My bible says, "Love God and Love each other." That is what you are doing, amazing what good can come when we just follow God's plan. You did a big thing which is awesome! I think about all the little things I can do each day to try to be better and do better. Maybe letting that aggressive driver cut in front of me even though I really want to speed up and not let him in. Or, maybe it is smiling at the cashier and saying thank you so much even though she really was rude. Perhaps, I can be sure to hold the door open all week this week for anyone walking behind me. Silly sounding, I know...being kind is not always easy but it is always right, huh? Thank you Neil!

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Beautiful! I’ll send a donation.

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OMG Dan, that is so thoughtful of you!!!! So above and beyond, so appreciated, warms my heart. Everything we read and see on the news is so cruel, but I can tell you from multiple experiences it rises to an entirely different level when you encounter those who have been impacted by this war face to face. Makes no difference whether you speak their language or not.

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And done! Thanks again Neil.

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Well written and - more importantly - well done.

Thanks for taking action and for sharing the story.

I think of my grandpa when seeing a story like this. He always said it cost nothing to be kind and it cost very little to lend somebody in need a hand. But it costs a whole to ignore a problem and hope it will just go away.

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Thank you, Neil and Sherri, for all your kindness and the wonderful work you do. My stepfather was from Poland, thanks to his parents who sent him to the U.S. to be safe here with his sister. He was one of the kindest people I have ever met. Keep on giving for giving is the greatest gift and gives the greatest returns.

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Neil, what an inspiring story. The world needs more people like you. Do you belong to an organization where we can send donations to help fund your group’s efforts?

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Tim, that is an amazing offer, and yes I will take you up on it. One of the organizations I work with is Rubikus, https://helpua.rubikus.de/en. They facilitate transport of Ukrainians out of their own country (i.e., research, make arrangements, and pay for) to long term shelter locations throughout Europe. Everything they arrange is paid for by donations. First we have to get them from Przemysl into either Germany where they have affordable access to the German train system, or to a Polish airport some distance away from the Polish-Ukrainian border. I've personally made anywhere from 300-1,000 mile round trips doing these transports. I cannot overstate the profound gratification of those I transported; it doesn't matter how little English they speak. How do you suppose I felt when one party said, you made this trip so comfortable for us that we felt like we were on a driving trip with our family. How can we not do this for them, they ran away from daily bombings for months before even getting to the point we could take them further away to some point of stability for themselves.

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Neil, donation made. Thank you for your selfless service to those in need!!!

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Thank you again, that is so above and beyond, especially because we've never met in person!

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Thanks Neil. We’ll act on that. My wife of 49.5 years and I often talk about the fathomable-for us-daily life for the Ukrainian people. We cannot have enough administration and compassion for them. Glad to contribute help when we can.

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Admiration NOT administration!! Siri wasn’t listening. . . again.

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Attaboy Neil for taking on your calling! Glad to hear of anyone making a difference in their world! Great post!

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Great post! I've thrown myself into helping the homeless in my area. A silly idea has grown to a 2600 member Facebook group. We can ALL do something to change the world. Keep up your great work!

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Whenever I think of the persons I would most like to emulate in the world, I conclude that would be Doctors without Borders. Your excursion to Poland is very much in that vein. I have friends and family who are involved in a group called the PV Volunteers. They do work in rural West Virginia, Bed-Sty NY, Seattle and Aurora IL. It's been several years since I last joined them. But your line about "medicine for the soul" captured the feeling perfectly.

If only for what I watched him do to the Reds as a Cardinal, I was pleased to see them take a flyer on Bader. The whole atmosphere in the Bronx stinks out loud this year. I'm foolish enough (aka a fan) to believe a change of scenery might work for him.

The Weight, by the Band; Ripple by the Dead and Whipping Post by the Allmans.

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As Doc’s and my mom always said, “God put you here to lift up others. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Thank you Neil for your selflessness and inspiration.

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Wonderful column. Many thanks for going and sharing. Makes me want to get up and find a way to go over and help. I lived in Poland for two years - Warsaw - many years ago. Bravo to you.

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Nancy, how can I connect with you? Going back in October, can get you connected whether for then or another time. Maybe DM me on Facebook where we can exchange contact info privately?

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I would love info on that. I deactivated my Facebook account, but just now reactivated Messenger. The photo is very similar to the one here. I'm no tech whiz, but maybe that would work.

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Message me on FB now that you're active again.

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Okay. I see three possible Neil Eisners. Profile picture - one kind of sea scape, another holding a fish and a third wearing a blue sweatshirt - I'm not sure which one, if any.

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My wife and I wearing hard hats next to a big glowing heart. It's actually inside a former salt mine in Colombia.

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Okay, I'll look for it.

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Didn't see it and I'm out of ideas. Maybe it has to do with privacy settings. Oh well, some things are not meant to work out.

That's not quite true that I'm out of ideas. I do have a seldom used Instagram account, but to send a private message, you have an account.

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Bravo to you Neil, for not sticking to sports, and doing some good in this world! It was inspiring to read.

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Thank you Neil you’ve done the column proud and inspirational story ….

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