Only bad memorable moments at my fraternal grandmother's home in Waukegan, Illinois, as we had rabbit instead of turkey, that was shot in one of the nearby back fields. Will never eat a wild animal again, ever...also spent most of meal spitting out shot from the 4/10 that took that little guy out.

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A few of my favorite things today, whipped cream on the pumpkin pie, fresh cooked cranberries on white meat, being healthy again after surgery Monday, good drugs every 6 hours to re-coop & hopefully some good football. My small family being home, safe and happily together in Buffalo.

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Among all the many other things I'm thankful for, the Morning Line is right up there! Thank you for always reminding us of what matters most and to cherish those memories both old and new. (I'm not crying you're crying) Enjoy your family in the Big Apple and safe travels home to Loveland!

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Always love the family stories, Doc. Rear Windows, the Irish Running Back, TV At The Table, Vegetables in Jello. Thankful for many things, including your sharing the various stories that every family possesses.

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Nobody ever had aspic on any Thanksgiving table I recall. My grandmother beamed when she could include oysters in her cornbread dressing.

Family celebrations were on Saturday at Dad and Jean’s. College football all day and night.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Don’t hurt yourselves and safe travels.

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Happy Thanksgiving. It is the only holiday meant for eating together and needing a day to recover. My dad used to take my us pheasant hunting every Thanksgiving which helped build up an appetite. We never had aspic and my mom's green bean casserole was actually pretty good. I miss the days that I could eat everything without consequences. My wife makes a great turkey and sides, but we have to find the Bon Apetit from 1993 each year for the recipes. That issue had three excellent recipes that are worth the search. Planet Fitness will be busy on Friday.

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Thankful for another day of reading your work, good sir. And thanks, as always, for your ability to stir up the greatest memories of our own Thanksgivings. Not to be sappy, but you and TML are a treasure.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and all the other mobsters. Thankful for you all.

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Thanks James!

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Song of the day: Feeling Good Again (Robert Earle Keene, Jr.

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Good one Doc. Nothing makes you as thankful for family as when you realize how many are missing and how blessed you are for the ones remaining. Just the pup a walk at Glenwood Gardens..didn't have to take a subway and, I'm going to shock millions, but I wasn't a huge fan of Hamilton😂enjoy your visit! Treasure it as I know you will.

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Sort of lost my taste for Jello (to include Pudding Pops) after things went south for Agent Alexander “Scotty” Scott.

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1. I love jello! Especially with nuts, grapes, carrots, and any other goodies that compliment the particular flavor. Fie on thee, all ye jello-haters! Ye miscreant attitude shall never be the rule of the land.

2. Nobody ever mentions Tofurkey around here. C'mon, people, seek enlightenment. Once had a meatless turkey made of various soy products, exceptional spices, flour, and other tasty morsels. Was pretty darn good.

3. I grew up near the famous Tewes turkey farm in rural NKy. They had 17 kids. Went to school with one. I came away from that with 2 thoughts. One, turkey is clearly both an aphrodisiac and sleep inducer, and two, turkeys look very sad and nervous around Thanksgiving. They know. Heartbreaking stuff.

4. Some watching football while others sit around the table and talk is the perfect ending to a Thanksgiving dinner.

4. Wishing all a good day tomorrow, whether with family, friends, or doing the day alone ( remember, others are always with you in spirit). Gratefulness for being alive is always a key component to enjoying life. Spreading good vibes and sharing love will be the key to keeping our country going in the right direction. In the meantime, have a good one.

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Thanksgiving Day 1974, the neighbors (a colonel who was the political attaché with the German embassy and his wife) were invited for Thanksgiving dinner. When it came time for the game, we went into the family room to watch leaving our guests and our mother to eat by themselves. Dallas 24-Skins 23.

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My whole life growing up my parents waited for me to like jello. OMG. From the first taste of that gelatinous stuff on my tongue, it was going nowhere near my mouth or stomach ever again. I was probably 5 when that happened. And I am a foodie. Love all sorts and love to cook almost everything, except things where gelatin and sugar are connected. Thank goodness that particular dish no longer graces any Thanksgiving table we have attended in several years. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We always have many things to be thankful for. Sometimes we have to search a little for them, but they are there. Peace and thanks. And thank you Doc, for entertaining us and giving us insight to life, sports or otherwise.

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Great stuff as usual. We already did our traditional Thanksgiving get together with all on Saturday. Today I will do my family T giving with Olive Garden carry out lasagna and salad and breadsticks. No muss, no fuss. I am bummed you are in NY. That means we will not receive our traditional P-Doc post-turkey day report. "I lay on my couch all day and eat and drink and watch football and do nothing else and do not feel guilty about it." Please return next year. Thanks in advance.

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Because of the Mayflower Thanksgiving fable, I have long remembered on this holiday that America was created by people seeking the freedom to worship God as they preferred.

Regarding Franco Harris, my first thought whenever I think about him is Jim Brown’s comment when Harris broke his NFL all time rushing record. Something to the effect that it was pretty good for a guy “who always ran out of bounds”.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my TML friends!…

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