A .240 hitter? In what league, T-ball? Good Lord what an embarrassment.

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Happy anniversary to the lovely Mr. & Mrs. Mavriplis❤️

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Mobsters, who better than yourselves can determine what is real and what is fake in tomorrow morning’s debate news? I’m watching it to see with my own eyes which of these two clowns is actually of sound mind. I’m not voting for either but you need to prepare your lives for one or the other because the differences are striking.

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🥰🥂Here’s to Jillian & Ryan🥂🥰

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Congratulations to Jillian & Ryan on their 9 year anniversary. Can't wait to hear what the 10 year celebration plan will be. LOVE! That's all any of us need to say. Well, I will add this on other matters of the day: Debate? Nah, chocolate (dark) and baseball talk including Reds v Cards game. Just say NO to Politics!

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My last predictions for the debate: If Biden falters, he will be replaced on the Democrat ticket. If Trump loses his cool, he will alienate a lot more voters. If both occur, the parties should start over!

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I agree that Biden could be replaced if he falters. Clinton and Newsom are waiting in the wings and praying for an embarrassment.

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Like SOTU, I'll watch the debate despite my better judgment. I volunteered to work the pols for Arizona's primary and general elections and sometimes I wonder if that was a wise decision? Wanted to be more involved in politics and elections at the ground-floor level.

7/5/2024 will mark 15 years since I moved to the #6 city on CNN's list. My life and career are here even though I'm a Cincinnati native, but god knows we've got problems (missing middle housing and asinine cost of living just to name a few).

I'm getting really tired of the Reds winning game one only to lose the series. This time last year was the most fun I'd had as a Reds fan in a long time. Nothing they've done on the field or in the front office inspires confidence or trust. Medical and training staff has been a cause for concern for decades.

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We have been taking the train to Flagstaff followed by a week in Phoenix every other year for the past 12 years. Both have definitely gotten more crowded and expensive, but are still better than many other options. I bet you were attracted to Flagstaff by the same things that are causing so many others to move there. There are just too many people everywhere and it's getting tough to keep a 'hidden gem'.

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Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

Congratulations to the happy couple! Marriage is different for everyone but for some it is a lifetime blessing. It changed my life for the better and I am grateful. Here's to Jillian and Ryan!

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Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

Congrats to Jillian and Ryan, and to you as well!!

There is no finer place on earth to visit than Gary, Indiana. Home to the Jackson family and dilapidated steel mills. Urban decay never looked so glorious. Spend a day on the polluted beaches of Lake Michigan or wander around town and gaze at the boarded up storefronts.

I don't watch debates but I have been entertained by the Fox news crazies trying to pre spin Trumps impending disaster. Apparently they are convinced that Biden will be on some kind of performance enhancing drug that magically rids him of his crippling degenerative illnesses that plague him just long enough to sound like JFK and beat the pants off Trump. Truly wild stuff

Agree 1000% with Ashcraft. I've been saying it every day. This team will turn the corner and win the world series this year and you will all eat your words!!

I do not find much joy in work, but I find less joy in sleeping on the street.

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Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

Happy Anniversary to Jillian and Ryan. Congratulations on making the HOF.

I'm thinking about watching the debate – maybe – after a men's Bible study at church.

Cities and towns I like: Manhattan, Kansas (my college); Seaside, Oregon; Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina; Maysville, Kentucky, where we live. Places I despise: Topeka (we agree it's awful), Dallas, and Chicago.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Hung tobacco all over the Ripley, Oh area in the 70s for a few years. Lived on Eagle Creek on 125 acres. Maysville was the big city back then. Even did construction down at Moyers the first few years, while wife waited their tables at night. Maysville to Lexington is a beautiful drive we did a number of times. Lexington is a nice area to live, especially in the countryside east and south of town.

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Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

Happy anniversary to Jillian and Ryan. I remember meeting her at a book signing downtown years ago and it was so lovely to meet her after reading about her for years.

As for other cities, I have to add New Orleans to the list. Not Bourbon Street and that scene, with its perennial scent of urine and sweat, but Uptown, Mid City, Treme. Real New Orleans.

Honorable mentions to Philly and DC for the great food, culture, and history.

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First, happy Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine! Also, congrats on the HOF induction as well!

I'm in lockstep with today's TML. Doc, if you're thinking SLO, consider Paso Robles as well. Walnut Creek...visit Castro Valley.

Speaking of the debate, sadly, I will miss it. Spirit will be my gracious airline host as I fly from Indy to Orlando this evening. Since St. Augustine is in my itinerary, I need suggestions for a great breakfast/lunch place and a nice (sorry...friggin' fantastic) place for dinner. Ideas are welcome.

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Cap’s on A1A between st Aug and Ponte Vedra. Fabulous food on the river

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Will go there today. Thanks, Sir!

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Congrats to the happy couple and to the HOFer!

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First, a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your HOF induction. As a guy who’s been reading your words faithfully since back in the blog days, it is well deserved. And, sincere congratulations to Jillian and Ryan. They are truly remarkable individuals and a wonderful team. As I sit here in Corolla, NC in a house on the beach, I guarantee you I will not be watching the debate. There’s no purpose to putting my already fragile emotions and hearty dislike for Trump through that. I’ll pass.

I believe we live in a “shoulda, coulda, woulda” world these days. I keep thinking back to prior to the 2016 election. We were coming off of 8 decent years of an Obama presidency. Had Joe Biden’s son, Beau not succumbed to cancer, I have always felt that Joe would have run and won in 2016. There would have been no Hilary Clinton for the Republicans to trash and Trump would have stayed what he really is, a fat, orange, blustering TV host. Add to that Biden would be finishing his second term now. We’d have two new younger candidates. As I said “shoulda, coulda, woulda…”

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I will watch because I feel like I have to. Conflicted on Biden. There are many I prefer to vote for, but the key aspect is beating the convicted felon con artist. Would the country vote for a woman? I would, but the country already rejected a women once. Love SLO, but for wines still prefer Napa - the Cabs in Napa are world renowned for a reason.

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I don't think the country would vote for or against someone just because she is a woman. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard and many other women, but never for Hillary, Kamala, or Marjie Taylor Greene. I hope voters and politicians focus on picking the best people rather than meeting gender, racial, or other 'classifier' criteria.

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I’d listen to Liz Cheney

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Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

I agree, though I voted for Hilary and would vote for Kamala Harris in a second. But when people get into the booth, will they do it? That's why we ended up with Biden. We needed the safest choice to take out Trump. I didn't decide until the day before the California primary to vote for him. It was only because we needed a safe candidate. Far preferred Cory Booker or Buttigeg. Thankfully it worked.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Paul Daugherty

I would prefer a more moderate candidate from either party. I actually like Doug Burgum the best of the VP candidates and would prefer him as president. He isn't jaded by a career in politics and has a more practical approach to achieve carbon neutrality.

Note: I've had some great cabs and red blends from Pasos Robles, Sonoma, and Chile that are comparable to most Napa Cabs.

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I would be comfortable with him, but would not vote for him. And yes, the best on Trump's list. I'll check out some Paso and Sonoma Cabs. I'm partial to Rombauer and Silver Oak.

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The saddest question is how can this great country, with all of the talented, brilliant , grounded individuals at their disposal, allow these 2 men to run for President ? Both party leaderships should be ashamed of their candidate.

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