I thought you were relocating to St Augustine? I recently visited for the first time, and it's not somewhere I could live every day. I read most people who relocate in retirement end up moving back within 5 years. What's your story?
I had a hard time finishing your entire column, not because it wasn’t well written, but because I’m so sick of this woke bullshit! Our next generation won’t get to enjoy the games at Belmont Gym or the pick up games at Mt. Healthy, Oakley, St. Bernard Pavilion and other venues because of what is happening in the world today. We used to play to see who was the best; not to see who would pull a gun ! There were outstanding athletes who just wanted to win and say we got next ! What had happened to our country? Please comment if you have an opinion!
'Woke' means being basically aware and empathic, what does that have to do with pulling a gun? I grew up shooting BBs and .22s and the Meyers-Briggs INFJ profile describes me quite accurately. I can hit a target well enough but I've never owned a firearm as an adult
Woke means a lack of common sense. For example, men can have babies, men need tampons, men should be able to compete against women, men can share women's bathrooms and jails, shoplifting is OK but stopping the criminals is wrong, the police are the enemy and should be defunded, kids belong at drag shows, it's OK for 7 year-olds to change their sex, there are more than two genders, we should pay your college tuition, we should pay reparations for what happened 200 years ago, ANTIFA is anti-fascist, white supremacy is the worst threat to America, etc.
As far as the grading question, we don't yet have enough information. It would seem to be the expressed intent of the coursework for this to be the focus informing the issue. Your conclusions demonstrate numerous kneejerk assumptions in prejudice and bigotry to habitual degree ... not surprising from the exchange thus far
First thing we assess the source to find DM to be among the usual network of far right manufactured outrage dubious fake news echo chamber rabble rouser outlets (such as Daily Caller, also predictably echoing DM in nearly exact mirror image on this 'incident') stoking yet another cancel culture inciting flashpoint. The 'story' itself takes 8ok words and a 'click to continue reading' gateway to finally get to the admission that this alleged zero grade is for a topic submission proposal at the initial stage (and thus intended for reevaluation and resubmission) for the eventual project which counts for so much credit in the course. The Q is on it due to the student making a similar viral outrage echo chamber effort on tiktok, but that's a pay wall for me so no further help there
Continuity on the soccer pitch is much more important in the defensive third and to a lesser extent the midfield than it is in the attacking third. An effective offense is about quick strikes and effective spacing and positioning. The single best quality in a striker is an intangible: being in the “right place at the right time.” Defenders need to know each other’s tendencies so they can weave a web to minimize opportunities.
There is a big difference between being tolerant and posturing as a tolerant person. Even good people have some intolerances. Nobody's perfect. It comes down to a matter of degrees.
I don't know how much we blame social media for this intolerance phenomenon (a lot) vs. so many divisive people in politics and media these days (the two are probably connected at the hip) , but the whole thing is a royal pain. Those on the extreme side of both right and left seem to share identical personality types; rigidly stuck in their self righteousness, blind to their own intolerances, overly reactionary, devoid of compassion. I marvel at the coincidence (karma?) that Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson got fired at virtually the same moment for their excesses. Could things be changing a litte? It's eery how similar the Cancel Culture crowd and the Freedom Caucus crowd sound. So much pettiness and overblown hysteria. Ugh!
Calling any marginalized group "demonic" and "satanic" in a public forum should never be acceptable, particularly considering these times of insane reactionary legislatures and the growth of hate speech. Fortunately most of the new, ignorant legislation is getting tossed out by the courts. What we need to know is how folks like Bass got to where they are. Upbringing? Religious convictions? We can't root out intolerance without having some compassion for those bearing it. Childhood conditioning governs a lot of adult behaviors. It all starts and ends somewhere in our psyches. Compassion is a key element to change.
It's how we handle our mistakes that defines us. We all make them. Tom Brenneman has been overly punished, imho, and deserves another chance. I thought his firing was draconian. He has more than humbled himself. When I read the invectives and hate people are still throwing at him, I can only shake my head. Let him grow and improve. Fix yourself before demanding others fix themselves.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
What's this equating the left with cancel culture? The right is all in up to their eyeballs since years. Karens are the right cancel culture mavens now. Putin/Murdoch/Koch/GQP are 24,/7 full speed ahead culture warriors needing to ban everything now
People in my generation had to learn from experiences and grow as individuals. Our exposure to the world were based on our own situation and the examples of our parents. When I was in high school, many of my friends would be considered 'racist' today based on their language, but their only exposures to black people had been negative, and they didn't really know anyone. I saw them change as they had more positive experiences and matured. I think most behavior of this type was due to ignorance and lack of exposure, but the key was being open to new ideas and experiences. We could have discussions and debates and occasional fights, but didn't hold grudges (unless a friend 'stole' your girl).
A lot of young people today live in their own 'cell phone' world and are oblivious to what is going on around them. Social interaction and awareness skills have been greatly diminished and they can argue with anyone on social media without consequences. Social media companies profit from conflict and polarization, so they encourage it rather than provide unbiased information for people to learn from and consider.
Good points. Social media allows ugly verbal behaviors without consequence, and worse, instigators hide behind anonymity. No accountability. No resolution. Trash talking and trolling are commonplace and so hurtful. There is almost no parental supervision over phones, email, and the internet. Not only are cell phones distracting and addictive, they get used to deal out pain and revenge. There needs to be a way to get this under control. The problem is whenever government does the censoring, it tends to step all over free speech. Parents should step in, but it might be too late. I just read a really good article in the Atlantic pushing a ban on all cell phones in schools. Found nothing to argue with. Made total sense. How likely is it that such will happen, though? People can change, cultures can change. But do they without a huge crisis as motivation, and even then? It's rare.
Agreed, Pandora's Box is open when it comes to social media. I take solace in the knowledge that the human condition hasn't really had time to change but yet the technology has, and we have to weather the consequences somehow. Optimism even if it isn't really justified is my story and I'm sticking to it...
Optimism is always a good approach to controversial times. Till it isn't. Knowing when it isn't is the hard part. Stay too long and end up in the vortex of the whirlpool. Leave early and maybe lose everything. What to do, what to do,.........So much of any currentviewpoint is based on seat-of-the-pants processing in human time. Data may move supersonically, but it still has to be checked for accuracy every time. The time disparity is worrisome, like you said. Lies that once were debunked easily in real time now spread like wildfire in cyber time.
Ah, cognitive bias! The perfect subject for a contemplative TML. I have spent a fair amount of time trying to understand my own personal version, but I won’t bore you with the details. Nonetheless, it is on display whenever we throw opinions around here.
I believe most people overlook what makes them think the way they do. Your question to Osaka was so non-threatening there is no logical explanation for the over-the-top reaction. If that triggers an explosion of personal invective, darker forces must be at work. When it happened, my first thought was why even have press conferences if feelings are that raw? I am similarly perplexed when a sports star with unconfirmed qualifications like King James is asked a political question immediately after playing a difficult and taxing game. What makes that useful in the grand scheme of things?
As for the baseball player, revealing your inner self is certainly easier in the world of social media. Given that MLB set a standard for political correctness by moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta because the state legislature failed the MLB litmus test, my thinking is Bass needs to put the phone down whenever the Instagram or Twitter itch takes over. It’s certainly his right, thank God for America, but the man with the checkbook is always the man with the checkbook.
Finally, I have to say your writing and pontificating has reached new heights, Doc! I always look forward to TML and will be suffering in your European absence. And today was even more special when I saw the saintly words “Live and let Live!” That will sustain me for weeks, perhaps months. Keep up the good work, sir!
I think about professional soccer stars in countries other than their homes differently. They are seldom playing in or for their home countries. Opportunities to do so are rare and fleeting. They shine a light on places sometimes that otherwise get ignored. Not an American mindset. So many different leagues, including friendlies (whatever that means).
I can’t make myself pay close attention to culture wars. The object is to gin up anger and fear of others. And to suck all the oxygen out of the metaphorical room.
The sooner you hop that plane outta here the better you will feel. Cheers 🥳😎
I was fortunate to have a father who basically believed in MLK's dream long before his speech. He always taught us to judge people by their character and actions, not race/sex/appearance/or other classification. I really think most people accepted others better 20 years ago than they do today. The problem is that politicians, press, and social media activists want to create conflict rather than bring people together. Many 'Inclusivity' programs go beyond equal consideration and treatment for special groups and try to make the 'traditional' groups feel guilty and punished. This just pushes both sides further apart. We need to get back to treating people the way we want to be treated.
Music brings everyone together. I had forgotten this song and artist and enjoyed being reminded. It made me think of another great 'Babylon' song with a totally different style (and one of the best guitar solos ever).
And we understand why Kremlin hybrid warfare propaganda vs Western civilization seeds and amplifies particularly the conservative cancel culture echo chamber tactical agenda and practice?
Speaking of Western civilization, these were our Canadian brothers & sisters in the home crowd booing Mr Bass for his humanistic efforts. And the Blue Jays were likewise so moved they just DFA-ed him
Wow, love the song. It's heart wrenching,,,and headdy. I know, what does that mean...head gets inside your heart and messes up your heart...or head....Anyway, people need to keep their angry thoughts to themselves. DT said if someone strikes out, strike back at them. No one did start the strikes except those that wanted something to strike back at...so they just stirred up the hornets nests with lies. It's sad. Reds will be okay, but seriously need pitchers. Amazing, they had 23 one year to "try out" and this is what came of that? Today should be a much better game than yesterday, Lively, who shows potential, is the guy on the resin. Thank God for sports is all I can say. Sad that is where my sanity is these days.
Doc, you know as well as anyone that words have consequences and carry power. Calling a group of people demonic simply because of who they choose to love is flat-out wrong. Look at any other country in the world who uses similar language or has laws that directly impact marginalized groups and ask if that's who we really want to be. Bass's opinion and his elevation of the rhetoric of calling LGBTQ people "demonic" and "evil" has real world consequences (to say nothing of distracting from the issues that actually do affect you and me.)
I don't know what the answer is or the correct way to address it. I agree that the reaction to your question was ridiculously overblown as have been many of self-righteous attacks from the left. I just know that we function so much better as a society when everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed, rather than punching down on certain groups of people. If we got to that point, maybe we could focus in on why consumer protection laws have been gutted, why my insurance company is telling me that the treatments and medication I need aren't medically necessary, why the Sackler family are immune from the law, why we accept designed failure in the products we are sold, why our governmental reps are in the pockets of whoever can shell out the biggest bribe, etc, etc, etc.
I'd argue you're missing some important context in the Bass matter. The LGBTQIA+ community is under attack all around the country, with red states working to enact laws stripping their rights and hate groups targeting them in various ways (see Glendale, just this week). This isn't an opinion like "Marino is better than Montana." It's ugly and hateful toward a minority group already struggling against the worst impulses of politicians and close-minded people. Bass is entitled to his opinion, just as we all are, but he's also subject to consequences when he shares it widely -- just as we all are.
Chief, disagree that restricting gender changing surgeries for minors and banning boys/men from competing against girls/women in sports means that community is under attack. Similarly, parents deciding which books are appropriate for a school library does not attack that community.
Read the Olympic guidelines for admitting trans competitors. I find them both fair and comprehensive scientifically. Until then, you will continue to sound completely uneducated on this topic and remain somewhat laughable. I know you're extremely intelligent, IB. Just put in a little work and maybe you realize a little bending is in order. Carry on.
Such barbaric Cro-Magnon anti-science bullsh!t fascist anti-democracy culture wars/electoral manipulation propaganda in service of both Kremlin and conservative co-agendas
What are you saying Wayne? That kids who can't drink, smoke, or vote can elect to get their genitals removed? And that buys/men who are athletically superior can complete against girls/women? Name call me all you want, but name calling does not make my points wrong.
Sad that you are still Russian bogeyman, but that is part of the DNC talking points you shill.
Again, read the Olympic guidelines, Jay. You are so wrong and so uneducated. I understand, it's new stuff. But I found numerous references to the guidelines online and after seeing all the hoops a t-athlete has to jump through to compete, including physical measures such as muscle mass changes, etc, I could only conclude that it's pretty damn fair. Had the NCAA used these standards, we would have also been spared the situation with Liam Thomas, who would never have qualified to compete at the point he/she was in her transition. I agree with you, the lack of decent qualifying standards in her case created a folly. Criticize the NCAA, not her. And develop some compassion here.
Your argument falls apart, too, when you consider many women are as tall or taller than Thomas and have huge bone structures. Interestingly enough, some big boned, masculine looking women identify as butch, have deep voices, are gay and emulate men in their identities. The world is much bigger place than you can wrap your mind around. Surrounding yourself with a moat means you can be laid siege upon. And how will I protect you then?
Greg, please never call me uneducated again. I think we can disagree without being disrespectful.
We are not discussing the same thing. I have simply been stating that men who identify as women and hence are called trans women should not be allowed to compete against women. Lia Thomas is exhibit A of that. It is also prevalent in cycling and somewhat in running.
Before you tell me that big boned, husky voiced women can compete against men, I will simply point out that last weekend 3 high school boys in Ohio had faster times in the 800 meter run than the women’s world record. Extrapolate that across other states, college men, and other men and there are likely thousands of men who run faster than the fastest woman. To allow some men to compete against women because they call themselves women is unfair to women. Of course because some on the right point this out, you and others on the left feel the need to adopt a position which is actually harmful to women.
You have another comment below. Having a sex change surgery is significantly different than coming out of the closet. Once again, all I am saying is that kids should wait until they are 18 before they permanently alter their bodies. And, yes, there is a 1991 study that says that 53% of mothers of trans boys had borderline personality issues compared to 6% of the mothers of the non-trans boys.
Last, rapid onset gender dysphoria is more common again teen girls and likely a result of social contagion. There is no world in which 20% of the girl population is actually boys born into the wrong gendered body.
Based on your comments the last few weeks, I remain convinced you are badly uneducated on this topic. And in denial about it. That's not disrespectful. Sorry you feel that way. Plus, I complimented your intelligence earlier. Maybe too quickly, after this. Read more carefully. Geez, man, you are way off the mark these days. Maybe your eyeglass prescription needs adjustment? Something else? I'm here to help.
You also misconstrued the context around the "coming out of the closet" comment. It was relative to your ridiculous claim of the non-existence of T-folks until recently, which is an ignorant statement, thank you very much. Perhaps you didn't know they existed because many have been in the closet, safe from disapproval and hate and discrimination. Very similar to older gay men who had to be very closeted when they were young. No connection to sex change topic. Again, read carefully. Keep things in order and where they belong.
I read that 30 year old study years ago because you cited it years ago. It's outdated, flawed, and too small in sample size. There are newer studies that contradict it and provide important new insights. Again, read and educate yourself. Or give it up, man.
I've suggested many times you also read the Olympics standards for t-competitors. It's a whole new ball game. It blows your stubborn, narrowminded position out of the water. Maybe that's why you won't read it.
The standards are based on multiple lengthy international studies by physiologists, research scientists, medical practitioners, athletic trainers, etc, on what happens physiologically over years when going from a testosterone based body to an estrogen based body , and vice versa. It's cutting edge stuff. They wanted to get it right. After reading it, I say they did. The NCAA stupidly blew it by not using these findings. They created a maelstrom of hysteria and falsehoods that is being weaponized by the right to drum up hatred and panic towards all T folks and even the gay community again. It's bottom line ugly shit. You wanna dispute the Olympic standards with me, fine. Find out what they are first. We can discuss then.
As for me adopting a position harmful to women, save the horsebleep. When there are roughly 1000 cis-female athletes to every T-female athlete, we both know it's much adieu about nothing. Again I favor fair standards that are inclusive. Why don't you?
This cheap hysteria is largely an appeal to the southern baptist, disenfranchised Trump bigots by Fox and southern christian-based politicoes, hungry to legitimize long-standing , deeply rooted discrimination and win votes while repressing human rights of a small minority. As for the rapid onset gender dysphoira, it's a controversial fad theory that will no doubt be debunked soon. It's part of a passing fad. Kids go through lots of identity crises growing up. They jumped on this latest "fad of the month." Bad topic to use as an argument,
As for the truly trans kids, whose numbers are tiny, many experts agree no kid should ever be approved for surgery unless they have done a year or more of therapy, and have well-informed parents who know risks and consequences. The state can watch-dog that. After that, the state needs to bow out and let parents raise and love their children the best way they can. Not saying I approve of surgery for 7 year olds, either. I do think 18 is too arbitrary. I say let's confab the informed experts, not bigoted rightwing legislators, and have them study, debate, and set age limitations, if any. We need to stand back and let them figure this out.
You are also objectively and factually lying. What name did I call you? I happen to agree that genetic men/boys who have transitioned should not compete in women's sports w/o some form of agreement as to awards equity understanding i.e. disadvantaging further opportunity for female athlete advancent). I made no statement in that regard. That's also so statistically rare in the sub-18 demo as to qualify as another scripted gaslighting (i.e. dishonest narrative) propaganda trope tactic
What I'm saying is there is a legitimate subset of under 18 persons who are born with opposite sex organs than their legitimate gender identity (i.e. this is not a matter of choice) . To deny them the option of medical choice of their options to address that is barbarism. Minors are already subject to the control of their parents
It is a negligible subset which only came into existence recently and half of them have mothers who are bi-polar. They can wait until they are 18 to make such a life altering choice.
They did NOT come into existence only recently. Quit repeating that overworked Republican/Christian lie. You only became aware recently. You have been living in ignorance. And could you cite the study on the bi-polar moms? Hope it's not the debunked one where they admitted they only studied a tiny sample size, and it was done decades ago, with extremely narrow parameters. I'd like to read it and also verify its legitimacy. T-type people have existed in every culture throughout human history. They often know who they are by age 5. Surgical options have only been available for the last half century, which, like any new phenomenon, has created new cultural parameters that need dealing with. Not here to debate those issues today, just wanted to point out that coming out of the closet is really different than never existing. Ask an older gay man. If you know any. He will definitely enlighten you on what being stuck in the closet was like. Grow a little, man. And maybe grow up a little at the same time. You sound stuck and spoiled lately. What's really going on? I'm always here to help. :<)
Actually that's an adjective description, to call a name is use a noun. This 'namecalling' trope is characteristic of grade schoolers though, which is a feature of such firehose of falsehoods (FOF) style trollbots in the vein of Lauren Boebert or Maggie T Greene. Your typical target for this type of trolling exhibits extreme, if not malignant narcissism. An identifying feature is emotional maturity in the 5-12 yo range. so it doesn't need to reflect an adult sophistication level in pandering to the 'conservative base'
And you are objectively and factually a liar. Who did I call any names? The propaganda is likewise scripted boilerplate and mindfully deceptive, both actions are what we deem 'satanic'
This guy's a MAGA guy. He's like a troll. I tried discussing with him once and he kept moving the goalposts, which is troll personality trait #1. Just ignore him. He's living on some non-existent planet.
This dumb ape didn't even express an opinion, he just parroted a scripted, deliberate propaganda trope deliberately and mindfully designed to malign a vulnerable population with hatred using deliberate lying falsehoods to incite terroristic violence and abuse ... not only against the chosen target, but also innocent bystanders working to deliver merchandise to the masses. These kinds of deliberate mass media tactics also have secondary intention to foment the exact divisive 'issue' aftermath as has predictably ensued, namely further stoking the enmity and division that virtually threatens our democratic system of respect for democratic equality and freedoms. That the wholly predictable consequences of his actions moved this offender to ponder some modicum of empathic self-education and reflection and possibly reevaluation is a positive outcome in my eyes
I agree with you and the Chief. The problem, though, is with the tactics of those on the "correct" side of the issue. If they would merely expose Bass, Curt Schilling and their ilk for the oafs that they are, and let individuals decide how to digest it, I think they would accomplish more than they do when using terms like "re-educate" and concepts like "training". Nearly everyone knows a jackass when they see one. Making martyrs them only raises their profile and brings them the comfort of support of other jackasses.
lol OK... even though my Mom graduated summa in elementary Ed from the Morehead State U when I was 16 (ironically also how old she was when she birthed me) I know from experience there were plenty of things she also learned by trial & error
A great friend of mine, who retired as a teacher, once told me, the difference between Ignorance and stupidity, is ignorance is a lack of knowledge, stupidity is when you have the knowledge, and still claim ignorance !
Your paragraph about not being at each other's throats and live and let live made me think of one of my heroes, Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut is obviously a great writer with a long list of books to his credit, but it was what he said and wrote about the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus' teachings that have really shaped my worldview.
Vonnegut, who was described at a "Christ-loving atheist," essentially believed we should all be good to each other and Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer specifically lay the foundation on how to do that. That's it. The words resonated with him, but he certainly wasn't advocating for organized religion or Christianity, which I feel probably (and unfortunately) needs to be said.
My opinion and $5 might get you a cheap coffee at Starbucks, but I feel like working off the baseline of just being good to people has wild residual effects. Tolerance, understanding and acceptance are all baked into the good equation...even if they are packaged in just letting people live their lives without planting a flag or beating your chest for or against fill-in-the-blank topic.
If Jesus Christ - a long-haired Jew preaching tolerance and forgiveness - had emerged in the 1960s rather than when he did, Kurt Vonnegut would no doubt have still loved him. I don't think the same could be said for these "Christians" who routinely ignore his teachings while wrapping themselves in his image. And now, the far left is demonstrating a similar talent for hypocrisy. I'll never side with one who endorses the kind of hatred that Mr Bass did. But I sure wish we could just call him as A-hole and get on with our lives.
I thought you were relocating to St Augustine? I recently visited for the first time, and it's not somewhere I could live every day. I read most people who relocate in retirement end up moving back within 5 years. What's your story?
I had a hard time finishing your entire column, not because it wasn’t well written, but because I’m so sick of this woke bullshit! Our next generation won’t get to enjoy the games at Belmont Gym or the pick up games at Mt. Healthy, Oakley, St. Bernard Pavilion and other venues because of what is happening in the world today. We used to play to see who was the best; not to see who would pull a gun ! There were outstanding athletes who just wanted to win and say we got next ! What had happened to our country? Please comment if you have an opinion!
'Woke' means being basically aware and empathic, what does that have to do with pulling a gun? I grew up shooting BBs and .22s and the Meyers-Briggs INFJ profile describes me quite accurately. I can hit a target well enough but I've never owned a firearm as an adult
Woke means a lack of common sense. For example, men can have babies, men need tampons, men should be able to compete against women, men can share women's bathrooms and jails, shoplifting is OK but stopping the criminals is wrong, the police are the enemy and should be defunded, kids belong at drag shows, it's OK for 7 year-olds to change their sex, there are more than two genders, we should pay your college tuition, we should pay reparations for what happened 200 years ago, ANTIFA is anti-fascist, white supremacy is the worst threat to America, etc.
Have you considered therapy? Ranting only goes so far.
The Pavlovian floodgates flung wide open ... 'woke' is clearly a many splendored thing
Here is another example of wokeism. A UC "gender studies" professor flunks a student because she used the term "biological female" in her essay. Was this professor expressing empathy? Or was she expressing the fact that she has no common sense? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12180019/Gender-studies-professor-BRAGS-failing-students-offend-woke-gender-beliefs.html
As far as the grading question, we don't yet have enough information. It would seem to be the expressed intent of the coursework for this to be the focus informing the issue. Your conclusions demonstrate numerous kneejerk assumptions in prejudice and bigotry to habitual degree ... not surprising from the exchange thus far
First thing we assess the source to find DM to be among the usual network of far right manufactured outrage dubious fake news echo chamber rabble rouser outlets (such as Daily Caller, also predictably echoing DM in nearly exact mirror image on this 'incident') stoking yet another cancel culture inciting flashpoint. The 'story' itself takes 8ok words and a 'click to continue reading' gateway to finally get to the admission that this alleged zero grade is for a topic submission proposal at the initial stage (and thus intended for reevaluation and resubmission) for the eventual project which counts for so much credit in the course. The Q is on it due to the student making a similar viral outrage echo chamber effort on tiktok, but that's a pay wall for me so no further help there
Continuity on the soccer pitch is much more important in the defensive third and to a lesser extent the midfield than it is in the attacking third. An effective offense is about quick strikes and effective spacing and positioning. The single best quality in a striker is an intangible: being in the “right place at the right time.” Defenders need to know each other’s tendencies so they can weave a web to minimize opportunities.
There is a big difference between being tolerant and posturing as a tolerant person. Even good people have some intolerances. Nobody's perfect. It comes down to a matter of degrees.
I don't know how much we blame social media for this intolerance phenomenon (a lot) vs. so many divisive people in politics and media these days (the two are probably connected at the hip) , but the whole thing is a royal pain. Those on the extreme side of both right and left seem to share identical personality types; rigidly stuck in their self righteousness, blind to their own intolerances, overly reactionary, devoid of compassion. I marvel at the coincidence (karma?) that Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson got fired at virtually the same moment for their excesses. Could things be changing a litte? It's eery how similar the Cancel Culture crowd and the Freedom Caucus crowd sound. So much pettiness and overblown hysteria. Ugh!
Calling any marginalized group "demonic" and "satanic" in a public forum should never be acceptable, particularly considering these times of insane reactionary legislatures and the growth of hate speech. Fortunately most of the new, ignorant legislation is getting tossed out by the courts. What we need to know is how folks like Bass got to where they are. Upbringing? Religious convictions? We can't root out intolerance without having some compassion for those bearing it. Childhood conditioning governs a lot of adult behaviors. It all starts and ends somewhere in our psyches. Compassion is a key element to change.
It's how we handle our mistakes that defines us. We all make them. Tom Brenneman has been overly punished, imho, and deserves another chance. I thought his firing was draconian. He has more than humbled himself. When I read the invectives and hate people are still throwing at him, I can only shake my head. Let him grow and improve. Fix yourself before demanding others fix themselves.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
What's this equating the left with cancel culture? The right is all in up to their eyeballs since years. Karens are the right cancel culture mavens now. Putin/Murdoch/Koch/GQP are 24,/7 full speed ahead culture warriors needing to ban everything now
People in my generation had to learn from experiences and grow as individuals. Our exposure to the world were based on our own situation and the examples of our parents. When I was in high school, many of my friends would be considered 'racist' today based on their language, but their only exposures to black people had been negative, and they didn't really know anyone. I saw them change as they had more positive experiences and matured. I think most behavior of this type was due to ignorance and lack of exposure, but the key was being open to new ideas and experiences. We could have discussions and debates and occasional fights, but didn't hold grudges (unless a friend 'stole' your girl).
A lot of young people today live in their own 'cell phone' world and are oblivious to what is going on around them. Social interaction and awareness skills have been greatly diminished and they can argue with anyone on social media without consequences. Social media companies profit from conflict and polarization, so they encourage it rather than provide unbiased information for people to learn from and consider.
Good points. Social media allows ugly verbal behaviors without consequence, and worse, instigators hide behind anonymity. No accountability. No resolution. Trash talking and trolling are commonplace and so hurtful. There is almost no parental supervision over phones, email, and the internet. Not only are cell phones distracting and addictive, they get used to deal out pain and revenge. There needs to be a way to get this under control. The problem is whenever government does the censoring, it tends to step all over free speech. Parents should step in, but it might be too late. I just read a really good article in the Atlantic pushing a ban on all cell phones in schools. Found nothing to argue with. Made total sense. How likely is it that such will happen, though? People can change, cultures can change. But do they without a huge crisis as motivation, and even then? It's rare.
Agreed, Pandora's Box is open when it comes to social media. I take solace in the knowledge that the human condition hasn't really had time to change but yet the technology has, and we have to weather the consequences somehow. Optimism even if it isn't really justified is my story and I'm sticking to it...
Optimism is always a good approach to controversial times. Till it isn't. Knowing when it isn't is the hard part. Stay too long and end up in the vortex of the whirlpool. Leave early and maybe lose everything. What to do, what to do,.........So much of any currentviewpoint is based on seat-of-the-pants processing in human time. Data may move supersonically, but it still has to be checked for accuracy every time. The time disparity is worrisome, like you said. Lies that once were debunked easily in real time now spread like wildfire in cyber time.
Ah, cognitive bias! The perfect subject for a contemplative TML. I have spent a fair amount of time trying to understand my own personal version, but I won’t bore you with the details. Nonetheless, it is on display whenever we throw opinions around here.
I believe most people overlook what makes them think the way they do. Your question to Osaka was so non-threatening there is no logical explanation for the over-the-top reaction. If that triggers an explosion of personal invective, darker forces must be at work. When it happened, my first thought was why even have press conferences if feelings are that raw? I am similarly perplexed when a sports star with unconfirmed qualifications like King James is asked a political question immediately after playing a difficult and taxing game. What makes that useful in the grand scheme of things?
As for the baseball player, revealing your inner self is certainly easier in the world of social media. Given that MLB set a standard for political correctness by moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta because the state legislature failed the MLB litmus test, my thinking is Bass needs to put the phone down whenever the Instagram or Twitter itch takes over. It’s certainly his right, thank God for America, but the man with the checkbook is always the man with the checkbook.
Finally, I have to say your writing and pontificating has reached new heights, Doc! I always look forward to TML and will be suffering in your European absence. And today was even more special when I saw the saintly words “Live and let Live!” That will sustain me for weeks, perhaps months. Keep up the good work, sir!
Sitting this one out today, playing a Member Guest at Summit Hills CC. Doc, it would suck to get cancelled and heckled and hated on.
Cheers to everyone!
I think about professional soccer stars in countries other than their homes differently. They are seldom playing in or for their home countries. Opportunities to do so are rare and fleeting. They shine a light on places sometimes that otherwise get ignored. Not an American mindset. So many different leagues, including friendlies (whatever that means).
I can’t make myself pay close attention to culture wars. The object is to gin up anger and fear of others. And to suck all the oxygen out of the metaphorical room.
The sooner you hop that plane outta here the better you will feel. Cheers 🥳😎
I was fortunate to have a father who basically believed in MLK's dream long before his speech. He always taught us to judge people by their character and actions, not race/sex/appearance/or other classification. I really think most people accepted others better 20 years ago than they do today. The problem is that politicians, press, and social media activists want to create conflict rather than bring people together. Many 'Inclusivity' programs go beyond equal consideration and treatment for special groups and try to make the 'traditional' groups feel guilty and punished. This just pushes both sides further apart. We need to get back to treating people the way we want to be treated.
Music brings everyone together. I had forgotten this song and artist and enjoyed being reminded. It made me think of another great 'Babylon' song with a totally different style (and one of the best guitar solos ever).
More Babylon (Blues)
I hope this link works. IMO this is the Cancel Culture MO.
And we understand why Kremlin hybrid warfare propaganda vs Western civilization seeds and amplifies particularly the conservative cancel culture echo chamber tactical agenda and practice?
Speaking of Western civilization, these were our Canadian brothers & sisters in the home crowd booing Mr Bass for his humanistic efforts. And the Blue Jays were likewise so moved they just DFA-ed him
As Homer Simpson once said, "D'oh! Stupid poetic justice."
Wow, love the song. It's heart wrenching,,,and headdy. I know, what does that mean...head gets inside your heart and messes up your heart...or head....Anyway, people need to keep their angry thoughts to themselves. DT said if someone strikes out, strike back at them. No one did start the strikes except those that wanted something to strike back at...so they just stirred up the hornets nests with lies. It's sad. Reds will be okay, but seriously need pitchers. Amazing, they had 23 one year to "try out" and this is what came of that? Today should be a much better game than yesterday, Lively, who shows potential, is the guy on the resin. Thank God for sports is all I can say. Sad that is where my sanity is these days.
Think Ryder Cup when you think of Harry Kane playing for Tottenham Hotspurs as well as England🤷♀️
Totally agree, Debra but most people on here would need the equivalent of a sports Rosetta Stone to understand.
Yep, we'uns on this here blog are thtupid.
Here’s your stone.
That's the sort of elitist snark that might or might not turn some people away from the Beautiful Game
Oh, please. Soccer enthusiasts routinely get jabbed on here and we roll with it. I think you need two stones and they aren’t the Rosetta kind.
Fair enough
Doc, you know as well as anyone that words have consequences and carry power. Calling a group of people demonic simply because of who they choose to love is flat-out wrong. Look at any other country in the world who uses similar language or has laws that directly impact marginalized groups and ask if that's who we really want to be. Bass's opinion and his elevation of the rhetoric of calling LGBTQ people "demonic" and "evil" has real world consequences (to say nothing of distracting from the issues that actually do affect you and me.)
I don't know what the answer is or the correct way to address it. I agree that the reaction to your question was ridiculously overblown as have been many of self-righteous attacks from the left. I just know that we function so much better as a society when everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed, rather than punching down on certain groups of people. If we got to that point, maybe we could focus in on why consumer protection laws have been gutted, why my insurance company is telling me that the treatments and medication I need aren't medically necessary, why the Sackler family are immune from the law, why we accept designed failure in the products we are sold, why our governmental reps are in the pockets of whoever can shell out the biggest bribe, etc, etc, etc.
And let's remember, those that speak the loudest live in an empty barrel.
That's a new one. I'm filing that one away in the ol' cerebral cabinet. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, lol.
It takes an old dog to know....
Thanks. Understood.
I rarely agree with you on your "Stick to Sports" topics but today I agree 100%. I only wish that more people had the balls to stand up and say, "I said what I said and I stand by it". These "apologies" are weak and embarrassing. Speaking of Stick to Sports, I have two suggestions for future columns that actually involve sports: men competing against women and the Dodgers inviting an anti-Catholic drag group to perform at Pride Night: https://www.outkick.com/dodgers-cowardice-on-anti-catholic-drag-group-shows-who-they-really-value-ian-miller/ https://www.outkick.com/?s=riley+gaines
I'd argue you're missing some important context in the Bass matter. The LGBTQIA+ community is under attack all around the country, with red states working to enact laws stripping their rights and hate groups targeting them in various ways (see Glendale, just this week). This isn't an opinion like "Marino is better than Montana." It's ugly and hateful toward a minority group already struggling against the worst impulses of politicians and close-minded people. Bass is entitled to his opinion, just as we all are, but he's also subject to consequences when he shares it widely -- just as we all are.
Chief, disagree that restricting gender changing surgeries for minors and banning boys/men from competing against girls/women in sports means that community is under attack. Similarly, parents deciding which books are appropriate for a school library does not attack that community.
Read the Olympic guidelines for admitting trans competitors. I find them both fair and comprehensive scientifically. Until then, you will continue to sound completely uneducated on this topic and remain somewhat laughable. I know you're extremely intelligent, IB. Just put in a little work and maybe you realize a little bending is in order. Carry on.
Such barbaric Cro-Magnon anti-science bullsh!t fascist anti-democracy culture wars/electoral manipulation propaganda in service of both Kremlin and conservative co-agendas
What are you saying Wayne? That kids who can't drink, smoke, or vote can elect to get their genitals removed? And that buys/men who are athletically superior can complete against girls/women? Name call me all you want, but name calling does not make my points wrong.
Sad that you are still Russian bogeyman, but that is part of the DNC talking points you shill.
Again, read the Olympic guidelines, Jay. You are so wrong and so uneducated. I understand, it's new stuff. But I found numerous references to the guidelines online and after seeing all the hoops a t-athlete has to jump through to compete, including physical measures such as muscle mass changes, etc, I could only conclude that it's pretty damn fair. Had the NCAA used these standards, we would have also been spared the situation with Liam Thomas, who would never have qualified to compete at the point he/she was in her transition. I agree with you, the lack of decent qualifying standards in her case created a folly. Criticize the NCAA, not her. And develop some compassion here.
Your argument falls apart, too, when you consider many women are as tall or taller than Thomas and have huge bone structures. Interestingly enough, some big boned, masculine looking women identify as butch, have deep voices, are gay and emulate men in their identities. The world is much bigger place than you can wrap your mind around. Surrounding yourself with a moat means you can be laid siege upon. And how will I protect you then?
Greg, please never call me uneducated again. I think we can disagree without being disrespectful.
We are not discussing the same thing. I have simply been stating that men who identify as women and hence are called trans women should not be allowed to compete against women. Lia Thomas is exhibit A of that. It is also prevalent in cycling and somewhat in running.
Before you tell me that big boned, husky voiced women can compete against men, I will simply point out that last weekend 3 high school boys in Ohio had faster times in the 800 meter run than the women’s world record. Extrapolate that across other states, college men, and other men and there are likely thousands of men who run faster than the fastest woman. To allow some men to compete against women because they call themselves women is unfair to women. Of course because some on the right point this out, you and others on the left feel the need to adopt a position which is actually harmful to women.
You have another comment below. Having a sex change surgery is significantly different than coming out of the closet. Once again, all I am saying is that kids should wait until they are 18 before they permanently alter their bodies. And, yes, there is a 1991 study that says that 53% of mothers of trans boys had borderline personality issues compared to 6% of the mothers of the non-trans boys.
Last, rapid onset gender dysphoria is more common again teen girls and likely a result of social contagion. There is no world in which 20% of the girl population is actually boys born into the wrong gendered body.
Based on your comments the last few weeks, I remain convinced you are badly uneducated on this topic. And in denial about it. That's not disrespectful. Sorry you feel that way. Plus, I complimented your intelligence earlier. Maybe too quickly, after this. Read more carefully. Geez, man, you are way off the mark these days. Maybe your eyeglass prescription needs adjustment? Something else? I'm here to help.
You also misconstrued the context around the "coming out of the closet" comment. It was relative to your ridiculous claim of the non-existence of T-folks until recently, which is an ignorant statement, thank you very much. Perhaps you didn't know they existed because many have been in the closet, safe from disapproval and hate and discrimination. Very similar to older gay men who had to be very closeted when they were young. No connection to sex change topic. Again, read carefully. Keep things in order and where they belong.
I read that 30 year old study years ago because you cited it years ago. It's outdated, flawed, and too small in sample size. There are newer studies that contradict it and provide important new insights. Again, read and educate yourself. Or give it up, man.
I've suggested many times you also read the Olympics standards for t-competitors. It's a whole new ball game. It blows your stubborn, narrowminded position out of the water. Maybe that's why you won't read it.
The standards are based on multiple lengthy international studies by physiologists, research scientists, medical practitioners, athletic trainers, etc, on what happens physiologically over years when going from a testosterone based body to an estrogen based body , and vice versa. It's cutting edge stuff. They wanted to get it right. After reading it, I say they did. The NCAA stupidly blew it by not using these findings. They created a maelstrom of hysteria and falsehoods that is being weaponized by the right to drum up hatred and panic towards all T folks and even the gay community again. It's bottom line ugly shit. You wanna dispute the Olympic standards with me, fine. Find out what they are first. We can discuss then.
As for me adopting a position harmful to women, save the horsebleep. When there are roughly 1000 cis-female athletes to every T-female athlete, we both know it's much adieu about nothing. Again I favor fair standards that are inclusive. Why don't you?
This cheap hysteria is largely an appeal to the southern baptist, disenfranchised Trump bigots by Fox and southern christian-based politicoes, hungry to legitimize long-standing , deeply rooted discrimination and win votes while repressing human rights of a small minority. As for the rapid onset gender dysphoira, it's a controversial fad theory that will no doubt be debunked soon. It's part of a passing fad. Kids go through lots of identity crises growing up. They jumped on this latest "fad of the month." Bad topic to use as an argument,
As for the truly trans kids, whose numbers are tiny, many experts agree no kid should ever be approved for surgery unless they have done a year or more of therapy, and have well-informed parents who know risks and consequences. The state can watch-dog that. After that, the state needs to bow out and let parents raise and love their children the best way they can. Not saying I approve of surgery for 7 year olds, either. I do think 18 is too arbitrary. I say let's confab the informed experts, not bigoted rightwing legislators, and have them study, debate, and set age limitations, if any. We need to stand back and let them figure this out.
You are also objectively and factually lying. What name did I call you? I happen to agree that genetic men/boys who have transitioned should not compete in women's sports w/o some form of agreement as to awards equity understanding i.e. disadvantaging further opportunity for female athlete advancent). I made no statement in that regard. That's also so statistically rare in the sub-18 demo as to qualify as another scripted gaslighting (i.e. dishonest narrative) propaganda trope tactic
What I'm saying is there is a legitimate subset of under 18 persons who are born with opposite sex organs than their legitimate gender identity (i.e. this is not a matter of choice) . To deny them the option of medical choice of their options to address that is barbarism. Minors are already subject to the control of their parents
It is a negligible subset which only came into existence recently and half of them have mothers who are bi-polar. They can wait until they are 18 to make such a life altering choice.
You've got girls born with XY chromosomes who don't even figure it out until nothing happens at puberty. So you're saying these people don't exist? https://www.vice.com/en/article/4xkedq/when-teenage-girls-find-out-theyre-genetically-male
They did NOT come into existence only recently. Quit repeating that overworked Republican/Christian lie. You only became aware recently. You have been living in ignorance. And could you cite the study on the bi-polar moms? Hope it's not the debunked one where they admitted they only studied a tiny sample size, and it was done decades ago, with extremely narrow parameters. I'd like to read it and also verify its legitimacy. T-type people have existed in every culture throughout human history. They often know who they are by age 5. Surgical options have only been available for the last half century, which, like any new phenomenon, has created new cultural parameters that need dealing with. Not here to debate those issues today, just wanted to point out that coming out of the closet is really different than never existing. Ask an older gay man. If you know any. He will definitely enlighten you on what being stuck in the closet was like. Grow a little, man. And maybe grow up a little at the same time. You sound stuck and spoiled lately. What's really going on? I'm always here to help. :<)
So typical of the left to resort to name calling
So typical of the left to resort to name calling when you disagree with facts or opinions that you don't like. Childish.
I believe "childish" is name calling, too. For what it's worth.
Actually that's an adjective description, to call a name is use a noun. This 'namecalling' trope is characteristic of grade schoolers though, which is a feature of such firehose of falsehoods (FOF) style trollbots in the vein of Lauren Boebert or Maggie T Greene. Your typical target for this type of trolling exhibits extreme, if not malignant narcissism. An identifying feature is emotional maturity in the 5-12 yo range. so it doesn't need to reflect an adult sophistication level in pandering to the 'conservative base'
And you are objectively and factually a liar. Who did I call any names? The propaganda is likewise scripted boilerplate and mindfully deceptive, both actions are what we deem 'satanic'
This guy's a MAGA guy. He's like a troll. I tried discussing with him once and he kept moving the goalposts, which is troll personality trait #1. Just ignore him. He's living on some non-existent planet.
This dumb ape didn't even express an opinion, he just parroted a scripted, deliberate propaganda trope deliberately and mindfully designed to malign a vulnerable population with hatred using deliberate lying falsehoods to incite terroristic violence and abuse ... not only against the chosen target, but also innocent bystanders working to deliver merchandise to the masses. These kinds of deliberate mass media tactics also have secondary intention to foment the exact divisive 'issue' aftermath as has predictably ensued, namely further stoking the enmity and division that virtually threatens our democratic system of respect for democratic equality and freedoms. That the wholly predictable consequences of his actions moved this offender to ponder some modicum of empathic self-education and reflection and possibly reevaluation is a positive outcome in my eyes
I agree with you and the Chief. The problem, though, is with the tactics of those on the "correct" side of the issue. If they would merely expose Bass, Curt Schilling and their ilk for the oafs that they are, and let individuals decide how to digest it, I think they would accomplish more than they do when using terms like "re-educate" and concepts like "training". Nearly everyone knows a jackass when they see one. Making martyrs them only raises their profile and brings them the comfort of support of other jackasses.
All I know about that is reading here his own admission of commitment to self-educate
Yes, well I don't believe that came to him by way of his conscience.
lol OK... even though my Mom graduated summa in elementary Ed from the Morehead State U when I was 16 (ironically also how old she was when she birthed me) I know from experience there were plenty of things she also learned by trial & error
A great friend of mine, who retired as a teacher, once told me, the difference between Ignorance and stupidity, is ignorance is a lack of knowledge, stupidity is when you have the knowledge, and still claim ignorance !
I like that, Mark. On the money!
Your paragraph about not being at each other's throats and live and let live made me think of one of my heroes, Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut is obviously a great writer with a long list of books to his credit, but it was what he said and wrote about the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus' teachings that have really shaped my worldview.
Vonnegut, who was described at a "Christ-loving atheist," essentially believed we should all be good to each other and Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer specifically lay the foundation on how to do that. That's it. The words resonated with him, but he certainly wasn't advocating for organized religion or Christianity, which I feel probably (and unfortunately) needs to be said.
My opinion and $5 might get you a cheap coffee at Starbucks, but I feel like working off the baseline of just being good to people has wild residual effects. Tolerance, understanding and acceptance are all baked into the good equation...even if they are packaged in just letting people live their lives without planting a flag or beating your chest for or against fill-in-the-blank topic.
Beautiful. It's all right there. I consider this Fully-Useful Knowledge.
If Jesus Christ - a long-haired Jew preaching tolerance and forgiveness - had emerged in the 1960s rather than when he did, Kurt Vonnegut would no doubt have still loved him. I don't think the same could be said for these "Christians" who routinely ignore his teachings while wrapping themselves in his image. And now, the far left is demonstrating a similar talent for hypocrisy. I'll never side with one who endorses the kind of hatred that Mr Bass did. But I sure wish we could just call him as A-hole and get on with our lives.
The crux of the problem is, a lot of people agree with him. It's way bigger than him. He's just a clarion.
“I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.”
He was an American treasure. Playfulness on the page.
I have never heard that quote before but I guarantee I’ve been tied for or leading the league since 1986.😁