
I love sitting in the backyard at my place or my friends conversing, eating and drinking a cold beer watching the Reds play. It is so serene! I will always root for the Reds!


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I'm 60.

The Big Red Machine is my best childhood memory, other than running the creek banks, woods and other nameless spots with my childhood gang.... We're all still great friends that see each other regularly.... Even after 50 years. One not un-named spot was Skull Island ...a great wet weather island along one of those creeks.

Baseball matters...within that group and in the lives of many blue collared 'Mericans. BUT...through the years, Reds ownership has disappointed us more often than pleased us. I'm of an extremely fortunate age....I saw the 70's Reds. I remember them. He!!...I can argue best starting lineups from 75 & 76 better than 2022. And, 1990 was a phenomenal season. Thanks, Marge!!

Any fan that has any respect left for The Castillini Regime has no knowledge of Redlegs past.

As MLB revenue and income soars...the big man has cut payroll in half.

A fan of at least mid level interest understands where the other funds go.

As upset and as p'd off as I am, I still purchased a 6 pack of cheapest tix---- knowing I can move way down in the seats.

Ownership has not only let us down, they have taken advantage of our gullibility, they have sucked in our $$, BUT....the ABSOLUTE WORST thing they did....was TO ABSOLUTELY lie to Redleg fans.

That part is inexcusable and unacceptable.


I love listening to The Cowboy.

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Listening to baseball with my grandpa on his little black transistor radio with that tiny bent metal antenna...great times! I get what you’re saying doc, the smell of the freshly cut grass, the sound coming from the radio of the bat hitting the ball...good stuff. Will take my son to a game this year and will listen often on the radio, especially while cutting my grass. Not sure my investment will help the Reds get their next big prospect, but I will be a fan!

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What was left of my interest in the Reds vanished when The Famer rode off into the sunset. Nothing against the current booth, Brantley of course is terrific. But Marty was a link to so many great memories for me, not just the Reds' glory days. Since he's gone I don't automatically turn to the Reds when I'm in the car at night, and in earlier parts of my life that would have been unthinkable.

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Ready for Reds on the radio (app on phone). By the time we start seeing promise of spring’s arrival, I just can’t help myself.

Missing middle class. Kentucky has something like 4800 active coal miners and 6000 people working at Dollar General. For real.

Good song.

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“Loving baseball for baseball, independent of results. A fine July night doesn’t care how the Reds do. An evening on the deck isn’t tethered to the fortunes of the home team.”

Couldn’t agree more. Also….the business day special might be the best afternoon sporting event know to man.

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Extremely Excited, like every year in my knowing of baseball life. That will never change. In my blood.

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Hey Doc I'm pretty sure you said it best a few weeks (or months) back when you referred to the Reds as not just a local sports team but a civic treasure. I will always love the Reds but can't blame anyone for the apathy. And that apathy is much more harmful to ownership's pockets than anger IMO. Too bad the Castellini's are not wise to that- or they just don't care.

I'm a lifelong baseball fan and have coached all levels from tee ball up to HS varsity and to be honest over the past 10 years, I've found myself really gravitating toward the college baseball and minor league scene. I'm lucky enough to be in AZ where there's lots of opportunity to see this.

And when I do go back home to Cincy and visit I can drive 30 min south to GABP and join the other 7000 fans in an overpriced, kinda sterile environment or can drive 40 min north and go see the Dragons with 7000 other fans.

I prefer to see the kids who are going all out and competing their tails off. To me it is a much more pure brand of baseball where it is still played at a high level. It's more entertaining in between innings, too. I would encourage anyone to adopt their local college and/or minor league team if you want to check out a good brand of baseball, not have to shell out half a paycheck and still feel connected to the game that we grew up loving.

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I think most of you listen to the Reds on radio because you seek solace from the fray. Odd word, fray. In this context I will assume it means your significant other yapping away while you only seek the metronome pace of a called ball game. It’s a place where you and a few innocent vices get to cut loose with zero judgement other than you yelling at the radio from time to time. Of course, it’s also a great way to fall asleep under the stars until the mosquitos bleed you a pint dry.

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Baseball is reaching a tipping point, though not obvious. The crack in the economic ice is getting larger and the small market teams are scrambling to stay afloat while the ice melts. Where will the SMT be in 15 years? Probably no where to be found. The small markets are where the baseball apathy is growing and will continue to do so unless the “Powers That Be” wise up and adopt a similar revenue sharing model to the NFL or NBA. Excuse me while I fall over laughing and weeping at the same time…

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Soon to be 70 yrs. old. Opening day 1968 at Crosley Field my buddies and I played hookie and took the bus downtown and then to the game. Sun Deck/Moon Deck was the best. Will always love the Reds and the game. Physical limitations have curtailed by ability to go to many games and I don't pay much attention to other teams like I used to. However, a cigar an adult beverage or 2 and Reds on the radio on the deck is still the best. From Waite Hoyt to Tommy Thrall I'll always listen to the games every night I can. Will always be a fan.

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Deep down I still love baseball. I'm just not sure it still loves me. Certainly, Phil C does not care much about me. And, I admit, I'm not much into radio. So for me up until last year, it was every night watching the games on TV that kept me a fan of The Team. Once cable TV stopped loving me too and raised their rates, I did like many and cut the cord. Now, it appears YouTube TV and Bally's don't love me much either as I no longer have the 'privilege' of watching the national pastime on TV. So, I have gone back to simply enjoying more often, other things I love...golfing, my pool, enjoying a bourbon on the deck, having friends/neighbors over at our tiki bar (without the game on in the background) etc etc. And what is the most sad thing after 50+ years of being a Red's fan...I did not miss it. I did not miss the Reds. So, it all comes down to apathy. And, that is hard to come back from. You know who loves me more now...The Bengals and the Brown Family...my, have things changed.

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Love it! I'm not such a big Final Four Fan. After the Super Bowl it's baseball time. When I pinch hit for Doc about not being into video games someone commented that selling gaming to my generation is like selling baseball to the under 30 crowd. I'm afraid that's true. I really believe that the changes that they are making to the game will improve the overall experience. Quicker, crisper games , more running more action. My oldest friend commented that that she loves baseball but can't stand a 3 and a half hour game. She moved to LA and is a huge Dodger fan. She blames me for making her a baseball fan. I used to share season tickets and went to 20+ games a year. My observation is that close to 50% of die hard fans are female. My mother and all of her sisters (born in the 1920's) were taught to score games by their father and were lifelong fans. Never forget celebrating World Championships with her in 75 & 76. Memories.

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I love the Game of Baseball, not the Business of Baseball. The BUSINESS of Baseball is ruining, if it hasn't already ruined, the GAME. I can't stand the analytics - another piece of the BUSINESS of baseball that is putting a damper on the GAME. Regardless, of how well, or poorly, the "home" team is playing, I always enjoyed the game, radio, TV, or at the ballpark, but that is past tense now. Going to the game is filled with everything but the game itself. The broadcast, radio or TV, is filled with the business (contracts and ananlytics etc..) Here in Reds Country, we were blessed with Marty & Joe, but even that is gone now. So, we are left with Cowboy as the only one (Thank God Marty had such a great influence on Cowboy) who really sticks with talking about The GAME and telling it like it is. Can he sustain me through a season of mounting losses and a revolving door of minor leaguers? Only if the broadcast can still paint a picture of THE GAME, and leave the business out. I want to smell fresh cut grass, hear the crack of the bat, and see the flight of the ball and even the bang-bang of a close play at first base. Closing my eyes now and....hoping because with the GAME of BASEBALL, Hope Springs Eternal. Play Ball!

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That was Terry Bradshaw with the “waddle” comment

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was going to mention the same!

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I know that I am in the minority but I am really looking forward to this Reds season. For me, seeing if the promising 3 young starting pitchers can take a step forward, if India will bounce back, can Stephenson take a step forward, following Elly De La Cruz, and most of all how this season will go for Joey Votto are all compelling. And nothing like a cigar and bourbon on the patio on a warm summer night watching or listening to the game.

That said, though I will follow closely I will probably only go to GABP once or twice.

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