Pretty sure there will be no confusion...

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Well ... more so than the pole dancing artist, whom I never did find any evidence of in a search

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Nicely done Jay Brinker. Howevuh, I'm not sure what I think or say about:

" ... the Bengals, who covet character ... "

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Thanks, Brian. That line is from Jay Morrison. I just repeated it. But. The Zac and Duke regime does value character and locker room cohesion especially compared to the past where talented players with character issues were perceived as bargains c.f. Burfict and Pac-man.

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Great job, IB. Stellar, really. I enjoyed all of it.

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Thanks for an entertaining TML, Jay! I had the draft on and made it to the low twenties but can’t really claim I was watching since I was reading a fascinating book on land distribution. I did notice some of the outrageous haberdashery choices of the world’s biggest and most muscular athletes – that new NIL money comes in handy on draft night, right? Bling affects everyone differently.

As for Duke Tobin, I lean more in your direction than Doc’s because the twenty-first century started decades ago in most NFL cities but not Cincinnati. Doc makes valid points about the current direction of The Men and Tobin gets the lion’s share of credit, but the old scars are like tattoos for some of us – permanent. A SB ring on the finger will cover them up nicely, of course.

IMO, Will Levis had a day of reckoning in KC that was bound to happen. The man is a consummate Twitter trash talker and that can move the dial sometimes, but he was overdue. Haven’t spoken to any of my Wildcat brethren yet about his predicament but as it says in Proverbs, “pride goeth before the fall”. My guess is that it will motivate him every Sunday ala some other famous second rounders.

Finally, the UC starting QB in the portal may have figured out the immediate Bearcat future involves a significant amount of run first. Not saying it won’t work, but if you see the forward pass as your ticket to stardom, well, the writing on the wall at Nippert is different. I believe Satterfield will be a success but winning on the ground can get dull for certain players and fans. I ought to know…

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What the Funk & Wagnalls? Dropping a "hagiographic" on the Mobsters? You definitely earned the MVP appellation today, good sir.

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Thank you so much, Paul, for the announcement. I do want to add that I have only two paintings at the exhibit, but it is the best Art Exhibit in Cincinnati that I have seen. The work there is beautiful and I am always honored to be a small part of this show. It's free with easy parking facilities and access. You can always check out my work on my website: www.katecassidyart.com. Don't get me confused with Katie Cassidy, the pole dancer, on google! lol

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Not Katie Cassidy, progeny of David, featured character (the demon, Ruby) of the CW's 'Supernatural' and the DC Arrowverse (Black Canary)? Soon to costar in the major motion picture, 'Fallout' with Kate Bosworth and Tyrese Gibson? You'd be OK being confused with her, yeah?

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Thanks Doc for the info on Kate Cassidy's paintings. I love spending my time surrounded (virtually) by so much talent!

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Great job, as usual, Jay.

I think it's great that you and your daughter were able to enjoy an event that both of you will surely remember forever. But I can't deny my unease with the fact that such a privilege is no longer viable for so many. It shouldn't have to be that way.

I'm trying to think of someone who's alive that I would pay $400.00 to see. Maybe Simon and Garfunkel - if I thought they could both still sing and wouldn't get into a fistfight on stage. Maybe Springsteen - because I hate to think I'll never see him again. But for a little more than $400, I could play Pebble Beach. I'd definitely rather do that!

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Jackson Browne and Van. . . on the same bill.

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That would be one for the ages 👍

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Van was long on my list, but I thought you said he was terrible live? I moved him off the list because of that.

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Thanks, Patrick.

Three quick points - you cannot touch Pebble for $400. It is $600 plus airfare, lodging, ground transportation etc. Springsteen is more doable.

Blame the ticket scalpers? Concert prices are high, but the scalpers and bots drive them higher. The seats I bought were listed for $1,400 per at Paycor when I bought them here.

With music essentially free on Spotify and Apple Music, I am OK with musicians being paid for their live performances. I am not OK with the scalpers injecting themselves into the process.

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This is one reason why I still buy my music instead of stream it. Because artists are paid a lot, lot less through Spotify, in particular. Plus, I like tactile things. I digitize everything, but I still own all my own CDs and still buy them if the artist puts them out (some have completely gone digital). To each their own.

The other thing, the more sinister thing, is censorship. When you stream movies or music, you are giving control to someone else. If something is deemed offensive, they can pull the plug on it. We saw this after 9/11 when Clear Channel banned certain songs. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box.

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Greg, I hear you. When I first saw how little Spotify paid artists, I was appalled and swore that at a minimum I would at least purchase songs from the iTunes store. Somewhere down the line they increased the payouts a bit so I became seduced by the availability of nearly all music, everywhere.

I am aware of the debate about censorship or, just as sinisterly, changing works to comply with current social mores and norms like the editing of Roald Dahl's books. I saw a piece on a blog this week making your point and being concerned that "Brown Sugar" could disappear due to its subject matter. Unfortunately, I am in the camp that the convenience of having my music with me everywhere - either home, either office, any car, on vacation, or the bike trail outweighs the cost of possibly not hearing "Brown Sugar." I sold my vinyl 15 years ago and all of my CDs 7 years ago. I am hanging onto my books, but use my Kindle for most of my reading.

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It's been a couple of years since I saw that you could play Pebble for - I think - $440. So I'm not surprised that it has gone to $600+. If we had a government that cared as much for its citizens as it does for its donors, there would be laws to prevent scalping. But that ship sailed long ago.

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Nice work, Jay. I'm jealous about the Taylor Swift concert. I'm a not-so-secret Swifty myself 😂

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Thanks, Brian. No reason to hide being a Swiftie. As Blair said, she was the only female at the concert whose dad was a bigger fan than the daughter. 😊 I hope some tix fall into your lap.

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I tell ya, I laughed and laughed about that Lee Elia thing again and again yesterday. I am not one who uses or likes a lot of profanity, but man, that thing is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. He had no effs left to give. None.

Jay, great job. That was your best Hemingway effort. I really, really enjoyed it.

Kate, wow! You are amazingly talented!

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Excellent effort today, Jay. Thank you. For almost 20 years I would buy tickets to the Cincinnati ballet performance of my daughter's choice. In the beginning it was a Mastercard commercial. I particularly enjoyed the times we grabbed a pre-matinee performance bite at Nicholson's across the street from the Aranoff Center while Music Hall was being refurbished. So happy you got to be a Swifty with your daughter. Nothing beats that shared memory.

Saw a lot of traditional football school first round picks during the short time I watched the Draft. Same as it always is. Our tv broadcasts come mainly from Lexington and they were like Christmas Eve children dreaming of first round first pick for UK's Levis. First pick did go to an SEC school, but Bama of course.

For some reason the guy on the couch wanted to watch Starman movie last night. He has seen it many more times than I have. Had forgotten some pretty pivotal scenes. Jeff Bridges simply phenomenal. Beat the heck out of waiting through ten minutes of commercials while each team fiddled around.Thanks for covering it for us.

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I can't help but think the league is making a statement in re Mel Kiper's lavish longing love affair with Levis. And a related subversive campaign of insider smokescreening trollery. If he fell to say, the Bengals' 3rd or 4th round range someone there might consider making him a tradeable cheap backup developmental project in an elite AJ McCarron vein?

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More to point, I'd suspect Mel to possibly have fallien victim to multiples of his 'trusted insider sources' perhaps conspiring to intentionally and deliberately cross blowing smoke up his ass?


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Thanks, as always, for the kind words, Kathy. Watching Starman was time better spent than watching the hype of the draft.

Have a good weekend.

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There is some extraterrestrial type intrigue developing early on day 2, in that the stillers do in fact assimilate Joey Porter Jr at #32 (who was a popular early rd 1 mock pick projection for them) and Tenn scrambles post haste to trade up to #33 to snag Levis (a souped up Jeff Driskel?), rather than the UT QB Hooker

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Titans guaranteeing four years of mediocrity. 😀

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I'm quite OK with that. Especially if they can still at least split with Jaxonville. The Titans are also saying they could have taken him at 11 if Skoronski hadn't been there. They might have been the ones badmouthing him too 😆... suspicious also Levis was the gambling favorite to be taken #2

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Great job...went to the Eagles - Hell Freezes Over tour, I believe at the time , it broke the $100 ticket barrier... it was worth every penny!

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Jay, in reference to the draft, I always remember a coach saying, " The eyes don't lie " I would say that is the reason Bryce Young was drafted number one and Will Levis is still waiting. I will be interested to watch Young further his career and proving that size doesn't matter, but heart does. Ain't it great that the Bengals can now draft by going with the best player available and not what they need ?

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Jay - nice work, young man!

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Super happy to see Stroud go second and the other Bucks do well - Two Buckeyes in the first six and Jaxon Njigba as the first Wide Receiver taken. A good draft for OSU. Couldn't be happier. Good luck to them all. Love the painting.

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