Check my new update comment on the birds this year in this post. Thanks for caring about them. Kate

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Thanks! I am inundated with bluebirds this winter for the first time. They are beautiful, but take a lot of care, especially in the snow. I put out mealy worms, but they have to be in an open container so they can see them. I also scatter on the ground, I actually had a dozen at a time a few weeks. Still have four now and have to clear snow off their food and keep them fed. It's pricey but worth it. They are attractred to the bluebird house and a winter bird bath for water. It's been a city of varioous birds since the snow. I love them!

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Those bobbleheads precariously cantilevering over the window sash are making me really uncomfortable.

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Love that you love it. Looking forward to being there, myself. Cheers, Doc...

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a day with Doc is like a Hawaii sunrise😎🌴

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

Very entertaining and thought provoking, Doc! Aging gracefully is my primary goal these days and you are a big help with a slightly different slant.

By the way, some of TML old timers already knew this about you but still like to go through the specifics any time.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

The older I get, the more I realize that I’m more comfortable outside the crowd than in it. Great column, Doc.

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Hear! Hear!

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And never having to wear a watch again. When someone asks me what time it is, my reply is, "what difference does it make." You learn to live with the placement of the sun, or lack thereof. I also have very few friends...it quality, not quantity, always has been. However, as I age, I find I am losing friends and now I'm beginning to worry if I will be without any if I don't start to socialize again.

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Right after I read this, The Oatmeal shoved this into my inbox:


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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

One of my favorite quotes from William Powell -“ Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.”

I think you need to start a podcast. Take your insight and observation talents and use them in a new media. Open it up beyond sports to issues you have a passion for. I’d listen!

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Well said Doc. I just turned 57 and can appreciate your thoughts about retirement. I am def on the back 9 of my work career.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

A line I think I lifted from you applies here... I enjoy my job and it beats working for a living. But it doesn't beat NOT working for a living.

I hope I have the wherewithal to not work for a living at some point. I happily - if not a little enviously - celebrate the fact you've hit that point. Enjoy.

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It seems as if you meandered through this entire piece and that made it very relaxing to read . Enjoy your retirement and time with yourself. If you ever want to play at Avon Fields and lunch on me, let me know!

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I’m watching the Bearcats now and then The Men at a local bar and grill. Snow isn’t bad. Streets are clear. Besides Tony Romo is calling the game and ehhhh.. if you got nothing good to say about someone, bite your tongue. At this place, I won’t be able to hear his voice over the Who Dey chants. Who Dey !!!!

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