The bit about our stuff moving on it's own hits real close to home.

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Saucy comedy turn today, Doc! I for sure thought that they broken calf of St. Burrow was a ruse to allow him to focus on 'The Extension.' All I know is I hear a faint beep-beep-beep from some sort of truck backing up, and it appears to never reach St. Burrow's front door. C'mon already!

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Bruises on your shins - were you loading/unloading the dishwasher? Making the bed?

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Heard someone (I think on 700) say, “when has Mike ever lost a negotiation?” So maybe that’s it or maybe Joe knows the check is on its way and he just wants to go play.

Boy I am glad I am not the only one forgetting where my hat is only to find it on my head! And I hope no one saw me in the grocery store parking lot last weekend walking around pushing the cart full of groceries looking for my car. Thank God for that alarm button on my key chain. :)

Enjoy TML. Great stuff!

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Short term memory loss is a bitch. I know all about it. But***silver lining to gray cloud***if we can still remember that we lost something in the first place, that's a victory, right?

Mitch McC froze again today, right here in town, in good ol' Cov Ky. This one should finish him off. He went full scale blank for quite a while. WLW-T 5 has a clear video up already. Time for the old curmudgeon to be put to pasture. I don't take joy in any senior losing faculties, but considering the damage he's done to fairness in the last few years, him leaving office is a victory....for the entire country.

Pat Oscar Grouch-Wiley (if that's even your real name...we wonder; wink ,wink), here's a similar senior moment, lol. I played last year with one white Footjoy and one white Slazenger shoe respectively. I mean, they looked kinda sorta alike, so, like, what's the big deal? More ridiculous, I recently played with a low cut brown Merrell Moab on one foot and blue Hoka Hoka runner on the other, which I threw on one morning lazily and forgot to straighten out. Didn't even notice till the 3rd hole. That's why I sometimes play in Hawaiian shirts....diversion attempt. Besides, it's just golf, not a summit meeting on world peace. Age has many setbacks, but it also affords us extra privileges and larger margins for error. Smooth sailin', bro.

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Tell you what..I’ll see your McConnell and I’ll raise ya Shit for Brains Fetterman and Popeye Feinstein. What say you?

Or better yet, let’s just eliminate the 17th Amendment and go back to the way the Founding Fathers originally intended Senators to be elected. By State Legislators..not directly elected. So, with 30 state legislators in Republican control that would make 60 Republican Senators. How’s that sound Greg?

Oh, and by the way yes McConnell is a piece of shit, as is every other senator and congressman. If the state legislature were in control of the senators he would’ve been gone a long time ago.

I’m assuming by you saying “The damage he’s done to fairness “ you’re referencing the Supreme Court appointments for Trump? If so, then cry harder. He did exactly what Harry Reid did.

One final thought. Those Supreme Court appointments are going to be glorious if Trump gets convicted on any of the bullshit charges. Any convictions will be overturned by The Supreme Court. It’s going to be glorious watching all the teeth gnashing and cry babies howling like hyenas if/when it happens.

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This was in wrong place earlier 🙄

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Well, at least you agree with me about McConnell. I'm very critical of Feinstein, too. She should have retired years ago. It's blatantly silly that she won't. I think Biden shouldn't run again either. Where are the Me Generation leaders to replace the Baby Boomer leaders, who are all pretty much over the hill? There is a dearth of quality leadership in both parties.

It must be just freaking you out to see that I agree with you on some things.

As for when Trump goes to jail, and he will, I can recommend a good recipe for burnt crow, cuz you'll be having it every day. I doubt it will be glorious. As for the tired, bullying/sneering tone, which you seem not to realize most people see as a character flaw, not a strength, most of that stuff comes from family of origin. I suggest you might want to investigate. You might find it worthwhile and self enlightening. Have a good one.

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No Greg it doesn’t freak me out that you agree with me on some things. We’ve found common ground before.

As I posted earlier McConnell is a dirtbag as is 95% of Congress and Senate. Term limits and especially age limits are needed as is eliminating all PACs. Until then it’s gonna be the same old same old.

Going to DC should not be a career.

As far as the bullying sneering tone you’re referring to I’ve got the ability to separate the man from the policy’s, just like I did in 1996 when I voted for the biggest fucking dirtbag Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton actually put country over party. It’s amazing how far down the shithole the Progressives have pulled the Democrats. You can rant and rave all you want and twist the facts but the three years before the Scamdemic the country was humming along.

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Aug 31, 2023
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The way things keep disappearing on me, I actually began to believe there is a poltergeist in the house...and I think it is my brother as he was always picking on me one way or another. I can remember at work when I had to get out monthly marketing reports, I would be missing an important piece of correspondence I had gathered up with the facts I needed that I just had in my hand a few minutes ago...and amazingly it was missing! WTH! I hadn't even moved from my desk all morning, so it wasn't like I left it on the kitchen table or anything. It was within 2 feet of where I sat. Gone! I would spend several frantic minutes looking. Nothing! The meeting was coming up soon, I had to have that sheet of info. I looked thru every file in my desk drawers, even those that didn't have anything to do with that data sheet...I panicked in my own little world with my blood pressure wanting to jump through my throat. Then, I would be giving up as the phone rang. And, there, right next to the phone was the fact sheet I had lost! How could that be?? I can feel my blood pressure now just thinking of that day.

At home, I constantly go to a room and question why my physical person trekked all the way to this room...for nothing? Then I'd go back and try to start over from my original starting point in the kitchen. It was just to brush my teeth. Things just flicker in and out of my mind like moths on a bright porch light. And, don't relax, Doc. It just gets worse. You just need to compose yourself when you find yourself wandering about in your house wondering where the heck did I leave my car keys?! When you will later find them laying on your dresser where you always leave them so you can be sure to find them at times like this when you are in a hurry.

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Being super old, I could like about all the comments on this TML, so I'll just say in a blanket way, I like all of them and that includes, I'm pretty sure, those yet to come.

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Could the bruises have been incurred days ago and just now showing up? Was Giolito DFA'd? Loaded Allah Las onto my Spotify. Thanks,

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When I'm preparing to go to work or somewhere, it often takes two or three trips to get everything I need to the car.

Once, when my wife asked me to buy an electric skillet, I bought a hot plate and a Foreman grill before the skillet. Amazingly, she's still married to me; I LOVE that woman!

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It is really amazing what the human brain chooses to remember, and not remember, the older we get.

It never fails me that I'll be at the grocery store, and recognize a face I last saw years ago as a child. Then, I'll quickly recall that it was so-and-so from third grade, Mrs. Whoever's class. Almost 40 years, and I can remember that easily at the snap of a finger.

Then, I'll continue on in the grocery store and, despite having a list on my iPhone, be guaranteed to forget at least one item on said list -- a list I made one hour prior to going to the grocery store.

Or, the pill organizer. I know it's there, on the damn kitchen counter. It's right next to the Keurig that I use every morning. And, guaranteed, I will forget to take either the morning vitamins or the nighttime meds at least two nights a week. I see the frigging pill organizer every day, yet still forget to take what's in it. But I'll rattle off the answer to a trivia question such as "What TV show was former LA Ram Fred Dryer in on NBC in the 1980s?" Well, it was "Hunter," duh!

I'm not to the inexplicable bruises appearing or any of my items up and moving to the other side of the house phase yet. Nor have I reached keeping the thermostat at 85 on a 90 degree day yet, like most older, thin-blooded folks. But, I know those days are a'comin'.

Not sure why it's taking so long with Burrow's contract. Maybe it's the optics ... not wanting to announce his contract while he's been down with the calf injury. I truly cannot see the Men dropping the ball on this, especially how they attacked signing Pratt, Wilson, etc., recently. And, really, who's creating the "distraction?" Is it the Men and Burrow? Or is it the heathen media who can't find anything else to ask about?

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You’re making me nervous, Doc. I have been trying to forget the old Bengals (Lost Decade, ML, 2016 playoff, etc.) and now you’re suggesting my irrational fears may actually be correct? That Saint Joe’s contract negotiations may follow the Ravens fandom nightmare with Lamarvelous? As the saying goes, never say never…

As for aging gracefully, routine is your most trusted friend. Uncertainty is the unavoidable enemy. My advice to myself daily is “Think about what you’re doing, OG!”

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Reds are in quicksand heading for under .500. Makes me a little sad.

Joe will get paid. Time was the only real money Bengals players saw was in a bonus baby deal as rookies.

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Losing things is becoming a bit more common but my biggest issue is just forgetting things instantly once I leave one room and enter another. I sometimes think I just have too damn many thoughts in my brain. Idk, but it’s incredibly annoying.

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Take 5 pills a day. Two in the morning 3 at night. Damn of I don’t made a pill organizer.

It’s not that I forget to take my pills. It’s that I can’t remember if I forgot to take my pills!

If the slot is empty, I’m good! If there are still pills there - gotta take ‘em’

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Try taking your morning pills-then leaving the container flipped over until you take the evening dose. Just gotta remember to flip the bottle.

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Pill organizers keeps me semi sane. Today I messed up and instead of putting two night time pills back in W slot, popped them in my mouth. No biggie but it was a small lesson.

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Me too but I forget to load the pill box.

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After all, JP, you're only a darling puppy! Take it easy on yourself.

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I do my best thinking and singing in the shower. I routinely forget to either wash my hair or rinse the shampoo out of my hair. Since I’m follicly challenged, it’s not a good look to go through a day looking like that. I don’t mind it but my wife does if she’s with me.

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Thank you Mobsters!! Made me laugh out loud several times. I was going to comment but all of my funny anecdotes have been covered. At least once a day I walk into a room of my house, stop, and say to myself; "Now just what did I come in here for?"

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