"Nothing symbolizes a strong military like the Navy using a drag queen to recruit and the army more worried about pronoun usage than getting quality recruits. Our military is in trouble. Tuberville is right."

Wow, I knew better; never throw a prick a bone.

Those are your exact words above, sweet heart. You did not "just make a remark". You loaded it up with bad vibes. You basically reiterated the homophobic and transphobic positions of guys like Tuberville, DeSantis, the Supreme Court, and the rest of the out of control, right wing Republican hate mongerers attacking abortion rights, gay rights, transgender rights and other rights every day. You can lie all you want, but it's still right there. Yes, it is right there, man. You keep refusing to own it. You haven't yet. It's a page right out of the Trump book. wWrite ugly stuff, thinking you'll get away with it, then, when caught, deny, deny, deny. Claim no one knows you and you're badly misunderstood. Oh, Boo Hoo!

C'mon, dude, at least have the guts to own and defend your words. Boldface lying goes nowhere. Don't be such a coward. You and our criminal ex president, Donald Duck Trump have much in common. You set weak, dumb traps and catch yourselves in it. Not very bright. Go read a book on ethics and honesty, and then get back with me. Let me know if you have trouble with the big words.

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Scripted Kremlin IRA trollbot amplified echo chamber FOF party lines seeded and echoing amplifications across all chambers of frightwing media. Combines 2 memes of gaslighting demonization & groomed resentment of LGBTQ individuals along with boilerplate stoking rerererepetitive fear and triggered grievance/injustice cues among both prime targeted military personnel and concerned collective conservative 'thought' designed to widen the institutional fissuring of the vox populi via scripted rererereiterations of culture wars narrative


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Take this textbook rerererepresentative rerereregurgitating of previously presented & roundly debunked narrative concerning the same laughable 'bombshell' 'revelations' of the tired nothingburger of the sham Durham 'investigation' report ... textbook practice of the "firehose of falsehoods" propaganda template


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I stand by everything I have said because I made my point and you cannot and have not disputed it: the main function of the US military is to defend the citizens of the US. Worrying about soldiers' pronouns and having drag shows does nothing to reach that goal. I am not sorry if the truth offends you. As you said, "grow a pair". I am sure the Chinese are laughing at us. Pointing out that fact does not make me a homophobe or transphobe. You also made your point- when you have no facts to back you up, you resort to childish name calling (in true liberal fashion). As The Big Guy and the war mongers in congress lead us into WW3, we are in deep sh*t. Speaking of the Big Guy, the walls are closing in. Oh, that's right, Hunter's laptop is all "Russian disinformation". Nice try though. BTW I was ready to bury the hatchet and move on, sweet heart.

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Well, finally....you came out of the closet.....the far right one. Can I bring you a cookie and we'll celebrate?

There's no proof that any of your phobic complaints have hurt the US military one bit. Zero. None whatsover. It's all in your head, man. It's just your OPINION. You then go further and explicitly claim it's the truth. Your words, man, not mine. Well, unless you woke up this morning and found out you were God, I'm not buying you're infallible. Delusional? Maybe. Probably. OK, yes. Infallible? No. I tried to give you the easy road out by pointing out that that the Navy has real life, actual scandals hurting it, and you suddenly went deaf and dumb. So......when it comes to scandals and all the damage they've done, it's no big deal. But do one drag show .....What a corrupt set of values. By the way, if you have the date China is going to invade, would you at least share it with us all? You know, as a favor? You know, so we can start digging our fallout shelters tonight?

Taking your talking points straight off Faux News, which is gleefully helping fuel the wave of transphobic disrespect and hate sweeping the US, was your first mistake. Providing no proof whatsoever to your pseudo points on a issue loaded with right wingers and wild eyed crazy religious nut politicos spewing crazy nonsense all day long was your second mistake. Makes you one and the same, in my book. I probably wouldn't have bothered to jump in If all this right wing phobic neo-McCarthyism hasn't fueled the break-neck speed in passing discriminatory legislation and loss of rights. Here's a suggestion: believing anything you hear on Faux is a really bad way to make any point. Faux wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. Take care, man. The pleasure's been all mine.

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Greg, Dude, or should I call you sweetheart......once again, I was going to let this go and stop embarrassing you. I have compiled a short list of major news items that the mainstream media has either ignored or gotten completely wrong. FOX News nailed every one of these: The Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden laptop and The Big Guy implications, Russian Collusion Hoax, Jusse Smollett, Kyle Rittenhouse case, Ashely Biden's diary (both content and illegal efforts to retrieve it), discrimination of whites and Asians in public schools, teachers grooming grade school children, adults taking young kids to drag shows, Governor Cuomo killing patients in nursing homes, Chris Cuomo, effects of defunding the police, violence and hypocrisy of BLM and Antifa, CRT being taught in schools, ineffectiveness of wearing masks, Fauci's gain of function research, crisis at the border, "horse whipping" at the border, illegal immigrants being distributed around the country by Joe Biden, black on black crime, Nick Sandmann, Michael Avenatti, psychological effect of children wearing masks, Bellancigo porn ad, drug OD's, origin of COVID, Ray Epps, replacement theory, trans athletes dominating women's sports, George Soros, Eric Swalwell dating a Chinese spy, big-tech censorship (Twitter, FB, etc), BYU volleyball hoax, Nord Stream Pipeline sabotage, etc.

Here is the latest: The Hunter Biden Money Scandal Just Exploded (msn.com)

Get some help, it's not too late.

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On my to Scottsdale, Arizona where there is a lot of sand but no ocean. Nonetheless, I’m armed with tunes including my Shag playlist. Thanks Doc for giving me a new tune to include on the list. BTW- I highly recommend listening to Shag music while sipping on pineapple infused rum and smoking a stogie. Panama hat being optional!

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Seems something like a Hunter S Thompson homage you're intimating ... ?

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Your down in our neck of the woods Doc, (Sun City Center). The new uniforms look like something the UC football team would breakout for a televised Thursday night game. Have never been a big Bell fan, but if they could somehow go close to .500 with this AAA roster, he gets a hall pass from me for at least 2 more years

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Nothing symbolizes a strong military like the Navy using a drag queen to recruit and the army more worried about pronoun usage than getting quality recruits. Our military is in trouble. Tuberville is right. https://nypost.com/2023/05/03/us-navy-appointed-active-duty-drag-queen-as-ambassador/


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Are you really that scared/threatened/freaked out by an enlisted man doing a little drag thing? Wow, dude, grow a pair.

You forgot about the scandals. The Tailhook and Fat Leonard scandals have had their deep negative effect, considering how huge they were. There have been many other Navy scandals involving abuse of power, misogyny, drunken orgies, and worse that have been splattered across the headlines the last few decades. But let one fairly insignificant Navy officer do a good-intentioned drag show, showing the Navy might be inclusive and openminded, and transphobes rush in predict its ruination. LOL, how did we not see that? Who knew how powerful a drag show is? Good God, man. Get a grip.

Consider this: these ugly scandals were the responsibility of "very straight", testosterone-dripping Navy men fueled by overly masculine, overly aggressive, law-breaking macho bs. Throughout history, men loaded with machismo and fueled by testosterone overdrive have done far more damage to themselves and others than men who are overtly feminine and often end up the targets of hate themselves.

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Pogo with breaking news from 1990 in defense of …….. drag queens as a recruiting tool?

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Huh?? Fat Leonard is a mid 2000s scandal, having roots in 2006 forward, being investigated still today, indictments handed out in 2017. You must have been asleep when you commented. There are dozens of lesser incidents that I skipped over for brevity. I can link you if necessary.

But yer right. A Navy enlisted man doing a drag show is far more worrisome than the theft of tens of millions of dollars grafted by scumbags in cohoots with corrupt Navy personnel. My God, Jay, how could I not see that? Nothing screams Join The Navy like "...and you can steal millions of dollars, too."

Hey, consider this "While the US military is screwing around with drag queens and pronouns, the Chinese have their priorities in order." -from the transphobe commenter who started this thread. Yeah, who knew the only reason China has passed us up as a naval power is because of a couple drag queens suggesting trans people might have value in military service, which was actually true til Trump's metal illness revoked his own promise. Oh my God, why haven't we realized that drag artists are so powerful a couple have destroyed the most powerful Navy in the world? Thank goodness you are able to see how powerful they really are........... sorry, hard to type, my sides hurts so bad from holding in the laughter as I try. What's next, reincarnating Anita Bryant and arresting all gay people. C'mon IB; don't be our TML Ron DeSantis. Admit when you've gone down the wrong street. Not all right leaning GPSes are accurate.

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While the US military is screwing around with drag queens and pronouns, the Chinese have their priorities in order. From the article below, "In the wake of China’s test of a hypersonic missile, the second most senior US general said Thursday that the pace at which China’s military is developing capabilities is “stunning” while US development suffers from “brutal” bureaucracy." Every action taken by our military should have one objective: to make us better/stronger. I don't think our current actions are making us better or stronger. With Biden intent on getting us in WW3, we better get our sh*t together. BTW, what is it with the recent obsession with drag queens? https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/28/politics/hyten-stunning-china-military-progress/index.html

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C'mon. Be honest. You brought the subject up, calling out a minor insignificant event and acting like it may lead to the demise of the US Navy. That's exactly how you worded it. Not only is it absurd, it promotes continued discrimination. Ironically, it seems to me you're doing your own version of a lip-synch show, lip synching the attiutude of Fox News' and right leaning state govs pushing all sorts of weird transphobic lergilsation and attitudes these days. I find that stuff phobic and uncalled for. You and I both know the Navy has far more problems caused by straight enlisted men than a recruiter trying to recruit thru a drag show. Nice try.

I burned out on transphobes, homophobes, and any-other-phobes a long time ago. I don't get the obsession and ugliness being fostered so heavily by the right on so many folks. What gives anyone the imagined right to hate on another group of people? It's certainly not in the bible or any original version of Christianity, yet many use a twisted version of those beliefs as their excuse. With so many other groups protected by strong laws, I wonder if it's a desperation grab. Hey, we finally found a group small enough no one can stop us from bullying them. I dislike people who rip on any marginalized group, whether gay, black, women, Downs, trans, Asian, or whatever,. and I'll continue to call that kind of prejudice out. After all the backlash Huggins got a few days ago, why even go down that road, man? Thinly veiled bashing has no business here.

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Greg, Dude, I hate to disappoint you, but I don't give a sh*t about anyone's sexuality. Looks to me like you are trying a little too hard here.

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Your remarks read otherwise, so call me skeptical. I actually agree with you that China is amassing a huge naval build-up, and we have to deal with their warlike, threatening behavior in serious ways. But c'mon, a drag show has probably 0.00005% affect on anything Navy and will surely have zero affect on any response to China. But for some reason, fairly obvious to me, in the middle of a wave of transphobic bashing in uptight Christian/Republican run states, you chose to use that as your lead, did you not, in a very negative way. That's a fact. What it looks like to me is a move straight out of of Trump's dirty play book; do a backdoor attack and defamation of the target, then deny everything when you get caught. If that's not true, or if it is, either way, I suggest you use better discretion in the future.

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Wow, I make an observation that the military does not have its priorities in order (to make us safe). From that, I am a transphobe, homophobe, etc. You have too much time on your hands. Get a hobby. And quit judging people who you don't know.

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Search topic: "white supremacist accelerationism" as practiced by multiple cadres of seditious, violent, brainwashed Putin/Trump/GQP supporters


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There are 13 teams that have used 20 or more pitchers this season already including the Dodgers and the Mets. Most bullpen have a revolving door, not just Cincy. Cincy's bullpen is actually doing fairly well. This team though in rebuild mode is much more watchable than in recent seasons. At least I feel like they have a chance. I wish Bell would stop playing guys who can't hit.

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The only way Bell can stop playing guys who can't hit would be to borrow hitters from the opposing team

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Oooops. Felt like a Hemingway trying to be you. Been reading you since the beginning. Will have to concentrate on the sports part, and remember I am part of the stick to sports group, although the social part was what was familiar

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I turned into my ESPN Plus on Saturday & was delighted to see a Reds game scheduled.

I immediately went to the channel.

You know the rest of the story ....An MLB lockout .

We don't have Spectum/Bally hookup & never will. And right now I am content watching alot of Yankees, Boston, LA games. Probably will never go to Great America ballpark again.

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Wills Loman, out there with nothing but a shoe shine and a smile!

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The 1970’s era White Sox uniform with SHORTS is the ugliest garment in the history of clothing.

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Yeah. that was unsightly

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Last Hemingway by that guy…..please!

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Uh. Jim, it wasn't a Hemingway. It was me. I promise to do better next time.

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Willy Loman! I remember having to read Miller’s play in senior HS English and wondering, why? If it is not the most depressing play ever written, what’s your topper? I mean, this is what they’re teaching boys starting out in life in the early 70’s?

Anyway, it was sandwiched between “Waiting for Godot” (another existentialist nightmare) and “1984” (which made some sense given the Russkies and their nukes), but the only Avant Garde book of the day I managed to connect with in that class was “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” given that I was growing up in the Ville after the end of Jim Crow. Where else would a kinky headed white boy find out about a conk hairstyle? And now they’re worried about what kids read in public school?

As for Tuberville, well, he is trying to stay elected as U.S. senator from Alabama, you know. The Deep South is changing for sure but not as fast as Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts. And don’t think I agree with him, now, I'm just praying our elected Congressmen can collectively keep the good ship America on a solvent straight and narrow path as much as possible and we can all “live and let live”. Remember that ancient line? It’s my favorite from back in the day. Ah, the good old days!

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Hi Paul.

I actually had 2 songs in the top 50 of the year end Beach Music Charts in 2014. We’ve done a few of those events and they are lots o fun

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What were those tunes? Great hearing from you!

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The Blues Doctor! Blues you can use! I miss those days when you would crowd your band on the tiny stage of The 1207 in OTR. People packed that joint *sshole to elbow when you played. I’ll never forget it.

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Go to Bourbon Street Boogie-N-Blues Bar in Nashville. Thank me later. That's Stacy's home away from home.

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He’s coming to Mason in June or July, Doc. I think it’s June. Yeah. It’s June.

Friday. June 16th. Music In Mason. He goes on at 8pm.

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Just a thought Doc. Maybe Tubs knows a bit more than we do about the inner workings of the military being on the committee? They had a vax mandate, we know they spy, possibly on their own people. Maybe fidelity to the current cause is a driving factor of retention annd promotion?

And it’s no secret that recruitment is way down. There could be many reasons for that, but maybe white boys and girls from the country aren’t interested anymore? Label them nationalists, whatever you want. But jar heads and green berets have never been woke.

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Huge diff between being woke and ripping up the Capitol.

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Right. And I'm sure the man who could effortlessly name two of the three branches of our government has mastered the inner workings of the world's largest military.

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I said perhaps he knows more than me, you and Doc.

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And I say you're giving him more credit than he deserves. His greatest area of expertise - as with most Republicans - is in the tactic of using wedge issues to motivate disaffected voters who are convinced that "Others" are trying to "replace" them.

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Culture wars/wedge issues are the #1 tool of Kremlin IRA scripted trollbot frightwing echo chamber seeding and amplification


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As if saying that the greatest threat to our country is white nationalism isn’t a wedge issue? Your partisanship makes you myopic, Patrick.

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I guess I said that, although I don't remember it. In any case, it is a threat to what our country is supposed to stand for. It's a threat to our credibility as a beacon of hope for the freedom and dignity of man. And, frankly, its embarrassing as hell to white people who don't subscribe to it.

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No, Biden said it this weekend.

I certainly do not subscribe to the notion that white nationalism is the greatest threat to our country and I am not embarrassed that I do not. In fact, I am embarrassed that POTUS is out there spouting that nonsense and others actually believe it.

For the record, the CCP is the gravest threat to us and our freedom.

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Actually, enemy of democracy Putin is the #1 global godfather of white supremacy in promoting and utilizing all manner of race/gender/ideological practice of such division politics, comrade


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Interesting that Russia’s alleged neo-nazis would be at war with Ukraine’s nazis.

My point remains, Biden calling white nationalism the number one threat is a wedge issue despite what your DNC issued talking points direct you to comment otherwise. How much they paying you Wayne?

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Dems make everything about race and identity politics. We are not led by our best, not even close.

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Standard frightwing trollbot ID parameter:


Basically, what you accuse others of doing is cover for what you're trying to do/get away with yourself ('throwing off the scent' colloquially)

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Tubervile is like a lot of Republicans these days, a poor performance art parody personification of a scripted Kremlin IRA trollbot. He's just not very mentally adroit enough to completely understand or competently carry out the assignment coherently enough

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Mike Miller! Could I please just ride around in the back seat of your car for a year to two??!

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Have you ever noticed that the teams that lose a lot are always performing gimmicks like changing uniforms to try to engage their fans? Fans only care about one thing---winning! Why is that? It's simple psychology. Rabid fans take on the identity of their teams. If their teams win, they feel like winners. If they lose, well, you know. No amount of gimmickery replaces the dopamine release of winning.

As for Tubs, well, let's just say he'd have been very happy living in the 30s, 40s and 50s.

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To be fair, the Reds are not the only team that is adding a City Connect alternate uniform. Mostly just a money grab by Nike, but I dig it. Wouldn't want to see something like that as an everyday uni, but I think it's sharp as a alternate.

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Thanks for pointing out earlier that this is just a Friday night thing. I still think they look like something out of a dystopian graphic novel. But I'm sure plenty of fans younger and less cranky than me will enjoy them.

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"Hint: He wasn't a ballplayer." Heh.

Speaking of not particularly memorable ballplayers, just for fun I plugged "Loman" into the search bar of the omnipotent Baseball Reference. Outfielder Doug Loman logged 47 games with the Brewers over two season in 1984 & '85, hitting .246. Death of a Salesman came out in 1949 and Doug Loman was born in 1958. Except for that whole fictional character thing, Doug could have been Willy's grandson. I'm guessing Biff's boy, since he was the athlete Hap never was.

As for the SBM, kind of funny you described it as largely Black performers in the '50s & '60s, while the example you provided is by a white band recorded in the '70s. (Doesn't take anything away from the song or the style, which is perfect beachside listening.)

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Verrry good catch, Mark. Catalinas were white guys.

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I'm certainly not an aficionado, but what some consider the best of the genre - 60 Minute Man by the Dominoes - has a pretty strong sports tie with its prominent placement in Bull Durham. Definitely amplifies that Carolina connection you mentioned.


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