Love Lap. He does rank up there with Marty. Joe and the Cowboy. My only complaint is he forgets that he is describing to those who are listening the action on the field. Sometimes is him screaming AHG... before we know what happened. Wait for it... Loved the tune of the day. Always learn something new on TML.

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I was surprised to learn that Lap wasn’t already in! At times, Lap’s enthusiasm makes makes Nuxy’s look mild. He is a true cheerleader and what I love about him is…my brother in law is a true Browns fan and he loathes and despises Lap. That makes me love Lap even more!

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Good read. I too remember dialing in to listen to the Gunner in the Maryland suburbs. A buddy from New Castle, Fred Hassen and I would dial in on school nights. Then have an open phone line to follow the game. The KDKA signal just barely reached us from 200 miles away. Lot's of static, but Bob Prince's gravelly voice broke through loud and clear. Announcing "Hoovah's" when a double play swept the bases clean. Or enjoy your chicken on the Hill with Will when Willie Stargell hit a game winning home run. We were all part of that Pittsburgh diaspora that began in the 1960's and flooded in the 1970's as the mills closed down leaving the Burgh high and try when it came to the job market.

As for the rule change. Watch for the law of unintended consequences as team's adjust. In a tight game, instead of a short high kickoff to trap the team behind the 25 to get the ball back, teams may try squib kicks which could lead to even more injuries during the mad scramble for the ball. Miss the days of Devin Hester. Ironically, Dr Melanie Friedlander reported that the publically available data indicates that 11 of the 19 concussions suffered on kickoffs resulted after a returner attempted to return the ball from the end zone. So, the impact on reducing injuries probably minimal.

Finally, love the title of your book. I confess to not reading ... yet. When I coached rugby; I always told the team near the end of the game the same words, "Finish Strong."

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Just wish Lap would cut out the “coffin nails” thing he does when the Bengals win is secured, especially in lieu of the Damar Hamlin incident.

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Does that term upset you or Damar?

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My comments are late today due to lots of yardwork. You have convinced me to include Dave Lapham in my vote this year in addition to Reggie Williams. (I originally had Max Montoya due to his key contributions and curse). I really don't like the changes to the kickoffs. The returns can be exciting at times and Bengals usually have good returners and coverage. This will really hurt the fringe players who are outstanding on special teams.

You've probably heard that we lost an icon today in Tina Turner. She was a true role model for working hard and making the most of your talents despite obstacles that would deter most people. I can't believe that my bands actually played her songs (with Ike) back in the early 70's. She is now adding energy and music to heaven. Perhaps you can honor her with a tune of the day tomorrow.

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I Love Lap! Listening to him on the radio is a trip...especially if he isn't calling the game...cause he always does, right when a great play is about to be announced...He give out a big "'HE GOT IT! HE GOT IT!!!" .or..."Interception!! WE GOT IT!!!...He was always so funny. I'd just tune in to him and he gave away each and every play that mattered before we were officially told what happened. He's a trip! May he keep on keeping on. I tune him in for lots of laughs. And he is very football savvy, having been there, done that. I actually thought one day he'd become a coach. He's one of those guys I'd like to have a beer with.

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This is regarding your last post about country music. Give Toby Keith a listen. Especially, the songs that never hit the radio.

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Boy, if we could swap out Sadak for Hoard, it would be a joyous occasion. I like Sadak, think he's a nice guy, but every Red going from 1st to 3rd is described like the Hindenberg disaster.

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Doc is not a Sadak fan.

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That would be great. But I'd rather have him on radio. To borrow on JP's comment earlier (and channel an obscure Dylan lyric), it blows my mind most bitterly that the Reds have such a talent at their disposal and have failed to take advantage of it.

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Dan Hoard paired with Brantley is an opportunity MISSED by the Cincinnati Reds. IMHO.

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That Steve Forbert song sounds like a one man Bodeans minus the harmony. Not bad.

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Lap deserves to be in the Ring of Honor. I like everything about him except one thing: I can't stand his cheering, yelling, oophing, groaning, etc into an open mic while the play is being called. The big difference between Lap and Nuxy is that Nuxy had his mic off and you could here him in the background cheering the ball over the fence. Lap loudly stepping all over the play by play makes him unlistenable during the game. Love his between play analysis, his locker room interviews, etc. but man, can't handle him during the play.

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disagree to disagree

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Nailed it. As usual. I love Laph. Don't listen to Reds radio near as much since Marty left. Simply put, some people have shoes that cannot be filled. I never thought the magic could be duplicated after Joe was gone. Then Brantley showed up out of nowhere. Perfect. I don't have this exactly right but just two days ago I told my son this anecdote. Marty and Jeff going off topic. Brantley likes food. Somehow the subject came up about Brantley's wife's cooking. "I tell you Marty, my wife is the best cook in the world. You can put her gravy on cardboard and it will taste great!" During a baseball game! Simply fantastic.

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Brantley has suffered without Marty.

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Dan Hoard and Brantley would go together like peanut butter and jelly.

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The “Tool” is one of my all time favs ... a Cincy sports media legend. Thanks Doc for giving him his just due. I’m all in on Laps enshrinement into the 2023 Bengals ROH!

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Walk off grand slam today Doc!

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Yes Dave deserves it just a great guy even if once in awhile he drives me nuts on the radio ! Good song how bout tomorrow one by the late great Tina Turner …

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Saw two of her live concerts...she never failed to please!

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Lap is living testament to the importance of a credible, likable announcer. They are invaluable. My current disdain for the Reds is magnified threefold by the teams failure to replace Marty with Dan Hoard. I could listen to Marty during the lean times and enjoy it nearly as much as I did during the good seasons. So from that standpoint, I get Lap's attraction.

But There's no way I vote for him ahead of guys like David Fulcher, Max Montoya or several others. When he's up against Lemar Parrish and Bob Trumpy, he'll get my vote. But before Chris Collinsworth or James Brooks? No way.

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I think Tommy Thrall does a good job calling the games. I think Dan Hoard likes the variety of calling football and basketball. He's an excellent play by play man. Genuinely surprised he isn't doing national broadcasts for either sport. Our gain is the rest of the country's loss, I suppose.

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Dan Hoard should be getting Tony Romo money to broadcast any sport he wants. I can’t believe he isn’t some network’s no. 1 play by play announcer.

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There will never be another Marty and Joe. The perfect combination of " tellin' it like it is " and loving a team. Dave and Greg are close. I have lived in a couple of other places. I would shake my head, numerous times, at other team broadcasters. " They sure ain't Marty and Joe" I would remark. We should consider ourselves lucky to have heard, and hear them. I also agree about Joe and Lark. Listen to another cities broadcasts. I'm open minded, but , not about who we've allowed our ears to enjoy !

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