If you like your current Remus book, try "Ghosts of Eden Park". I found it to be quite a page turner. I even went as far as creating a personal sight seeing tour of all the buildings and places in town that were mentioned in the book.
In the 1930s, my mom and other neighborhood kids used to explore and play around inside George Remus' abandoned Price Hill mansion. She said it was beautiful marble from floor to ceiling. She added that some of the older, braver boys would explore a tunnel that extended from the basement level. Rumor was it was an escape route for Remus. Just in case. She says her mother and other neighbors were welcomed to the Remus' swimming pool.
As for football announcers, Al Michaels and Gus Johnson are favorites. For golf, I was sorry to see Gary Koch and Roger Maltbie get booted from NBC. Koch was always so well prepared and Maltbie was like a comfortable old shoe. I value that.
Cossacks take note: "Self praise is no praise." - Groucho Marx
Regarding on-field celebrations and self-congratulations, coach Paul Brown put it plainly: "Act like you've been there before."
The reason I don't really care for Joe Buck, as an announcer, is the same reason I never cared for Tim McCarver. He talks too much, his self-importance is through the roof, and his voice gets on my nerves. Give me peak Pat Summerall any day. Or Dick Enberg. The gold standard of play-by-play.
Now then:
The year that Nuxy was with the Kansas City A's in 1961, the A's were playing the Washington Senators. Johnny Klippstein was a former Reds' teammate of Joe's, and he was a reliever for the Senators that year. Joe was in the bullpen for the A's and looked over and saw Klippstein in the 'pen for the A's. Joe got on the A's bullpen phone and was able to call over to the Senators bullpen and when the person picked up, he barked "Get Klippstein ready in a hurry!" and hung up. Klippstein gets up and starts getting warmed up. After a few minutes, Washington's manager, Mickey Vernon, looked out and saw what was happening and called the bullpen and said, "What the hell is Klippstein doing??". haha! I wonder if you ever heard that story, Doc? I bet Marty has heard it. If not, pass it along. I was dead from laughing last night when I read that. Hahaha.
From a sports bettor who watches and bet’s everyday Tony Romo has No Equal Period ! Informative , knowledgeable and entertaining, John Smoltz a distant second. TNT Inside the NBA BEST POST GAME TELECAST
My favorite announcer of all time, Jack Brickhouse for the Chicago Cubs back in the day. Anyone remember him? If you do, you have to be aged, like good wine. I'd fall asleep as a little kid listening to him during the Cubs games. Loved him like good white sound.
I think about Joe Buck about the same way I do about Marty Brennaman's son. The difference is that Buck actually does the work to research and remember and not just rely on a researcher's notes that he doesn't pay attention to. Thom was bad at his job when he was on the air. I get it that local sports guys rally around the guy now but he wasn't good beyond sounding like his dad.
I think that we have been very fortunate regarding our local broadcasters. Marty and Joe and then the Cowboy were terrific for the Reds. Dan Hoard is outstanding for the Bearcats football/basketball and the Bengals. I have no doubt that he would also be an improvement over the current play-by-play guys whom the Reds employ.
Marty was good in his prime but got pompous and arrogant as he got older. Heard him berate callers on the Hot Stove Leauge and the Banana phone, treated Jim Kelch like dirt and played favorites amongst the Reds players. I'm glad he's gone and glad we don't have to put up with Thom either.
Dan Hoard is just too loud for me, as is the guy down the road at UK.
Ex-wife played college volleyball for a team that was called the Cossacks. They changed it to the Seawolves because apparently the Cossacks did some gnarly stuff to jewish people back in Russia in the day.
People get whiny about announcers because it's easy to talk about. I remember a firejoemorgan.com or something that probably dated to the geocities days. I'm sure I've dogged announcers before but I largely agree with Paul. They're background noise. I do dislike when sportscasters seem to modify their voice to sound more like what they think a sportscaster should sound like.
Back when I used to watch the Reds, circa 2021, I liked putting on tunes over the speakers instead of the announcers. I already understand what's going on.
Bills could smash the Bengals Monday night. The Browns came in on a Monday night or Thursday (can't remember) and DESTROYED the Bengals. It's not a stretch to imagine the Bills doing the same or worse. I hope not.
Another great TML. Giggled at the arms crossed celebration line. Well done!
I'm hoping Buffalo players spent much of their time over Christmas shoveling their cars out and dug tunnels from their doors to the street, if they could find it.
Buck would not have a national gig if his last name wasn’t “Buck”. I wanna throw up every time he NAUSEATINGLY says “I’m Joe Buck and alongside me is the Hall of Famer Troy Aikman.” Puke. Click. We have been spoiled thinking everyone should be as smooth as Marty or as informative as CC. Buck is a legend in his own mirror only. Not a ‘nati kind of guy.
I read and thoroughly enjoyed the Remus book a few years ago. I hope that there is a movie to come. I think most announcers are pros and do a nice job. I do think that fans did really enjoy Madden and Summerall. The very early days of MNF the three-man booth experiment with Cossell, Dandy Don Meredith, and Frank Gifford became must-see TV. Today I think that Al Michaels is the best. I believe he could go seamlessly from sport to sport.
Buck has always struck me as arrogant and entitled. About 10 years ago, I was on a cruise ship and got the international feed of an NFL game Buck was announcing. They didn’t have commercials, but just a wide angle shot of the field during timeouts. They failed so cut the announcers’ mics during this time, so we got to hear Buck berating someone for not bringing him his coffee soon enough. Pretty much summed him up for me.
I have heard the no love for Joe Buck for awhile now. I love the guy; always have for both baseball and football. I’ve always thought he was interesting and informed. Troy Aikman, not so much. Disclaimer, I have a hearing issue and certain voices resonate better with me. Tony Romo is terrible! But mostly because I can’t understand much of what he says. When I do hear it, it sounds inane. Plus he repeats himself over and over. When he’s on, I mute the sound , put on the closed captions and fend for myself. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Happy New Year!
I only get upset with an announcer when they say something stupid. So, pretty regularly. The guys on the big games are there for a reason. Try listening to some of the secondary announcers. Gawdawful. But, none of them are Keith Jackson. The Man! Whoa Nellie!!
We often have the mute button in play when football is on. Not because of animus for the broadcasters, just because it is less distracting. Football game is background and we are both reading, or surfing phones, or in my case playing Spider Solitaire.
Can't listen to the song right now. It would stop the CLE I am listening to on another tab. Deadline for completing this batch of presentations is Saturday. It has been available since September 1. I do this so I can continue to call myself a lawyer even though I do not practice and have no intention of doing so. One of the sessions has the only lawyer I have ever hired as a presenter. She represented me in a very simple divorce proceeding about 25 years ago. Life is good and she made it cost effective and simple. I had met her during orientation week my first semester of law school. She discussed a couple of ethics issues that regularly occur during regular practice. I was impressed. Remembered her when the need arose.
I had the presence of mind to record the Kennedy Center Awards show last night. We were suffering through the UK /Missouri game when it started. We still have the U2 portion to watch. Get to zip past the commercials. May be another short season for the Cats. Looking forward to Tyler Ulis coming aboard as an assistant coach. Now we will have a bonafide point guard to mentor for a definite need.
I pay very little attention to the commentators on football, also. Most have nothing really to add. The exceptions are Romo and Collinsworth. They seem to understand the game at a level I never will and are able to explain it to me. I don't understand why people get upset over them unless they are truly awful. I don't care if they complement the "other" team or don't praise "my" team enough.
I received The Bourbon King for Christmas. You've inspired me to read that one next. Remus has always fascinated me.
I put as much faith in the ESPN simulator as I do the analytics that tell a baseball skipper to pull a reliever who has just struck two guys out and put in another "fresh arm" who may or may not have his good stuff that day.
If you like your current Remus book, try "Ghosts of Eden Park". I found it to be quite a page turner. I even went as far as creating a personal sight seeing tour of all the buildings and places in town that were mentioned in the book.
In the 1930s, my mom and other neighborhood kids used to explore and play around inside George Remus' abandoned Price Hill mansion. She said it was beautiful marble from floor to ceiling. She added that some of the older, braver boys would explore a tunnel that extended from the basement level. Rumor was it was an escape route for Remus. Just in case. She says her mother and other neighbors were welcomed to the Remus' swimming pool.
As for football announcers, Al Michaels and Gus Johnson are favorites. For golf, I was sorry to see Gary Koch and Roger Maltbie get booted from NBC. Koch was always so well prepared and Maltbie was like a comfortable old shoe. I value that.
Cossacks take note: "Self praise is no praise." - Groucho Marx
Regarding on-field celebrations and self-congratulations, coach Paul Brown put it plainly: "Act like you've been there before."
The reason I don't really care for Joe Buck, as an announcer, is the same reason I never cared for Tim McCarver. He talks too much, his self-importance is through the roof, and his voice gets on my nerves. Give me peak Pat Summerall any day. Or Dick Enberg. The gold standard of play-by-play.
Now then:
The year that Nuxy was with the Kansas City A's in 1961, the A's were playing the Washington Senators. Johnny Klippstein was a former Reds' teammate of Joe's, and he was a reliever for the Senators that year. Joe was in the bullpen for the A's and looked over and saw Klippstein in the 'pen for the A's. Joe got on the A's bullpen phone and was able to call over to the Senators bullpen and when the person picked up, he barked "Get Klippstein ready in a hurry!" and hung up. Klippstein gets up and starts getting warmed up. After a few minutes, Washington's manager, Mickey Vernon, looked out and saw what was happening and called the bullpen and said, "What the hell is Klippstein doing??". haha! I wonder if you ever heard that story, Doc? I bet Marty has heard it. If not, pass it along. I was dead from laughing last night when I read that. Hahaha.
From a sports bettor who watches and bet’s everyday Tony Romo has No Equal Period ! Informative , knowledgeable and entertaining, John Smoltz a distant second. TNT Inside the NBA BEST POST GAME TELECAST
My favorite announcer of all time, Jack Brickhouse for the Chicago Cubs back in the day. Anyone remember him? If you do, you have to be aged, like good wine. I'd fall asleep as a little kid listening to him during the Cubs games. Loved him like good white sound.
I think about Joe Buck about the same way I do about Marty Brennaman's son. The difference is that Buck actually does the work to research and remember and not just rely on a researcher's notes that he doesn't pay attention to. Thom was bad at his job when he was on the air. I get it that local sports guys rally around the guy now but he wasn't good beyond sounding like his dad.
I think that we have been very fortunate regarding our local broadcasters. Marty and Joe and then the Cowboy were terrific for the Reds. Dan Hoard is outstanding for the Bearcats football/basketball and the Bengals. I have no doubt that he would also be an improvement over the current play-by-play guys whom the Reds employ.
Marty was good in his prime but got pompous and arrogant as he got older. Heard him berate callers on the Hot Stove Leauge and the Banana phone, treated Jim Kelch like dirt and played favorites amongst the Reds players. I'm glad he's gone and glad we don't have to put up with Thom either.
Dan Hoard is just too loud for me, as is the guy down the road at UK.
You seem very critical. At the end of the day most of us our age are not finding a cure for cancer. We are going through life just waiting to die !
Ex-wife played college volleyball for a team that was called the Cossacks. They changed it to the Seawolves because apparently the Cossacks did some gnarly stuff to jewish people back in Russia in the day.
People get whiny about announcers because it's easy to talk about. I remember a firejoemorgan.com or something that probably dated to the geocities days. I'm sure I've dogged announcers before but I largely agree with Paul. They're background noise. I do dislike when sportscasters seem to modify their voice to sound more like what they think a sportscaster should sound like.
Back when I used to watch the Reds, circa 2021, I liked putting on tunes over the speakers instead of the announcers. I already understand what's going on.
Bills could smash the Bengals Monday night. The Browns came in on a Monday night or Thursday (can't remember) and DESTROYED the Bengals. It's not a stretch to imagine the Bills doing the same or worse. I hope not.
Another great TML. Giggled at the arms crossed celebration line. Well done!
I'm hoping Buffalo players spent much of their time over Christmas shoveling their cars out and dug tunnels from their doors to the street, if they could find it.
Buck would not have a national gig if his last name wasn’t “Buck”. I wanna throw up every time he NAUSEATINGLY says “I’m Joe Buck and alongside me is the Hall of Famer Troy Aikman.” Puke. Click. We have been spoiled thinking everyone should be as smooth as Marty or as informative as CC. Buck is a legend in his own mirror only. Not a ‘nati kind of guy.
I read and thoroughly enjoyed the Remus book a few years ago. I hope that there is a movie to come. I think most announcers are pros and do a nice job. I do think that fans did really enjoy Madden and Summerall. The very early days of MNF the three-man booth experiment with Cossell, Dandy Don Meredith, and Frank Gifford became must-see TV. Today I think that Al Michaels is the best. I believe he could go seamlessly from sport to sport.
Buck has always struck me as arrogant and entitled. About 10 years ago, I was on a cruise ship and got the international feed of an NFL game Buck was announcing. They didn’t have commercials, but just a wide angle shot of the field during timeouts. They failed so cut the announcers’ mics during this time, so we got to hear Buck berating someone for not bringing him his coffee soon enough. Pretty much summed him up for me.
I have heard the no love for Joe Buck for awhile now. I love the guy; always have for both baseball and football. I’ve always thought he was interesting and informed. Troy Aikman, not so much. Disclaimer, I have a hearing issue and certain voices resonate better with me. Tony Romo is terrible! But mostly because I can’t understand much of what he says. When I do hear it, it sounds inane. Plus he repeats himself over and over. When he’s on, I mute the sound , put on the closed captions and fend for myself. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Happy New Year!
I only get upset with an announcer when they say something stupid. So, pretty regularly. The guys on the big games are there for a reason. Try listening to some of the secondary announcers. Gawdawful. But, none of them are Keith Jackson. The Man! Whoa Nellie!!
We often have the mute button in play when football is on. Not because of animus for the broadcasters, just because it is less distracting. Football game is background and we are both reading, or surfing phones, or in my case playing Spider Solitaire.
Can't listen to the song right now. It would stop the CLE I am listening to on another tab. Deadline for completing this batch of presentations is Saturday. It has been available since September 1. I do this so I can continue to call myself a lawyer even though I do not practice and have no intention of doing so. One of the sessions has the only lawyer I have ever hired as a presenter. She represented me in a very simple divorce proceeding about 25 years ago. Life is good and she made it cost effective and simple. I had met her during orientation week my first semester of law school. She discussed a couple of ethics issues that regularly occur during regular practice. I was impressed. Remembered her when the need arose.
I had the presence of mind to record the Kennedy Center Awards show last night. We were suffering through the UK /Missouri game when it started. We still have the U2 portion to watch. Get to zip past the commercials. May be another short season for the Cats. Looking forward to Tyler Ulis coming aboard as an assistant coach. Now we will have a bonafide point guard to mentor for a definite need.
I pay very little attention to the commentators on football, also. Most have nothing really to add. The exceptions are Romo and Collinsworth. They seem to understand the game at a level I never will and are able to explain it to me. I don't understand why people get upset over them unless they are truly awful. I don't care if they complement the "other" team or don't praise "my" team enough.
I received The Bourbon King for Christmas. You've inspired me to read that one next. Remus has always fascinated me.
I put as much faith in the ESPN simulator as I do the analytics that tell a baseball skipper to pull a reliever who has just struck two guys out and put in another "fresh arm" who may or may not have his good stuff that day.