Doc, like you I’ve put a high value on family vacations. Our 2 kids (now near 40) still talk about our trips to Alaska, Hawaii, NYC, Australia, etc. The wife and I kept our noses to the grindstone in our careers that allowed us to plan and enjoy these annual get-a-ways. Now retired and living full time in FL we are in the planning stages for new rounds of vacations to include the 4 grand kids (and their parents) ... just waiting a bit for the youngest one (just turned 1) to be old enough to be tuck in some of those memories that lay ahead! Enjoy your Keystone Lights this week!!!! 🍻

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We never had money for vaca’s as a kid. The last 5 or 6 years we have taken one each summer. Feel the same about the 7 day deal but you do what your wallet allows, I suppose. As the kids are now in college I wonder how many more they will come on with ole mom and dad?

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By the way.......................... How come we no longer get the Mr. Green Jeans report? Disappointing.

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What Jack just said. Could not have said it better. Thank you every day.

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I very rarely comment, but wanted to drop a note about how much this column/blog/Line is appreciated, especially considering that you don’t need to do it for a living anymore.

The level of writing and the insights are better than you’ll find almost anywhere. On good days and bad, these few minutes I get to spend here are a real pleasure. Thanks for that.

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Why be cynical? That’s just a drag on my happiness. I am a longtime Red’s fan and this team is really fun to watch as they play hard and care about winning. I’m watching the future develop. Look at the Mets and all of their money! I’d hate to be there fan. I’ll always root for the underdog and enjoy doing it because it’s not just about money!

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I figure a pile of potential in the minors is better than nothing in the minors, which I have also seen. I think I've earned a little optimism.

I don't go to Vegas and haven't been to Oakland, so not much worry from me. MLB has much bigger problems. I never worried about the Raiders' rootlessness either, but I'll bet Oakland's sports fans have some defense mechanisms kicking in.

"Vacation" as a child meant trips in the family wagon to visit grandparents, either in northern Ohio or central Missouri, except one trip in my mid-teens to Florida. And what teen wants to do that trip with their parents? Maybe that's why I don't take them as an adult. I don't enjoy being away from home more than a few days at a time - although I do take a lot of quick trips.

I'm big Poco fan ( because it all started with Buffalo Springfield, you know), so I rate them a bit higher. Great voices. Saw them play at NKU 50 years ago (with PPL opening for them!)

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The NFL is trying to destroy itself. A playoff game on a streaming service? I can understand why NBC wants it but doing so is the NFL giving its fans the extended middle finger. I'm sure it will be the lowest rated playoff game in the post-Heidi era (as Doc would say, lookit up, kids). PSA, I discovered that if you are a Spectrum customer, you get a free year of Peacock. No strings, just cancel before the year ends or else you'll start getting charged. Since the NFL experiment will probably only last a year, you won't miss anything.


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Love McLains effort. Every part of him points to a winner. Have to say, however, the more I watch Green pitch the less impressed I am. Great demeanor. Great stuff. Simply can not consistently locate pitches. I know, he’s young. Truth is, he’s been pitching for a decade. Can’t locate pitches. Here’s hoping he figures that out. Soon. Don’t recall names like Cueto or Rijo serving up fast balls, you know, right down broadway. Consistently.

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Yeah, fair point. He has yet to show he's a smart pitcher.

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I sat my butt down in front of the TV last night and actually watched most of the game. First time all year. Curious about McClain. He was the antithesis of Barrero across the board. Which, obviously, is a good thing. A very good thing. He is super fast, very focused, and hell bent for leather. Another piece of the puzzle potentially falling into place. Cynicism be dammmed.........for 5 minutes or so. That's my new motto.

Ironically last week I saw highlights of EDLC in Louisville. I will admit I can be pretty jaundiced, but he amazed me. Talk about world class speed AND power. I mean, every single might be a double, every double might be a triple. He and McClain are unusually talented. I liked Yonder, wish the Reds coulda kept him, but he was nothing like these guys. And Strand looks as though he can flat out hit. He owned everyone in spring training, continuing in AAA.

Pitching is still woefully thin in the minors. Williamson is being rushed up for tonight. Isn't ready yet, probably. My cynicism is aching for reasons to return. Krall traded 2 second round pitchers last winter for that dud OF from Cleveland who strikes out twice just getting out of bed. Every dumb move by him sets the Reds way back, because they need so much help every where, especially at pitching. Extending Green so fast wasn't necessary; some might say it was stupid. So.....a little ray of hope, a lot of cynicism. Sounds like a good name for a cable show; Red is the new Orange and Black.

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Vacations have evolved for me. Our family vacations as a kid were always trips to places like Amish country in northern Indiana, or Put-in-Bay to visit my grandparents when they lived on South Bass Island, or Branson, Missouri. Always staying at a campground, and finding the campground gameroom, hitting the arcade games, or my brother and I riding our bikes around for hours on end in the campground. Simple vacations, but enjoyable ones.

Now, as an adult, I find myself flying to places like NYC, or Vegas, and doing 3-4 days stays in those spots with my wife. She enjoys showing me spots I've never seen, and give me a bank card and The Strand bookstore, and I'm in vacation heaven. The trips are obviously a little more adult, but just as enjoyable. If anything, the simplistic nature of the childhood vacations make me grateful for vacations at all, and the experience itself.

Speaking of Vegas, it will be interesting to see how it turns out with the A's. Kinda sad that the first hotel I ever stayed at in Vegas -- Tropicana -- will be a casualty of the new ballpark, but it might be an interesting, and maybe even cheaper, experience for folks in Vegas than the regular casino shows.

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The Reds now have several players who are fun to watch because they hustle and never give up. I wouldn't even mind going to a game if they lowered the beer and brat prices (now priced in top 10 ballparks for prices). My concern is injuries. They continue to have a lot more injuries than other teams, especially pitchers. It makes me think that they might need better trainers and medical staff.

I agree with you about vacations. They became important to me as a child because it was the only dedicated time that my dad could spend with us. He was a doctor who went to the hospital every day to visit his patients, even on Sundays. Vacations were our getaways, especially train trips where he couldn't be reached. I worked long hours and travelled a lot during my work years, so vacations were our family rewards. Tranquility (beaches, mountains, water) is usually our goal and we now have timeshares in strategic locations. Nothing beats sitting on a balcony with a good glass of wine (or coffee in mornings) overlooking a view. Retirement doesn't change things because they are still a vacations from something. Enjoy your trip and views.

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Part of the pitchers injury incidence is the commitment to the OMG paradigm of maximizing a cheap and relatively plentiful supply of 2 pitch former starters and reliever retreads and rejects as detailed in the further link from the first sentence of this link:


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Good point. Reds like to sign damaged goods at bargain basement prices, then try to trot them out like Derby horse in the paddock before the big race. Show Time rarely turns into Go Time.

Broken down vets near the end are not the way to build any kind of bullpen or back-end of your starting staff.

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One of the benefits of maintaining a severely losing record? Early positioning crack at the prepaid DFA scrap heap pile of such exemplary 'prospects' for such rehabilitation (re)purposes ... OMG style long bullpens does tend to limit your bench options of position players, particularly when carrying 3 catchers as reliance on Ty Stephenson somewhat forces them into (lacking now the emergency utility C capabilities of Farmer)

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As the Bengals have proved, if you put a good product on the field the fans will come. Looking like the time for a good Reds product is coming soon, GABP may become a destination soon? 🤞

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Except even when the Reds are competing for the division title the attendance will still stink. This really isn't a "dyed in the wool" baseball city anymore. The reasons for that are multiple, IMO, and of course ownership and recent performance are big ones. But this goes deeper. Ticket prices are high and bringing the fam downtown on a weeknight feels like a burden for some. Hell...I have friends with no kids that aren't willing to go to a game on a weeknight. Never hit me until this year, but I actually think as beautiful as GABP is downtown the Reds may have had better luck drawing if their ballpark was in the 'burbs. If the trek was only to West Chester or Mason I bet lots more people would go...at least on weeknights.

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Cincinnati is the smallest MLB city, when measuring population of the city proper (~300k). Therefore by necessity, Cincinnati is very much a regional team. In order to put 30k butts in the seats, the Reds have to rely more on fans making 50-100 mile treks from nearby non-MLB cities, i.e. Dayton, Columbus, Indy, Louisville, Lexington, Huntington, etc. These fans in the hinterlands have to make plans to attend games - they're not walkups. It's a much bigger ask for these folks than say a couple dinks in OTR.

So I think you just need sustained success in order to entice more of these fans to make plans to spend a weekend at the ballpark. Weeknights are ALWAYS going to be tricky...work schedules, little league / soccer practices, etc. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how a ballpark in West Chester moves the needle at all. In fact, as someone who now has to make a 2 hour drive to see a game, I would be LESS inclined to make the trip to West Chester as opposed to downtown. But maybe me and my sensibilities are the minority..?

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Weeknights are always tricky here but seem to be less so in other similarly sized markets. I think some of that is due to the logistics involved in going to a game downtown. I love going downtown, but I also understand that toting a whole family downtown could be tough on a work night. It surely isn't the ONLY reason for their attendance woes, but it's a factor. Ticket prices and recent performance have a big impact as well.

I hope they get back to being in the playoff picture soon. And I hope they see an uptick in attendance when that happens. I may be wrong, but I'm betting they still draw under 10K most nights unfortunately.

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More useful to compare Metro Statistical Areas (MSA) which for GCA is a double-edged sword being in such close proximity to competing single date attractions from major MSAs Columbus, Indy, Louisville (contrast this with the relative positioning of the St Louis MSA nearly 1million larger) and the relative MSA 'desert' to the southeast


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I will somewhat disagree with the use of MSA in this instance and here's why: They often encompass such a large geographic area that folks living in an MSA still consider it "a trip" to go to a ballgame. Case-in-point: The Rays' stadium is in St. Pete, same MSA as Tampa/Clearwater. But part of the reason they draw so poorly is that everyone in Tampa thinks the stadium is so far away. Weeknight crowds are super local, more local than the extent of an MSA.

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Can't think of a more inappropriate MSA geographic comparison, as Miami and Tampa are both higher than St Lous (#s 9 and 18 on the list) ... and what is the 'surrounding area' to the Florida peninsula? Boats floating in the Gulf and Atlantic Ocean? Cuba and other Carribean islands? Florida's 'captive' 22mil population is likewise #3 among USA states

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Also 4ook in Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties would not be of 'the city proper'? Plus a 5o-1oo mile drive from most of Florida's 22mil is far more in range of millions outside the Tampa/St Pete MSA than the GCA. This is an extreme apples/oranges example selection no matter how you slice it, positive or negative points to make

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Tampa/St Pete is also the same MSA and one might assume both Florida franchises might be heavily reliant on the allegiances of retirees' attraction to the AL/NL East opponents of either franchise, a far different demo than the family outings from Reds' country to an increasingly boutique ballpark experience. I'm thinking deference to such a defining ideal has become passe' ? A family outing up from Beattyville encompassing a day at the Ark Park topped off with a late night at GABP?

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Cynicism has to go in order for fans to take on optimism because only optimism can put butts in the seats...and you know, that is all that is on the owner's mind now when he looks at ticket sales. I find the game is still too long when you are waiting for India or Friedl to make something happen. When they go cold, the game goes sour fast. Is it worth the wait? The jury is still out for me. I can only watch it on record so I can fast forward when I find myself dozing off with a crossword puzzle on my knees. I keep wondering if when Joey comes back that maybe he can get some of these guys' lack of hitting skills back on track...or maybe just mess them up more with too many mechanical thoughts..Not much time for those anymore, is there? ....I dunno.

Maybe Vegas is "Betting" on the A's to bring in the fans. They may have betting devices on the fans' seats where they can spend money by inserting a credit card and a push of a button...the more beer, the more they push the buttons. What are the odds? That's my take. They will draw in fans with hangovers to sit and relax and throw their money under the seats, proudly wearing their new colorful "Bet on the LVA" jerseys.

And all that comes to mind is "poor Pete"....what a trivial & controlling move that was to give a guy a life sentence.

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I was stunned to see Poco on your TOTD. Good pick. Have a great rest of your holiday.

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Hey Doc! The GH stands for GREAT HARMONY when it comes to Poco!. Love that band. Great article and as usual, I agree with your assessment concerning the Reds draft choice. I pray we are wrong!

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