Ken Griffey Jr. Although he had a rough time in Cincy, he is universally beloved by everyone and had the prettiest swing in baseball. He also made the game "cool" for kids - very similar to Jordan in the 90s.
To play the way he did, to be as beloved as he was and to be as comfortable with it all as he seemed, Arnold Palmer please. Especially on any Sunday afternoon he hoisted a trophy or put on a green jacket. Plus, he flew his own airplane. How cool is that?
Well, I sure don't wanna be Ted Williams. He ended up with his head stuck in a freezer. Don't wanna be Deion either. He's missing some toes. Don't wanna be a lot of retired NFL guys. Many aren't right in the head. Lessee; NBA guys tend to be broke 5 years after they retire. Nope. Hockey guys are usually missing significant teeth. Tiger Woods was a jerk most of his career. Nope. I do have a buddy who played in the finals of the National Tiddly Winks Championship held at Harvard. Excellent volleyball player, too. He ran the Free Store Food Bank for a decade or so. He gets a nod and and a wink 😊.
Jack Twyman would work. Cool role model for us kids in Cincy. Great shooter for UC and Royals. Life-long guardian for Maurice Stokes, NBA All Star stricken with terrible disease. Held charity NBA exhibition game every year to raise money for Maurice's care. You just don't see this kind of thing today. Kenny Anderson fits the bill. All around good man. Hal Morris rates. Humble guy, averaged almost .300, goes back to grad school, gets master's in sport management, in front office now. Steve Flesch, local pro golfer, is a good guy. Plays lefty & from NKy, like me, and, oh yeah, his dad coached me 2 years in basketball. Bill Bradley; All American at Princeton, Oxford scholar, long NBA career, long time US Senator. Common trait among these guys is humility and chill ego. I admire jocks with a fair amount of both.
I'll stick with being me. I love competition and playing to win, but afterwards let's shake hands and be pleasant and respectful. Then it's time for beverages. Hopefully from a magical Beer Wall that appears out of nowhere. Ice cold beer, anyone? Ah yes, manna from heaven.
If you are into crassness, debauchery, endless alcohol consumption, full public nudety, and yes Jimmy Buffet, park you boat on the great Ohio. His concerts resemble a party more than a concert. I always counted his music as "somewhat" average except for a handful of songs. Everyone has opinion. That is mine. On the topic of Tiger, I wouldn't want to be him...although I would take his swing, not to mention his bankroll.
Doc, Love TML. Keeps me informed on most sports subjects that interest me. Thanks! From that Loveland Bus driver that met you walking J the M to the end of your ,driveway. Dave Fraley
Disagree with you on Woods - not his accomplishments and talent - just can't get past what he has done in his personal life - this is not a good man. It's not his job to be a role model for young black men, but wouldn't that have been nice and oh what a lost opportunity to do something of real value for those so in need. As far as his golf, to me no question he is second to Nicklaus as the greatest and it's really not even close. Not sure of exact numbers, but Jack won the 18 majors but also finished second around 20 times - Woods 15 and second a few times, But even more critical in winning the majors was who they had to beat. Jack - Palmer, Player, Trevino and Watson - amongst them 30 plus majors and not one of them intimidated by Jack. Woods had to beat who - Michelson, Els, Norman and not sure of a 4th - but the total majors would be around 12. To me, there is no comparison between the two for ultimate test in golf that determines greatest - and all the pros use it as the measuring stick - the majors. On top of that but not relevant to golf, look at the difference in the character of the two men.
Absolutely agree on Tiger...I never watched golf until Tiger started playing, and I don't watch it now unless Tiger is playing. A great story about in-laws were visiting their daughter and son-in-law in southern California in 1988. My father-in-law and brother-in-law (a Marine) went to play golf at the military base golf course in the area. They were paired with a father and his 13 y/o son. The son soundly beat all 3 of the men. You guessed was 13 y/o Tiger Woods! How many people, other than professional golfers, can boost that they played golf with Tiger!
A close second for me would be Joe Burrow...I stopped watching the Bengals until Joe Cool came to town. Besides, I love his sense of style and fashion!
My choice would be close to yours, Doc, and that's Jack Nicklaus. The young upstart who wrecked Arnie's Army and followed the giants of the past, Snead, Hogan, etc. The "Duel in the Sun" with Watson at Turnberry, the three-footer he conceded to Tony Jacklin in the Ryder cup which was arguably the finest demonstration of sportsmanship of all time, and of course, the decades long obsession where EVERONE was trying to hit the ball the same way as Jack. I could go on and on. Yes, that would be my fantasy.
As for traffic in South Florida, I have also learned to factor in the bridge dilemma. I was at LA Fitness in Seminole when friends called and invited me to meet them at a bar at St. Pete Beach. I said sure, 15 minutes. An hour later, I arrived after waiting out the Madeira Beach bridge and then five minutes later the Treasure Island bridge. Lesson learned the hard way due to sail boats out for a beautiful sunset.
Not sure which jock I'd pick. Probably an upper-quartile baseball player. Daily opportunity for satisfaction and success and guaranteed money--but on the days where you go 0-4 and/or no one cares that much and tomorrow is another day. I enjoy playing golf more--but would never want to have that sort of pressure/significance tied to it.
Biloxi ... conjures up instant memories. My grandpa/grandma retired to the town of Long Beach back in the mid-60’s. As soon as my knothole baseball was over in July we’d head south for countless days coastal fishing in that little boat of his. It was a ritual to get a sunburn (that peeled) on every visit ... my Dermatologist says I’m paying for it now. When I was I gave up one of my 9 lives. Hurricane Camille was the worst hurricane to hit that area (until Katrina). Grandpa was a hard headed German and said we would “ride out the storm.” When water got waist high in house (before it receded), his decision had us looking like we’d be drowned. We survived and I used my recant of event many times for school papers
It's been a great week, weather-wise, here in FL, Doc. The secret is to not be in a hurry. Stay at sunset locations for another hour or two - wait for the tourists to clear out - and the road is yours.
Follow the locals is what I'm saying. Just watch out for Florida Man. Don't follow him.
If I had my druthers, I'd wanna be Usain Bolt. I get the whole argument re: the Olympics, but still... I want to feel what it's like to run downhill even when you're running uphill.
How much do we take into consideration life out of sports?
Tiger seems like he was pushed by his dad at a young age, bad divorce, and now recovering from a serious car accident.
I originally thought "I wanna be like Mike", but similar thoughts. Dad is murdered, gambling issues, and who knows what else because his life has been so private.
He is not my favorite athlete but I think Lebron is my choice. Put on a pedestal basically when he got into high school. In a sport where player empowerment is as high as it has ever been. He controlled where he played, who he played with, now he is in LA playing ball, making movies, and has a seemingly stable family.
Ken Griffey Jr. Although he had a rough time in Cincy, he is universally beloved by everyone and had the prettiest swing in baseball. He also made the game "cool" for kids - very similar to Jordan in the 90s.
To play the way he did, to be as beloved as he was and to be as comfortable with it all as he seemed, Arnold Palmer please. Especially on any Sunday afternoon he hoisted a trophy or put on a green jacket. Plus, he flew his own airplane. How cool is that?
Well, I sure don't wanna be Ted Williams. He ended up with his head stuck in a freezer. Don't wanna be Deion either. He's missing some toes. Don't wanna be a lot of retired NFL guys. Many aren't right in the head. Lessee; NBA guys tend to be broke 5 years after they retire. Nope. Hockey guys are usually missing significant teeth. Tiger Woods was a jerk most of his career. Nope. I do have a buddy who played in the finals of the National Tiddly Winks Championship held at Harvard. Excellent volleyball player, too. He ran the Free Store Food Bank for a decade or so. He gets a nod and and a wink 😊.
Jack Twyman would work. Cool role model for us kids in Cincy. Great shooter for UC and Royals. Life-long guardian for Maurice Stokes, NBA All Star stricken with terrible disease. Held charity NBA exhibition game every year to raise money for Maurice's care. You just don't see this kind of thing today. Kenny Anderson fits the bill. All around good man. Hal Morris rates. Humble guy, averaged almost .300, goes back to grad school, gets master's in sport management, in front office now. Steve Flesch, local pro golfer, is a good guy. Plays lefty & from NKy, like me, and, oh yeah, his dad coached me 2 years in basketball. Bill Bradley; All American at Princeton, Oxford scholar, long NBA career, long time US Senator. Common trait among these guys is humility and chill ego. I admire jocks with a fair amount of both.
I'll stick with being me. I love competition and playing to win, but afterwards let's shake hands and be pleasant and respectful. Then it's time for beverages. Hopefully from a magical Beer Wall that appears out of nowhere. Ice cold beer, anyone? Ah yes, manna from heaven.
If you are into crassness, debauchery, endless alcohol consumption, full public nudety, and yes Jimmy Buffet, park you boat on the great Ohio. His concerts resemble a party more than a concert. I always counted his music as "somewhat" average except for a handful of songs. Everyone has opinion. That is mine. On the topic of Tiger, I wouldn't want to be him...although I would take his swing, not to mention his bankroll.
Tiger was too... Tiger. My pick is Freddy Couples. Buttery smooth coolness. Especially as he (we) grow older.
Wonderful Buffett choice
Doc, Love TML. Keeps me informed on most sports subjects that interest me. Thanks! From that Loveland Bus driver that met you walking J the M to the end of your ,driveway. Dave Fraley
Doc, check out Full Swing on Netflix. Great insight as to what a PGA Tour pro goes through. It’s a not easy easy life.
Disagree with you on Woods - not his accomplishments and talent - just can't get past what he has done in his personal life - this is not a good man. It's not his job to be a role model for young black men, but wouldn't that have been nice and oh what a lost opportunity to do something of real value for those so in need. As far as his golf, to me no question he is second to Nicklaus as the greatest and it's really not even close. Not sure of exact numbers, but Jack won the 18 majors but also finished second around 20 times - Woods 15 and second a few times, But even more critical in winning the majors was who they had to beat. Jack - Palmer, Player, Trevino and Watson - amongst them 30 plus majors and not one of them intimidated by Jack. Woods had to beat who - Michelson, Els, Norman and not sure of a 4th - but the total majors would be around 12. To me, there is no comparison between the two for ultimate test in golf that determines greatest - and all the pros use it as the measuring stick - the majors. On top of that but not relevant to golf, look at the difference in the character of the two men.
Absolutely agree on Tiger...I never watched golf until Tiger started playing, and I don't watch it now unless Tiger is playing. A great story about in-laws were visiting their daughter and son-in-law in southern California in 1988. My father-in-law and brother-in-law (a Marine) went to play golf at the military base golf course in the area. They were paired with a father and his 13 y/o son. The son soundly beat all 3 of the men. You guessed was 13 y/o Tiger Woods! How many people, other than professional golfers, can boost that they played golf with Tiger!
A close second for me would be Joe Burrow...I stopped watching the Bengals until Joe Cool came to town. Besides, I love his sense of style and fashion!
Rental prices on AMI have skyrocketed as well. The rate on our rental we stayed at last summer which was a block over from Rod n Reel has doubled.
My choice would be close to yours, Doc, and that's Jack Nicklaus. The young upstart who wrecked Arnie's Army and followed the giants of the past, Snead, Hogan, etc. The "Duel in the Sun" with Watson at Turnberry, the three-footer he conceded to Tony Jacklin in the Ryder cup which was arguably the finest demonstration of sportsmanship of all time, and of course, the decades long obsession where EVERONE was trying to hit the ball the same way as Jack. I could go on and on. Yes, that would be my fantasy.
As for traffic in South Florida, I have also learned to factor in the bridge dilemma. I was at LA Fitness in Seminole when friends called and invited me to meet them at a bar at St. Pete Beach. I said sure, 15 minutes. An hour later, I arrived after waiting out the Madeira Beach bridge and then five minutes later the Treasure Island bridge. Lesson learned the hard way due to sail boats out for a beautiful sunset.
Not sure which jock I'd pick. Probably an upper-quartile baseball player. Daily opportunity for satisfaction and success and guaranteed money--but on the days where you go 0-4 and/or no one cares that much and tomorrow is another day. I enjoy playing golf more--but would never want to have that sort of pressure/significance tied to it.
Biloxi ... conjures up instant memories. My grandpa/grandma retired to the town of Long Beach back in the mid-60’s. As soon as my knothole baseball was over in July we’d head south for countless days coastal fishing in that little boat of his. It was a ritual to get a sunburn (that peeled) on every visit ... my Dermatologist says I’m paying for it now. When I was I gave up one of my 9 lives. Hurricane Camille was the worst hurricane to hit that area (until Katrina). Grandpa was a hard headed German and said we would “ride out the storm.” When water got waist high in house (before it receded), his decision had us looking like we’d be drowned. We survived and I used my recant of event many times for school papers
It's been a great week, weather-wise, here in FL, Doc. The secret is to not be in a hurry. Stay at sunset locations for another hour or two - wait for the tourists to clear out - and the road is yours.
Follow the locals is what I'm saying. Just watch out for Florida Man. Don't follow him.
If I had my druthers, I'd wanna be Usain Bolt. I get the whole argument re: the Olympics, but still... I want to feel what it's like to run downhill even when you're running uphill.
How much do we take into consideration life out of sports?
Tiger seems like he was pushed by his dad at a young age, bad divorce, and now recovering from a serious car accident.
I originally thought "I wanna be like Mike", but similar thoughts. Dad is murdered, gambling issues, and who knows what else because his life has been so private.
He is not my favorite athlete but I think Lebron is my choice. Put on a pedestal basically when he got into high school. In a sport where player empowerment is as high as it has ever been. He controlled where he played, who he played with, now he is in LA playing ball, making movies, and has a seemingly stable family.