Doc, totally with you on the loathing of the (high and) mighty S. I love my coffee, buy beans from a local roaster and grind them at home, then drink it untarnished by sugar and milk. But I will not, ever, visit the local S. I cringe when I see the long line at the drive through in Anderson, wondering why these sheep don't have a life.

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Learn some statistics favoring Bengals:


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I’m right there with you. So is this rant


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I'm with you Doc, keep my coffee simple, Xtra Large Dunkin 7 cream 7 Splenda (I'm type 2 gotta cut sugar where I can)

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sending your male partner to pick up your friends latte order is like sending me to buy tampons

i never seem to get either correct

coffe black from Kona

A Hui Ho

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Doc, is Milford Brewing Company the same as Little Miami Brewing?

The best place for “pirate” watching during kayak season. Hilarious.

50 West isn’t bad. I do like Mt. Carmel too. I like Narrow Path because it’s small. Dead Low is a good summer time stop too, and our son is a bartender there, please tip him well.

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Starbucks: Sucks- Go to Panera. Much cheaper or use your K-cup twice...

Brewery: Streetside in Columbia Tusculum. Specialize in NE IPA's. Have a nice outdoor patio when the weather turns nicer.

Sportswriter: Joe Falls-Detroit Times, Detroit Free Press and Detroit News.

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I'm with you on the coffee addiction. As another thinwallet, I buy the Kirkland whole bean coffee (made by starbucks) at Costco and grind the beans fresh just prior to brewing.

Thanks for posting another great song from a forgotten band. When I played it, this song was on the playlist. It is a great song by Spirit with a little help from friends. The OG on drums is great. I recently learned that Randy California drowned while saving his kid. RIP


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The Starbucks in my town is a genuine traffic hazard. Regular lines Into Traffic and around corners. With a Dunkin’ down the block and a McDonald’s too, it is a veritable gauntlet, smh.

Cincy breweries: Love Taft’s, Moerlein (pricy but my happy place) Madtree and 50 West for the backyard atmosphere. Haven’t seen Wooden Cask mentioned yet… killer high-octane scotch ales.

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I'm the same except I like my coffee black, and have to have to have at least 2 cups to get going. (I will drink an expresso, with a Sambuca shot, after a good Italian meal every now and then.)

Dave Kindred...grew up reading his and Bob Hill's columns in the Courier Journal down in Louisville. It was a great paper, until the Binghams sold out to Gannett. My old friend, editor Bill Cox, is probably turning in his grave.

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I may keep my coffee simple (large red eye, black) but when it comes to local beer I love Northside's always innovative Urban Artifact. If you like (or even tolerate) sour and wild ales they are the unquestionable best in the country and their repurposed gorgeous old church is just an exceptional location.

Championship Sun-Dey is gonna be a blast and if it all works out the Cats will have a shot at exorcising some old demons against the '49ers under a gorgeous desert sky (the hiking in Phoenix is phenomenal, if anyone is making the trip).

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"Maybe 20 years ago — though it seems a lot longer, like a 2-hour dental appointment — Bayless chose to sell his soul. He went from a must-read writer to a one-man clown show."

Used a Rileyism (dental analogy) to rag on Bayless, and I like it.

My gut tells me Mad Tree makes the majority of their money in that beautiful tap house, not selling quantities through retailers. I like craft beers, but I don't have a good relationship with the substance, so I try to stick to domestic light.

I'm with Doc on the coffee. I buy the big canister at the grocery. Two scoops & 6 cups of water through the drip in the morning and I'm set for the day. When I started drinking coffee my pops sat me down and made me do the math of how many cups I would likely consume in my life, and how much sugar and cream I'd consume in my life. I did the math, and every single coffee I've had since that day has been black.

Back to Skip. He's clearly a joke, but he's probably in on it. I wonder if those right wing online 'personalities' currently arguing over $50,000,000 4 year contracts play it the same way. Doing capital's bidding pays like a good big leaguer. Who knew?

And I'll definitely take a lube-iatto from the right lady ;-)

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Coffee is just like bottled water. The water at Starbucks and the water in a $4 Smart bottle all had dinosaurs pee in it at some time.

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Best laugh of the day? “I’d rather have a wolverine bite my tongue off than say those words”. Thank you, I kinda needed that. The wife and I saw a wolverine once, half way through the Highline Trail, an 11 mile hike in Glacier NP back country. I think I would say “Pike’s Peak medium size with room for milk & honey” than get face to face with one of those creatures. Besides, Pike’s Peak is one of the more memorable places in downtown Seattle. The open air fish market is a hoot. 1st trip was in ‘98 when our daughter graduated from high school. She and I were standing at the fish displays when a 2’ long salmon or something came whizzing by our noses. A traditional practice among the fish market staff. Still don’t know how they pitch and catch them using just 1 hand. I grind and drip my own coffee everyday, Starbucks is reserved for long road trips. So I agree with you, I scorn all the dumb lingo too. Write on, you should consider a side gig as a stand up sports comic.

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Kudos to Madtree and Rinegeist. Agree that one doesn’t need to travel to Asheville for great craft brew with great beer scene in the Queen City

Personal favorites for Cincy IPA’s

50 West- Coast to Coast (my first IPA experience accompanying a bowl of their spicy Turkey or chicken chili served many years ago)

Taft- Gavel Banger

On the smooth side:

Sonder (in Mason)- You Betcha!

Now see on website I need to go and check out a Double You Betcha! (9.5% ABV)

Do have to add a shout out for Asheville’s

Wicked Weed Brewing- Freak of Nature, Double IPA (also available in the Charlotte Airport)

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Not a coffee guy. I'm a black tea guy, and I'm not from England. I could have a year's worth of delicious tea with what your better half spends in a few weeks, but to each their own. But I'm married, so...Let's just skip Skip. Not a fan.

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