Sorry to hear that a player's HOF chances are dependent on his demeanor and his team's promotion of his play. Apparently the voters are distracted by insignificant information rather than focusing on the essence of the player. Kudos to today's Hemingway - one of the most interesting of all time.
If you don't already own it, do yourself a birthday favor and score John Hammond's 'Wicked Grin' album of all Tom Waits songs produced by Tom himself ... this one is my fave:
I know very few people that get the genius of Tom Waits. Most people that hear “What’s He Building” don’t get it. I love it. More might like “Big In Japan”. The dude is a poet with an unusual and effective delivery.
Ken Riley finally got his recognition. It's a shame he isn't alive to enjoy it. His humility is what held him back. He followed the same principles my dad taught us, do a great job and you will be recognized. I've found that doesn't work in the business world either because the self-promoters are the people who move up the ranks.
I agree with you regarding rental cars, and the prices now are crazy. I've joined the clubs for several just to avoid the lines. It's worth it and it doesn't cost anything. I typically find the best rates through Costco and usually save $100+ vs other car rental sources. Enjoy your time in Florida.
The ticket prices for those “soon to be discovered” acts were something Johnny Thinwallet would have appreciated. Cheap enough to splurge for a 30 pack of Keystone Light! 😆
Ok, Wow. Don Treadway had the coolest youth. He also set an unbelievably high bar for Hemingways. Can't wait for my shot, so I can write about my CD collection. That'll pale in comparison! lol
Well done, Don. Well done indeed.
Hey, special shout out to the correspondents. You all always bring the heat, week after week. Doc, have fun in Florida.
My next-door neighbor is a Doctor whose Dad was one of the Reds and Bengals team Doctors for 30 years or so. My neighbor texted me this morning with excitement about the Rattler getting in. I asked him if he had met him, and he said he had and that he was a quiet, unassuming guy that his Dad was very fond of.
One more thing. My neighbor let me try on his Dad's 1975 World Series ring one time. It fit on my pinky, but it was cool as hell to hold and wear.
Tremendously happy to see Ken Riley get some props! Well deserved.
And, we see in today's world about pushing & promoting individual performance. Dude, act like you've made a tackle before...this ain't your first one. Just play the d*** game.
Calling BTO a clone of Guess Who is like calling Boz Scaggs a knock off of Steve Miller Band.... just not correct! Not cool.
Despite some folks beliefs, Barry Manilow is one great songster. Tremendous talent.
Very nice job. You have had some memorable experiences and met some characters along the way. Enjoy those moments and I hope you have some photos since you didn’t buy the tee shirts.
More Don Treadway when space allows.
That was awesome.
Sorry to hear that a player's HOF chances are dependent on his demeanor and his team's promotion of his play. Apparently the voters are distracted by insignificant information rather than focusing on the essence of the player. Kudos to today's Hemingway - one of the most interesting of all time.
Turo doc. Turo. The easy way to rent a car
Don - I have some great concert stories but yours are another level. We’ll done sir.
"My memories are better than any music."
That's a true Hemmingway line right there, my man. Great job!
OMG! Serious props to Don (Hemingway) Treadway. What a great story. And yes indeed: "How cool is that?" Nuff said.
Really enjoyed Don’s story.
Well done, Don. Thanks for sharing. The fearlessness of youth when we don't know what we are doing is commendable.
Great stuff! I love the Tom Waits and Frank Zappa stories. Tom may have dressed like a vagrant. But he wrote like a prince.
Really happy for Ken Riley's family. I wish he'd lived to see this day.
If you don't already own it, do yourself a birthday favor and score John Hammond's 'Wicked Grin' album of all Tom Waits songs produced by Tom himself ... this one is my fave:
I know very few people that get the genius of Tom Waits. Most people that hear “What’s He Building” don’t get it. I love it. More might like “Big In Japan”. The dude is a poet with an unusual and effective delivery.
Certainly wish the Rattler would have gotten in alive, but the photo I saw of KRII and #78 hugging just melted me.
Well done, Don Treadway. Always enjoy bts stories like yours. I hope we get another glimpse at some point.
Safe travels and enjoy the trip, Doc.
Happy for kenny riley. HOF was way over due. Very cool story about lynard synsrd. Maybe don treadway can return with more stories?
Ken Riley finally got his recognition. It's a shame he isn't alive to enjoy it. His humility is what held him back. He followed the same principles my dad taught us, do a great job and you will be recognized. I've found that doesn't work in the business world either because the self-promoters are the people who move up the ranks.
I agree with you regarding rental cars, and the prices now are crazy. I've joined the clubs for several just to avoid the lines. It's worth it and it doesn't cost anything. I typically find the best rates through Costco and usually save $100+ vs other car rental sources. Enjoy your time in Florida.
The ticket prices for those “soon to be discovered” acts were something Johnny Thinwallet would have appreciated. Cheap enough to splurge for a 30 pack of Keystone Light! 😆
Ok, Wow. Don Treadway had the coolest youth. He also set an unbelievably high bar for Hemingways. Can't wait for my shot, so I can write about my CD collection. That'll pale in comparison! lol
Well done, Don. Well done indeed.
Hey, special shout out to the correspondents. You all always bring the heat, week after week. Doc, have fun in Florida.
My next-door neighbor is a Doctor whose Dad was one of the Reds and Bengals team Doctors for 30 years or so. My neighbor texted me this morning with excitement about the Rattler getting in. I asked him if he had met him, and he said he had and that he was a quiet, unassuming guy that his Dad was very fond of.
One more thing. My neighbor let me try on his Dad's 1975 World Series ring one time. It fit on my pinky, but it was cool as hell to hold and wear.
Tremendously happy to see Ken Riley get some props! Well deserved.
And, we see in today's world about pushing & promoting individual performance. Dude, act like you've made a tackle before...this ain't your first one. Just play the d*** game.
Calling BTO a clone of Guess Who is like calling Boz Scaggs a knock off of Steve Miller Band.... just not correct! Not cool.
Despite some folks beliefs, Barry Manilow is one great songster. Tremendous talent.
Very nice job. You have had some memorable experiences and met some characters along the way. Enjoy those moments and I hope you have some photos since you didn’t buy the tee shirts.