Great song .Gregory at his best

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A day late on this one, but still wanna chime in, for several reasons. First, we actually beat Corbin, and Abbott looks like an ACE. I think Counsell is the best manager out there. Would he have let Duarte face Yelich? Nope.

Love India, but understand it's a business. I really believe the trade talk has affected him negatively. Has to be really tough that, when you're having so much fun with this team, you start hearing you're trade bait, especially with how tight he's become with the fan base.

We share a deep love for all things Allman, and Melissa is one of their magical moments. Gregg and Jackson were friends, so a perfect share.

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1) I assume that demographically, most of us Mobsters are trending toward, or have crossed that “gray line”. Sadak is growing on me. Like his recall for relevant stats, and makes interesting points. Agree with overplaying the moment. However when I speak to the younger generation, everyone really likes that style. Reds looking to attract a younger audience - found their guy.

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Love the Reds, but think premature to say our lineup is better. For the last 60 days, yes it is. But time will tell, and they have the experience.

Jason Aldean didn't put his song in the news (and he didn't even write it). Others being offended made it newsworthy. That's on them. I'm not a fan, but lay off him. He's had emotional issues since big town Vegas unloaded on patrons at his concert a few years ago

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Great duet with JB and Gregg Allman.. My brush with fame is I once saw Doc at Riverbend for an Allman Brothers concert--I think it was their last show here. Why trade India when he’s down? IMHO stick with the rotation you have, which is amazingly improved with Lively and Ashcraft improved dealing lately. Add a couple LH arms in the pen, and see how it rides.

It’s not like this team has to win NOW or we don’t see another chance for years. This is the beginning of the Big Red

Machine 2.0.

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Brewers beating the REDS is somewhat "infuriating", but am I worried? No. Why? Well, it seems every team has that one team they just don't beat. Reds on track to win 100+Brewers cellar dwellers headed for close to 100 losses and yessir, the Brewers would still take the season series over the Reds - seems it is just the way it is. Side note: Counsel out-manages David Bell every time. Again, at least it seems so. Just to bolster my argument (in case it needs it) as a native of the Motor City, and thus lifelong Tiger fan as well, I would point to the Minnesota Twins vs Detroit Tigers. Tigers just can't seem to beat the Twins. No matter if Miggy is taking the Triple Crown while Verlander collects Cy Young and the Tigers head to the WS, Twins win the season series. Sometimes somebody just has your number. Brewers have the Reds number.

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100% in agreement. 3-chord clown milking the moment. He’s a chyron, at best.

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Since I don't get Bally -- cut the cord on cable, and only have streaming services -- I, thankfully, don't have to listen to Sadak for nine innings nightly. But, I find myself cringing anymore when watching the highlights or clips, and hearing him.

Anymore, I find him reeking of the "I want a big-time announcing gig, so I'm going to blather on and on until I get one" vibe. Maybe it's the New York/New Jersey coming out in him, that makes him so boisterous, or he is really just that damn excited to be broadcasting Reds baseball. However, my gut leans towards him thinking his approach is the path he feels will take him to a national broadcasting gig with a network in the future.

Either way, he's the furthest thing from a Brennaman/Carey/Scully/Uecker/Allen/Rizzuto/Prince/Nuxhall/Gowdy that you can be.

Heard an interesting stat ... take out the 11 games against each other (thus far), and the Reds would be 53-38, and the Brewers 47-43. That'd be a nice division 5.5 game lead for the Redlegs, wouldn't it?

Some teams just have the other team's number -- let's hope it doesn't come down to a one-game playoff between the two, shall we?

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I hear you and mostly agree, but not sure all those names you named are much better than Sadak...and you may not know, but a most worthy Baseball HOF P-B-P guy belongs on the list Ernie Harwell. So, I'd go with him, Mel Allen, Brennaman and Scully for sure. Gowdy, Rizzuto and Prince too. Carey, Uecker, not so much. Nuxhall has his own special place as a commentator, not a p-b-p guy. Totally agree on some teams just have the other teams number and definitely do NOT want a 1-game playoff with Milwaukee. Ouch.

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So, no. Yes, it has been used as the backdrop for some tv movies and the such. And probably not “A Hallmark Southern Justice” special event. Y’all take care now.

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Yes, the Milwaukee Brewers seem to OWN the Reds this season. And, YES, I do believe, lineup and bench wise, the Reds are the better team. And, YES, all of this bothers me. But, if they win tonight and/or tomorrow, Milkwaukee will be in their rear viewing mirror…and if they don’t, the Brewers are still in that mirror. And, regardless, the Reds still might either win the Central or make the playoffs. WOW!

Sadak…Frankly, he’s been driving me crazy since he has been our announcer. I get sick of all the speeds, like Elly’s 99.8 mph throws on defense. I’ve been complaining to my son about him. Well, said son replied that he agrees with me BUT he says that Sadak sounds sincere and like a really excitable likable guy that he has decided to just like him. I thought about that and decided that he’s right.So, last night, when the excited Sadak voice mentioned the poor ball. Elly hit “having a family,” I smiled and thought, OK, Mr. Sadak, I’m OK with you now.

Jason Aldean…His song is a hit. Who cares?

32 to 46 K for a Cabana at PAYCOR? Nah, I got my own “semi private” TV. 🤗.

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I love this, Eric. I feel like the younger crowd really enjoys Sadak and his enthusiasm. He loves the Reds and this community and I tend to allow him his joy and just roll with it. But reading what you said about your son and how he thinks made me smile so hard. It's very rare that we see humans change their minds about someone or something and it was nice to see that. So thank you and go Redlegs!!

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Read this on Twitter:

In the last 52 days the Reds have more losses to the Brewers (9) than against everyone else combined (8). That is CRAZY.

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It is! And, they could conceivably get swept this series and still beat the Brewers for the Central.

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I hope so! Got a tiny bet on it. Bought in at +4200 😂

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Kruky is a baseball classic.

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My favorite Allman, too.

I honestly like that Sadak wears his heart on his sleeve. I can live with the inane catchphrases. (He's not as silly as ... say ... Bill Rafetery in college hoops screaming, "ONIONS!" for no discernable reason.) I just wish he'd mete it out a little more judiciously. I'm often at my computer with the game on in the other room. I'll run in when I hear something exciting. I spend half the night sprinting in to see a pop fly or a grounder to second and he's bellowing like Bobby Thompson just touched up Ralph Branca. This particular team doesn't need a hype man. They're pretty much self-hyping. (Now get off my lawn.)

That cabana pic you posted looks an awful lot like the ones at Coco Cay, the Royal Caribbean island-turned-water-park in the Bahamas. Interesting concept for the Bengals - and good for them if they find buyers - but for $32-46K, I'd be more inclined to book 32-46 weeks passage on Royal Caribbean.

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Onions is a euphemism for balls! Meaning it was a ballsy shot.

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You know what I think would be ballsy? Respecting your audience enough to speak to them like adults. I don't need a euphamism screeched at me. He's the color guy, right? Give me some color, not a root vegetable.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That's why we have remotes with mute buttons. LoL.

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Trust me, I change channels or mute when Raftery is on the mic.

To me, he's the only down side of XU moving into the Big East. We're stuck with that nincompoop far more than any fanbase should have to endure.

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Wow, you're right re the cabana. Joe Nuxhall wore his heart on his sleeve, too. He earned the right. My problem w/John is his exuberance tends to trample the listener's, as if the listener doesn't understand the significance of what he just witnessed. It's the moderb aural equivalent of standing in front of a two-hour screamer at a Beatles concert. Just once, let the moment have its moment.

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Trample is a good word. It's a relentless wave of noise. I'm not saying he has to be a Vin Scully-level poet - nobody could be, even the Famer - but the game has a rhythm that allows for some silence, even with the pitch clock in play.

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"Just once let the moment have its moment". That's exactly how I feel about the PA guy. Understatement is a dead art.

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Keep talking. Let it all out…

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The Aldean “controversy”…..it’s a song, folks. Not sure why everyone is taking it like it is gospel or it’s his autobiography.

Growing up in the late 80s/early 90s I grew up listening to the likes of NWA, Too Short, Public Enemy etc and I would like to think (although maybe debatable) that I had enough common sense back then to realize the things they rapped about weren’t always 100% reality. I never got into trouble trying to act out in Cincinnati any of what the rap lyrics were talking about.

So just like Johnny Cash probably never really shot a man in Reno, doncha think Aldean is taking some creative liberties here and just trying to sell a record…errr…get you to buy his track on iTunes

BTW he grew up in Macon GA. I’ve went to Macon once for work and it wasn’t that small (population about 150k). So unless he lived in the “suburbs” of Macon then I think we all can take this at face value and realize that it’s just a song.

This “controversy” just feels like there was some snowflake somewhere that had the need to be offended by something, then expressed it via social media. Once that pot got stirred, out come the keyboard gladiators. Like others have mentioned- rinse and repeat. In 2 weeks it will be something else.

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It's a reflection of the times.

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I'm more amused than offended, bc I'm not offended at all.

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Love the tune...need a place to listen to it other than this chair in front of the computer today.

Am a little saddened by the Reds. I heard they "were" trading India from the paper today. In the past they gave him credit for keeping this team fired up. I just hope this type of move doesn't put the other players on alert or in doubt about their staying power. Once there is a bad seed in the bunch, things and attitudes change. I'm going to give them credit as I don't believe this will happen. Lots more good apples in the basket to hold each other up. Time will tell. Thankful the Bengals are our cushions as all this pans out.

I love the cabana with the beach view. For what it costs to get one suite in the GABP, that trip would be my actuality.

I think the announcer's translation is "He killed that ball, and sadly, it had a family." (Though, that might be Mr. Obvious' answer.)

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Always took 'Has a Family' as a call for sympathy for that poor ball that was unceremoniously bashed out of the park. It did have a family after all, and we should be thinking of them during this difficult time. I think it's hilarious-but should only be pulled out for mammoth golf shots like EDLC's last night.

Did you ever see an outdoor concert during that weird tail end of the pandemic? A trend of 'pods' sprang up where instead of a huge GA lawn section of people mixing (and crowding each other) freely, you had sectioned off 'pods'. 10 x 10 roped of pieces of turf where you and only your crew could sit, stand, dance, stow your bags/jackets, etc. In a nutshell-they were amazing. The atmosphere of a huge crowded concert but with an established comfortable space and ample room. I wish we still had them. This is the idea behind these Who Dey Cabanas. Sure it's overpriced for what you get, but there is great value in having your own social space in the midst of a huge crowded event. Don't blame them one bit for productizing this. It may even help pay for whatever improvements need to be done to the stadium--which by the way, just tell me when to vote for whatever keeps the Who Deys. Football is an unnecessary dalliance, but it's also something I greatly enjoy. Ultimately we all vote for our own self-interest.

The Aldean stuff is just another example of the long tradition of country music trashing cities and promoting the moral superiority of rural/small town America. It plays off the victimization that these places have felt since the end of the Civil War. This angst and paranoia against cities and those who inhabit them is cheap pandering from a guy who is from suburban Atlanta-but it obviously sells. If he came to my neighborhood (10 minutes from Fountain Square), he'd see that your ability to rely on your neighbors, let your kids run around the neighborhood, and build a strong community depends on the quality of the people around you--not on the population density.

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