I can't tell if he's a charlatan or playing off the milieu or what. He's in with those I AM/violet flame cultists and those guys are off there by themselves ... I think there's a link to the still existing formal Theosophy network, not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that
You should check out the 'real' Saint Germain ... this is merely just the one who 'walked into' the alleged Mark Kneass from Mt Shasta USA when he was only 4 years old
James, aren't you the Michael Mann fan and have you read anything about this alleged Collateral 2 project? I can't find if Stuart Beattie is likewise attached or not. I'm also fascinated about the decision process whereby you and Philip end up at only the one Y'alls game?
Wayne, I am the Michael Mann fan. Good memory! I’ve not heard about a Collateral 2 project. Though it’d be interesting to see what happened with Max and Annie.
The Y’all’s game? That was something to do on a Friday night, knowing I could get dirt cheap seats near the field, and he’d get an opportunity for an autograph at the end. And he did!
Beattie also wrote such scripts as the Black Pearl (#3?) Pirates of the Carribean, the vampires at the arctic circle 3o Days of Night, GI Joe2 Rise of Cobra and I, Frankenstein with Aaron Eckhart as the monster. Since you brought MM to my (further) attention, I've examined how his attention to metafictive detail was such a perfect pairing for what it seems Beattie intends to accomplish in story detail. When he 'interviewed' me that night (somewhere circa 2ooo) he asked questions far beyond just nuts & bolts of taxi driving, which in reviewing particularly the in-cab Max/Vincent conversations again I can see reflections of many elements of what we would have discussed that he got down on tape. That he got the guy who determined his 'internet persona' should be an amalgam of Quixote/Coyotl the trickster god,, whose first stop ever online in '93 was the jungindex.net messageboard definitely has reflections in the movie. Like where V is telling M that if they manage to survive the night, M should man up and call Annie, is V aware (or not) that Annie is V's 5th hit target and V is just that cruel of a psychopath? And I definitely would have discussed tricksterism in the context of Jung, plus the driver as only doing the job as a vehicle for becoming something else aspect, as there was a guy who everyone at 'the cab company' knew was trying to become a writer that was only doing the weekend lease thing like I did so as not to literally be the starving artist in the meantime
And I admire how you hopped into Doc's cockpit here and just flew the plane like you'd been doing it forever. 'Seamless transition' well accomplished and stuck the landing, something like 👍 that
Ha! Even that article is am element wrapped inside another, bigger article 😆 ... I'm not sure if I captured the link so it reflects that or not? (OIC, it breaks into the middle so you have to scroll up to get the full fx, so now I'm going to delete that gobbledygook misdirect link, above)
Then it makes me wonder whether I even brought up this me an' Carl born on 7/26 thing to Beattie (most likely did), because I sure as sh!t didn't know Statham was also a 7/26er back then
Which brings me to my first name also being Philip with one L, which I think of as my dad's name, him being Philip Byrd (Byrd, not Philip) being his uncle's name, married to Aunt Bea, of course, albeit they apparently never had any kids ... and pondering the odds of there once having co-existed 3 Philip Inskos (one with 2 Ls) in what has to be the single smallest county in the USA, Robertson, pop 2ooo?
I’ve used YouTube to go back and watch some of the classic fights, such as Hagler-Hearns, Pryor-Arguello, Ward-Gatti. I’ve also relived, several times, the Bengals playoff wins from 2021.
I'm a fan of boxing as well and would like to find the Schoolboy Van Horne vs Diaz(?) fight* was in the Continental Inn parking lot here in Lexington on Father's Day whenever year it was. It was on the NBC Sunday afternoon sports anthology thing they did at the time with Marv Albert & Ferdie Pacheco doing the commentary. I had asked my Dad if he wanted to go and he didn't, so I dropped a hit and went anyway and somehow (despite looking like hippie hobo Jesus in fringed cutoff jean shorts and sunglasses) got backstage and was raiding the buffet before the fight and observed that the comedic way Letterman portrayed Marv & his Marvettes was actually 1oo% accurate?! And maybe it was the FD vibe, but I'm standing at the urinal in the bathroom and observe on either side of me on one side local whimsy/sports columnist DG FitzMaurice doing his business while talking over me to local TV talking head Tom Kenny (they're both 6'5") and minus the beard and hippie aspect DG and the metrosexual Kenny are 2 generational versions of a spittin' image (just like my father and me)! Which they are, with same bent nose, jaw set and head shape. Anyway, I want to check in the fight whether I can be heard constantly yelling "4-5-6" to encourage van Horne all through the fight because I could see that his deep combinations were where he was just pounding the crap out of Diaz
* checking wikipedia this would have been 6/21/87 vs Luis Santana where DvH achieved 31-o status
Speaking of YT wormholes, Craig Ferguson interviewing hot babes is a particular passion. ... Jay Leno Fly will splice like all X # of appearances with Mila Kunis packages, for instance
There are a few studies on YouTube about how Ferguson is able to get those actresses to relax in an interview and engage with him in a flirty way. Fascinating, really. Far above what Letterman could do and Dave was very, very good at it.
I hate that Ferguson retired. By far one of the best interviewers and incredible amounts of empathy (see any of his monologues about mental health and/or substance abuse).
This looks interesting. CF certainly has an eclectic catalog of work. Doc might even try his Grammy nominated for spoken word audioreading of memoir? We should look into his books
Craiggy is the Jedi Master alright, it appears. So that's what I've been doing all those times? The noospheric collective unconsciousness invented the internet for just such down- and off- loading purposes, i've concluded
I love it when he goes all surprised 4th wall mugging aside with the audience when the subject is giggling hysterically over how totally they've bought in and committed to the game
I was very into it when I lived in Colorado years ago. I actually had a natal chart done there by a professional who wrote and sold books on the subject. It was right on. I've always been fascinated by astrology and can oftentimes determine ones sign just based on mannerisms. But no, I do not do charts. I was found to be somewhere between Einstein and Mickey Mouse. I feel I'm getting closer to Mickey Mouse every year...lol
I 'met' this guy online in a 'Jung & the creative urge' facebook group who would take people's art and imagine their natal charts superimposed over the artwork and try to predict their birthdays from that, which he apparently nailed the English nature artist Andy Goldsworthy that way (my icon is an example of what i call 'organic interactive art' that ive always done) and had had some correspondence with this 'astral artist' FF Long, who claims in his website bio to have been inspired to his career by an essay by Aldous Huxley on the value of precious stones that he read. Upshot is we both were seemingly compelled to be going around 'collecting' people born on our mutual 7/26 birthday that Jung also shares and I turned him on to several he didn't know (like Huxley and every other likewise 7/26er named here) and which Jung was an examiner of the validity of astrology. There does seem to be some something going on as evidenced by this guy* who could pass for my little brother and reflects what I was already calling the 'Saint Germain archetype' before I ever met the internet guy. I'm more inclined to see it as some kind of personality matrix that aligns in some collective unconsciousness blah blah blah. But the 7/26 date itself has significance in another calender system (Mayan and 13 Moons, see: law of time)
In the 13 Moons analog to zodiac it identifies Jung as a 'blue cosmic wizard' or some such, so I thought I'd be some kind of wizard but turned out I'm just a 'yellow self-existing seed' lol ... I have found some stunning synchronicities in the 7/26er gang though, like Doc's favorite Xmas song singer, Darlene Love. Seems to be a tendency for being definers of unique niche subgenre types, like the 3 way appearance doppelganger of the SGA Mick Jagger/Sandra Bullock/Kate Beckinsale ... I could go on lol
Kevin Spacey, Stanley Kubrick, Helen Mirren, Jason Statham, Linda Hamilton, George Bernard Shaw (original public backer of Pax Cultura, which ties in with lawoftime which ties with Saint Germain/Harmonic convergence), Nana Visitor, Mozart, Jason Robards, Dorothy Hamill, knuckleballer Hoyt Wilhelm, the Bengals' injured RT La'el Collins I just discovered is one
I even started doing it with my circle. One of my dear friend tailgate buddies is a local veterinarian, just a whip smart absolute kook is a fellow 7/3o Leo, which I turned her onto to her Kate Bush (see Wuthering Heights videos) and the WH author Emily Bronte same birthdate. If you knew Jenn and the personality/works of the other two it's just precious that way lol
Nice pinch hitting today. Regardless where the passion was kindled consider yourself lucky that you have someone to have a catch with. This is something that both of you will not forget. Thank you for your service to our country and us mobsters.
Loved this column. Nice to be reminded that dads and boys have a healthy relationship. You are so lucky to have a Taurus. They are gifted with perseverance, love, loyalty, patience, yet powerful to get things done, very loving and stubborn at times, but only in a good way. I know because my daughter is a Taurus and is very successful in business. Wherever she worked, she was loyal and diligent and gave each job her full attention and earned her raises. She started a non profit business which has been very successful over several years as her true gift is caring about others, and loving the joy of giving. Plus, she is always joyful and fun, and now gives me Daughter Mother talks instead of the other way around. She became an adult when she was about 13, while I, alas, am still the child.
Enjoy every moment with your son. I am so happy to hear he is into baseball and uses the internet to improve his knowledge and hopefully can surround himself with others who want to go out and play, just for fun. Hopefully Purdue has a baseball team. It was my favorite sport as a child, just playing with the gang every summer. The good memories and fun times. Great share! Thank you.
Playing pitch and catch with your kid, or any kid for that matter, is a fun and bonding use of time. I was one of 4 brothers, along with a group of neighborhood kids, that played baseball from post breakfast until sunset most days during our summer breaks from school, except when we played on Little League teams (our dad was our coach) or were at the local swimming pool.
My wife and I coached our kids’ teams. Our son left baseball early, our daughter played softball all through high school. Great memories all the way around. I loved hitting long fly balls to our “part time daughters” after softball practice. We helped develop some talented athletes. Our girls dominated our local high school softball team lineup. We were very proud of them.
I wish you and your son a great youth baseball experience!
Good work Dad. Good job today. I’ve been taking my kids who are 5/7/9 since they were toddlers. We have a brick at the stadium and go to 6-8 games per year, all of which require 3-5 innings playing wiffleball, climbing the swing set, and standing in line for food.
It’s not exactly a relaxing day at the park, but it’s our thing. I tell them when we stand over the brick: come back here to this spot, no matter what, all three of you, when you’re my age and I’m gone and remember all the good times we had at Reds games.
Now let’s get a win today so the fans don’t boo the team and ownership like Thursday. Sounded like Bungles fans from 3 short years ago.
WOW!! Talk about life is good!! I had to look at my watch and my calendar both. What day is it? A TML on a Saturday! Keep spoiling us. With any luck, maybe they will become daily! Thank you!!
Wonderful job! Phillip sounds like a great kid! Enjoy the Reds, even if they suck, young man, because you will cherish the memories of these times later in life! I loved the '82 Reds, and they were the worst ever Reds team.
That father/son bond can be fragile, but if cultivated, can be one of life’s richest and most meaningful experiences. I enjoyed your words. Haven’t thought of Huey Lewis in ions...pop wonder that he was!
Excellent. Especially the subtle statement of chili rebellion. (Said as a small-c catholic when it comes to to my taste in Cincinnati chili - I love them all.) My older nephew has been a baseball nut from the word go, God bless him. The younger? Played a couple seasons of youth soccer and teeball, but after age 6 had no interested in sports at all. Until he was about 13 and found youtube, at which point he signed up for his 7th-grade hoops team. He still plays in a rec league and watches the Cavs like it's his job. He's also become a Bengals fan on a similar level, which was a joy to his Who-Dey loving mom & dad's hearts.
"...the unspoken bond that is strengthened between a father and son through the act of tossing a ball around."
Nice. And so true!
I can't tell if he's a charlatan or playing off the milieu or what. He's in with those I AM/violet flame cultists and those guys are off there by themselves ... I think there's a link to the still existing formal Theosophy network, not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that
Fascinating. I love that he works with American Indians. Nothing more spiritual than that.
You should check out the 'real' Saint Germain ... this is merely just the one who 'walked into' the alleged Mark Kneass from Mt Shasta USA when he was only 4 years old
I agree that baseball caps should be curved and not straight. Also agree that YouTube and Twitter is how kids watch sports. Nice job, James.
High praise coming from you, Mr. Brinker. Greatly appreciated!
Those flat-billed caps are an abomination.
James, aren't you the Michael Mann fan and have you read anything about this alleged Collateral 2 project? I can't find if Stuart Beattie is likewise attached or not. I'm also fascinated about the decision process whereby you and Philip end up at only the one Y'alls game?
Wayne, I am the Michael Mann fan. Good memory! I’ve not heard about a Collateral 2 project. Though it’d be interesting to see what happened with Max and Annie.
The Y’all’s game? That was something to do on a Friday night, knowing I could get dirt cheap seats near the field, and he’d get an opportunity for an autograph at the end. And he did!
Beattie also wrote such scripts as the Black Pearl (#3?) Pirates of the Carribean, the vampires at the arctic circle 3o Days of Night, GI Joe2 Rise of Cobra and I, Frankenstein with Aaron Eckhart as the monster. Since you brought MM to my (further) attention, I've examined how his attention to metafictive detail was such a perfect pairing for what it seems Beattie intends to accomplish in story detail. When he 'interviewed' me that night (somewhere circa 2ooo) he asked questions far beyond just nuts & bolts of taxi driving, which in reviewing particularly the in-cab Max/Vincent conversations again I can see reflections of many elements of what we would have discussed that he got down on tape. That he got the guy who determined his 'internet persona' should be an amalgam of Quixote/Coyotl the trickster god,, whose first stop ever online in '93 was the jungindex.net messageboard definitely has reflections in the movie. Like where V is telling M that if they manage to survive the night, M should man up and call Annie, is V aware (or not) that Annie is V's 5th hit target and V is just that cruel of a psychopath? And I definitely would have discussed tricksterism in the context of Jung, plus the driver as only doing the job as a vehicle for becoming something else aspect, as there was a guy who everyone at 'the cab company' knew was trying to become a writer that was only doing the weekend lease thing like I did so as not to literally be the starving artist in the meantime
And I admire how you hopped into Doc's cockpit here and just flew the plane like you'd been doing it forever. 'Seamless transition' well accomplished and stuck the landing, something like 👍 that
Ha! Even that article is am element wrapped inside another, bigger article 😆 ... I'm not sure if I captured the link so it reflects that or not? (OIC, it breaks into the middle so you have to scroll up to get the full fx, so now I'm going to delete that gobbledygook misdirect link, above)
Then it makes me wonder whether I even brought up this me an' Carl born on 7/26 thing to Beattie (most likely did), because I sure as sh!t didn't know Statham was also a 7/26er back then
Hmmm this is new
Which brings me to my first name also being Philip with one L, which I think of as my dad's name, him being Philip Byrd (Byrd, not Philip) being his uncle's name, married to Aunt Bea, of course, albeit they apparently never had any kids ... and pondering the odds of there once having co-existed 3 Philip Inskos (one with 2 Ls) in what has to be the single smallest county in the USA, Robertson, pop 2ooo?
Great read and best of luck to your son!
I've been watching/reliving the 1990 NLCS and World Series on YouTube the last few days. The rabbit holes on that site never cease to amaze.
I’ve used YouTube to go back and watch some of the classic fights, such as Hagler-Hearns, Pryor-Arguello, Ward-Gatti. I’ve also relived, several times, the Bengals playoff wins from 2021.
I'm a fan of boxing as well and would like to find the Schoolboy Van Horne vs Diaz(?) fight* was in the Continental Inn parking lot here in Lexington on Father's Day whenever year it was. It was on the NBC Sunday afternoon sports anthology thing they did at the time with Marv Albert & Ferdie Pacheco doing the commentary. I had asked my Dad if he wanted to go and he didn't, so I dropped a hit and went anyway and somehow (despite looking like hippie hobo Jesus in fringed cutoff jean shorts and sunglasses) got backstage and was raiding the buffet before the fight and observed that the comedic way Letterman portrayed Marv & his Marvettes was actually 1oo% accurate?! And maybe it was the FD vibe, but I'm standing at the urinal in the bathroom and observe on either side of me on one side local whimsy/sports columnist DG FitzMaurice doing his business while talking over me to local TV talking head Tom Kenny (they're both 6'5") and minus the beard and hippie aspect DG and the metrosexual Kenny are 2 generational versions of a spittin' image (just like my father and me)! Which they are, with same bent nose, jaw set and head shape. Anyway, I want to check in the fight whether I can be heard constantly yelling "4-5-6" to encourage van Horne all through the fight because I could see that his deep combinations were where he was just pounding the crap out of Diaz
* checking wikipedia this would have been 6/21/87 vs Luis Santana where DvH achieved 31-o status
Speaking of YT wormholes, Craig Ferguson interviewing hot babes is a particular passion. ... Jay Leno Fly will splice like all X # of appearances with Mila Kunis packages, for instance
There are a few studies on YouTube about how Ferguson is able to get those actresses to relax in an interview and engage with him in a flirty way. Fascinating, really. Far above what Letterman could do and Dave was very, very good at it.
I hate that Ferguson retired. By far one of the best interviewers and incredible amounts of empathy (see any of his monologues about mental health and/or substance abuse).
This looks interesting. CF certainly has an eclectic catalog of work. Doc might even try his Grammy nominated for spoken word audioreading of memoir? We should look into his books
Watch this one about Craig and charisma.
Craiggy is the Jedi Master alright, it appears. So that's what I've been doing all those times? The noospheric collective unconsciousness invented the internet for just such down- and off- loading purposes, i've concluded
Totally agree. Whip smart and a real sensibility for many things including what was appropriate for late night TV.
I love it when he goes all surprised 4th wall mugging aside with the audience when the subject is giggling hysterically over how totally they've bought in and committed to the game
I was very into it when I lived in Colorado years ago. I actually had a natal chart done there by a professional who wrote and sold books on the subject. It was right on. I've always been fascinated by astrology and can oftentimes determine ones sign just based on mannerisms. But no, I do not do charts. I was found to be somewhere between Einstein and Mickey Mouse. I feel I'm getting closer to Mickey Mouse every year...lol
I 'met' this guy online in a 'Jung & the creative urge' facebook group who would take people's art and imagine their natal charts superimposed over the artwork and try to predict their birthdays from that, which he apparently nailed the English nature artist Andy Goldsworthy that way (my icon is an example of what i call 'organic interactive art' that ive always done) and had had some correspondence with this 'astral artist' FF Long, who claims in his website bio to have been inspired to his career by an essay by Aldous Huxley on the value of precious stones that he read. Upshot is we both were seemingly compelled to be going around 'collecting' people born on our mutual 7/26 birthday that Jung also shares and I turned him on to several he didn't know (like Huxley and every other likewise 7/26er named here) and which Jung was an examiner of the validity of astrology. There does seem to be some something going on as evidenced by this guy* who could pass for my little brother and reflects what I was already calling the 'Saint Germain archetype' before I ever met the internet guy. I'm more inclined to see it as some kind of personality matrix that aligns in some collective unconsciousness blah blah blah. But the 7/26 date itself has significance in another calender system (Mayan and 13 Moons, see: law of time)
* https://saintgermainvioletflame.com/wp/biography/
Love the steel drums!
Got his own Dub reggae band Saint Germain & Sacred Sound System on YouTube you might even find some with steel drum
In the 13 Moons analog to zodiac it identifies Jung as a 'blue cosmic wizard' or some such, so I thought I'd be some kind of wizard but turned out I'm just a 'yellow self-existing seed' lol ... I have found some stunning synchronicities in the 7/26er gang though, like Doc's favorite Xmas song singer, Darlene Love. Seems to be a tendency for being definers of unique niche subgenre types, like the 3 way appearance doppelganger of the SGA Mick Jagger/Sandra Bullock/Kate Beckinsale ... I could go on lol
Kevin Spacey, Stanley Kubrick, Helen Mirren, Jason Statham, Linda Hamilton, George Bernard Shaw (original public backer of Pax Cultura, which ties in with lawoftime which ties with Saint Germain/Harmonic convergence), Nana Visitor, Mozart, Jason Robards, Dorothy Hamill, knuckleballer Hoyt Wilhelm, the Bengals' injured RT La'el Collins I just discovered is one
I even started doing it with my circle. One of my dear friend tailgate buddies is a local veterinarian, just a whip smart absolute kook is a fellow 7/3o Leo, which I turned her onto to her Kate Bush (see Wuthering Heights videos) and the WH author Emily Bronte same birthdate. If you knew Jenn and the personality/works of the other two it's just precious that way lol
Masses of people everywhere gather for WH video reenactment events you can find on YouTube, if you can believe that
'Red Dress' version
Gets more at the personal level and check the comments vvv
Nice pinch hitting today. Regardless where the passion was kindled consider yourself lucky that you have someone to have a catch with. This is something that both of you will not forget. Thank you for your service to our country and us mobsters.
Loved this column. Nice to be reminded that dads and boys have a healthy relationship. You are so lucky to have a Taurus. They are gifted with perseverance, love, loyalty, patience, yet powerful to get things done, very loving and stubborn at times, but only in a good way. I know because my daughter is a Taurus and is very successful in business. Wherever she worked, she was loyal and diligent and gave each job her full attention and earned her raises. She started a non profit business which has been very successful over several years as her true gift is caring about others, and loving the joy of giving. Plus, she is always joyful and fun, and now gives me Daughter Mother talks instead of the other way around. She became an adult when she was about 13, while I, alas, am still the child.
Enjoy every moment with your son. I am so happy to hear he is into baseball and uses the internet to improve his knowledge and hopefully can surround himself with others who want to go out and play, just for fun. Hopefully Purdue has a baseball team. It was my favorite sport as a child, just playing with the gang every summer. The good memories and fun times. Great share! Thank you.
Kate, how deep is your interest in astrology? Do you do natal charts? Investigate personalities also born on your birthday or under your sign?
Thank you for contributing, well done.
Playing pitch and catch with your kid, or any kid for that matter, is a fun and bonding use of time. I was one of 4 brothers, along with a group of neighborhood kids, that played baseball from post breakfast until sunset most days during our summer breaks from school, except when we played on Little League teams (our dad was our coach) or were at the local swimming pool.
My wife and I coached our kids’ teams. Our son left baseball early, our daughter played softball all through high school. Great memories all the way around. I loved hitting long fly balls to our “part time daughters” after softball practice. We helped develop some talented athletes. Our girls dominated our local high school softball team lineup. We were very proud of them.
I wish you and your son a great youth baseball experience!
Good work Dad. Good job today. I’ve been taking my kids who are 5/7/9 since they were toddlers. We have a brick at the stadium and go to 6-8 games per year, all of which require 3-5 innings playing wiffleball, climbing the swing set, and standing in line for food.
It’s not exactly a relaxing day at the park, but it’s our thing. I tell them when we stand over the brick: come back here to this spot, no matter what, all three of you, when you’re my age and I’m gone and remember all the good times we had at Reds games.
Now let’s get a win today so the fans don’t boo the team and ownership like Thursday. Sounded like Bungles fans from 3 short years ago.
WOW!! Talk about life is good!! I had to look at my watch and my calendar both. What day is it? A TML on a Saturday! Keep spoiling us. With any luck, maybe they will become daily! Thank you!!
Yes, making up for the lack of Saturday Enquirer delivery.
Wonderful job! Phillip sounds like a great kid! Enjoy the Reds, even if they suck, young man, because you will cherish the memories of these times later in life! I loved the '82 Reds, and they were the worst ever Reds team.
The Power of love is a curious thing, isn't it?
That was Householder, Berenyi and Boom Boom Hume Reds, right? Milner and Redus?
Yes. Redus didn't come up until late in the season. But the rest were there from the start that year!
Doc always speaks highly of his memories of going to the baseball games with his dad as a child. He will connect with this in a big way.
That father/son bond can be fragile, but if cultivated, can be one of life’s richest and most meaningful experiences. I enjoyed your words. Haven’t thought of Huey Lewis in ions...pop wonder that he was!
Nicely done. Hope the toe dipping leads to lifetime of enjoyment for both of you.
Excellent. Especially the subtle statement of chili rebellion. (Said as a small-c catholic when it comes to to my taste in Cincinnati chili - I love them all.) My older nephew has been a baseball nut from the word go, God bless him. The younger? Played a couple seasons of youth soccer and teeball, but after age 6 had no interested in sports at all. Until he was about 13 and found youtube, at which point he signed up for his 7th-grade hoops team. He still plays in a rec league and watches the Cavs like it's his job. He's also become a Bengals fan on a similar level, which was a joy to his Who-Dey loving mom & dad's hearts.