There is "that". Thank you. Yes, I come from a one room schoolhouse in the country. In first grade, there were 3 out of 5 of us who were lerties. Our desks were only extended out on the right side for writing and reading. When the teacher had us put down a tablet and start to write she told all of us to turn our tablets to the left at the top and write. She asked us to try to learn to write right handed. That didn't work. So we lefties all moaned and groaned and she let us turn out tablets the opposite way. Plus we had to go into contortions in our desk to be able to reach the tablet which we wrote on while almost standing on our heads. The outside of my left hand and outside pinky finger was permanently covered in black lead or ink all through school. I felt sorry for her. She apologized for the desks. The next year we came back, all students had lift top desks. What a relief. The chalk board was a horror for us to write on. (Sorry Paul, I got off track. This is your spot and not sports.)
Gosh,. now that you mention it, I'd forgotten how challenging life could be for lefties. Certain tools are built ergonomically correct only for righties. Even writing can be challenging. In grade school, I remember how you guys had to contort your arms to write from left to right. It was like you had to twist your hand funny not to drag it through the pen's ink. On the bright side, it can be helpful in sports. A lot of great pitchers and QBs have thrown lefthanded. Lefties are always in demand in baseball. And being quirky in general is considered normal. There is that. 😉
Boomer Esiason is my second most least liked Bengal of all time. He made me stop caring about the Bengals and to actually root against them when he played.
Nice today. Scott Rolen made me tear up a bit. Glad we had him here. Smokey Robinson is a sweet choice for the song.
Don’t give a fig about NFL contract stuff. Season sneaks up on me every year.
I went to my county fair for the first time in a long time. Volunteered at a booth giving away cold water. Did manage to buy a corn dog.
We went to see Barbie movie yesterday afternoon in Frankfort. Little bit of a line. Unusual for Sunday matinee. Loved it. Loved some of the audience reactions too. Highly recommend.
Not a big doll fan, although I had Barbie. I love movies though. This one absolutely understood the assignment. Waited for it to open. Devoured the promos. Go see it. You will e surprised.
I was just kiddin. I had a couple younger sisters with the torquoise ones. Used to watchj them drive around on the basement floor on roads I drew with chalk. I was the Commissioner of Roads. Fun times.
You had me down a rabbit hole again Doc...Bob Seger, Night moves, Turn the page... now I'll spend another hour and a half listening and coming up with more artists and songs I haven't thought of in a while and at my age, that's a lot⭐️
My theory on Saint Joe and his contract extension is based on the collective yawn by NFL owners when Lamar Jackson became a free agent and from all outward appearances received no interest of any kind. Given the mess that happened in Cleveland with Deshaun Watson, it suggests to me that collusion is working behind the scenes and owners want more long-term control regardless of talent level. Worst case, MB is feeling pretty safe sitting still another year before reaching for his wallet and, as a result, the fans that wants certainty to rule get the short end of the stick.
As for King Waggler who now rules Royal Liverpool and the Royal and Ancient in general, the set-up drama didn’t bother me one iota. The only time I am a shameless golfing has been rooting for particular pros to win is when an American is reaching for the Claret Jug. I don’t know, maybe it was all those Ryder Cup L’s at Valderrama and the Belfry and the K Club and Celtic Manor and the abuse that went with them that made it my lifelong hope for Yanks to win when teeing it up in THE OPEN or whatever they want to call it. Now, to Doc’s point about playing 18 with the King Waggler every Saturday morning, I do agree there, of course, but in THE OPEN, not so much.
Considering Baltimore had to build an almost unique offense tailored near specifically to LJ + his vulnerability to injury + him representing himself, I can see other teams not being all that interested in any aspect of making that their headache for $25om/5. And Baltimore, now that they've done it, is totally revamping their scheme with a brand new coordinator + they've still got a near clone in what's his name to back him up in tandem
Teetering on the brink of success and validation within the community from which they expect to extract generational wealth for a second time, the Organization appears to have left itself with fewer ways than usual to avoid making a bad choice. But I’m confident there are voices in the room advocating for it.
As for Joey, I honestly think the fam and he are trying diligently to get a contract that rewards him sufficiently but also keeps his weapons right there with him. I choose to believe that.
I’m in agreement on both Boomer and Chad. Enjoyed watching both of them play. I had the opportunity to meet Boomer once at the GC Airport and he was a true gentleman to me and to my children. I will never forget that. Class dude!
Just saw the news that the Reds “would be willing” to part with Jonathan India. I can’t honestly say I’m surprised although I’m a big India fan. So, here comes my OG story. After the 1971 season, a disappointing one for the Reds who had been to the WS in 1970, they shocked ALL Reds fans by trading former ROY, Tommy Helms and much loved first baseman, Lee May to the HoustonColt 45’s/Astros for Jack Billingham, Denis Mende, Cesar Geronimo, and a little second baseman named Joe Morgan. I was pissed! However, once that next season started and for the next several years, I was no longer angry…OBVIOUSLY. My point being, losing a high quality talent and team leader like Jonathan would be an emotional blow to fans and maybe the team chemistry but…ya never know.
This team is loaded with young talent and they are challenging the top right now so management is right to try to supply the team with whatever is needed. A big trade might do that, it might not but, my thinking is, this team is built to get better. I guess we’ll all see what happens.
I agree with you regarding the Helms trade because he was a favorite of mine at the time. I was very happy with the outcome. If they trade India, I hope it the results are more like the Helms trade than letting Tony Perez go. India appears to be a great influencer of the young players, although he has been in a slump lately.
Agree, but , imagine they/he are waiting for the Chargers to sign their qb, so Joe can one up it, and not be a day early and a buck short? Love Smokey, how could you not??
My wife just happened to walk in right before Harmon was preparing to hit. She does NOT watch golf. She sat quietly for a few seconds, then 'OMG! Just hit the damn ball!' Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the guy cruise home. Impressive! And a fellow southpaw at that!
I totally agree on the Save stat being flawed. I think Holds, ERA, and WHIP probably are better stats for evaluating relievers and closers. Perhaps there should be a stat for how many batters on average it takes a reliever to record 3 outs. Any SABR nerds out there know if this exists today?
The optimist in me is hoping the delay in Burrow's deal is that he, along with the Family Brown/Blackburn, are working together diligently to not only reward him, but to keep the core of the band together.
Burrow has never, even since his college days, struck me as a "money, money, money" sort. He wants to win it all, and I think has the presence of mind to know that the money will come even more after winning it all. Not saying he won't try to maximize what he can now, but I think he knows that having a Lamborghini body is all well and good, but with no wheels on it to make it go, it's useless.
That's my hope, anyway.
Loved the comparison to a pitcher going more than five innings being akin to Davy Crockett at the Alamo. That's what it seems like anymore, doesn't it? I've even seen chatter among fans about how the Reds should go to a six-man rotation, simply to stave off the bullpens arms falling off.
It is really interesting how much pitching has changed compared to years past. And no, I'm not even talking HOF's like Gibson, Ryan, Carlton, etc., compared to present-day pitchers. Even journeymen like John Denny, Ron Robinson, and others back in the '80s could go at least 6 or 7 innings before being yanked. And then you had long relievers like Eric Plunk, Larry Anderson and Jeff Nelson who were coming out of the bullpens almost daily, and being effective at it.
Makes me think, though ... ol' Sparky, a la "Captain Hook," was way ahead of his time when it came to working pitching staffs. I guess you can have that luxury, though, when the bullpen is full of rubber arms like Borbon, McEnaney, Eastwick, et. al.
My memory says McEnaney got the last out in the ‘75 WS win after Joe drove in Pete for the winning run in the top of the ninth…don’t tell me if I’m wrong, please…
Crusin', by Huey and Gwyneth. Of course, I'm kickin' Huey to the curb immediately and subbing in. Just Gwyneth and me, on the balcony in our bathrobes with the soft sparkling lights of Paris in the background. Purrrrfecto! Rarhhherrrrh!
"Harmonic Convergence" at the Open yistidday. The waggles? Yikes! Drove me nuts. I had to look away, waiting for a "swish" to look back. Bigger story? Another lefty wins, further shaming the idiotic old wives tale that lefties can't play golf, a twisted falsehood which resulted in very few LH clubs being made for decades, till recently. I remember my China Town crapola Northwestern driver, 5 iron, and reject Putt Putt putter. Try producing results on caddy day with that trio of junk, while your buddies have full bags of top notch righty stuff. Bitter? Nah. More like murderous. Better times now and ahead for the young lefties. Boo-Rah!
Hard-nosed. In your face. Never takes a play off. Elevates the team. Quiet leader. Junk yard dog.
GO LEFTIES!! Right? I'm a leftie who plays golf a rightie. Go figure. Baseball: hit right, catch left. My grandpa was ambidextrous and I guess I got it from him. My hair even goes left, and right....
I throw right, bat left in baseball and swing lefty in golf (e.g.: Votto, Phil Mickelson). RH in everything but how I swing. Let's face it, we were born to be oddballs, lol, 🙂. PS: My dad was ambidextrous, like your gramps.
Being LH and swinging righty, well, that's the rarest of rare. Almost never seen in MLB baseball. But at least you can find golf clubs much more easily, you lucky bird. Your hair just sounds rebellious, lol 😃.
If you could assemble a mount rushmore of the worst NFL franchises, our Bengals are on it, right? Because if they are, then it would shock no one if they failed to secure their greatest asset in franchise history. That is to say, they definitely could screw this up. And oh my, I can't even digest the thought of going back to a pre-Burrow Bengals. What a depressing thought enhanced by the fact that it's still on the table.
I'm not a TBT guy, but I did watch Xavier alum play the UC alum, which became an instant classic in geriatric pick-up basketball history, when UC, which had domianted all game, won on a GW 3. Must admit, it was very entertaining, previously had zero interest in the tournament, but get the local squads playing each other and I'm all in. I was somehow just as annoyed as I would have been had it meant anything, and that's a credit to the product. Also love that it was just as petty among the alum as it is the students; say what you will about class and sportsmanship, but the genuine distaste makes for great TV. Fun game, now already ready for Xavier to exact revenge for their old boys come December when UC comes waltzing back into Cintas.
Also, hear India's on the trading block? Unless he can go 6 innings of 2-out baseball or better, he should be. Anyone should be. The chase is on now after sweeping the No. 1 wild card team, which the Reds now are. #GetThePitching
They'll pay the man. Don't go giving us ulcers thinking about a Bengal future without Burrow 😂.
I'm torn about India possibly being traded. I kinda hate the idea of it happening mid-season. This team for sure has some positive chemistry and I give him lots of credit for that. They WILL ultimately need to move an infielder, though. It'll be interesting. I'm also not sure what type of return you can expect for him. He hasn't had a great season so far.
The new system the Reds have bought into demands they put India at the top of the trade list.. Remember, this new system is why they've rebuilt so fast. Many of the current crop of rookies came in the recent big trades. They're basically limited to keeping players for 5 years in the new system, and if they want top quality back, they need to sell high. India needs to realize he isn't really the team leader, a position he assigned himself, and get back to spraying the ball all over the field. He has gotten a little heavy, too, and isn't moving as well as he used to. He's a fine ball player and if the Reds can get a working arm for him or 2 really good prospects, they should pull the trigger, imho. If he stays, that's great, too, provided he stops trying to hit home runs and gets back to knocking the ball to all fields. Right now a decent arm is a much bigger priority than keeping him.
There is "that". Thank you. Yes, I come from a one room schoolhouse in the country. In first grade, there were 3 out of 5 of us who were lerties. Our desks were only extended out on the right side for writing and reading. When the teacher had us put down a tablet and start to write she told all of us to turn our tablets to the left at the top and write. She asked us to try to learn to write right handed. That didn't work. So we lefties all moaned and groaned and she let us turn out tablets the opposite way. Plus we had to go into contortions in our desk to be able to reach the tablet which we wrote on while almost standing on our heads. The outside of my left hand and outside pinky finger was permanently covered in black lead or ink all through school. I felt sorry for her. She apologized for the desks. The next year we came back, all students had lift top desks. What a relief. The chalk board was a horror for us to write on. (Sorry Paul, I got off track. This is your spot and not sports.)
It absolutely is!
It's tough being left handed...scissors, baseball bats (lol)...I am an oddball in the minority just by being a woman and this just added to my woes.
Gosh,. now that you mention it, I'd forgotten how challenging life could be for lefties. Certain tools are built ergonomically correct only for righties. Even writing can be challenging. In grade school, I remember how you guys had to contort your arms to write from left to right. It was like you had to twist your hand funny not to drag it through the pen's ink. On the bright side, it can be helpful in sports. A lot of great pitchers and QBs have thrown lefthanded. Lefties are always in demand in baseball. And being quirky in general is considered normal. There is that. 😉
Boomer Esiason is my second most least liked Bengal of all time. He made me stop caring about the Bengals and to actually root against them when he played.
The Rolen speech should be required viewing. Perfect.
Nice today. Scott Rolen made me tear up a bit. Glad we had him here. Smokey Robinson is a sweet choice for the song.
Don’t give a fig about NFL contract stuff. Season sneaks up on me every year.
I went to my county fair for the first time in a long time. Volunteered at a booth giving away cold water. Did manage to buy a corn dog.
We went to see Barbie movie yesterday afternoon in Frankfort. Little bit of a line. Unusual for Sunday matinee. Loved it. Loved some of the audience reactions too. Highly recommend.
Keep dreaming those Tuscan dreams.
Which was it; did you drive to the movie in your pink or your turquoise Barbie convertible?
Not a big doll fan, although I had Barbie. I love movies though. This one absolutely understood the assignment. Waited for it to open. Devoured the promos. Go see it. You will e surprised.
I was just kiddin. I had a couple younger sisters with the torquoise ones. Used to watchj them drive around on the basement floor on roads I drew with chalk. I was the Commissioner of Roads. Fun times.
You were a good big brother.
You had me down a rabbit hole again Doc...Bob Seger, Night moves, Turn the page... now I'll spend another hour and a half listening and coming up with more artists and songs I haven't thought of in a while and at my age, that's a lot⭐️
My theory on Saint Joe and his contract extension is based on the collective yawn by NFL owners when Lamar Jackson became a free agent and from all outward appearances received no interest of any kind. Given the mess that happened in Cleveland with Deshaun Watson, it suggests to me that collusion is working behind the scenes and owners want more long-term control regardless of talent level. Worst case, MB is feeling pretty safe sitting still another year before reaching for his wallet and, as a result, the fans that wants certainty to rule get the short end of the stick.
As for King Waggler who now rules Royal Liverpool and the Royal and Ancient in general, the set-up drama didn’t bother me one iota. The only time I am a shameless golfing has been rooting for particular pros to win is when an American is reaching for the Claret Jug. I don’t know, maybe it was all those Ryder Cup L’s at Valderrama and the Belfry and the K Club and Celtic Manor and the abuse that went with them that made it my lifelong hope for Yanks to win when teeing it up in THE OPEN or whatever they want to call it. Now, to Doc’s point about playing 18 with the King Waggler every Saturday morning, I do agree there, of course, but in THE OPEN, not so much.
Considering Baltimore had to build an almost unique offense tailored near specifically to LJ + his vulnerability to injury + him representing himself, I can see other teams not being all that interested in any aspect of making that their headache for $25om/5. And Baltimore, now that they've done it, is totally revamping their scheme with a brand new coordinator + they've still got a near clone in what's his name to back him up in tandem
Teetering on the brink of success and validation within the community from which they expect to extract generational wealth for a second time, the Organization appears to have left itself with fewer ways than usual to avoid making a bad choice. But I’m confident there are voices in the room advocating for it.
Can’t argue with the Smokey R choice, not at all.
As for Joey, I honestly think the fam and he are trying diligently to get a contract that rewards him sufficiently but also keeps his weapons right there with him. I choose to believe that.
I’m in agreement on both Boomer and Chad. Enjoyed watching both of them play. I had the opportunity to meet Boomer once at the GC Airport and he was a true gentleman to me and to my children. I will never forget that. Class dude!
Just saw the news that the Reds “would be willing” to part with Jonathan India. I can’t honestly say I’m surprised although I’m a big India fan. So, here comes my OG story. After the 1971 season, a disappointing one for the Reds who had been to the WS in 1970, they shocked ALL Reds fans by trading former ROY, Tommy Helms and much loved first baseman, Lee May to the HoustonColt 45’s/Astros for Jack Billingham, Denis Mende, Cesar Geronimo, and a little second baseman named Joe Morgan. I was pissed! However, once that next season started and for the next several years, I was no longer angry…OBVIOUSLY. My point being, losing a high quality talent and team leader like Jonathan would be an emotional blow to fans and maybe the team chemistry but…ya never know.
This team is loaded with young talent and they are challenging the top right now so management is right to try to supply the team with whatever is needed. A big trade might do that, it might not but, my thinking is, this team is built to get better. I guess we’ll all see what happens.
I agree with you regarding the Helms trade because he was a favorite of mine at the time. I was very happy with the outcome. If they trade India, I hope it the results are more like the Helms trade than letting Tony Perez go. India appears to be a great influencer of the young players, although he has been in a slump lately.
I agree completely.
Harman's win was one for the ages...not a fan of the uber-waggling BUT everyone has a routine and his worked better than the Field.
Larry is a treasure when it comes to Hospitality! He will be the penultimate guide for next year...mark me as super interested!
Great! If you feel like it, contact him via the email address --
Agree, but , imagine they/he are waiting for the Chargers to sign their qb, so Joe can one up it, and not be a day early and a buck short? Love Smokey, how could you not??
My wife just happened to walk in right before Harmon was preparing to hit. She does NOT watch golf. She sat quietly for a few seconds, then 'OMG! Just hit the damn ball!' Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the guy cruise home. Impressive! And a fellow southpaw at that!
We're not calling it PAYJOE Stadium for nothing.
I totally agree on the Save stat being flawed. I think Holds, ERA, and WHIP probably are better stats for evaluating relievers and closers. Perhaps there should be a stat for how many batters on average it takes a reliever to record 3 outs. Any SABR nerds out there know if this exists today?
The optimist in me is hoping the delay in Burrow's deal is that he, along with the Family Brown/Blackburn, are working together diligently to not only reward him, but to keep the core of the band together.
Burrow has never, even since his college days, struck me as a "money, money, money" sort. He wants to win it all, and I think has the presence of mind to know that the money will come even more after winning it all. Not saying he won't try to maximize what he can now, but I think he knows that having a Lamborghini body is all well and good, but with no wheels on it to make it go, it's useless.
That's my hope, anyway.
Loved the comparison to a pitcher going more than five innings being akin to Davy Crockett at the Alamo. That's what it seems like anymore, doesn't it? I've even seen chatter among fans about how the Reds should go to a six-man rotation, simply to stave off the bullpens arms falling off.
It is really interesting how much pitching has changed compared to years past. And no, I'm not even talking HOF's like Gibson, Ryan, Carlton, etc., compared to present-day pitchers. Even journeymen like John Denny, Ron Robinson, and others back in the '80s could go at least 6 or 7 innings before being yanked. And then you had long relievers like Eric Plunk, Larry Anderson and Jeff Nelson who were coming out of the bullpens almost daily, and being effective at it.
Makes me think, though ... ol' Sparky, a la "Captain Hook," was way ahead of his time when it came to working pitching staffs. I guess you can have that luxury, though, when the bullpen is full of rubber arms like Borbon, McEnaney, Eastwick, et. al.
My memory says McEnaney got the last out in the ‘75 WS win after Joe drove in Pete for the winning run in the top of the ninth…don’t tell me if I’m wrong, please…
Gary, you are correct, good sir. It was McEnaney hopping into JB's arms after Geronimo caught Yaz's weak flyout.
Crusin', by Huey and Gwyneth. Of course, I'm kickin' Huey to the curb immediately and subbing in. Just Gwyneth and me, on the balcony in our bathrobes with the soft sparkling lights of Paris in the background. Purrrrfecto! Rarhhherrrrh!
"Harmonic Convergence" at the Open yistidday. The waggles? Yikes! Drove me nuts. I had to look away, waiting for a "swish" to look back. Bigger story? Another lefty wins, further shaming the idiotic old wives tale that lefties can't play golf, a twisted falsehood which resulted in very few LH clubs being made for decades, till recently. I remember my China Town crapola Northwestern driver, 5 iron, and reject Putt Putt putter. Try producing results on caddy day with that trio of junk, while your buddies have full bags of top notch righty stuff. Bitter? Nah. More like murderous. Better times now and ahead for the young lefties. Boo-Rah!
Hard-nosed. In your face. Never takes a play off. Elevates the team. Quiet leader. Junk yard dog.
Scotty Rolen. HOF. Class of '23.
GO LEFTIES!! Right? I'm a leftie who plays golf a rightie. Go figure. Baseball: hit right, catch left. My grandpa was ambidextrous and I guess I got it from him. My hair even goes left, and right....
I throw right, bat left in baseball and swing lefty in golf (e.g.: Votto, Phil Mickelson). RH in everything but how I swing. Let's face it, we were born to be oddballs, lol, 🙂. PS: My dad was ambidextrous, like your gramps.
Being LH and swinging righty, well, that's the rarest of rare. Almost never seen in MLB baseball. But at least you can find golf clubs much more easily, you lucky bird. Your hair just sounds rebellious, lol 😃.
If you could assemble a mount rushmore of the worst NFL franchises, our Bengals are on it, right? Because if they are, then it would shock no one if they failed to secure their greatest asset in franchise history. That is to say, they definitely could screw this up. And oh my, I can't even digest the thought of going back to a pre-Burrow Bengals. What a depressing thought enhanced by the fact that it's still on the table.
I'm not a TBT guy, but I did watch Xavier alum play the UC alum, which became an instant classic in geriatric pick-up basketball history, when UC, which had domianted all game, won on a GW 3. Must admit, it was very entertaining, previously had zero interest in the tournament, but get the local squads playing each other and I'm all in. I was somehow just as annoyed as I would have been had it meant anything, and that's a credit to the product. Also love that it was just as petty among the alum as it is the students; say what you will about class and sportsmanship, but the genuine distaste makes for great TV. Fun game, now already ready for Xavier to exact revenge for their old boys come December when UC comes waltzing back into Cintas.
Also, hear India's on the trading block? Unless he can go 6 innings of 2-out baseball or better, he should be. Anyone should be. The chase is on now after sweeping the No. 1 wild card team, which the Reds now are. #GetThePitching
They'll pay the man. Don't go giving us ulcers thinking about a Bengal future without Burrow 😂.
I'm torn about India possibly being traded. I kinda hate the idea of it happening mid-season. This team for sure has some positive chemistry and I give him lots of credit for that. They WILL ultimately need to move an infielder, though. It'll be interesting. I'm also not sure what type of return you can expect for him. He hasn't had a great season so far.
The new system the Reds have bought into demands they put India at the top of the trade list.. Remember, this new system is why they've rebuilt so fast. Many of the current crop of rookies came in the recent big trades. They're basically limited to keeping players for 5 years in the new system, and if they want top quality back, they need to sell high. India needs to realize he isn't really the team leader, a position he assigned himself, and get back to spraying the ball all over the field. He has gotten a little heavy, too, and isn't moving as well as he used to. He's a fine ball player and if the Reds can get a working arm for him or 2 really good prospects, they should pull the trigger, imho. If he stays, that's great, too, provided he stops trying to hit home runs and gets back to knocking the ball to all fields. Right now a decent arm is a much bigger priority than keeping him.