I'm getting the impression this is more of an open air massive outlet park & stroll multi-store 'mall' right off the interstate exit rather than some suburban boutique style enclosed mallway
You are the best. " Players were still a bit mythical. Nothing is mythical now. Progress is a dubious game." This is why TML rocks.
Stick to Sports... Where do we go with our outrage? I was riding my bike and passed a park with the flag at half staff and thought to myself? What is the default position for the flag in this country? I hate to say but this may be another issue that us grown-ups kick the can down the road to the next generation. I have zero hope that any serious gun control will be enacted in my lifetime. Lets hope the kids that sheltered in place will move the lever. Sad, Hopeless.
I was 12 in 1971 and in my last year in Little League in East Palestine, Ohio. I was a catcher and a pitcher, so the perfect number to wear was 35. Manny Sanguillen and Vida Blue. Bingo!
Someone below (or above?) suggested having funerals for victims of these mass shootings with Emmet Till-like open caskets. I agree. Problem is, empathy and caring about others ("f*** your feelings") is alive and well and probably won't provide the shock needed for us to do something.
That bullet is catastrophic at impact. There are a few hand guns that shoot something similar. The F&N Five-seveN comes to mind. One only needs to be nicked by that round, on your chin for example, to cause life altering damage and/or death.
The only way to get rid of mass devastation weapons is to outlaw the bullets they use and make it illegal to buy the parts to make reloads.
Other than that, we need one-term, term limits where our elected fools are forced to do as the voters wish or they are out on their asses.
And they don’t already? Much harder to get a long term Senator kicked out than it is to vote the next person up. If that person is compromised then an all out effort toward independent candidates should be considered along with campaign finance reform. Hell, let tax dollars only fund elections at preset limits.
Reporters said the killer had a white supremist patch on his shirt. This is driven by propaganda on social media, not mental health issues. It's harder to wake up every day and feel good about the day, isn't it?
He was actually a neo-nazi hispanic who had been kicked out of the army for mental issues. On one hand, it seems that Texas needs stronger gun laws. However, with over 3,000 illegal immigrants per day (which may now increase to 10,000) crossing their border, it is hard to blame them for wanting to protect themselves.
Prigozhin"s entire operation is the #1 neonazi white supremacy extremist accelerationism propaganda operation in existence. Operating at least 2 neonazi terror training facilities inside Russia feeding Wagner Group in Ukraine and European neonazi presence and the Kremlin IRA troll operation amplfying all alt right extremist sources globally. Google: 'Putin's chef' ... this shooter was retaliating for recent J6 sentencing of extremist gangsters? Extremist accelerationism is an attack on western civilization featuring culture wars amplification too
Mental illness of many forms confers vulnerability to targeted psyops propaganda. For instance, the Chicago Highland Park parade shooter and the Buffalo supermarket shooter had online influences and Buffalo was in live contact with an (alleged) ex-FBI agent on Gab helping direct his actions. Ramos, the Uvalde shooter was subject to multiple trauma type MI factors and was a frequent 'community member' on video game shooter community forums where the presence of malign 'anarchist groomers' and accelerationist actors theoretically can do their influence things
what a simplistic and ridiculous point of view. America is, BY FAR, the most violent developed nation in the world. There are "people" in all those other countries. There are NOT more guns than citizens in those other countries. We have insanely allowed this country to be flooded not only with guns, but with the worst kinds of guns, and now pay the price on a daily basis.
People with guns in their hands kill and wound far more people than people without guns in their hands. How's that for a clearer expression of a simple fact, ya tool?
Old enough to say: What a rotation that was - Blue Moon Odom, Catfish Hunter, and Vida Blue. RIP Vida Blue. RIP another piece of those days, ahh, those good old days keep disappearing. Not the memories though. Thankful for the memories. Even thankful for crazy old Charlie O'.
Having laws that require registration and trading courses do not violate the 2nd amendment. It’s a simple place to start. After seeing the fiasco a couple of years ago where the national guard dispersed protestors for the pres. to go to a church for a photo opp it change my view on the 2nd amendment some. If citizens were to be banned I would think police and military should be banned from using them on US soil during peace time or some very specific and rare occasions. The difference between a semi-automatic assault rifle and a bolt action hunting rifle is simply efficiency. More shots per second. Banning assault rifles would not stop the black market. And enforcing an outright ban would probably be the “war on drugs” all over again. This is a very complicated problem at this juncture and I personally do not know the correct solution. But registration and safety courses are at least a start. And put a real effort into asking “why”, and not just saying it’s a mental health issue. Maybe using tax money to improve the quality and quantity of mental healthcare in schools. One or two qualified persons per school district is not enough to handle the problem. This has not worked.
I have long been a believer in that there are so many guns out there, what can we do to change things. However, as I posted below, there are now 14 million more AR-15s in people's hands than there were ten years ago. I suspect that every one of the recent shootings with that type of gun was purchased within the past 10 years (and likely right before the shooting). If they were not available, much less readily available, maybe many of these shootings do not occur, or they still occur but with a less lethal weapon resulting in fewer casualties.
Mental health is one piece of the puzzle but keeping guns away from people with mental health issues is a bigger piece.
Had a credible school shooting threat last week at my children’s school. It’s one of those “top-tier” schools around here, meaning it’s expensive and most of the parents are well to do. Kid got suspended, made a verbal threat, then posted on social media. Guess what, they added more uniformed police officers today, as they should have. So that good guy with a gun argument actually works. That said, our lax gun laws with open carry and no background checks is crazy. And owning an AR15 should a privilege reserved for only law enforcement or military.
I go back to last summer and John Mellencamp’s quote after Ulvade: “Only in America can 21 children be murdered and a week later be buried and forgotten, with a flimsy little thumbnail, a vague notion of gun control legislation laying on a Senator’s desk. Just so you know, politicians don’t give a fuck about me, they don’t give a fuck about you, and they don’t give a fuck about your children. So with that cheery little thought in your head, have a happy summer. Because it will be a short time before it happens again”. And he was dead right.
So you take all the guns away. How does that work?
Steve Goodman was a John Prine buddy and writing partner. Can’t imagine two better spinners of lyrics.
Great points on guns. Great song. I have no love lost for left handers with a nasty slider/curve.
MAGA LARGO. That's a good one 🙂. But, yes. Bogey, Bacall and the state of Florida deserve better.
In a shopping mall? Where was front door security guard?
I'm getting the impression this is more of an open air massive outlet park & stroll multi-store 'mall' right off the interstate exit rather than some suburban boutique style enclosed mallway
The https://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlet/allen/map/#/
Just so you know " Banana Republics" was written by the immensely talented Steve Goodman who sadly passed away at a very young age from Leukemia
You are the best. " Players were still a bit mythical. Nothing is mythical now. Progress is a dubious game." This is why TML rocks.
Stick to Sports... Where do we go with our outrage? I was riding my bike and passed a park with the flag at half staff and thought to myself? What is the default position for the flag in this country? I hate to say but this may be another issue that us grown-ups kick the can down the road to the next generation. I have zero hope that any serious gun control will be enacted in my lifetime. Lets hope the kids that sheltered in place will move the lever. Sad, Hopeless.
I was 12 in 1971 and in my last year in Little League in East Palestine, Ohio. I was a catcher and a pitcher, so the perfect number to wear was 35. Manny Sanguillen and Vida Blue. Bingo!
1974 Deming HS Black Devils I thought I was a 3rd baseman so I wore #5 ... E5 would have been more accurate for all my throwing errors
For anyone who subscribes to the Washington Post, they had a hell of a 3D model showing what AR-like guns do to six-year-old and 18-year-old bodies (allowed by the families of victims in the Newtown CT and Parkland FL shootings). https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/?itid=mr_national_5
Someone below (or above?) suggested having funerals for victims of these mass shootings with Emmet Till-like open caskets. I agree. Problem is, empathy and caring about others ("f*** your feelings") is alive and well and probably won't provide the shock needed for us to do something.
That bullet is catastrophic at impact. There are a few hand guns that shoot something similar. The F&N Five-seveN comes to mind. One only needs to be nicked by that round, on your chin for example, to cause life altering damage and/or death.
The only way to get rid of mass devastation weapons is to outlaw the bullets they use and make it illegal to buy the parts to make reloads.
Other than that, we need one-term, term limits where our elected fools are forced to do as the voters wish or they are out on their asses.
One term limits would make it easier for SuperPACs and megadonors to control elections
And they don’t already? Much harder to get a long term Senator kicked out than it is to vote the next person up. If that person is compromised then an all out effort toward independent candidates should be considered along with campaign finance reform. Hell, let tax dollars only fund elections at preset limits.
Practically every winner should be assumed corrupt coming in if megadonor money always decides, particularly dark PAC $$$
Fallacies of term limits
Reporters said the killer had a white supremist patch on his shirt. This is driven by propaganda on social media, not mental health issues. It's harder to wake up every day and feel good about the day, isn't it?
He was actually a neo-nazi hispanic who had been kicked out of the army for mental issues. On one hand, it seems that Texas needs stronger gun laws. However, with over 3,000 illegal immigrants per day (which may now increase to 10,000) crossing their border, it is hard to blame them for wanting to protect themselves.
Texas has zero gun laws.
Prigozhin"s entire operation is the #1 neonazi white supremacy extremist accelerationism propaganda operation in existence. Operating at least 2 neonazi terror training facilities inside Russia feeding Wagner Group in Ukraine and European neonazi presence and the Kremlin IRA troll operation amplfying all alt right extremist sources globally. Google: 'Putin's chef' ... this shooter was retaliating for recent J6 sentencing of extremist gangsters? Extremist accelerationism is an attack on western civilization featuring culture wars amplification too
Mental illness of many forms confers vulnerability to targeted psyops propaganda. For instance, the Chicago Highland Park parade shooter and the Buffalo supermarket shooter had online influences and Buffalo was in live contact with an (alleged) ex-FBI agent on Gab helping direct his actions. Ramos, the Uvalde shooter was subject to multiple trauma type MI factors and was a frequent 'community member' on video game shooter community forums where the presence of malign 'anarchist groomers' and accelerationist actors theoretically can do their influence things
What are mental health professionals going to do about musicares? Is there some sort of magic wand that the rest of us don't have.
Another simple fact: People kill not guns.
what a simplistic and ridiculous point of view. America is, BY FAR, the most violent developed nation in the world. There are "people" in all those other countries. There are NOT more guns than citizens in those other countries. We have insanely allowed this country to be flooded not only with guns, but with the worst kinds of guns, and now pay the price on a daily basis.
People with guns in their hands kill and wound far more people than people without guns in their hands. How's that for a clearer expression of a simple fact, ya tool?
Cars kill people too, should we outlaw cars? Mr tool, I love your argument. Weak arguments usually end in name calling.
Specious argument You lose.
Typical comment from you.
Combat tanks are overwhelmingly banned from operating on public roads, aren't they?
Old enough to say: What a rotation that was - Blue Moon Odom, Catfish Hunter, and Vida Blue. RIP Vida Blue. RIP another piece of those days, ahh, those good old days keep disappearing. Not the memories though. Thankful for the memories. Even thankful for crazy old Charlie O'.
They also had Ken Holtzman.
Having laws that require registration and trading courses do not violate the 2nd amendment. It’s a simple place to start. After seeing the fiasco a couple of years ago where the national guard dispersed protestors for the pres. to go to a church for a photo opp it change my view on the 2nd amendment some. If citizens were to be banned I would think police and military should be banned from using them on US soil during peace time or some very specific and rare occasions. The difference between a semi-automatic assault rifle and a bolt action hunting rifle is simply efficiency. More shots per second. Banning assault rifles would not stop the black market. And enforcing an outright ban would probably be the “war on drugs” all over again. This is a very complicated problem at this juncture and I personally do not know the correct solution. But registration and safety courses are at least a start. And put a real effort into asking “why”, and not just saying it’s a mental health issue. Maybe using tax money to improve the quality and quantity of mental healthcare in schools. One or two qualified persons per school district is not enough to handle the problem. This has not worked.
I have long been a believer in that there are so many guns out there, what can we do to change things. However, as I posted below, there are now 14 million more AR-15s in people's hands than there were ten years ago. I suspect that every one of the recent shootings with that type of gun was purchased within the past 10 years (and likely right before the shooting). If they were not available, much less readily available, maybe many of these shootings do not occur, or they still occur but with a less lethal weapon resulting in fewer casualties.
Mental health is one piece of the puzzle but keeping guns away from people with mental health issues is a bigger piece.
Had a credible school shooting threat last week at my children’s school. It’s one of those “top-tier” schools around here, meaning it’s expensive and most of the parents are well to do. Kid got suspended, made a verbal threat, then posted on social media. Guess what, they added more uniformed police officers today, as they should have. So that good guy with a gun argument actually works. That said, our lax gun laws with open carry and no background checks is crazy. And owning an AR15 should a privilege reserved for only law enforcement or military.
I go back to last summer and John Mellencamp’s quote after Ulvade: “Only in America can 21 children be murdered and a week later be buried and forgotten, with a flimsy little thumbnail, a vague notion of gun control legislation laying on a Senator’s desk. Just so you know, politicians don’t give a fuck about me, they don’t give a fuck about you, and they don’t give a fuck about your children. So with that cheery little thought in your head, have a happy summer. Because it will be a short time before it happens again”. And he was dead right.