I'm going to stick to sports (and music) and say that I haven't played golf in a long time. I used to have a weekly match with some friends, but we all got married and went our separate ways. I may take it up again when I am an empty nester. Maybe I won't. It was always a social sport for me, so if I ever do it again, it will be because I found some dudes to play with.

I'm currently reading "Sweet Soul Music" by Peter Guralnick. I love his writing, but this book is aces. Furthermore, I highly recommend. It's a great overview of Soul music's origins and some of the main characters that made the music what it was.

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Nice recovery, Wayne. I had to look up medulla oblongata. Enjoy the day.

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Far less skull bone fortification, far easier penetration in service of enhancing/completing the observed condition

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I think the Biden presidency has been a disaster. I am not the radical right I am a working class American. Inflation is at its highest level in 40 years. People are struggling to pay their bills. Biden’s weak foreign policy has crippled The United States. Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and Russia invaded Ukraine on Biden’s watch. A true leader would have brokered a peace treaty.

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One of your best articles. Reading it while watching the sunrise in Cape Canaveral Florida. A book you need to read is "flags of our father"

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Says the man who refuses to use punctuation. And I’m not sure anyone questioned my comprehension and discernment. You are projecting towards me, just like you over estimated Carter, and apologized for Biden.

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Yes I'm oppressively hoarding punctuations with a steely iron fisted fascistical grip. I will wield them like antimatter ninja stars against your medulla oblongata

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The Rabbit series (5 novels) by John Updike

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Good point. Small craft pilots would do well to remember where it is ☺️

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"Illusions" Richard Bach. Is that a 'classic'? It should be.

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"From Where the Sun Now Stands", Will Henry.

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Great pictures! Perhaps you need to take up photography...or, well, I guess you have. So maybe you should put them in a book and write around them. I just saw my first mini daffys come out yesterday morning. Come on in Spring!

Loved watching Peter Gunn just for the music. It was electric and energizing.

Wow, no comment on X?. You truly Are Retired! The air went out of them on the three shot fake fall (after the shot was released, no less). Villa got three free points and the game did a turn around as they inched, and then went, ahead. It was a sad sight to see, especially when villa won by one of those free three points!

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Biden has done well... Really? His presidency has been a disaster. From his choice of KH as VP, his war on oil, wide open borders, record inflation (that's what happens when you print money), ignoring disaster in East Palestine, etc. I don't know what the answer is in Ukraine, but everyday Russia and China are more in alignment with each other. We are headed for WW3 and the US will never be the same, if we survive at all.

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Golf is like the minor leagues in baseball. There are days when it's good more as a concept. But there's always next time. That's the beauty.

I keep "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" by my bed on the bedstand. Have for years. Quick referral tool for when I need a brush-up on letting go and keeping inside the flow.

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Earle Bailey's head trip on Sirius Deep Tracks yesterday featured three Southside Johnny songs in a row. The first one was Having a Party. It was party day for Mardi Gras. You can check it out on the app.

Glad I don't have enough trash to put the can out by the road tonight. Would likely get blown out into the road. Off to volunteer at the library.

You might want to read some Flannery O'Connor as part of that classics roll. Short stories: The Displaced Person and A Good Man is Hard to Find come to mind. Also, the one with the tattoo. Can't think of the title. Ethan Hawke's daughter is playing O'Connor in the movie they have been filming around this area lately.

Gotta go volunteer at the library for a couple of hours.

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Golf is a life-long sport for those of us who fall in love with it. Challenging, frustrating, rewarding, exhilarating, and sublime all in one swing. Given the money I’ve spent on it, it better be.

President Carter is a man to be admired. A politician like all of them but good for difficult times. Post-Vietnam and Watergate, he did an admirable job in a difficult moment with stagflation growing, energy supplies dwindling, and changes on the horizon for the Cold War. His push to begin deregulation was prescient and his choice of Paul Volcker for the Federal Reserve was visionary. I voted for him twice and would do it again.

Finally, my recommendations for classic books would begin with “Last of the Mohicans” and segue into Wendell Berry’s agrarian chronology starting with “Nathan Coulter”. I enjoy fiction with stories that make me want to know more about America history. It helps explain the way the world works.

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Love Wendell Berry. Good man, fine writer. Has deep roots in the farmland on the fringes between Northern Ky and the Bluegrass Region. Basically you go to the south end of Carrollton and turn left at the Ky River. Pretty soon yer there. Been recommending him to Doc for years, but he hasn't bit yet. Maybe you'll get Doc over the hump. I find Wendell's wordsmithing has aged like a vintage wine, and his poetry resonates with some core place deep inside me. Wendell's words are to me what today's pictures are to Doc; a reminder of sanity.

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Carter's presidency and legacy has sadly fallen victim to these guys and their media manipulation necromancy


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