Otis is the cat? I thought Otis was the statue...

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We returned Christmas morning from a 19 day small group tour in South America. I was able to keep up with your daily posts but didn't have time to respond due to a hectic schedule. I noted your column on Seasonal Affective Disorder. My wife struggles with that as well bouts of insomnia.

We thought you'd really like going to Patagonia in December or January, their summer season. We stopped in Punta Arenas on the Magellan Strait (53 degrees south latitude--same latitude as Edmonton, Albertta). In December: Sunrises ~ 5:30 am, Sunsets ~10:15 pm, and it doesn't get dark until almost 11 pm. Kicks SAD symptoms in the butt. The tours are pretty reasonably priced, and with all the activities, I'd say they are a bargain. Patagonia (Chile & Argentina along the Andes Mts) has 8 national parks. Stunning scenery and some rare wildlife (1st encounter with penguins in the wild on an island off the Chilean coast). If you are interested, I can send you a link to the company we used. You travel with seasoned travelers who have shared interests (we had 14 on the tour, along with several expert SA guides). All the best!

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Merry Christmas!!

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Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas, Otis! What a beautiful Self-Portrait! Send a Merry Christmas to your family.

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Back atcha Doc and fam

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Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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Merry Christmas to you and all your family!

Thank you for your wonderful columns!

I look forward to reading the free ones in the new year!🎄

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Merry Christmas from our fam to yours!!

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Merry Christmas Paul and family!

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Merry Xmas. Don't see many of your posts but glad your Holiday Greetings are available to the spendthrifts!

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Merry Christmas, Y'all!

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Merry Christmas, my fine fellow.

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Merry Christmas, Doc! Celebrating the Reason for the season. God bless you and your family. Cheers 🍻

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Merry merry Doc. Here’s to a safe and happy new year. Otis is very handsome!

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Merry Christmas, Doc. Hope you and the fam have a blessed holiday.

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