As a guy who spent about 20 years coaching college football at a variety of institutions, I am appalled at what's happening at Colorado. Lost in all of this player movement is the fact that many of these kids will never complete their education. I've coached hundreds of kids. Only a handful make a career in professional sport. Many of them would not have had the opportunity to get a college education without football. As much as some like to diminish the value of higher education the fact is that it is often times life-changing; both intellectually and financially. The lack of commitment to one another on the part of both the universities and the players is disturbing. The blanket dismissal of players from his first day on the job smacks of an impersonal and disinterested attitude by Coach Sanders which, in my opinion, should be an embarrassment to the University of Colorado. These kids are not professional athletes. I should add that he is not alone in this approach which goes against much of what coaching at the collegiate level should be about.

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Ryan and Dizzy...beautiful story...w/Puffs (P&G you know). Both are better men for this friendship and bringing the Team together.

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I’ve read about a lot of people transferring out of Colorado... haven’t really heard much about anyone coming in

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Just thinking how at this point in life it would be “to get me one too.” Classic song!

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THAT video was something... my gosh, we have heard about Ryan for years, but to see the video and him in "action" - left me speechless and in tears. Beyond cool... What an amazing young man, Doc (but I'm guessing you already knew that).

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Living in Deion Country is always interesting. He is doing what he said he would, with that touch of Prime flair. One of the Denver Post sportswriters had interviews with the parents of players who felt “forced into the transfer portal”, but other than that, everyone here seems quite content with the new coach, even Peggy, the 98 year old super fan, who walked onto Folsom Field arm-in-arm with Coach Prime at Saturday’s game and kicked off the season. Oh, and congratulations to Ryan!

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It looks to me almost everyone joined hands and jumped the shark, up, up and away from the local traditional real world paradigm into the same alternative un'reality' TV universe as where exists such as Faux 'news'?


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Great reflection on the "Transfer Portal" so -far, that is, without knowing what its full impact will be long-term. You know, kind of like the players, recruits, draft choices, free agents and trade bait that are talked about ad-infinitum in the sports media hyperbole. In other words, I feel the same about all this hoopla regarding the transfer portal as I do about the NFL Draft Extavaganza. Means nothing until "that" player suits up for "that" team and actually makes a play. Well, except for all the cash $$$ that will flow whether he/she makes a play, or not. I love the game(s), not the business surrounding the game(s). Play Ball! Add note, looking forward to watching the Ryan video from Ch 9 - WCPO. The good stuff of life. Final note: Enjoyed today's tune too. Thanks.

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Great one today Doc. Always love the updates on Ryan and Jillian! Love The Doors reference and Todd R. I guess NIL means I won't ever get to watch a kid like Desmond Ridder go from a recruit that no one wanted to the starting quarterback of the Falcons. I think that you become more invested with your team if you can watch them develop over several years. Today, the dude might be gone for the cash. I will continue to be a fan but it's not going to be the same and I don't think that's a good thing.

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Give me more Ryans and Dizzys to follow and root for! Great story about your SIL. That model will build character in the players on the team that will be life long lasting. Thanks Doc.

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Did you get any sleep last night? Todd Rundgren is a very talented song writer and producer. I discovered him when he was with the band 'Nazz", who did the original 'Hollo It's Me'. Here is a song that most of you have never heard and features some of the best drumming I've ever heard. Their drummer was one of the first to use a double bass. Enjoy.


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Hello, It's Me...one of my all time favorites. Thanks for bringing up such a beautiful song.

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I'm struck reading TR's wiki page how much synchronicity with Bear Stanley. I wonder if they knew each other? And 'Bang On Me Drum" is TR's baby. And how much I liked this song in my youth


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Valid points on transfer portal, etc. but in a way it's just moving up the timeline for getting smacked in the face with the Real World. As Aykroyd put it in Ghostbusters: "You've never been out of college, you don't know what it's like. I'VE worked in the private sector-they expect results!"

While a college education is a valuable and enduring asset, there has always been an exploitative side to it on the part of the university. This is obvious in the realm of athletics. 'Great at recruiting' is a nice way to say that a coach excels at selling teenagers on the idea that their physical talent is career worthy if he comes to their program (regardless of the reality). But it goes for the normals as well. How many department heads, presidents, deans have exaggerated the significance of a degree from their institution in order to boost enrollment or justify their departmental resources? This struck me the day I ran into XU guard Gary Lumpkin managing the downtown Walgreen's (he was working the register that day). He and Posey were both great players at X--but wore very different post-grad uniforms.

The new rules are simply allowing student athletes to do what they will need to do for the rest of their lives: Forge relationships and make (tough) decisions that will best suit their personal long-term vision and goals. It may seem cutthroat and cynical, but the previous status quo has been over-romanticized.

I kinda hope the Pirates end up being good just to test the limits of your divorce. I felt the same way to the Bengals (many times), as well as the Reds more recently--but being a fan is already pointless and relatively easy. Why complicate it by hopping in and out? Monetary and emotional investment is a sliding scale with teams typically getting what they deserve.

That is a great tune and Todd is very underrated. Pretty sure it was in a show or movie back in the day but can't quite place it..

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Great effort today as always PDoc...but the video on Ryan and NKU baseball surpassed your work...something tells me you are fine with that sentiment.

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Yeah, Deion's approach is refreshing, in that, as always, he's being pretty damn transparent. That's his trip. He's just trying to flaunt the new rules, that's all. Using the rules to maximal advantage is what competition is all about. But let's wait and see if he actually builds a winner in Boulder before we get all jacked up about the new system.

The bigger picture is what bothers me. The new rules are governed by the pervasive narcissism that has replaced healthier social values in the younger generation of American youth. "Every man for himself" and "teamwork" are inherently at odds in the "New Way of College Sports".. It's free agency on steroids. Most of these athletes won't play after college. How will these values learned in college transfer to the workplace? Are loyalty and selflessness in the work place about to become lost causes, dinosaurs doomed to extinction? Or will the portal give kids buried in the wrong program new opportunities they truly deserve? Will it teach them to be unattached and live flexibly? Will it allow them to escape madmen coaches who are negative forces and control freaks?

Free agency has damaged baseball badly. It has sometimes hurt, sometimes helped the NFL, because the NFL has a structured economic system. When the wild west days end in this new NIL world, perhaps college sports will reel back the crazy loopholes that need fixing today and build a better, workable system. Most new things are unfinished products. They need time to mature. It's called "fixng the bugs"

Personally I loved Deion as a Red, as did Bowden. His Buffaloes will be the perfect test model. Let's see if they stampede their way to the top or go extinct under his guidance. Should be an interesting, fascinating watch.

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Seems that all the tix are already sold out that a big part of the mission has been accomplished? And buffaloes aren't extinct you know, just sayin'.. last i checked Ted Turner husbands the largest herd in N America. Which reminds me of this neat article I found in support of my little Bluegrass/Limestone Trail sacred meadow shamans theory


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The pendulum has swung far since Pitt deemphasized athletics after players received small stipends for spending money for the Rose Bowl back in the 1930’s legendary coach Jock Sutherland resigned. And the Panthers went into a football swoon that last a couple decades. Hopefully when the apogee reached the pendulum won’t swing too far in the other direction.

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If we only had more coaches teaching the kids about life and how to treat others......it would be a better world.

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Todd is fantastic. Here’s one of my faves::


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