I was actually playing some BTO just the other day. Catchy riffs like this are still kinda a guilty pleasure for me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q9w70-N-fMA

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I’ve come around to thinking Dave Bell has been masterful with the brilliant albeit young team he’s been bequeathed with. I still think he pulls pitchers too quickly, then I didn’t think that when Greene gave up the 3-run bomb tonight. He has deftly managed the seemingly unmanageable. Yes, he deserves serious consideration…

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It's been a bit since I saw a good ol pro union, anti union debate. I'll just say this...none of us would enjoy the working conditions/salaries that we do if not for those union folks that came before us. How do youse think the labor laws that are currently on the books got there? Hint, it wasn't from the generosity of the companies. I saw a comment that stated that it's nearly impossible to get fired from a union shop, and that is sad but true. But the flip side is that unions also protect workers from being targeted and fired for no reason. Both positives and negatives, same as most anything else. And then you have the Right to Work politicians, a whole other can of worms.

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I was voting for Bell for MOY by July. I guess there might be other managers that could juggle 40+ pitchers and all the adversity this team has faced and still be +.500 and in a wildcard hunt, but if there are, then they all should be tied for the prize. Bell is our guy and I’m happy he is.

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Wow that's one goshawful song from BTO. I believe BTO had roots in The Guess Who and it sounds like Second Hand had its roots in Hand Me Down World. With the exception that Second Hand sucks and Hand Me Down World was a great track.

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Did David Bell really say upon leaving Motown that two outta three ain’t bad??

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You made valid points on Bell. But let's just agree to disagree...

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I'm in the auto industry and have been following the UAW strike.

1) Meet the New boss, same as the Old boss. His two predecessors both went to prison for stealing from their membership.

2) UAW has been connected to the Dem party for decades even though a lot of their members voted for Trump. Dems want EVs.

3) EVs require far less labor, so he's got one shot to get what he can because their membership will decline as adoption increases. Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

4) Auto companies have been very profitable since they re-orgainzed in 2008. At that time, they had way, way too many facilities, overhead, and yes Labor to survive. The union made significant concessions during that negotiation. Two-tier wage system.

5) Toyota, Mercedes, Nissan, Honda, and (drumroll) Tesla all have Non-Union factories. So they are absolutely loving this.

At the end of the day, it's obscene how the Unions do business. Shawn Fain (new boss) came out in his first presser and said we are "going after the one true enemy, the multi-billion corporations who don't pay us our fair share". How many of you hate and despise the company that pays you a six-figure comp package? You could take every manager and even executive and make them work for free and it would not cover the ridiculous demands of 40% increase in total comp times 150k workers.

It's nearly impossible to get fired, even you deserve it, working for the UAW.

The unintended consequences is small towns like I grew up in eventually lose the anchor businesses in the community and can't pivot. Classic rust belt dilemma.

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If Joe Burrow is getting $55 million a year what’s the head of Ford worth? I’m not against paying the workers more but the costs will just get passed on to the consumers . And I read something about 32 hour weeks but getting paid for 40? Sorry but no

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Jim Farley, cousin of Chris Farley (swear) makes $20M. The family makes way, way more and there's a lot of mouths to feed. They have a different system in that the family owns a lot of stock and has special voting rights.

Part of the reason they own the Lions. It spews off $$ that can keep people on the pump whole. Sound familiar?

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Fair points, all

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This is the second time I've had to rescue BTO here. Sledgehammer is one of the greatest 3 cord rock songs ever and will be my walk up song on the softball team at the nursing home someday. Bell has done an amazing job. Effort and enthusiasm was high last year when the team was awful. Although I disagreed with Elly hitting 4th, what he's done with who he has is remarkable.

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Rock is my life. And this is my song. Lol

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Regarding the strike: I've worked at companies with excellent managers and execs, and some with horrible ones. The good/great execs keep you employed and the bad ones send everyone packing. So I don't begrudge companies paying for good, top executives as long as the results are there. Having spent the last 20 years in manufacturing, I can tell you that automation is replacing the line workers. Consistency and repeatability is key; you don't always get that with factory workers. But I don't see the correlation between paying top execs good coin and doing the same with assembly workers. Companies who need those assembly workers will strive to pay them a good wage, but they need to stay in business. I know it is all about the American Dream, but that is how business works.

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Agreed. But some of the wages paid top execs are obscene.

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There also seems to be a reverse correlation between executive compensation and the long term performance of a corporation. The best leaders I worked for were not the highest compensated. The worst were those that hopped from company to company and brought in six sigma.

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Ok. I used to be a Bell basher, and I fully believe he deserved it. And I still don't hold him in such high regard as you, but he has definitely improved as a manager, and should receive a fair amount of votes. Counsell is the best manager in the game, in my mind, and would get my vote, if I had one. Bell's big plus is the rapport and trust he's established with the team. I have to see how he does going forward before I can look at him as a great manager. I'm hoping he wins me over, because I really like the guy.

Loved BTO the first few albums, saw them live once, which was a whole lot of fun, but now I'd be hard pressed to come up with 5 songs I love. Eh.

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Bell is a placeholder at best. Uninspired and uninteresting. Even his “moments” at the plate giving it to the ump appear scripted. The Reds have performed better this year because of the talent that has arrived. Last year they fielded a AAA team the entire season. Of course, injuries to pitchers and others are of no one’s fault. Bell included. Any manager in that spot has no choice but to play the cards they are dealt. That doesn’t equal being a good manager. When someone can demonstrate that things are being said or done about the happenings on the field then, ok, we may have ourselves something. Errors, striking out looking in critical moments and base running errors have been a plenty all season long. When isolated, one can chalk it up to the exuberance of youth. When there’s a pattern, the issue isn’t being addressed. Run DLC, checks in the mail Doc, is the perfect example. Sure, he’s fun to watch when he happens to catch lightning for that one or two ABs. Mostly, he is an undisciplined puppy darting about on the field with no leash. Errors, getting picked off base, striking out over and over and over on balls in the dirt, walking back to the dugout lumber on shoulder having just looked at yet another fastball as the cowboy waxes so eloquently, right down broadway, happen with frequency. Do any of us think anything along the lines of “hey Elly, knock that $hit off” is happening? Nope, didn’t think so. That’s what a manager does, or is supposed to anyway. Conversely you look at MCLain. Errors, strike outs, picked off at first. Yep, they’ve all happened. A few times. You know, here and there. That can be chalked up to youth’s aggression. That can be chalked up to inexperience, because it doesn’t continue to happen. Difference being, not because Bell has managed it out of him. One can tell McLain is a polished ball player. One we will all hopefully get to enjoy watching over the next decade or so. Bell is fortunate with McLain in that regard. He should be tugging the leash of Run DLC.

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You can't explain the team's success by citing the "talent'' on hand, then blame the manager when the talent makes rookie mistakes. And I'd be interested in knowing how you know that Bell isn't practicing a modicum of discipline.

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Sorry Doc, your premise doesn’t make sense. The manager can’t be held accountable for mistakes being made in the field? Especially when they happen regularly? How else does one assess management other than what we can see? Obviously we have little or no access to what goes on in the clubhouse and behind closed doors. When similar things continue to occur, what is a rational person to assume?

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For weeks there was no real option but to keep playing EDLC. With Marte up and now India, Bell can give Elly a rest. Losing McClain really hurt. Bell stayed w Elly in 4 hole too long. Batting 7th against lefties is better.

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I do remember the WR. I believe I got my poster from Tiger Beat!

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Bobby Brown My Prerogative I owned two copies of that tape because the first one broke. Not proud of that fact. Also my first concert that I didn't tag along to with my parents was Paula Abdul and Color Me Badd.. thankfully I went to summer camp and was introduced to Jimi Hendrix and Steve Miller

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Although I still don't like the way Bell handles relief pitchers, I have to admit he has done more with less this year and deserves MOY consideration. Has any other team had more players on the roster during this or any other season?

Having worked for large corporations for my full career, I agree that the executive compensation is way out of line and not earned. Our worst executives always seemed to take the highest compensation in spite of hurting companies more than they helped. I've seen national leading brands milked to obsolescence by greedy management trying to enhance their bonuses. I think many will side with the auto workers if they don't take things too far. 30%+ wage increases and 32 hr work weeks seem excessive to me, and would likely only motivate auto manufacturers to move to more robotics and fewer workers especially as more EV's are produced.

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