How about just not taking drugs? Ever consider that as the best way to dry up the drug business? You're trying to treat the symptom. I'm more interested in eliminating demand. With the money in the drug business, criminals will always find a way if the demand is there. Just like Prohibition. On top of the death and emotional pain drug deaths bring, there is also a huge financial cost to all of us in fighting it. I'm for doing whatever it takes. I'm Independent, but like Doc, the current do-nothing GOP does nothing for me. I'm more of a Rockefeller or Ike Republican if anything. How in the hell are people like MTG, Boebert, and Walker going to solve big problems when they are ding-dongs?

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Stephen, I agree whole heartedly. Get Trump and his ding dongs out of there. I pray that our governor here in FL gets the Republican nominee in 2024. I think he has the ability to sway the Democratic middle who is so turned off by Trump and his antics. Quite frankly I am too. I would have to hold my nose if Trump would somehow be the nominee. The great America I grew up in is gone forever I’m afraid! 😢

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Very Nice. We're headed down the proverbial rabbit hole here in the Good Ole USA. I only hope folks wake up and can divert their attention from the Kardashians and Football long enough to see the calamity ahead. I'm not optimistic.

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I voted late in the afternoon on Thursday when the line finally went down and several poll workers were able to exercise our franchise.

Long ballot on legal size paper this time. All paper with an ADA reader that marks the ballot for voters with that need. Sometimes the only needed accommodation was a table to the side with a screen so that the voter could sit in a chair and mark the ballot. Voter scans paper in and voila!

I had only two bumper stickers to remove before heading in to work the polls. Both peeled off in one piece and I placed them on parchment paper in trunk. On Saturday I was able to stick them back on the car.

Good piece, Doc.

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Political frugality---2 concepts not often found next to each other. Well played.

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I've always felt those who wish to speak in generalities need the credentials to do so. One thing I do know for sure: those who live in lilly white suburbia lack the credibility to speak about today's America in generalities, and would be better off admitting they choose to live in the land of economic segregation, no matter what their politics are.

Please note I am not saying those in inner and outer suburbia are necessarily racist or bad, though some are. I am saying they're too removed to have a real touch with this nation's overall reality. They should post a disclaimer with their remarks; "Caution: I live in lily white suburbia. I am actually pretty clueless about life in major cities, which is where the mess is, and where it's gotten ugly and is getting worse." Shooting and homicides are up, common theft is often not prosecuted anymore, and corruption is rampant, not just in Washington, but in state and local governments. Voting wont fix any of this. Changes of hearts and appreciation of freedom will. But as a country, we seem like a very jaded, fat, mean spirited people these days. Translation: too many people are deeply spoiled, and the candidates on both sides reflect this type of constituency. Fat, overstuffed, selfish conquerers, throughout history, have always enjoyed the spoils of their victims for a while. But sooner or later the same excesses lead to rot and decay from within, and bring them down. This is today's America. Not the same America of 75-100 years ago. Wake up, Americans. The rot is all around us, and pretending it isn't is a sure path to doom.

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Nice one today Doc. I agree with your take on protecting America and not taking it for granted.

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As your Mobster EV guy, I’d offer this point of view on oil prices…. When an administration declares war on gas and diesel vehicles by mandating that the federal fleet is all EV by 2030, and Gavin does a similar mandate in CA for 2035, and then Congress passes a Trillion $ spending bill to augment and support EVs, you will have backlash from the oil establishment. OPEC is reducing supply so the price goes up.

They don’t like Biden even though he fist bumped the prince and begged for more oil. That’s policy, not just cyclical commodity trading.

Jamal Khashoggi the journalist anyone? I remember when that was a huge deal, sucking up to the Saudis who whacked a scribe.

And by the way, my cousin works for Chevron, PhD geologist, and we have 100 years of oil if you’re willing to pay $200/barrel.

So the answer for energy is a mix of fossil and renewable, in our lifetime. Progress is being made…

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She is so Worth It. Loved this.

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My 23yr old son, (UC college student), just jumped in his car to go vote. Makes me proud! We discuss things leading up to today and he asks questions. He knows how I lean and we joke about kicking him out if he doesn't vote my way. I told him as he was leaving this morning, "you are doing something important - vote how you want. It is a private thing only you will know how you voted."

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Remember when it was considered rude to ask who someone supports or voted for? Seems like so long ago...

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I will vote as I do every year, Doc. Please count on it. I do think they are useful parallels between 2020 and 2000 if only in political strategies. Most of the arguments heard today have been around for decades in different forms and voters who don't or won't take the time to think them through are easy prey for the political charlatans IMO.

Regarding "hater", I've used that before here but will stop immediately, per your recommendation. As for me, there are plenty of phrases and expressions I dislike but have to tolerate if I want to listen to what others have to say. Let's face it, the modern-day vernacular is often becoming the standard in the Twitter fueled world we inhabit. Nonetheless, I believe in a civilized TML at all costs and will fall in step.

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Nothing illustrates the failure of our schools (private and public) than when adults blame a sitting President for the price of crude oil, a globally traded commodity. If you haven't realized that our economy is cyclical, you never will. These voting-age adults may actually purport that, if their party simply never left power, we'd exist in a perpetual bull market, which again, is why our schools have so miserably failed us. Wages would only go up, but certainly not prices, because inflation doesn't happen to whatever my party is. Am I doing it right?

Election deniers are rampant, pity Trump enabled this but, we can only hope these people don't reproduce, or if they already have, that their children will have smart friends with good parents.

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I agree with the point you're making. But I don't think schools are the blame. I attended a decent parochial grade school and a good public HS. Yet all I have to do is open my FB page to see plenty of people who went to those same schools filling their spaces with "stories" and "facts" that anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty knows are BS.

My personal belief is that the lunatics on either fringe simply lack the courage to accept any fact that threatens their worldview. Before the days of FB, Twitter etc.. the crackpot was a lonely hunter. But today, he is blessed with an army of the like-minded. And we've only begun to see the results of that unhappy circumstance.

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Social media...the root of many modern evils. Just fans and fans the flames of division. Not intentionally I don't think...at least at first. But that's the result and it's not getting any better. I just old my brother last night I think the whole country could use a "vacation" of sorts. Shut down the social media, the Fox/CNN, etc for a week. And another thing...why is there not ONE federal improvement project going on right now that the whole country can get behind? I'd vote for any politicians that aimed for implementing something truly bipartisan that would benefit us all. I think the nation could use something to rally around. Just my opinion...

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I mention schools because I went to private schooling from K - college, and I still didn't know how our economy truly functioned until I was like 30. Totally agree about social media ampliying bad opinions among like-minded people, but it appears we're all starting from a similar point - that being, having no idea how our economy really works.

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I can't argue with that. What I truly understand about economics would fit comfortably inside a thimble. But given the tenacity of the social warriors, I can't imagine there not being near riots at school board meetings over the content of those lessons.

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We’re suffering from a crisis of intellect. Emoting is easier than thinking.

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Doc, I’m curious as to what equipment you or any mobsters use to play records. If you love the sound of vinyl, it certainly not cheap to hear it as it was intended.

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Why is it that most of you agree that a gray PacMan Jones can exist in an area between black and white yet almost none of you live in the purple between red and blue?

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Funny...i just typed that in a response elsewhere. I wish more people realized that's the reality in which we live. Lots of gray (or purple in this case). Also, regardless of which political affiliation someone has...if they're an elected official (or aspiring to be one) I take every statement they make with a giant grain of salt. It's too bad. But today, you can take almost nothing at face value if it comes from these two crooked parties.

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because most of those people conflate political affiliation with identity

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RE: the 'haters' query - hacks gonna hack, eh?

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I have voted in every election since 1968, when I became old enough. Now, I live in Colorado where my ballot comes in the mail without my asking for an “absentee”, and I dropped it in the ballot box at my local library’s drive-thru yesterday when returning books. In the afternoon, I received an email saying it had been received, and this morning an email saying it had been counted! There were no armed protestors hanging around the library, and also no one handing out political literature telling me for whom to cast my vote. I’m old, and I like voting! Thanks for reminding me why, Paul! Good piece on “haters” in sports, too. Who would ask Joe Mixon such a stupid question?

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And….just like that…..trouble with voting machines in Arizona! Shocking! They’re not even trying to hide it. Never Montana, or Idaho or Vermont, always a key battleground state.

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Trenton, New Jersey is having voter machine issues.

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60 judges guys, but go on.

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My point was that machines break for no other reason than they are machines.

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Yep, water pipes burst too.

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I don’t know the exact figure but I will assume there are 500 voting machines in each of the fifty states. Out of 25,000 machines in the country, several are likely to have issues.

Out of 25,000 of the neighbors closest to you, someone’s water pipe will burst today. If one doesn’t, I’ll sabotage my neighbor’s.

Thankfully, we live in Ohio where the voting process is almost seamless in it’s ability to count all the votes.

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Wait…30% of machines are now down in Arizona? That’s troubling on several levels.

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Agreed, was trying to direct that at Josh

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