Drip irrigation systems are simple and cost effective. Set one up to provide for plant life surrounding the house to provide shade, privacy, visual appeal. Anything beyond that perimeter has to make its peace with Momma Nature, and any testy neighborhood denizens can keep their opinions to themselves. Lawns are a Suburban Matrix. Eat the red pill, Peo.
Wild analogy. Like it. And drip systems are using the brain instead of the concept of more, more. The thought of infinite water is a fantasy. The spigot can run dry.
Water distributes more or less equally no matter where it enters the ecosystem. Regular liming, mulching your cuttings back in for necessary organic matter and/or composting augmentation and a shot of beneficial nematodes in an natural approach can work. Research various grasses like fine fescues for various targeted problem or shaded areas in spring and/or fall routine light overseedings keeps your ear to the ground. Removing your grass cuttings is a big reason why it costs so much to artificially replace all what that robs from your soil
IMHO Joey won't play another inning for our Redlegs. He is too proud of a man to embarrass himself out there. Love him and all the great moments that he has given us over the years, but it's time to head for the house.
ON Votto. I was as big a fan as any early on. Was known to say, and believe Joey Votto was going to be the next .400+ hitter in baseball -breaking a very long drought. Who was the last .400+ hitter. Say Hello to Mr. Ted Williams in, uhh, 1941, so yeah, it has been a while, quite a while in fact. Clearly, I was wrong about Joey V. being the guy. Too many things went awry for him. So now, I pose this question: What is Joey Votto's BA over his last 450 at bats? Over his last 900 AB's? Methinks it is not good, not good at all. That said, I do not see a place for Joseph Votto on the current 2023 active roster, certainly not anytime soon. But hey, he is probably right predicting the first day active will be the first day he should be active -even if it is a ceremonial day of active so he can retire with dignity. End Votto Story.
No sympathy for Votto - the team can't afford that at this juncture. If he does not earn his way into the lineup, that's sports. How about golf courses which we know you kind of like - ok to keep them lush and green?
The golf courses industry is one of the leaders in agronomy R&D on grasses, fertilizers, and natural herbicides and pesticides. If they can find ways to cut back on the chemicals, they save a lot of money. Many are all-in on integrated pest management, targeted spraying, organic products for weed control, and natural plantings that save water and sprays.
Let’s remember that Votto’s BA in 2022 was a measly .205. Highly unlikely he will hit for average or power as he recovers from massive shoulder surgery. Therefore, he should be relegated to a part-time DH and let the players brought up from Louisville get both the field and the at bats because they represent the potential future of the ball club. Votto has had a tremendous career and been a consummate teammate but at this point he is not an asset to the club in 2023 or beyond.
Votto should not play. He should coach. The young guys need the chance play and get better. Votto playing blocks a young guy from moving up to the Big game.
Don’t water the lawn. Don’t use any chemicals on the lawn. Cut the grass when it over three inches tall. Tall grass reduces weeds naturally.
The guy on the couch mows about two acres. Back is broken up with a small garden, a dozen fruit trees, and blueberries and blackberries. Seldom feeds. Front yard by house is smallish. One small annual bed. Perennials are the best. I finally cleared out the raised box garden by the deck today. Plants died that were supposed to go in it. Have to get more.
Asian pear tree is loaded this year. Happy camper.
My steady-eddy dwarf-hybrid pear tree, planted 32 years near the front steps in honor of Bill Mollison, the father of permaculture, is loaded again. Just keeps on producing and producing year after year. Fruits trees are like heavily front loaded 401Ks. Wise investment in the future.
Most years they break our hearts. No peaches this year. Apple trees are loaded, but not likely to last to harvest. We had one good year for Grannie Smiths. I’ll enjoy every crunch of the Asian pears.
If DLC and ES come up hot like McClain, and right now they're as hot as new suns exploding in the galaxies, and the Reds stay in the hunt, Joey fits as part-time DH, part-time on field. Steer is a leading candidate for ROY, even playing out of position. You simply can't penalize him. That's far more unfair than not playing Votto and violating some stupid unwritten code about vets. Votto has much to prove when he returns. I think playing part time without the everyday pressure will work for both him and Bell. He's a nightmare on the bases, which will badly handicap the current, very speedy version of the Reds.
And start playing DeLaCruz in LF in Louisville. Why haven't they? Dumb. The kid is ultra fast, tall. That has OF written all over it. Windows appear out of nowhere. Seize the day. Get them all up here and figure it out.
As a longtime organic gardener, I forewarn you. Lawns are petrochemical addiction machines, fed us by the advertising world, that invite numnuts who have no idea what soil is, how to keep it healthy, or how to respect it, to march straight into their local box stores and buy concoctions that they rarely understand and don't care anyway. They come out like cowboys armed with the latest six shooters, go home, and proceed to kill more creatures in a day than were killed in any war of the last century. Then they pop a beer and compliment themselves, assassins of the finest American degree. If you don't respect the earth, you don't respect life. A great looking lawn is usually an illusion and environmental catastrophe, America the dumb at its finest.
Lots of opinions on Joey. Here's mine. Let's see how things shake out. First of all, will he ever be 100% again? Even he's not sure. But let's say he is. I wish I had a buck for every time I've heard or read he's done. Heard it a few years ago, then he went on a monstrous run and put up some gaudy numbers. He COULD do it again. So, if he's healthy, give him a chance. There's no doubt the desire is there. Father Time is the ultimate judge, however. The DH allows Bell to rotate that spot, which really benefits this team already. Things really get murky if and when Elly or Strand or both get called up, but what a nice problem. Regardless, rooting hard for Joey, who yes, would make a great hitting coach, but he's going to get big offers as a commentator, so I don't see it. As for grass, I'm sure enjoying the condo life.
If think there is a special place in hell for people who do not maintain their property. This means they cut their grass and make it look nice. Not perfect, just nice. My neighbours cut their grass at least 2-3x per year. It drives me nuts and really hurts the property value.
I'm wholly in your camp on the lawn thing. And I say this as a guy that - many moons ago - sodded the front yard and diligently had the local company come spray it quarterly. Then one day I saw a puddle on my drive that resembled the Arctic after the Exxon Valdez hemorrhaged oil into it. About the same time I developed stage 3 cancer and decided to try to get all of the chemicals out of my life that I could. The grass treatments were the first to go.
Now in no way am I saying that the lawn stuff contributed to my illness (correlation doesn't mean causation right ... or is it the other way around?). And I'm sure for most folks exposure to that stuff is fine. But I figured that for my particular set of DNA that started growing cancer at age 48, I'd do my best to eliminate everything that might exacerbate it that I could. No judgment at all on my many neighbors that still do the lawn treatment thing, but I now appreciate scrub grass, clover, etc that has gradually taken over my once pristine zoysia yard. Ditto my backyard that we've let go pretty native as well. I know this, the animals like it.
As for Votto ... it is indeed a conundrum. Given what I've read about Joey, he'd be the last guy to want to disrupt the team's mojo and I think of all the superstars out there that are in his position, he might just be okay with a lesser role once he comes back. But man, what a problem the Club is developing ... too many good players? Who'd have thunk that?
I read the Enquirer article this morning and thought the same thing about Votto. He would likely make a great hitting or bench coach if he is interested in pursuing it. His presence with the team is likely a key reason the young guys are hitting so well. Perhaps he can be a player coach when he returns and primarily be used as a DH unless Steer gets hurt or is needed at another position. He has been a loyal guy and deserves a chance to go out with a bang, especially since he is making the other players around him better.
I led the marketing research department for a few years for a company that made fungicides for agriculture and turf (primarily golf courses). I learned a lot about growing things and controlling diseases and other pests. I typically only make two fertilizer applications per year to my yard : the first in spring when dandelions pop up (with weed control), and the second in late fall. You really don't need any more fertilizer for your yard if you use a mulching mower and leave the lawn clippings (and leaves) in your yard. I may spot treat weeds in a problem area and also use an application to control grubs (reduce moles). People would be surprised how much testing is required to get a pesticide approved and most are safe when used properly. Since my front yard has a lot of shade from large trees, watering isn't needed very often and sometime it is better to let the grass go dormant. I still enjoy cutting grass because it is one of the only things that you immediately see the benefits of your work, and it is a good workout. During Covid, I used the push mower to cut my back and front yards (about 1.5 acres) for exercise and fresh air.
I've lived in Arizona for so long that I've learned to hate grass, even in Flagstaff where we get relatively decent precipitation. My parents put in some fake grass for their small dogs in their backyard in Mesa that seems to work pretty well. The only reason they put it in is because one of their dogs would try to eat rocks and fake grass is cheaper than vet visits.
As for Votto, I hope the Reds keep him on as a hitting coach. Is he able to be their full time DH? Clearly I haven't followed baseball as much lately as I used to...
Like a lot of commenters I feel trapped— social acceptance of my lawn vs. the destructive waste of maintaining it. And I think about that EVERY summer. I'd rather just let the lawn do whatever it wants, but that's just not viable (or prudent) right now. I have a service come a few times a year to fertilize and treat weeds and really don't like to do that, but I've seen what happens to yards in our neighborhood when they're not treated and it probably creates more property headaches than fewer in the long run (at least, that's what I'm telling myself). All in all, it's definitely a strange 1st world problem/conundrum. I have a co-worker who put in "no mow" grass this Spring and I'm dying to hear how that comes out. It's some sort of fine, dwarf fescue that's drought resistant and grows long, but flops over somewhat nicely (kind of wispy-looking). A part of me really wants this to be the new big thing in suburban lawns! Maybe we can all band together and start a movement in the Republic of Cincinnati (one yard at a time)!
I broke down and watered yesterday, too. Can't believe I'm actually missing rain. But we could use a solid day or two of it.
The Joey Votto thing give me mixed feelings. I really had hoped to watch him for one more season before he's finished as a Red. I especially thought he'd benefit from the new shift restrictions. But now...I think his extended rehab may be a blessing in disguise. If he's not 100% he's not going to outperform any of their other current infielders. Would he entertain a move to outfield? Would that be potentially worse for his shoulder (throwing long distance)? As disappointing as it is for a Votto fan like me, maybe it's best if he isn't taking playing time away from someone likely to be part of the Reds future.
Drip irrigation systems are simple and cost effective. Set one up to provide for plant life surrounding the house to provide shade, privacy, visual appeal. Anything beyond that perimeter has to make its peace with Momma Nature, and any testy neighborhood denizens can keep their opinions to themselves. Lawns are a Suburban Matrix. Eat the red pill, Peo.
Wild analogy. Like it. And drip systems are using the brain instead of the concept of more, more. The thought of infinite water is a fantasy. The spigot can run dry.
Water distributes more or less equally no matter where it enters the ecosystem. Regular liming, mulching your cuttings back in for necessary organic matter and/or composting augmentation and a shot of beneficial nematodes in an natural approach can work. Research various grasses like fine fescues for various targeted problem or shaded areas in spring and/or fall routine light overseedings keeps your ear to the ground. Removing your grass cuttings is a big reason why it costs so much to artificially replace all what that robs from your soil
IMHO Joey won't play another inning for our Redlegs. He is too proud of a man to embarrass himself out there. Love him and all the great moments that he has given us over the years, but it's time to head for the house.
ON Votto. I was as big a fan as any early on. Was known to say, and believe Joey Votto was going to be the next .400+ hitter in baseball -breaking a very long drought. Who was the last .400+ hitter. Say Hello to Mr. Ted Williams in, uhh, 1941, so yeah, it has been a while, quite a while in fact. Clearly, I was wrong about Joey V. being the guy. Too many things went awry for him. So now, I pose this question: What is Joey Votto's BA over his last 450 at bats? Over his last 900 AB's? Methinks it is not good, not good at all. That said, I do not see a place for Joseph Votto on the current 2023 active roster, certainly not anytime soon. But hey, he is probably right predicting the first day active will be the first day he should be active -even if it is a ceremonial day of active so he can retire with dignity. End Votto Story.
No sympathy for Votto - the team can't afford that at this juncture. If he does not earn his way into the lineup, that's sports. How about golf courses which we know you kind of like - ok to keep them lush and green?
The golf courses industry is one of the leaders in agronomy R&D on grasses, fertilizers, and natural herbicides and pesticides. If they can find ways to cut back on the chemicals, they save a lot of money. Many are all-in on integrated pest management, targeted spraying, organic products for weed control, and natural plantings that save water and sprays.
Let’s remember that Votto’s BA in 2022 was a measly .205. Highly unlikely he will hit for average or power as he recovers from massive shoulder surgery. Therefore, he should be relegated to a part-time DH and let the players brought up from Louisville get both the field and the at bats because they represent the potential future of the ball club. Votto has had a tremendous career and been a consummate teammate but at this point he is not an asset to the club in 2023 or beyond.
Votto should not play. He should coach. The young guys need the chance play and get better. Votto playing blocks a young guy from moving up to the Big game.
Don’t water the lawn. Don’t use any chemicals on the lawn. Cut the grass when it over three inches tall. Tall grass reduces weeds naturally.
Joey looks like he is having fun. Makes me happy.
The guy on the couch mows about two acres. Back is broken up with a small garden, a dozen fruit trees, and blueberries and blackberries. Seldom feeds. Front yard by house is smallish. One small annual bed. Perennials are the best. I finally cleared out the raised box garden by the deck today. Plants died that were supposed to go in it. Have to get more.
Asian pear tree is loaded this year. Happy camper.
My steady-eddy dwarf-hybrid pear tree, planted 32 years near the front steps in honor of Bill Mollison, the father of permaculture, is loaded again. Just keeps on producing and producing year after year. Fruits trees are like heavily front loaded 401Ks. Wise investment in the future.
Most years they break our hearts. No peaches this year. Apple trees are loaded, but not likely to last to harvest. We had one good year for Grannie Smiths. I’ll enjoy every crunch of the Asian pears.
If DLC and ES come up hot like McClain, and right now they're as hot as new suns exploding in the galaxies, and the Reds stay in the hunt, Joey fits as part-time DH, part-time on field. Steer is a leading candidate for ROY, even playing out of position. You simply can't penalize him. That's far more unfair than not playing Votto and violating some stupid unwritten code about vets. Votto has much to prove when he returns. I think playing part time without the everyday pressure will work for both him and Bell. He's a nightmare on the bases, which will badly handicap the current, very speedy version of the Reds.
And start playing DeLaCruz in LF in Louisville. Why haven't they? Dumb. The kid is ultra fast, tall. That has OF written all over it. Windows appear out of nowhere. Seize the day. Get them all up here and figure it out.
As a longtime organic gardener, I forewarn you. Lawns are petrochemical addiction machines, fed us by the advertising world, that invite numnuts who have no idea what soil is, how to keep it healthy, or how to respect it, to march straight into their local box stores and buy concoctions that they rarely understand and don't care anyway. They come out like cowboys armed with the latest six shooters, go home, and proceed to kill more creatures in a day than were killed in any war of the last century. Then they pop a beer and compliment themselves, assassins of the finest American degree. If you don't respect the earth, you don't respect life. A great looking lawn is usually an illusion and environmental catastrophe, America the dumb at its finest.
I agree on EDC. He’d be a stud outfielder and I doubt he’d play SS as effectively as McClain based on what we’ve seen from him so far.
Lots of opinions on Joey. Here's mine. Let's see how things shake out. First of all, will he ever be 100% again? Even he's not sure. But let's say he is. I wish I had a buck for every time I've heard or read he's done. Heard it a few years ago, then he went on a monstrous run and put up some gaudy numbers. He COULD do it again. So, if he's healthy, give him a chance. There's no doubt the desire is there. Father Time is the ultimate judge, however. The DH allows Bell to rotate that spot, which really benefits this team already. Things really get murky if and when Elly or Strand or both get called up, but what a nice problem. Regardless, rooting hard for Joey, who yes, would make a great hitting coach, but he's going to get big offers as a commentator, so I don't see it. As for grass, I'm sure enjoying the condo life.
If think there is a special place in hell for people who do not maintain their property. This means they cut their grass and make it look nice. Not perfect, just nice. My neighbours cut their grass at least 2-3x per year. It drives me nuts and really hurts the property value.
I'm wholly in your camp on the lawn thing. And I say this as a guy that - many moons ago - sodded the front yard and diligently had the local company come spray it quarterly. Then one day I saw a puddle on my drive that resembled the Arctic after the Exxon Valdez hemorrhaged oil into it. About the same time I developed stage 3 cancer and decided to try to get all of the chemicals out of my life that I could. The grass treatments were the first to go.
Now in no way am I saying that the lawn stuff contributed to my illness (correlation doesn't mean causation right ... or is it the other way around?). And I'm sure for most folks exposure to that stuff is fine. But I figured that for my particular set of DNA that started growing cancer at age 48, I'd do my best to eliminate everything that might exacerbate it that I could. No judgment at all on my many neighbors that still do the lawn treatment thing, but I now appreciate scrub grass, clover, etc that has gradually taken over my once pristine zoysia yard. Ditto my backyard that we've let go pretty native as well. I know this, the animals like it.
As for Votto ... it is indeed a conundrum. Given what I've read about Joey, he'd be the last guy to want to disrupt the team's mojo and I think of all the superstars out there that are in his position, he might just be okay with a lesser role once he comes back. But man, what a problem the Club is developing ... too many good players? Who'd have thunk that?
I read the Enquirer article this morning and thought the same thing about Votto. He would likely make a great hitting or bench coach if he is interested in pursuing it. His presence with the team is likely a key reason the young guys are hitting so well. Perhaps he can be a player coach when he returns and primarily be used as a DH unless Steer gets hurt or is needed at another position. He has been a loyal guy and deserves a chance to go out with a bang, especially since he is making the other players around him better.
I led the marketing research department for a few years for a company that made fungicides for agriculture and turf (primarily golf courses). I learned a lot about growing things and controlling diseases and other pests. I typically only make two fertilizer applications per year to my yard : the first in spring when dandelions pop up (with weed control), and the second in late fall. You really don't need any more fertilizer for your yard if you use a mulching mower and leave the lawn clippings (and leaves) in your yard. I may spot treat weeds in a problem area and also use an application to control grubs (reduce moles). People would be surprised how much testing is required to get a pesticide approved and most are safe when used properly. Since my front yard has a lot of shade from large trees, watering isn't needed very often and sometime it is better to let the grass go dormant. I still enjoy cutting grass because it is one of the only things that you immediately see the benefits of your work, and it is a good workout. During Covid, I used the push mower to cut my back and front yards (about 1.5 acres) for exercise and fresh air.
I've lived in Arizona for so long that I've learned to hate grass, even in Flagstaff where we get relatively decent precipitation. My parents put in some fake grass for their small dogs in their backyard in Mesa that seems to work pretty well. The only reason they put it in is because one of their dogs would try to eat rocks and fake grass is cheaper than vet visits.
As for Votto, I hope the Reds keep him on as a hitting coach. Is he able to be their full time DH? Clearly I haven't followed baseball as much lately as I used to...
Like a lot of commenters I feel trapped— social acceptance of my lawn vs. the destructive waste of maintaining it. And I think about that EVERY summer. I'd rather just let the lawn do whatever it wants, but that's just not viable (or prudent) right now. I have a service come a few times a year to fertilize and treat weeds and really don't like to do that, but I've seen what happens to yards in our neighborhood when they're not treated and it probably creates more property headaches than fewer in the long run (at least, that's what I'm telling myself). All in all, it's definitely a strange 1st world problem/conundrum. I have a co-worker who put in "no mow" grass this Spring and I'm dying to hear how that comes out. It's some sort of fine, dwarf fescue that's drought resistant and grows long, but flops over somewhat nicely (kind of wispy-looking). A part of me really wants this to be the new big thing in suburban lawns! Maybe we can all band together and start a movement in the Republic of Cincinnati (one yard at a time)!
Sorry but I make a living off the grass being green so hell yes ! Water it !
It’s time for Votto to hang it up. Great career but it’s over.
I broke down and watered yesterday, too. Can't believe I'm actually missing rain. But we could use a solid day or two of it.
The Joey Votto thing give me mixed feelings. I really had hoped to watch him for one more season before he's finished as a Red. I especially thought he'd benefit from the new shift restrictions. But now...I think his extended rehab may be a blessing in disguise. If he's not 100% he's not going to outperform any of their other current infielders. Would he entertain a move to outfield? Would that be potentially worse for his shoulder (throwing long distance)? As disappointing as it is for a Votto fan like me, maybe it's best if he isn't taking playing time away from someone likely to be part of the Reds future.