Doc, Re The Masters, I follow the Sam Wyche motto, ( If the weather is nice) There's golf and tennis to be PLAYED, not watched. I'll most likely watch Sunday afternoon but meh.. I have not been there and don't share your passion. Not sure with the LIV players , will Phil be there?

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Umm, Gonzaga did a get a shot in the Regionals. Got dusted by 28…

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Not a fan of the women Champs game ending in thumbing each other's noses like four year olds.."ya da ya da ya da!." I guess this is what comes of teeny bopper's habits being raised on meme ego phones. Class and good sportsmanship seems to have been left behind in our new woke country, as in "good game, can't wait 'til next year" and a hug or handshake. To me it speaks there is something lacking in coaching these days, like manners and respect for one another. Can you imagine how delinquent it would look if the guys did that after a game? They would all end in a brawl. I guess it's the mark the DT effect has made on our society. I have to say, the Barbie Doll outfit I found very demeaning to 'women' worn by one coach in the opener. Wake up America!

The Men's final was horrible. I couldn't believe the score was something like 42 to 24 after three quarters! I couldn't watch it. I thought the Aztecs played a great game to get into the finals. I guess too much celebration after that one and their year was over for them.

Golf: I hope the women's Amateurs appreciated how special it was for them to be playing at Augusta. It took years for a woman to even be able to swing a golf club on that sacred ground. Don't forget the women who fought over the years to get you there.

Look forward to the Masters. I think you might be right about Rory this year. He seems to be maturing. If he just doesn't get into his own head, he will be all right. But, there are so many new surprises in men's golf these days, I wouldn't bet on it. Probably will be someone we never heard of before donning the new green cape.

Oh, the Reds. Worth watching a game or two to see how it goes.

I have bronchitis, now that the weather has finally gotten warm. Bummer, that's my life in a jar. I'll be sipping lemon and honey or something and wasting away in my lounger on antibiotics. Happy Spring!

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Feel better soon.

Agree with your comments re the women's game. Trash talking and rude gestures can turn into bush league behavior pretty quick. LLet's cut it out. As for Mulkey's outfit. I'm feeling pretty certain she was just trying to show solidarity for drag queens.🤩

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Doc I am glad to see you come correct and admit you hadn’t heard of Vosler either…haha. I thought for a while there I was the only one. I am afraid he’s destined to become our next Kevin Maas (lookim up).

Admittedly I did not watch the game but only the extended video clip so maybe I lost some context...but with the Angel Reese thing- the gesture itself was tired and played out but when she basically followed Clark around it turned childish. But the real issue I have with it are the idiots like Screamin A Smith turning it into an opportunity to play the race card.


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Doc, I’m floating my way to Greece and there is no such thing as too much Masters. This year seems more a LIV vs PGA tournament. Sorry I won’t see much. Keep me posted!

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Go to Hydra. If you spend the night, a donkey takes your luggage up the hill to your place. Seriously

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The Isley tune is one of my favorites. A great, local group from Lincoln Heights and they are still performing.

Moving on, I’m old like many of us who played different sports back in the day. They don’t even have the leagues at Belmont Gym, St.George and other places due to various reasons. They stopped the Gus Macker tourneys because your teams had to consist of a shooter, an athletic person who could defend, an enforcer who didn’t back down and some crazy guy who could do a bit of everything as a sub! I was fortunate to play with some of the best that included Steve Thomas, Dick Vories , Bob Hayes and a few more. I never saw anyone who could stop those guys, but I never saw or heard them talk crap to their opponents. They didn’t have to because their game did the talking for them!

Those were the days when you would beat the hell out of one another on the court, laugh at on another and then drink beer together at the sponsor’s bar, usually Dase’s Place or Lefty’s Tavern. Those days are long gone in this new and terrible Woke world! A real shame and our kids will never get to experience those days. What will they do for stories like we have?

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Any place that bans a guy for life, a decent pro golfer and good commentator no less, for suggesting the greens are so fast that they seem like they've been bikini-waxed, can burn in hell. Talk about being utterly pompous and lacking a sense of humor........

Augusta is a testament to the ugly past of racist America, a place of rich white men and poor, shanty-town Negro caddies and servants. It has been pulled, kicking and screaming, into the modern era at a glacial pace. It still has vestiges of the old golf world, with a membership of mostly rich white corporate drones at a mostly white country club. I enjoy watching the tournament and the competitors. But I can get that any weekend. The course itself is beautiful, but badly overdone, like an old dowager with way too much make-up. What I deeply dislike is the attitude of the course directors and their overbearing obsession with perfection and fake southern aristocracy. Golf perfection may bedazzle some. It doesn't fool me. It comes with an ugly price tag, and it's big. Ask Gary McCord.

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So don’t effin’ watch it

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Whoa, Nelly. Guess I hit a nerve. Just reminding people of the other reality of Augusta. Mine is as real as yours.

Some years I don't watch, btw. Turd-a-mints run by overly sanctimonious jackarses aren't my cup of tea. In a way, it's like America. You can love it (or not) in the present, but you can't ignore its ugly past.

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...said the sanctimonious jackarse.

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Hilarious. You should write comedy for funeral homes.

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Dishing it out meets can't take it

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Weak soup. Learn how to cook before you apply for the chef's job.

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You can also obsess on it, over and over, repeating yourself ad nauseam. You don't like the Masters. Fantastic. We got it. See advice, above. Better yet, look into the pasts of every stop on Tour, and report back to us. I'm sure they're all bastions of equality and dauntless defenders of the working man. Same as you are.

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I appreciate the honest response. Not sure I'm the one obsessing here, but let's not worry about it. We can untangle that over a beer. You write glowingly about the Masters every year, and I respect how much you love it. But I think it's important to present the full picture, which goes unspoken a lot. I think it's OK to poke a little fun at the Master's absurd pretentiousness and obsession with perfection, especially considering its less than stellar history. BTW, I'm not the only one with that opinion today. The tournament directors act too much like it's a church and they're above criticism. They're not.

I'll definitely watch Sunday afternoon. As they (and you) always say, the tournament begins on the back 9 on Sunday. If it's one or 2 big names, I'll watch. If it's no names, I'll probably shut it down. I enjoy playing much more than watching. If it's nice Sunday and the tourney is boring, I'll likely go out and play 9 into the sunset. That's when golf comes alive for me and means something. Watching is OK. Playing is where the mystery and fun come in.

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As with my fantasy team, we'll enjoy the Reds until we don't. Hopefully it's a while and the front office is forced to weigh the issues of public goodwill, profitability, and sustained improvement. Love the Ted Lasso/Major League vibe of winning to spite your ownership.

I was very entertained last night. Very happy for UConn, the Big East, and the fact that SDSU's massive drought didn't keep the game from hitting the over. They almost made a game of it. I could not care less about having only blue blue bloods in the final weekend. It's a weak complaint given how most fans don't follow NCAAB writ large until the tourney rolls around anyway. If the 4 teams playing this weekend all donned KU, UNC, Duke, and UK jerseys, most wouldn't have noticed. As an XU fan, I say bring on the chaos. It was a great few weeks--had to stay up for 'One Shining Moment' I'm a sap and I'll miss hoops.

In terms of taunting, etc. I file it under 'stuff that other people get angry about' I really don't care. It's sports. There's passion. If there's not, then something's wrong. As Teddy R once said, "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena." In other words: Screw the haters. There are many things that we don't need to have an opinion about.

Nerd it up over the Masters. If others don't like it that's their problem. I'll make it down there one of these years. At least this year Spring Break will take my fam to SC where I get to start off the golf season at Charleston National a week from today. Now I just need to convince the fam to listen to the final round the entire ride down there....

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I gotta say that was one of the weakest OSMs I've ever witnessed. Jay Wright was a pleasant addition and Chuck was his usual ebullient bb savant self

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Thomas Sowell wrote a book years ago that detailed the origins of redneck behavior in America. Turns out it can be blamed on the highland people of northern Britain who became the immigrants known as Scots-Irish. They settled in the American South and slowly expanded their influence to cities where jobs grew during the Industrial Revolution. Per Sowell, their behavior also affected African-Americans as much as lower income whites and has become a habit that is impossible to break.

I agree, Doc, that it wasn’t as prevalent on a basketball court years ago but now with TV and social media, it is here to stay IMO. Unfortunately, it appears the adults in charge have no desire to address trash talk so the fans that find it distasteful have a choice – take it or leave it. The irony in all this, per Sowell again, is that redneck behavior has largely died out in the highlands of northern Britain.

As for Masters talk, I say the more the better. I’ll never get a ticket, so let’s make it a regular topic on TML.

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😆 my dad's mother was a Mullikin, a DAR registered lowland Scots/Scots-Irish family that originaly came in through late 16oos Baltimore (2 3oo acre tracts Mullikin's Green and Orchard supposedly are still going concerns) and on up into the Delaware River valley. Her bunch didn't inherit the first birthright, which meant opportunity to float down eventually the Ohio River to the Limestone landing at Simon Kenton's outpost Maysville and hit the buffalo trail now US 68 to go take up homestead more in toward the Bluegrass and beyond. They settled 15 miles on in having taken the right fork at Washington, Ky on 62 to Shannon. Supposedly that or some variant was the #1 surname of RW soldiers, which land grants as pensions were a part of that earliest type migration past the limiting Appalachian terrain had to be navigated

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I'm stunned Doc didn't mention anything about his favorite sportscaster Jim Nantz signing off last night (hint of sarcasm).. 🤣🤣

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Hi Doc, As a former resident of Brockton, MA, I believe that "Destruct and Destroy" was first used by Marvin Hagler. Enjoying the column and agree with you re: Masters. If you've ever been there, you know!

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Doc, I am more of a get of my lawn guy when it comes to baseball, so I wonder if I'm in the minority, but I feel like the baseball games now are TOO short.

There has got to be a happy medium between 2 hours 15 mins, and 4 hours.

I agree that the pitchers and batters took way too long between pitches, but come on, I'm just settling in after 2 hours.

Maybe expand the time on the pitch clock, I just feel like I'm getting cheated.

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You're way in the minority. I had season tickets and had a 2 and a half hour time limit unless the game was close. More often than not be gone by the 2 hour limit. IMO 2 hrs. and 15 is perfect. The average time so far is 2:35.

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You're in the minority

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Hey, hey.....Michael Keaton made his comeback in Birdman. There's a lot to be said about being loved by ornithologists. Speaking of which,....


I used to go birding in Golden Gate Park, with a friend who was a naturalist. (Yes, she had clothes on, you dirty birds. 😉.) Eucalyptus trees clattering; lovely smell. She knew all the birds. Birds are fascinating through binoculars. Amazing colors. Very meditative. We'd go in the early morning fog before dawn, stay till it burned off. Tres cool.

I looked up Vosler's history on Baseball Ref before the game yesterday. He looks so alert and ready, I was wondering if he'd been labeled wrong. The Reds aren't the only org full of nitwits. K ratio is 1/ 3.25 ABs historically. Not so great. Lively bat, a lot of swing and misses. Homer or bust. One great OPS year in minors, couple good BA years in AAA, average to poor mostly. Once he cools off, he's likely to fan a lot. Ride the wave for now. A few weeks of lightning in a bottle. Anything more is gravy. Votto will bury him anyway. Joey will play even if he's hitting sub .150. It's all about personalities, not winning. It's the Reds way, right? Unfortunately, I got nuthin' else to do.

Master's feel flat to me this year. The fractured tours is probably why. Rich men fighting childishly....disgusting. Plus, OPEC just joined with Russia to drive up oil prices. The LIV guys are SO on the wrong side of history. They're a bunch of idiot pawns in Norman's sad revenge game.

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He's another one of these guys GASP bequeaths unto them a Gorman Thomas/Adam Dunn type of niche success ... but can he steal a base for you?

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You're probably right about Vosler and we should certainly enjoy it while we can. I think Votto has a bounceback year. If he's truly healthy and he gets to hit against the new limited shift I think he'll hit .260ish. Not sure what type of power to expect, but I expect him to hit and get on base more than last year.

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He crushed the first pitch of his rehab in Louisville 448 ft over the wall. I would not rule out a realistic pursuit of 3o to 35 dingers

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Yeah, I think he knows he needs one or two more good years to ensure a trip to the HOF. I look for him to do everything in his power to get his game in order this year. It's Make Or Break time. I agree, there's a decent chance he bounces back. But he could be already done, too.

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Hope you're correct on Rory, and yes the vertical drop down 10 and 11 was a major surprise. It's funny - my brother and I are fortunate enough to have been there 5 or so times, and invariably, because of my poor planning, we always would find ourselves walking the back nine backwards up the hill. He never forgave me for that. Also, I thought it was interesting that the course kind of sits in a bowl and you can see so much of it from the clubhouse/top.

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My mother watched The Young and Restless to see that day’s flower arrangements. She always enjoyed watching golf tournaments for the scenery. Augusta had to have been one of the top ones because of the azaleas.

Pebble Beach an annual fave. To me that one always seems like wind and water.

You do you on the Masters. We’ll keep reading. My father and others tried to lure Canadian doctors to Trigg County with state park ( Lake Barkley) and locally owned golf courses. Sometimes worked for a while. Extra hard to recruit and keep surgeons.

Yep, bypassing hype and empty outrage is one of my skills.

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Yes give us the Masters… I’m not a golfer I tried but not in the cards but I follow it and love to watch it on Sunday so bring it on … social media and all the sports talking head shows have brought us all this wonderful nonsense about every conceived thing in sports and the rage goes on and on …

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