I look forward to this post every year Doc and you never disappoint Not as strenuous for sure but that's the way I feel when we cross our causeway to the low country. It's the touchstones that are so vital to us. The sights, the smells, company...it's all I ask for. Thanks again Doc, it was fun...by osmosis!

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Great stuff. It’s why we’re all here. For each other. Put your phone down and take the time to connect with someone, with more than one. Wash, rinse, repeat. God speed!

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One of these days, I will get there myself.

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I look forward to this beautiful read every year.

A 93 year old Grandpa just ascended Half Dome in July with his son and granddaughter. (Lookitup!) See what you have to look forward to for the next nearly 30 years? You got this.

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Is there any other way to make it to the top of Lookout other than all fours? Poetry Doc. You and Kelly are lucky men.

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“I will never do anything better with my life.”

What I wouldn’t do to LIVE that sentence - let alone type it! So happy for you as not everyone will ascend to that. Like many of the comments, I sit on the end of my chair when you reach into your gut for your best work describing the Montreal trips. I’m a decade or so younger but I see what you describe coming as if I’m driving in busy traffic and it helps to have your voice in my head. Appreciate and savor these moments is my mantra. Thank you Paul!

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Doc, maybe you have already, but I do hope you are writing a book about this place! One each, fiction and non-fiction. You speak so highly and so often of it.

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Always beautiful!

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When the day comes when you cannot climb Lookout, we’ll buy you an All Terrain Wheelchair.

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You writing about your mountain trip is the best writing you do all year. Life is so busy these days. We all want more time with our kids, no matter how old they are. That you both honor this yearly tradition says a lot about both of you. Looking forward to you writing about taking the trip with your grandchild!!

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Sounds like an awesome yearly trip. Love the mtns myself.

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We are the same age, 65, and like you I feel blessed every day for being able to enjoy life. Thank you for sharing. You choked me up today.

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What wonderful memories these hikes have created to be shared with Kelly, but your ability to put the words together and share with us what this trip means to you both is stunning ‼️👍👍

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Thank you for sharing this year’s trip. Kelly took a timeless picture of his old man. Probably should print and frame it.

Yep, the old switcheroo is gaining ground. One more memory in the bank. Good work.

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Every year for a long time now, I’ve read your report on your yearly retreat and how it has solidified your relationship with your son, Kelly. I think it is wonderful that you two have a kind of a pact to do that every year. And, when you write about it, your words are eloquent and full of feeling. Kudos to you, sir.

Like you, I have a daughter and a son. My daughter has given me 3 wonderful grand children who I love deeply. That daughter is the reason I left the Cincinnati/Dayton area after 65 years and moved to Pennsylvania. And, I do not , for one minute, regret that move. My son has given me time with him. He visits often and over the past 8-10 years, he and I have been trying to visit every MLB park. We went to Minnesota and Milwaukee this year and are now down to eight parks still to go. My point in mentioning this is, like you, I want to be more than just Dad to my children, both of them. I can only hope I am.

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You asked the question in a fellow Mobster's comment earlier, if there is a book there regarding your annual trips.

I say hell yes. It could just be a compilation of the annual TML posts recapping the trip. You wouldn't even have to flesh it out. Don't care. I'd buy it brand-new, right outta Joseph-Beth, at full cover price.

Those of us who haven't, or can't, make it down there for a visit live vicariously through your words. We can feel the trail under our feet, the air in our lungs, the scents in our nostrils and the views with our eyes.

That's not even the best part. That's the the relationship and dynamic between you and Kelly. It is such that it tugs on our heartstrings and stokes the embers of memory we all have of special times with a parent. child or sibling. It also motivates us to find a similar experience to share with that next familial generation, if only to be able to share that rare moment of perfection with someone you love.

Very glad it was a great time for the both of you. Looking forward to next year's excursion. Thank you.

P.S. You ain't in bad shape for 65, making that trek.

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Thank you very much.

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