What??? Nevermind.

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I don't know about the Van tune (I have some years on Doc), but the Dingle cliff in the rainstorm, looking over the raging Atlantic with a Guinness in hand? I think my bucket list has been expanded.

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Doc, thought you had an arrangement that would have continued your yearly pilgrimage to Augusta! Hate to hear you are going to miss one of your all time favorite events!

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And how is this different than the men’s game tonight…which starts even later (9:20pm) on a school/work night? Pregame for women’s starts at 7 or 7:30…game would startat 8pm. Why is this so difficult?. Seems like you are just trying to find ways to make it not work.

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Alas, I finally won the Master’s lottery only have it conflict with a pre-planned vacation…sitting on the deck on a beach-front house looking over Brewer’s Beach in Tortola is the only thing not making me sad to miss being in person at the Master’s. Hope my luck holds out and I win the tix again to see the Holy Grail of golf.

Agree with you about the time of the Women’s Final …they would NEVER do that to the Men. Ahem.

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I’m all for more participants in the big tournament. Why shouldn’t a low 80’s golfer like me get to play in the Masters? For one shining moment I could shock the world. It’s my right, right?

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

I’ve been to Dingle! Magnificent is the only description. The views are incredible. It reminded me of the Kentucky bluegrass with stone fences and creeks and tidy farms everywhere. Truly a town with a pub or a bar on every corner. On the way to Galway, we saw people training thoroughbreds for racing on a sandy beach course that had a race meet at the same place later in the month. Too bad it rains EVERY day.

As for college hoops, I say play as many as they can. High schools do it. Why not colleges? Just think, at some point we’d probably see a twenty-five seed or whatever beating a one seed. Makes perfect sense. I was a little sad to see the women imitating the men with the trash talk and the hard fouls and their version of dribble drive. The NBA game has ruined college ball in my humble OG opinion. And clearly, the LSU coach missed her calling in WWE.

Re: keeping up with the news. I have minimized my media disenchantment by avoiding cable shows based on political theatre from either side as well as limiting my reading to headlines for the most part while focusing on policy wherever I do engage. It’s not a perfect method but it keeps me from getting sideways when I run into the fringe elements. I don’t think we’re worse than any previous generation, we just have more social media weapons to stir up the you know what.

Finally, Doc, you are the perfect example of a bourbon connoisseur. In the last thirty years or so, traveling around Kentucky to taste whiskey has become a thriving tourist industry that simply didn’t exist previously. For a state that has always been something of a backwater, this growing business is a godsend for communities and people to do better financially. Thank you. We need it.

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Is it not possible to go to Augusta as a mere mortal? Wait, just saw the lottery comment. Didn't know about that. Exclusivity has always been the hallmark, huh.

Women's tournament excellent. Scheduling and financial support over all still sucks, but the good to see a growth in viewership. 96 too many.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

As a sophomore at Georgia Tech in 1982, my Dad was given two badges to the Sunday round at The Masters. He gave them to my brother and me. His friends wife wouldn't let him go because it fell on Easter. I've been a big fan of the resurrection ever since.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

Doc, while 2023 breaks your string of Masters "appearances", it is my first! After years of both my son and me participating in the annual lottery, we finally hit pay dirt. Our tixs to the Wednesday practice day have been guarded in a secure location and are about to be retrieved for our admission onto golf's hallowed ground. This 67 year old is giddy with excitement and blessed that this bucket list item is now at hand. Sounds like the culinary fare may have have boon place for Johnny Thinwallet? $3.00 for those famed pimento cheese sandwiches? Any other suggestions for a first timer (and likely a last timer)?

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If the NCAA increases the field, they will kill the golden goose. How much more BB can we watch? Do you really want to fill out a 96-team bracket?

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

Paul..because TV is your life, Harry thinks you may enjoy The Night Agent on Netflix. I watched the whole series between Saturday night and Sunday night. Kinda 24-Esque. Check it out. You might enjoy. Have a good week.

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More is too much. Who watched the NIT? I watched UC get beat and that was enough for me.

Women's Final was a good one. Caitlain took two tosses to the hardwood the prior game and slammed her right elbow into lots of pain. I'm sure it affected her final game somewhat, but she was still very impressive. It takes a team, as we know.

Memorable golf tear jerker moments for me were the bagpipe tributes to Payne Stewart, especially the one at 4 p.m. the day after his death as a lone bag piper played Going Home on the Monterey Peninsula in a heavy afternoon fog. As if it was yesterday...so sad.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

I fall in the camp of more is more. The Madness was perfect at 64. It's imperfect - but great - at 68. Going to 96? All of a sudden it's a month-long commitment. It would effectively kill the NIT. (Admittedly, some folks view that as a plus.) I tend to agree with Hurley - give more mid majors a shot than the 8, 9 and 10 teams from a power conference, but they could put a cap of three teams (or two or five or four) per conference if they wanted to address that issue. (Spoiler alert - they don't.)

Meantime, hooray for Masters week. I've never been, but it's on the bucket list. Looking forward to getting home from Easter brunch with the fam and vegging on the recliner for five or six hours to watch the last day.

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Being informed is not the same as being inundated/consumed. Since I started scanning the headlines and not much else, I’ve learned that if it doesn’t effect me or my neighbors, I don’t really care that much. A LOT of the political news is like the pregame show for the final four: hype and filler.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Paul Daugherty

Nice post today …. Women’s Basketball will get there, next year they will have a better prime time slot …. Even a none golfer enjoys the Masters memories …

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