbed when a summer air conditioning bill was 425 and we keep the thermostat at 71. Seven hundred dollars is outrageous yet you have to pay that so the pipes and you and your family don’t freeze.

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In the best of times, we have had poor people. But man, they always seem to have money for cigs, beer, and tattoos. Why is that? I don't spend money on any of that. Choices.

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Alcoholism and tobacco addiction is common in any class of people. I assume you don’t partake in any of those because you are educated and know both are 100% known carcinogens. Chances are you are also fit and watch what you eat because you have access to any number of fresh and healthy food choices within 15 minutes of your house because you also own multiple, reliable cars to get you there. In previous posts of yours, I assume you live in Dayton. I would almost bet you are that close to a few Dorothy Lane Markets which are some of the best grocery stores in the world. I’d almost move to Dayton just for Dorothy Lane. I certainly shop there any time I’m in the Dayton area. If you have children, your kids were taught by you and your lifestyle choices to steer clear of the vices you avoid. The poor don’t have the same access to great food nor did they learn healthy choices from their parents.

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Actually I live in NKY. While some poorer people don't have the same access, many do. I see tons of poor people at the Covington Speedway making poor choices all the time. It doesn't take much of an education to know that cigs and alcohol are bad for you. And I'll never understand what drives people to tattoo themselves, but it's their bodies. Just don't do all that and complain about how poor you are.

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When I lived overlooking downtown, I stopped at that Speedway quite often. The majority didn’t appear to be poor to me. They were inner city hillbilly rednecks. If those people complained about anything it was lack of Vicodin to get them through the day.

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Semantics. Those people are all poor by most standards. Unless they are the Beverly Hillbillies. Most are driving clunkers.

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Do you think the Joe Burrow Foundation caters to those types of people here and in Athens or does he put his money with the truly poor? I have no sympathy for able bodied people who refuse to work. I have a real concern for the working poor and their families because those people have been crushed by increased food costs. Food. Everyone working full time should be able to afford food. The irony of all irony is that low level grocery store employees are struggling to afford food. They make too much to be on public assistance yet most of their income goes to paying increased rent. Try working in a place everyday where there is tons and tons of great food yet you can’t have any. I don’t have an answer for that issue but to say the economy is great is, at best, a half truth; it works for half of us.

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I KNOW!!!! My point exactly!!!! (I don't like your left wing leanings either. But I don't care. To each his own. I am not gonna like you less, or quit reading. Keep up the good work!!)

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Zac first. Totally agree. Everything flows from the top. Now, if he'd stop having non QB's trying to be QB's I'd be even more enthusiastic about him, but I'm all in, regardless.

Boy, mention anything even slightly negative against the (so-called) republican party and they come out of the woodwork with sharpened knives. (The fact that Hunter Biden is the focus is ridiculous). Doesn't matter who the president is, he's not the only factor, by a long shot. Ignoring outside factors, as in ALL of them, is naive. It's a small world and growing smaller. So many of the points made here are slanted to fit the commenter's perspective only. Closed minds to the other side.

I'm a registered Democrat, but only so I can vote in the democratic primary. I'm lukewarm at best. If the Red team could ever come up with an actual republican, I'd very well vote for them. I have on occasion. The problem is, they chase them off as soon as they appear. The only thing I know is that if the current Red favorite is gerrymandered and voter-restricted back in, all heck will break loose. Again.

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Hunter Biden is not the focus. The Big Guy is the focus.

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Hmmm. Seems his name keeps coming up.

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Hunter's name comes up because it is

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Hunter's name comes up because it is his laptop that implicates The Big Guy. But just try to imagine the media frenzy if that had been Donald Trump Jr's laptop. Instead, the media completely ignored it for two years.

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Where there's smoke, there's the media. The rolling clouds of smoke from the previous administration brought them out PDQ. I don't know the full story yet (enlighten us if you do), but I don't care who it is, if they've broken the law they should pay the price. However, if the last guy doesn't, then no one should.

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From this brilliant economic analysis, and using the measures stated here, one can only conclude Doc surely must've loved the Trump era. Every single measure was better then. There were way more restaurants open, and they were even fuller! Unemployment was even lower, especially in the minority ranks. Inflation was even lower. Wow, what a great President!

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I'll make sure to consult you for my political and economic opinions. The point of the topic was to suggest that the people who say the economy stinks still have discretionary dollars. That is a credible indicator of overall economic health. I didn't say a thing about the Trump era. Thanks again, big guy, for taking the time to read and react.

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Glad I could help, Doc. Though, it seems to me your point was to boost the Dems for the upcoming election year, or at least steer away from Trump. Maybe not in so many words. Merry Christmas.

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Anytime a big change is instituted by government, there is pain felt by society. The old ways are comfortable and hard to let go of. The new ways feel odd and out of sorts. There are bugs and growing pains, especially at first.

I continue to applaud Biden's push to move us from oil into a new era of renewable energy sources, even as he knew he would bear the brunt of tremendous criticism and resistance. It's a change that is necessary and unavoidable, despite many, many doubters, and it's taken both courage and guts on his part to push it and push it hard. Witness how the ignorant media treated a previous president who pushed this same agenda. He was vilified for being a visionary by a short sighted, self interested congress, much like today's GOP side of the aisle. He ended up becoming known as the most decent, kind, and generous ex-president in modern times, because at heart he was a smart and good man who dared to challenge the nastiest, most vicious corporate powers in America-The Big Three- in the 70s. His name was Jimmy Carter, and we would probably not have had to fight our horrible oil wars in the Middle East if we had followed his energy policies then instead of laughing at him and continuing to burn oil like drunks downing Wild Turkey for the last 45 years. Much money and many lives would have been saved. Visionaries are often the last people to get their due, and sadly, it is often post-humous.

Yes, we are feeling the pain of the transition. It takes time to get all the needed new technology in place. When cars getting 25mpg were mandated along with unleaded gas in the 70s, that took time and growing pains, too. Wind energy equipment is rapidly being developed on a smaller, more efficient scale for urban landscapes. Charging stations for electric cars are springing up as quickly as they can be built. People screaming the sky is falling because not everything is perfect during a transition are wasting other's time. Again, it took courage and guts on Biden's part to push us away from oil, and we will bear the costs on the front end, but on the back end we will have a stronger, more independent country, and the value of that is immeasurable.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but the main reason for the decline of the Big 3 came from Japan when Americans realized they had more affordable and higher quality options from other countries. The Big 3 caused their own demise. Carter was a great guy but a terrible president and his cabinet choices were even worse.

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Carter was a visionary on alternative energy growth. Bar none. Vastly ahead of his time. And considering he was a brilliant, highly educated nuclear engineer, it's even more prescient on his part. His agenda was slowed and stalled by a typically ignorant Republican congress. But then when has a Republican congress not been ignorant and selfish when it comes to energy conservation and independence? Only a small portion of his energy revolution Bills got through, and Reagan rushed at breakneck speed to stupidly dismantle any gains Carter made to safeguard our future. People mock Carter, but the real failure of his presidency were the idiot Republicans who blocked most of his goals while filling their pockets with payola from The Carmakers Lobby and Big Oil Companies. like Shell, Exxon, and Mobil. Can anyone say Exxon Valdez? Carter also aw the Japanese car revolution coming and no one listened. Fat cat politics ruled the day. Once again, we can thank Republicans for that.

As usual, the WLW mindset and propaganda that poisons Cincinnatians keeps way too many in this town stuck in the 1950s. And, btw, I hate to burst your bubble.

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Pogo, I know we are talking about views on the economy, but I do not think the negativity about the economy (and Biden in general) is based on the switch to EVs and renewables. That systemic switch is not the cause of the inflation we have witnessed for the past 2+ years. Inflation is the result of the huge budget deficits and the increased interest due on some of that debt that was previously at a lower rate.

I listed some reasons for the negativity earlier, but forgot to add increased housing costs, a limited supply of housing, hugely increased cost of cars (up by $15K in the past 3 years), and high interest rates which limit purchases and force people to stay in their current homes.

Your line about charging stations is funny. The government allocated $7.5 billion to build out charging stations in 2021, but not a single one has been built. That is per Politico two weeks ago. Any stations that are being built are being built privately.

On a macro level, people do not like an open border, high crime, family members dying of fentanyl poisoning, and increased homelessness (which turn some of our prettiest cities into tent cities for the homeless). Throw in the economic pains felt by many and Biden's low poll numbers are not due to glitches in the transition to EVs and renewables.

BTW, if you want EVs, we need more power. Nuclear is the only viable option, but I read today in the WSJ that it takes 10 years to build a plant. We have to streamline that process.

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Privately-built vs. public: what's your point? Your criticism is specious, if that. Who cares? It's about moving forward, and who builds what will sort itself out over time. What matters is that they are getting built. It is an emerging technology that's creating lots of new jobs and cleaner energy. Because it is new and drastically different, there will be bugs. But the EV industry is predicted to grow exponentially in the next decade.

Saying nuclear is the only viable option is badly near sighted, MaGoo. After half a century, scientists still have no viable solution for the waste, other than dumping it into a hole in places that don't want it. Imagine if the CG&E plant in Moscow had gone online, with its hundreds of bad welds. It's 30 miles from downtown. Nuclear plants are a convenient option, never a good or safe option. DEcomissioning them away after their short line span is a nightmare. And every time a nuclear plant has a meltdown, the entire world holds its breath.

Here's an easy, additional viable option: we be far more conservative as a culture with what we have already. Do we need fast food joints open till 4am, public or private lights on in cities 24/7, poor mass transit systems, so on and so forth? OF course not. We waste energy like it's free and limitless. That's gotta stop. The gas powered Car is not almighty God, and ownership of a car is not a necessity when you build good mass transit. Conservation is the ticket, while we transition. You ride a bike, right? You get it.

Wind technology efficiency continues to improve quickly, as does solar. Our lack of a decent passenger train system in the US is a huge cultural and congressional failure, largely spurred on by the decision to crown air travel as king and lobbyists from the Big 3 Car Makers, who stalled funding for competing ground travel industries. It's a travesty too many congressmen seem unconcerned about fixing.

We can't continue to be energy pigs forever. Waste not, want not.

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I love you, my 60's dwelling friend. I am all in on conservation, but that is not what we are discussing. We need energy, both for our current uses and for the future uses of any EVs. For now, nuclear is the way out. France obtains 70% of its energy from nuclear and is the one European country not experiencing energy cost hikes or beholden to Russian gas, or both.

Nuclear is not the scary thing you likely protested against while attending the No Nukes concert in NY in 1979. We need energy and need to choose the least worst source. For now, if you care about carbon emissions, that is nuclear. Sure, take your wind farms, but their large land requirements deface the countryside, kill birds, are unreliable, and have a limited life span. Solar requires large tracts of land, or is too expensive on the individual household basis. I looked into for my house in AZ (Valley of the Sun) and the payback for the cost is 30 years. That does not save me anything, but might help the second or third owner of my house in the future.

Tell me where you would travel on a train. There is talk of a train from Phoenix to Vegas. It is 4 1/2 hours by car at most. If someone were traveling with a spouse, they would likely pay $150/person for a ticket, pay to park in Phoenix after leaving home at least 45 minutes earlier, then pay for an Uber from the LV station and back to the station on the way home while foregoing the use of a car in LV. I am not sure how those economics work for anyone other than a person traveling solo. The same would be apply for a train to Chicago or Cleveland and would be worse for a trip to Columbus.

I need to find some Jimmy Carter memorabilia so I can give it to you next time we see each other. You can add it to your shrine to him, which might be the only one in the USA.

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Seems you crossed a line. Time for get real with some down home, honest feedback.

Backing nuclear is backing the dirtiest, most dangerous manufacturing by- product know to man. Only an idiot or dumbphuck advocates creating more of the most dangerous waste products on earth. And yet here you are. Stupid is as stupid does. What blows me away is that you fancy yourself intelligent. What a laugh.

Your ignorant cry for "more, more, more" is a nothing more than a return to the long-time jaded Republican economic strategies following world war 2, when bad laws allowed Americans to burn thru massive amounts of our home-grown natural resources in the unregulated quest for insanely fast, ecologically and inhumanely destructive growth without control, indulging ourselves in any get-rich-quick scheme out there and creating our crazy, massive national debt, none of which will be fixed by "more, more, more". Your failure to address my advocacy for conservation and recognize its need tells me you have a deep lack of critical thinking skills. Maybe you shouldn't have sat so close to the speakers at one of your $800 a ticket Swifty concerts. Don't like my opinions? Tuff shite.

As for the condescending "60s dwelling" and "No Nukes concert" comment, both of which are completely inaccurate and non-germane,, go eff yourself. Sometimes you make a fool of yourself and sound like a complete idiot.

As for the childish "Carter shrine" comment, he has, and will always have, far more respect from me, and many other fine , proud, patriotic Americans, than someone like you or your heroes, such as the mentally-ill, power-freak, Donald Trump. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Then shove it. Where there aint no sunlight.

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Not intended to be condescending, Pogo.

Rough morning? Not sure what I wrote merits profanity. Also, prove my facts wrong if they are wrong. Which they are not.

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I’m curious as to how Republicans thwarted Carter’s policies when, as I remember, he owned a supermajority in the House and Senate his first two years in office and a majority his last two years. I believe he was and is a good man but maybe his crooked cronies thwarted his success. Anyone want to count the votes? I don’t.

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I don't need to prove you wrong. I already KNOW you are wrong, and I have better things to do than waste time arguing with a misguided, narrow-minded lawyer who is a bad listener. Unless you wanna pay me to educate you. Which I can do. But my time is valuable.

As for the strong words, you put shit out there often, little digs, etc,, then cry like a little girl when it comes back at you. Not playing this game anymore. You wanna throw out put downs, you're gonna get em back, double strength from here on. I've been on the front lines of anti-greed, pro-conservation most of my life. It's not some talking-points game I'm playing. What we are discussing is serious shit. It's about plotting a path that saves this country from the destructive path it's on. IF you want to engage me, please, no more smarmy childish stuff, because that's all you'll be getting back from me till it changes. I have already shown you more patience than you deserve sometimes. Otherwise let's keep our convos strictly to UC sports, where we see eye to eye. BTW, they looked terrible last night against Merrimack, didn't they. The Wes Miller era continues to struggle mightily.

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Reason to anger. Thank you.

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Didn't know Matt Patricia was with the Eagles 'til I saw him on my teevee last night, at which point I should have downloaded DraftKings and put dinner money on the 'Hawks

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Holy Cow!!!! Zac;s Culture Club to a royal right wing vs left wing argument/banter. OG will choose not to dive in. C'mon folks. Can't we all get along? Please Doc, stick to sports. If only for one day tomorrow. Thanks in advance. It's Christmas season people. for cripes sake. Put down the swords!!

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I should note I made no mention of political parties.

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"Captain & the Kid"...interesting tune. Never heard it before, unless it was when I was at Margaritaville when I was on my third Margarita...

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