It was 9.1% in June 2022

If you gained 9.1% of fat in June 2022, then 3% in 2023. How much weight did you lose?

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My wife recently sent me to Kroger for an item I had no familiarity with. After 20 minutes of looking I called her in despair. She said “ask any woman shopping in the baking aisle .” It worked immediately.

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I'd wager that if HOF eligibility happened 15 years after retirement and OJ's eligibility came up a week after his trial, he'd not have been inducted, right? I'd also wager that if Jim Brown were playing now instead of then, and we all knew every detail of every assault, he would hardly be a lock for hall of fame. My point is that if our institutions don't evolve, from politics to sports to education, we're fucked. Celebrating Dillon now, in 2023, a man whose second (publicly acknowledged) domestic abuse case happened _ten years_ after the first (learn much, CD?) (defined as serial abuser, maybe?) is like saying, "fuck our new standards toward treatment of women. Let's give Jackie Gleason another comedy award for the episode where he threatens to punch Alice to the moon and the studio audience laughed uproariously. Have you watched the tape of Joe Mixon punching that woman in college recently? Horrific. So if he turns in five more good years and the Bengals win two Super Bowls, do you vote him into the HOF?

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Totally agree with you. And I'm glad you are continuing to speak out. Thank you. There are those who advocate keeping Bonds and the rest of the Steroid Crowd out of the MLB HOF while looking the other way at Former Stars with domestic abuse issues. When Jimmy Brown died, whom, btw, I worshipped as a kid growing up in Ohio, there was nary a mention in most of the tributes I read of his checkered history with women. Plural. Women. He was not a nice man around women. And blowing that off aint right. Pretending and denying something bad happened is a perverse, but very real form of advocating for it.

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Gotta disagree about Dillon. He was a fantastic running back. But who currently in the ring do you leave out to insert him? Munoz? Riley? Anderson? Plus the fact that the Brown/Blackburn family called it the ring of honor for a reason. Not much honor in a guy who throws his jersey down and badmouths the fans

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Cincy Shirts had Run-DLC on 6/8.


First that I see it from you is 6/12.

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“Whoa Elly” is clever because most Reds fans are Keith Jackson’s age. 😏

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I guess you never saw My Blue Heaven https://youtu.be/0vPKpMMapEg

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The economy we're enjoying now is good, in fact it's great. It's so great that it's overheated, resulting in the inflation we've experienced over the last 2 years. In Economics 101 (many years ago) our instructor provided charts and graphs illustrating how little the POTUS had to do with the cyclical economy. And that was pretty much the case, until the subprime mortgage crash that preceded the Obama presidency, when our leaders learned how to borrow their way out of a bad economy. Obama added 8 trillion to the debt through stimulus programs. Then covid hit during Trump's presidency. We shut down the economy and borrowed trillions more to finance the Paycheck Protection and Employee Retention Credit Programs, then Biden became President and borrowed more for the American Rescue Plan (stimulus checks), and something called the Inflation Reduction Act.

Even more cash was added to the economy through the suspension of rent and student loan payments. To date we've borrowed an additional 9 trillion more over the Trump and Biden presidencies. The debt is now 32.5 trillion and no one is paying attention. The great economy we enjoy today is at the expense of the debt that we are passing to our children and grandchildren.

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"In Economics 101 (many years ago) our instructor provided charts and graphs illustrating how little the POTUS had to do with the cyclical economy. And that was pretty much the case, until the subprime mortgage crash that preceded the Obama presidency, when our leaders learned how to borrow their way out of a bad economy."

I applaud you for your longevity. What's your diet? Because Keynes discussed government borrowing to simulate an economy a century ago. And FDR did it with the New Deal. You must have taken econ 101 in what?.... maybe in the 1890s? Is it pomegranates?

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There's an App for That... Kroger App should help you locate that arugula while shopping. You just know I was going to say that, Bro-In-Law.

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They have an App for That. Kroger App helps locate that arugula in the store. You know I was going to say that Bro-in-law. Ha Ha

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Sure we go there. a) Imagine through a trick of fate you couldn't enter the HOF until you'd been retired 15 years instead of five, and that OJ wasn't eligible until after his trial. Would he have had enough votes to be inducted? If Jim Brown's nine-year career had been 2014-2023, you think he'd get in now? Naively, I think that every American institution has to evolve if we're going to escape the trap we've fallen into, from academia to sport, which means that Halls of Fame should consider the character of the nominee. Not whether they would have been inducted in 1956, when on The Honeymooners people laughed when Ralph threatened to slug Alice, "to the moon." Meantime, if Joe Mixon's punch to that woman didn't send her to the moon, it had to have been close. If Mixon turns in HOF numbers in the next seven years, you want him in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm1IYtVuRXk

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Wow, I hope you're not the guy with that cart pictured that tried to go thru self checkout. That could be a problem! lol

Also, I always put the bottles and cans in the bottom of the cart...you don't want your wine bottles to break before you even get the cork popped.

My only complaint is the woman who you find blocking the milk when you just want to reach in and get a gallon...and then everywhere you go, there she is! WTH, blocking MY cereal, my favorite ice cream flavor, my diet meals (...ah...balanced diet). You get the gest. Did this person align herself to just get in my way for the next hour, that could have been 20 minutes?

And then, when I do self checkout, my credit card never works. It just has to read the chip...and, there is one on each side. So I put it in right side up..."can't read the chip"...turn if over "can't read the chip"...even swipe it..."can't read the chip"...WTH! It works everywhere else. They were lucky I could even find the slot that is black and in disguise. "My ice cream is melding!" So I start over and finally ask the "clerk", who couldn't find a job anywhere else, for help. He takes my card and puts it in the slot..."do not remove your card" (under penalty of the law?)...and along comes the paper receipt that is two feet long so it can hold the $100 purchase that I tried to avoid this time.. Good way to ruin the day, if it wasn't already raining.

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Good News Doc, Kroger does have a box that tells you where everything is located! It’s your phone. The Kroger app is my go to in store. I can type the name and it tells me the aisle, gives me a coupon, and says thanks for coming! It will even let you find it on a map for us old school guys. I still like to wander. This way I get to bring home something interesting... Big fan of Bubbe’s Pickles!

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It's Kroger

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The lyrics of that song are disturbing. First time I’ve heard it, somehow. Yeah, I know…all part of the groupie craze of the ‘60s. Makes the skin crawl when contemplating innocence lost.

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I'm a firm believer that grocery stores want you lost, so you'll say 'oh look! Thai noodles!'

We've gotten this far with our pitching, with guys getting healthier. Hang tough, except maybe a bullpen lefty.

I reside on the gulf coast of Florida. Yeah, not buying that economy bit.

I guessed the album but wasn't sure on the song. Duh.

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The comment section has turned into a Reddit blog... are the Reds back yet?!

My husband has wanted me to switch from Giant Eagle (my store of choice in CBus) for years and back to my roots and our big ole Kroger Marketplace down the street. So far, I have refused. Why? Because I know where every last thing is at my Giant Eagle. I can have 25 things on a list and be done in about 7 minutes, if I put my mind to it.

However, the minute GE decides to go all re-org on me, I will probably cave...

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