as a tepid fan...for years (of baseball, and pro sports at large...I'm here aren't I? ...at America's Pastime ; ) YOUR article has provided a suffusion of interest (hell, to awaken much interest in MLB in ME, it's riotous!). I'm about to buy tix, seriously!

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Doc. I feel ya on putting the back wheel on the bike. I just past the 4000 mile mark on my bike and still have a problem with the rear wheel. My solution is/was to take a picture of the derailler/ chain with the bike upside down so I at least know what it looks like when I put it back on. Just changed it the other day and poof It went back on easily. All my miles are on the LMT. It's my happy place.

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About the Reds Series with the Brews...How many strikes did that ump call against the Reds at bat that were 3"-8" outside the box? Oftentimes, they didn't get the same opts/numbers of actual strikes thrown to them within the box as Brews did. If you have a horse that's running at 70% and one running at 100%, who's most likely to win based on the odds?

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I think there is supposed to be another season this Fall. But I don't know what effect the writers' strike is having on it.

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Doc, let the kids ride racing bikes. OGs need stability more than speed. Get a three wheel trike. Later this year I plan on getting a battery assist electric trike. Pedal or let it It assist you when need a little help. You can also coast and let the battery keep you moving. TBI #2 happened while riding a bike on the trail you and The Magnificent ride. Have fun but stay safe doing it.

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The Reds came crashing back down to Earth, which was expected. Maybe not with such a drastic descent, but still. So here’s where the rubber meets the road. We’ll know soon enough if they can make any kind of sustainable run or just continue to give us hope for a bright future…another star being called up to liven the place ought to make the Reds universe more interesting, too.

I’ve rewatched Friends, The West Wing and Ted Lasso. That’s about it. Now, movies? I’ve rewatched a TON of those, but I really have to have a show resonate with me to watch it all over again.

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Doc, as a sports guy, and a TV watcher, you have to watch the full 2 seasons of Sports Night. I doubt anyone is streaming it, but I have an extra set of DVD's I will loan you after my son is done with them. I have not only watched it all the way through once, twice, I am well into a third journey and it is still as funny and thoughtful and well written as the first time I saw it. So good that Johnny Thinwallet might look into buying the full set for himself. Trust me.

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The one from years ago? When the anchors said of, I think, Doug Pelfrey, “nice guy, can’t kick”? I watched a bunch of those.

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That could have been the comment. Yes, from 1999-2000. My favorite was, I think again about a place kicker. Someone says something along the lines of "he makes a lot of them in practice" and Dan responds "Well at this level, he is expected to make them all." He refers to the team as "The mighty Bengals"sarcastically.

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Maybe people won't be so quick to give a microphone to JB for a while. Just because something prejudiced is common, that doesn't make it ok.

Pitching killed the Reds against the Brewers. The only person working MLB that I have known personally is the pitching coach for the Brewers. Have to smile through my tears. Chris is doing a great job. Proud of him.

I have watched many things more than once, sometimes whole series.

Gave my brother a copy of The Bluegrass Conspiracy to read last week. He was talking about getting it. That lead to Season Four of Justified. Naturally we had to watch Season Four again here too.

One of my favorite series re-watches was The Americans.

Watching Everwood again because Treat Williams died. Can only do a food eps at a time. Too much sweetness might lead to cavities.

Keep seeing promos for Idris Elba's airplane movie. Guess I'll add it to the list.

Sunday I kept hearing this roar, almost like ocean noise. Finally figured out it was Wimbledon. Haven't watch tennis this year. Came down and finished watching the men's final. Used to understand scoring. Now I just watch for the numbers to change. Easy enough.

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The Americans was very good. Hijack is a show not a movie.

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I realized that after the click.

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Yes, disappointed in the recent non-offensive performance vs Brew crew. With that said I never really expected to be excited about this team this year. Giving credit to where credit is due to Krall and his staff for assembling a team that has the skills and ability to compete with the rest of the league.

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I am no NFL guru, but I still maintain that Mixon has suffered because of the poor run blocking by the OL during his time here. I realize it could be how he chooses to hit the holes available, but it never seems like there are that many clear holes to run into in the first place.

And how the NFL RB position has declined so obviously is a mystery as well unless the numbers mentality has sold coaches and management on throw first no matter what and maintain an appearance of a run game at least to slow down the edge rushers living in offensive backfields. I get it that the game is evolving but is it just better passers and receivers or has something on defense changed as well?

As for Bench, like a lot of us, he is part of a generation that must learn an evolving set of language standards in public speaking that will cost you money or a job or reputation if you make the slightest mistake. Back in the day, forgiveness was still possible for a one-time slip of the tongue, but those days are over. To me, it is overkill but that is not how the court of public opinion will rule now. Toe the line or shut up.

Finally, I’ve been in a few rowdy country bars over the years, but I’ve never seen one with the wire mesh in front of the band stand. Am I just culturally deprived or do they actually exist in the Ohio Valley?

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Mixon suffered the first 5 games before Stripes abandoned telegraphing the run from under center and went to a shotgun based gap concept almost entirely. Mixon also lost 2 games to concussion during that span, plus the 'lost game' vs Buffalo, for which the entire team stats disappeared into nothingness. Mixon's rushing efficiency past the first handful of games until the injuries gutted the postseason was top shelf. OBJ should upgrade both run and pass execution at LT, as well as Williams at RT with the interior core bolting from the gate at more near the same proficiency of that game 6 to 16 level

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The interesting thing for me. Whenever I hear about people getting upset over comments made by someone. Bench being the example here. I never run into anyone personally offended. Is most of this stuff social media driven?

I bet right now. I could walk into any grocery store. Ask 100 people if the the comments made by Bench have any impact on their life. I would be shocked if 1 person said they are personally impacted and it's changed the dynamic of their day.

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You're obviously not a minority. You'll probably never have to worry about losing everything, including your life, because of your religion or the color of your skin. It's not a matter of toeing the line. That's just veiled prejudice.

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Did Bench say something that threatened somebody's life? Can we stay on topic? Why is that so hard for virtue signalers?

If you reread your comment, I think you will see that you've made a lot of negative assumptions about others. I honestly see that as a equal form of veiled prejudice.

That's where cancel culture fails for me. Too many in that group are just as prejudicial as those they claim to be fighting against. It's insane.

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Anyone who makes a prejudicial comment should be called out, but the reality is that no one group of people has been as persecuted as the Jews. They are always the scapegoat. Greg, I assume you are viewing this through the eyes of a Christian. Do you know I am still concerned that this country could become a Nazi Germany? Maybe that seems farfetched to you, but it also seemed farfetched to the German Jews prior to Hitler. If you're Christian you will never really anymore than I can understand what is like to be Black. Bench has the right to be a jerk, but I don't have to like it. So far, I haven't really heard one non-Jew really call him out. That tells me that Gentiles really don't care how these statements make Jews feel. And if we say anything, you all just say we're oversensitive. It's a no-win situation. I would love to have a Mobster sit down to discuss this in person.

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I was deeply involved and in love with a Jewish woman for 7 years in my middle age years. Great human being. Federal attorney. Concert level violinist. Amazingly accomplished and yet super down to earth. I can tell you a few things I learned. One, we saw each other as human beings first and foremost. That was far more important to us than these distinctions and assumptions you seem almost obsessed with. Two. I learned much about Jewish traditions and the deep "tribalism" that still remains, as we referred to it. Both of us had experienced plenty of bad attitude/prejudice and other challenges before we met, and those experiences brought us independently to a place where we were both simply grateful to live in a country that grants us so many freedoms. People say dumb stuff all the time about others; some of it you just have to let go and ignore. Just chalk it up to their stupidity or poor judgment. All this goobledy-gook you keep assuming about me and others to fit your assumed narrative is uncorroborated pre-judging on your part and that's not a fair way to see people you do not know. I hope you can come away with this conversation with a better insight into your own issues that keep you from seeing what is really there. You know the old saying for what the word "assume" means, right?..........makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me. " I say all this with no malice towards your feelings at all. Just my honest observation.

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Greg, I do apologize to you. I know you're a good guy. I'm just angry and frustrated. I'm so sick of politicians courting neo-Nazis, racists, homophobics, and other unenlightened individuals. I know you are none of those from all your posts. I am concerned about what the divisiveness will mean for Jews, because historically when the going gets tough, and a scapegoat is needed, it's the Jews. People may be racist towards Blacks, for example, but they are never scapegoat, because Whites don't think they have any real power. Jewish power is always overblown. So sorry again.

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So, forgiveness is "veiled prejudice"? That is not how I heard it, Stephen. I was told it must be unlimited and I should love my enemies. Difficult in practice as you make clear, but I keep trying....

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I'm not convinced it was a sincere apology. Not everyone gets a pass that easily. If he's serious, he should make a healthy donation to the Holocaust Museum or something like that. When people say stuff like this, I'm very suspicious of who they really are. Sorry to rain on your parade.

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Bad weekend for the Reds, against seriously good pitching. Encouraged by the starters rejuvenation. Hopefully it lasts. I was at the Friday game. Not a lot of action, but I enjoyed it immensely, thanks to my 9 year old mini-me sitting next to me, Gabriel from Virginia, attending his first major league game. Before Elly came up in the first inning, he asked me if I liked him. I replied absolutely, and the rest of the game we conversed, both with great knowledge, about the great game of baseball. Reminded me of the many joys this game can provide. Go Reds!

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Chris Stapleton Doc? Toby for sure. Still cheering for our Reds, thanks for the reminders.

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Aside from a few classic movies, I have never really watched any shows multiple times, until now. I am about finished with the final season of Ted Lasso for the second time. The unique characters and absolute humor are addictive. However, if you're offended by the F-word, steer clear. Every character, except Ted himself, uses it prolifically.

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Definitely one of my favorite videos. Toby Keith, at least imo, seems like a guy I could do beers with, and have a great time

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Doc, when it comes to anything mechanical, I feel your angst; after I overinflated and blew the tires on my three-speed bike when I was 10 (and received a paddling from my dad), anything more than putting gas in it, I'm paying someone else to do it. Maybe that's not "manly," but I don't care.

I watch "M*A*S*H*" reruns a lot. Some of my favorite episodes: Radar telling the OR that Col. Blake died; Winchester crushing an officer who ridiculed an enlisted man who stuttered; and the series finale in 1983.

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I watch Twilight Zone reruns. Andy Griffith, too. That's it.

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I love Twilight zone. The best part now is trying to figure out who the "guest" actor is. And Hey, don't you think we are kinda living in the zone in America now. You know, what is, really isn't...and what isn't really is! A little creepy, isn't it?....Is it?

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Not Twin Peaks? I'd also nominate China Beach and Homicide: Life on the Street as worthy of serial rescrutinization

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Oh yeah. Twin Pesks

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Rescue Me and The Shield in consideration

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Now I’m 100% convinced that you and I are brothers of different mothers. My iphone is my toolbox and Toby is my first and favorite country star.

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