I finally joined. BillyThinnerWallet in da houze! ;)

And loving what I've come across so far. Great stuff, as usual PD!

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I’m with you 100% on the “legacy of unaccountability” of the Draft Gurus, Doc. I wanna see someone look in the rear view mirror in two years and rate the Draft Gurus, assessing and quantifying the reality of two seasons in the League against these so called experts. Me thinks the prognosticators would protest long and loud with a multitude of “yeah buts…”, but then maybe we would stop listening to them.

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Going to roll the dice tonight and cook remaining ground beef with a “use or freeze” date of yesterday! Like you hate to waste.

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I'm so glad you didn't add pictures of your...ah...frig food that you have taken a liking to, as in your last post of "don't eat these". Don't eat these was on the wrong pics...right??

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Thanks, Greg. All is better tonight. The worst is over, thank Gosh. The first time I had it was in Key West in 1986. I bought bbq ribs off the back of a truck and was dying the whole night and next day. Also, pork. Maybe it's just a pig thing...

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Positive about the pork chops, because I got sick the second day I ate them in the afternoon...there were some potatoes involved and gravy and some cut up and cooked carrots. In any case My Doc is pretty sure at this point it was food poisoning. Am soooo much better tonight. Drinking lots of water with electrolytes and actually had home made chicken noodle soup twice today. Am walking the dog, so all is well. Thank you.

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When groceries mark down nearly expired stuff, I always make it a point to read the date on the tag so I know how much time is left. Sometimes stuff is left out there that should have been pulled and tossed already. It's a play-at-you-own-risk game, no question. It's not for the faint of heart. But there are some terrific deals to be had. I tend to risk it on a case by case basis.

Sound like Doc is talking more about leftovers, which is a separate game altogether. That's easy. Just smell it and take a tiny taste. Nothing leaves the mouth faster than spoiled food, especially milk. The gag reflex is genetically built to protect us. Projectile spitting is a form of survival. The ensuing "AAAGGGHHH" sound we make is to provide humor to those who just watched our incredibly stupid decision making.

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It's not an expiration date - it's a "sell by" date. And 64 at night in the winter, 75 in the summer. My actual name is John - my adopted surname is Thinwallet II.

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Oh my do I have some expired food stories to tell! Can't stand to waste food that does not get up and walk away on its own. And...no I have never suffered food poisoning from it, nor have I met the Italian guy known as Sal Minella. Yes Doc, my wife and friends all look at me like I have three eyes or something. Just say NO to the combine. How you play the game is the real tale. BTW, loved the pic of T. Brady at the 2000 combine. We all know about that GOAT. Methinks this Irishman has a very "thinwallet" too. JUST CAN'T STAND WASTE and that includes time wasted at "athletic combines". Go with your gut.

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Teenage me yelling from the kitchen: ‘Mom, is this potato salad any good???’

Her yelling back from somewhere in the house: “Smell it!” 😎

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I see your U2 and raise you with this heartfelt anthem that doesn't feel at all like a "greatest hit."


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Are food corporations out to get you with early expiration dates? Of course not. Big Food is a drug dealer. They are out to make you addicted to processed foods which, ironically, last for months yet get eaten bag after bag in a day or two. Here’s a quick bit on why no one can eat just a few Doritos chips.


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Ah, the ol' Agribusiness Conspiracy ... i hold a BS in Agriculture (ag econ) from the U of K, among the most fundamentally pure kinds of BS there is lol

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As I'm sure you well know, the irrefutably wonderful, prize-winning Northern Ky author Wendell Berry has spent his lifetime battling the corporate drones of The Industrially Militant Agribiz Complicated World through his beautifully-constructed written and spoken words. HIghly recommended reading by one of our generation's best writers.

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It's in the water or soil or something native of us denizens of the sacred upper outer BlueGrass, Po. And I'm with you in trying to convince Doc he should expose himself more to the charms of tooling around Irish Acres exploring Nonesuch, Midway, Stamping Ground or Millville on his little day trips. It's the same country over in the rolling hills Central KY (not Eastern) lowlands where I come from. Just go to the Licking River and turn right and you'll get there is the analogy of how you described the directions to Berryland I believe

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Yes, I stayed with a friend who worked at Alfalfa's in a stone cottage for about a month just outside of Stamping Ground. Many years ago. Also have a buddy whom I worked with up here for awhile who went back home to cent Ky and bought a place outside Midway a few years ago. Anywhere in that area is a spectacular and worthwhile drive on a fresh and sunny, warm April day. The colors absolutely attack you with their beauty. And the gentle rolling hills reek of legends and history. Good time to pick some purslane, violets, and dandelion leaves for a salad

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You probably know Jeff Gitlin from Nonesuch, fellow chimney sweep to me back in the day and one of the original Alfalfa founders syndicate, I'm guessing? I'd also hold cousin Gate here up in the KY Shaman pantheon as a patron saint in the same visionary vein as you've made me recognize now for Berry


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If you haven't read his 'autobiography' Last Free Man you truly must make the effort. More of a collection of those columns that used to run in the local Snitch crime & law free paper, but also wonderful essays and philosophical recollections, fables, tall tales and revisionist histories from his legal & political quixotic trickster career. His youtube catalogue is also immense

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Lots of thoughts today.

First 2 of the biggest arguments my wife and I have had (married 29 years) were on expiration dates and the AC vs. open windows.

I’ve learned to give up on both of them (mostly).

Second, “ One” by U2 has some of the best lines ever about breaking up. That’s what it’s actually like. Try to find the version with Michael Stipe singing.

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“According to a World IQ study, the US ranks 27th in the world with an average IQ of 98.”

There is an episode of The Office where Michael, although he sees the lake in front of him, drives into it because the GPS told him to. “The Machine knows!..stop yelling at me@!” I wonder if the same people who insist the omniscient packaging foretells when food is no longer safe, also insist on clearly rancid food is still good for a couple days. “I just bought that shrimp…should be fine.”

I’m significantly more disturbed by the 64 degree thing, Doc. I am a child of “the energy crisis,” and am the first to say “put on a sweater,” but you’re a below the Mendoza line at 64. Especially, he said fully aware of the piggish nature of the upcoming remark, with women folk in the cave. It has been suggested men and women are different from one another in myriad ways…

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Word o the day: Flannel

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Since IQ scales are routinely standardized to reflect 1oo as :"average" on a sliding scale and 98 is within the standard deviation, I might be taking a 2nd look at this 'World IQ study' ...? Average IQ should reflect the apex of the Bell Curve distribution within any particular national subset

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Yeah, it was more of a joke than a doctoral thesis.

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Yeah, I might be the only one who actually got it

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It's not too compelling on the semantic crusade scale, but not routinely mischaracterizing the 'sell by' date which has built in cushion for safe usage built in as the de facto 'expiration date' might be a crusade worth undertaking ... albeit nowhere near as important or quixotic as my current and longstanding campaign to eradicate the analytically meaningless and mathematically corrupt practice in basketball of the combined 2s+3s 'overall' shooting stat

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Could ESPN please dump the Aaron Rodgers recorders that are on constant rerun every time I turn on the channel for sports news?!!

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You nailed it for me today both regarding 'spoiled' food and combines. I worked in the food industry and there really isn't a such thing as 'expiration date' any more. 'Best by' and 'sell by' are suggestions intended to make uninformed wives and children waste more money. If it doesn't have a bad smell or have unrecognized matter growing all over it, I eat it. Sometimes I'll boil it when in doubt. My parents grew up poor and never let us waste food. I'm also 'thrifty'. If something has been in the freezer too long, marinate it or use in stew. My dad made his best chili when cleaning out the refrigerator. I'm sure we have stronger immune systems than most people.

Your example of John Ross illustrating the worthlessness of combine performances. The only time it might help is if a lesser known player has an outstanding combine. It might cause some teams to look at more tape for that player.

I just got back from Planet Fitness and now have a new number 1 pet peeve, replacing drivers who drive in the left lane refusing to let traffic pass them. My new #1 is the people who spend more time on a machine texting than exercising. I think the average ratio is now 5 minutes on phone for every 1 minute exercise. This is even worse when two people working out together use both machines at the same time rather than rotating on one. I really wish Planet Fitness would quit using the 'no judgement zone' as an excuse to not enforce the no cell phone rules. There! Now I feel better.

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