
Your comments are typical of someone that either gets their news from MSNBC or does little research. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you do little research. Anyway, stick to sports. You are a political hack.

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Thanks a lot, Doc. Sheesh.

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All of the flapping jaws on cable are disingenuous hate mongers. We can start with Maddeux, she may be the worst. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, all of them, no exceptions. Which is why we should stop watching them and get the actual news on our own, without opinion. Then you can decide for yourself what you think & not Parrot any of those jackasses. There are plenty of streaming outlets. BTW, if we stop watching, they WILL go away. Or at least change their M.O. I have no hope for this, so my comment remains - don't promote the Hate, promote discourse, understanding, agree to disagree if necessary but don't push Hate. It's the only thing which keeps the flapping jaws employed.

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Really indeed. Have you listened to Biden?

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Love when you write about politics as it makes the comments almost as entertaining as your column.

Another grammatical annoyance: People think they cool when they use the word "they" instead of "they are" or "they're." What ever happened to proper English? I hope "they" goes into an early retirement.

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Is this an example of organic thinking or merely parroting the latest spew from Politico?

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This is one of those floating ghost posts so it's not connected to the rest of the conversation ... but I'll assume it's the guest editorial from a Yale PhD psychiatrist and researcher from the byline... and if you read it you wouldn't be asking such drivel. No, James Kimmel Jr is not on Politico staff and I'm not taking credit for his research or informed editorial opinion either, if that answers your ridiculously ummm ... misguided question ... this is what you're referencing ...?


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And Politico is a slight left biased and reliably highly factual outlet anyway. I guess I can see how you might see that as some kind of unreasonable attack on your world view


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Doc, I agree with your essay on sports money. Your political rant is out of balance with your style. Want to talk about lies in the political arena? Carlson is a spec of sand on the beach. Your politics are of no interest unless you can show both sides. We have enough hate in the country, it's time for civility, understanding, and knowing what is and what can't be helped by silly diatribes like this one. I don't care if you're a liberal. You just sound like another Hater.

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This bothsiderism logical fallacy is one of the tools used by Kremlin asset firehosers (among others) to keep our political discourse fractured and inept. So what's the other side of Tuckkker being such a seditious, cynical, lying propagandist? That there are braindead, brainwashed dupes that don't recognize he's a malignant, divisive, dangerous clown? Or the ones that do realize and still echo and recirculate his seditious anti-democracy BS?


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Really? Have you listened to Tucker?

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The McCarthy enabled Carlson revisiting might be best summed up - at least today, for me, between bouts of anguish and incendiary anger - by Josh Marshall's musings at TalkingPointsMemo:

It’s natural and understandable to react negatively and angrily to liars and traitors. But this is not at all the best or most effective response. The first response is simply mockery. Watch these videos. They’re moments when the insurrectionists weren’t breaking down doors or hitting Capitol Police over the head with flag poles. This is like showing a Zapruder film containing just the part where JFK is happily waving to the crowd in Dealey Plaza. He’s having a great time. Why does Oswald get such a bad rap? Similarly, it’s been shown that probably 99% of the time Osama bin Laden wasn’t blowing up anything. And yet, look at what’s gotten all the focus.

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I am happy to join Doc in the NO MONEY TALK once the season is underway. Shoot, I'd be happy to NEVER hear about the $$$ paid to any player in any sport - period. Simply, the business of (you name the sport) has ruined the game of aforenamed sport. For me, it is The Business of Baseball has ruined the game of baseball. And still I watch... AS for Tucker Carlson and that diatribe, well Doc, the lies coming from politicians (not leaders) far exceed the 5 year mark you mentioned. Likewise, the lies from the media (not you Doc) have been coming for far more than 5 years also. The media buy-in to political bias/nonsense dates back to, at least, 2007. Figure it out. Oh no I am not naive enough in the realm or our nations politics to believe the misrepresentation of facts by media did not occur before 2007. Locally and nationally. All I have for now. Thanks for the soapbox.

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Fox News is the extreme but the media lying to the American people has gone on for a long time.

Dan Rather lied to the American people on the night of November 22,1963 on National television when he "described " what he saw on the Zapruder film. He described Kennedy's head exploding forward when in fact it snapped backwards. Rather's clip is on You Tube. He was either blind or lying.

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Sorry, what are you talking about? Rather didn't describe anything about the Zapruder footage until 11/25/63 ... and he said of the second shot that hit Kennedy that his head moved "violently forward" nothing about any explosion. Of the first shot he said only his body "hunched forward"


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FOX was the only outlet to ask for them. The rest of the media would never show anything that doesn't fit their narrative. I watched NBC News the other night and they reported on the rioting and destruction of police equipment in Atlanta. Antifa was clearly the culprit, but they would not say the word "Antifa". Just another example of the daily misinformation from the mainstream media.

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Are you sure your boogeyman here wasn't some Atlantifa false flag outfit? What was the reason for this rioting and destruction and what was the narrative agenda for showing it, since according to you it wouldn't have been shown otherwise?

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Thanks Doc. Glad to read someone honestly reporting, and responding rationally... somewhat of a lost art, it seems.

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Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

Cornell Law School

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Watched the Norse last night. Fun that they are going dancing again.

Finished reading a book by Noah Hawley (author of Fargo). Before the Fall. Story surrounds a plane crash off Martha’s Vineyard. The father ,David, has built a tv network similar to but not exactly, Fox News. He decided the bad thing about news was having to wait for it to happen. Backed by a billionaire, not on air himself. He is only multimillionaire. He has a security detail for good reason.

Company posh plane with eleven people aboard. Returning from the island on a foggy night.

Came out in 2016 . It has been sitting in kindle for a few years. The nature of art, survival, insanity of feeding 24 hour news cycle, and other stuff. Only two people survive the crash. A 40 something painter and a four year old little boy. Painter swam ten miles with the boy to reach land with both alive.

We have multiple utility trucks and a crew of 9 people working two properties away from us. I’m grateful for the generator, but so ready for the return of proper electricity. It went down Friday afternoon. Ergo looking for something different to read.

Our wires come out of Woodford County.

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