I was correct on Medger Evers. Civil Rights activist murdered in 1963. You are thinking of James Meredith who was the first Black student at Ole Miss. It was late when you were typing so I will let that slide. 😉 Fun fact, James Meredith became a professor at UC in the late 80s.
My point remains that comparing the protesting of the selling of swim suits to the murder of a Civil Rights activist is not an appropriate analogy.
I do not see how opposing men with penises participating in women's sports is transphobic. It just keeps the sports fair to biological women. Also, not allowing sex change operations for children under 18 also seems logical while also not being transphobic. If you have to be 18 to smoke, vote, consent to sex, and older to drink, it seems that you should be that age to permanently remove your genitals.
For the record, I do not care one bit about the swimsuit at Target.
You heading to Little Miami this evening? If so, what time? It is a better venue and closer to my house than JJs.
I actually looked James Meredith up and typed Medger Evers. It happens. Never said I was perfect, although, if you say I am, I'll agree.
My point was built around James Meredith and the hate he experienced for wanting to go to a state funded school. As such, it was (or, rather, would have been) valid. It was about the deeply ingrained resistance to change in certain demographics. I'll try to do better next time.
I agree with you in part on your other points. The Olympics has worked hard with various experts in many scientific fields to put together a stringent set of standards for trans athletes (particularly trans women) to meet before they can compete. Seems to be working. But it is a new field, so I guess learning and tweaks may be needed. I'm not expert on any of this. I do think it was boneheaded of Penn to allow the trans kid swimmer to compete so soon after (s)he declared his/her change. It was asking for trouble. I think a wait period of at least a few years is needed, along with some testing to meet certain standards, such as post surgical status. If one choose to transition in college, maybe one needs to accept one will lose some of the competitive years. So be it. But don't slam the door. Same way with surgery before 18. Some teens are dead sure of who they are. I say require a few years of therapy before any surgical intervention. If a kid over maybe 14 is ready and approved by docs and parents, maybe it's alright. Who are you and I to say? Your argument is apples to oranges, imho. Comparing a medical condition to smoking or voting misses the mark badly.
Tall, big boned women have many biological advantages over shorter physically weaker women, too. Your level playing field argument falls apart when you admit this fact. Some biological males have less testosterone naturally than some women. I can go on if needed.
All this stuff is new and evolving. I dislike mainly the draconian laws being shoved thru by false alarmists. trying to push trans kids and information back into the closet in our schools, such as muzzling teachers from even mentioning gender issues et all by threatening their jobs. These laws are a farce. There are too many new laws in these rushed packages that are both insane and damaging. . The Christian right consrvtves are throwing out the baby with the bath water and trampling on important rights, more for transphobic reasons than logical reasons. Disappointed you gloss over this completely. Don't even try to argue it, either. It's indefensible.
Check back here later this afternoon; i'll see if BossMan is up to.
I don't understand how one can call themselves Christian when they act out with hate. What I see are Christians who cherry pick verses from the Torah that suit their narrative, while eating their BLT. If everyone would just follow The Golden Rule the world would be a much nicer place. As for trans athletes, which aren't many but garner a ridiculous amount of attention, with a little bit of thought, that playing field can be leveled.
That’s my issue with all of the “fighting” over trans rights. People who have reasonable objections with the direction some of this is going get labeled immediately as transphobic and apparently no debate is allowed. None of it impacts my life directly in any way, so it doesn’t matter much to me. But I don’t understand how it’s become normal to basically silence or ignore those who aren’t comfortable with scenarios like the ones you outlined above. Those are very valid points and shouldn’t be dismissed in the name of tolerance and understanding. Because if they are…that means the tolerance and understanding are a one way street.
Can you be more specific as to what scenario you speak of? Please, be specific. A vague generaliziation is hard to respond to.
Again, it's new stuff, and standards are being debated. All part of a challenging growing process. Change is threatening sometimes.
When it comes to silencing people, then I have to assume you must be very upset by the laws being introduced and pushed thru at break neck speed by Republican legislatures, muzzling teachers and trampling on parental rights. If you're not, how can you complain about tolerance and understanding if you don't practice yourself?
I absolutely practice tolerance and acceptance. As I stated, these things have ZERO impact on my life besides wanting to see people treated appropriately and with equal rights. Viewing this without a true “dog in the fight”, I understand that people take issue with trans women competing against biological women. I tend to agree that it’s unfair. People born biologically male can have a significant physical advantage against those born biologically female. There is no denying that and I think it’s unfair to female athletes.
I also tend to sympathize to some degree with (biological) women being uncomfortable sharing a restroom with someone born biological male. Who are we to tell those women to suck it up and just deal with it? Is it a huge deal overall? Probably not, but acting like their discomfort doesn’t matter is hypocritical.
Speaking of vague generalizations, that’s exactly what you did with the teacher/parent comment. I’m not sure which exact laws you’re referencing but if it has to do with parents in some areas not wanting schools talking about trans/gender topics with their elementary school aged children…I think I kinda understand that, too. Of course education is key in eliminating discrimination and bigotry, but does that need to require talking about sex changes to 7 year olds?
I want to reiterate that I in no way condone mistreatment of ANY class of people. The LGBTQ community deserves to be able to live their lives the same as anyone else and I completely support that. But I think it’s ok for topics like the ones I’ve covered above to be debated in a healthy way. Too many people are trying to silence reasonable objections by labeling them as bigoted and I think that’s unfair. I understand there are folks in opposition to inclusivity that take their views to the extreme but we can’t cast everyone who disagrees in that same light.
I had to stop reading for a while. Tone it down. You want to debate or discuss? OK. Then talk to people, not at them. Non workable.
I have heard of no proposals requiring teachers to discuss the idea of sex change with 7 year olds. I mean, c'mon. Cite your source or retract this misinformation. I do know just the opposite; laws have been passed that muzzle teachers from any discussions of trans people or gay people thru grade school,, as mentioned before. One teacher has already been fired, despite being highly decorated and getting permission from parents to hold the discussion. Thankfully the idiot local school superintendent who fired her is under all sorts of fire by higher ups in his state for his, yes, bigotry, in which he takes great pride. The guy is the poster child for the arrogance of the right that supports this repressive junk.
Open discussion is a fine idea. I support it. But telling people how tolerant you are, while making uninformed statements and pleading ignorance to well-known facts makes it hard to take you seriously about the real issues. Maybe if you were to read a wide variety of news, you might come back more broadly informed. Not condemning the crazy backlash of repressive legislation recently passed seems a bad look for one who views himself as tolerant, imho.
Dang, dude. I wasn’t trying to insult you or talk down to you. Sorta seems like that’s what you’re doing to me. I respect you because i’ve read your comments over the years and you seem to be a good person. I wish you extended the same respect and benefit of doubt to me.
I never said the 7 year old thing was a real example. It was a hypothetical point. There is concern that these topics are being brought up at an inappropriate age in schools. If that is true, I think parents have a right to object if they don’t agree. Thinking gender/trans topics are inappropriate at certain ages doesn’t make someone a bigot.
I just don’t see this as black and white as you and I think that’s ok. We don’t need to agree but it should be ok for me to say (as someone who aligns center/left) that I think there is room for debate on the topic. I understand a lot of what comes from the extreme right is exaggerated in order to generate rage and fear. But sometimes where there’s smoke, there’s fire. It should be ok for parents to want to know exactly what their kids are being taught and object if the topics are sensitive in nature (like gender changes and such).
As for citations, i can’t help but notice all of yours are missing as well. You keep talking about laws taking away parents rights…care to share those?
Thanks for retracting the 7 year old statement. It read like it was fact, which is damaging to put out there if not true. Fox does this kind of stuff all the time. Thanks for the heartfelt response with much less intense emotions, too. Much easier to read and respond. I appreciate it.
A couple more states just approved more anti trans legislation this week. Some of these sessions in earlier states have been almost heart breaking as legislators with trans kids beg their ding dongs cohorts on the right not to pass such negative stuff that impacts their rights as parents to do what they feel is best for their child. We should always worry when we take away parental rights and give them to the state.
You can find this, the teacher story, and much more with just a little googling. I'm not gonna do it for ya, lol. Trust me, it's real. Or don't trust me and look it up. It's the hottest national news topic the last few months.
We trust our kids with teachers all the time. We trust that they will teach them well and openly. Why should they have to keep gay and trans topics buried? Sounds like you want to put trans folk back in the closet just when they're finally busting out of the place which bigoted people have trapped them for decades and decades. Gay folks had to fight tooth and nail to get out in the 70s.
The biggest question I ask is , how did you arrive at the place in your head where it is inappropriate for teachers to teach kids about the existence of gay and trans people and their right/need to not be hated? Someone had to program your brain with the idea it was inappropriate, possibly when you were young? Try digging a little and see if you can figure out where this conditioning came from. I'd be curious to know.
If the people objecting would make their arguments in a calm manner, without resorting to knee jerk legislation, I would be more open to listening to them.
Mick Jagger and David Bowie courted the androgenous look on stage and look where it got them. They cashed in huge. A lot of women I knew went nuts for it. Totally turned them on. Men doing the combo-gender look in the rock world made lots of money and became sex symbols to straight folks. Gee, this was decades ago and no problem. Why now? Bowie used to do almost total drag, now that I think about it. Nobody got all upset about it. Androgeny was once cool.
Change is difficult for a lot of people. After Covid and the culture wars of "woke" versus MAGA, trans acceptance is traveling on a rocky, bombed-out road. What we're learning is how deep the conditioning is in many people to not accept trans. it's a learned dislike/ sometimes hate, fostered by both older generation conditioning and uptight religious institutions, especially Christianity. Southern Baptist-based Chrisitianity has married deeply with southern politicians, led by Marge Greene and DeSantis, and we are seeing a crazy backlash on many issues. I think it will burn out like Anita Bryant's anti-gay hate trip burned itself out. But not before more ugly stuff happens, unfortunately.
The good news is that a vast group of younger kids love their trans friends. Many young gals mimic drag fashion and looks, and love hanging with the queens. The Kardashians, world's biggest straight queens, went through the same phase. Despite the looney right wingers of the Repub party, life will march on and the younger generation will show the older generation how to be tolerant and accepting of trans folks, just like they did gay folks, because, as young folks, they just aren't that stuck in their ways.
Straight parents are scared what will happen to their social status if it turns out their kid is gay or trans. So they are trying to legislate biological urges. It don't work, folks. None of us who aren't trans can understand or appreciate what these people are feeling. We shouldn't assume to know what is best for them. In fact, the same people who screamed FREEDOM when asked to take a vaccine (no one was ever forced at gunpoint) are now wanting to take away other American's freedoms. And it's not just about athletics. Do they not see the hypocrisy?
You’re painting with incredibly broad strokes and projecting your thoughts onto others. One should never assume to know someone else’s motives. It’s healthier and more productive to ASK.
Not ok to assume what’s best for trans people but you’re ok assuming what’s best for other people’s children? Interesting opinion.
Newcasters and politicians who try to make being trans into an ideologue, when it is a private medical condition, really burn my toast. It is mostly an older, stodgy generation of conservatives driving all this resistance to change. Eventually the ignorance of these uber reactionaries will lead to failure and self-implosion. I feel pretty certain the younger generation has already reached acceptance and understanding, and will pass the torch to the next generation seamlessly. Another prejudice bites the dust. Slowly America grows. Baby steps.
Target changed there strategy because they lost billions in just a few days! THAT’s the real reason they are downsizing the display. The Bud-light people didn’t like it so they stopped buying it, just like you suggested above. It’s just business. If widget A didn’t sell, they wouldn’t invest and attempt to resale Widget A.
If Joe Burrow had spent the last 3 years throwing to the revolving door of wide receivers that Lamar Jackson was forced to wouldn’t be all in for his team either.
There were reasons top tier WRs forced their way out or wouldn't come to Baltimore under the OC Greg Roman, now replaced at OC by Todd Monken, which will mean the Bengals will be facing some new schemes and concepts at home wk2 as opposed to the last 3 times they played them in '22
Stick to sports: There's no excuse for intimidation but it's unwise to invite it. Perhaps putting this controversial display at the entrance of some of Target's bible belt stores was an error in marketing judgement. Now some on the left are attacking Target for "caving" to conservatives by removing some of the more controversial products. So much for Target's support all these years. Sounds to me like they're just trying to fix a marketing mistake.
Some things never change. It was the same good ol' Christian-oriented, bible belt south that attacked James Meredith in Mississippi in the 1960s, when he dared get white folks all upset. Perhaps somebody should have told him being in the front of the line to go to college in Mississippi was a marketing mistake, and he should be hidden in the back. How dare he be visible right up front. Next thing you know, he won't wanna ride on the back of the bus any more. We can't have that.
Those good ol southern folks. How dare they be so mistreated and insulted by the bad behaviors of us dam lib'rals. Good gollee, suh.
I disagree, Frankie J. It wasn't a marketing mistake. And saying Target invited it is presumptive at best, blaming at worst. It was a scared over reaction by Target to an attack by a hate group That's been forming lately and is an embarrassment to our entire country. Same group consciousness that hated on James Meredith, blacks in general, and integration 70 years ago. It's interesting and sad that the south of today still remains such a haven for bigotry and ultra right wing nonsense. There are some actual good southerners, too, but this nonsense by their cohorts overshadows them.
What you're talking about is the outcome from the deliberate anti-LGTBQ propaganda in support of the massive wave of cookie cutter Koch/ALEC 'inspired' anti-LGTBQ legislation being pushed by the right wing. Frightwing echo chamber trollbots Boebert, Greene and Pushaw are identified as top 1o trolbots in this press release
Fascist rightwing anti-woke SuperPAC Club For Growth (Harlan Crow, Jeff Yass, Dick Uihlein) are big backers of DeSantis, Boebert, Greene, Massie, Rand Paul, Hawley, Cruz et al... and social media support of outfits such as Patriot Front, as we will recall from their making news last year in events centered around attacks of LGBTQ Pride Month (June) events and which was the driver of the anti-woke Karen social/media influencer targeting of Target now
Pogo once again channeling 1963 in his static world view. At least your Tailhook reference was from only 30 years ago. Times change, bit apparently your perception don’t.
And it's Irish Bearcat, our long time super-closeted right wing guy, trying to trivialize my very on-point remark connecting the straight line growth in the progressive social rights movement since the 60s to now. It's pretty straight line, Jay. Sorry you missed it. Or more likely deny it happened at all. But not surprised, either. Let's move on. Lessee, we've had, in order, the civil rights movement, women's rights/feminist movement, gay rights, war on poverty and homelessness, GBLTQ rights, along with other smaller movements, such as anti-Semitic, Asian, and political refugees. Now we're working on trans rights. Maybe you need to get out of the gated community more often, spend a little time down in the poor Hispanic neighborhoods with the homies of inner city Arizona, get some badly needed relativity. We don't wanna see that entitled white boy lifestyle permanently lose sight of, and compassion for, less fortunate Americans whose rights have been trampled on for decades.
I like reviewing history, man. They're right to say history repeats itself and I like avoiding failure. Maybe it's you, Jay, and all those other dusty, out of touch, old, stuck GOPers who are the time trippers, trying to take this country back in time to the dull, white-run 50s. Talk about channeling the old days from a bad time long gone and good riddance, thank you. The Eisenhower days are never coming back, despite desperate efforts by old white guys to make it the heart and soul of every Republican platform in every southern state these days. (BTW, Tailhook was so last week and I shot you down good. Give up.) What's painfully obvious me lately, Jay, is that you're in crisis, trying hard to come out of your own closet ,revealing to us your secret lifestyle as an ostrich with his head permanently buried in the sands of the 1950s, which have never ended for you.
Does your straight line account for the beliefs of the million or so black members of the Southern Baptist religion? Their faith doesn't align with LGBTQ values. I'm guessing some of them shop at Target, too.
In fact many Blacks are the most homophobic, but they are also some of the most religious. But I guarantee it's not what Jesus would approve. Being religious doesn't make you right.
Curious about the “straight line growth” between the murder of a black man in 1963 by a bunch of racists and the people objecting to the sale of a woman’s swimsuit with an apparatus for a man to tuck his penis in. I’m not seeing it but I do see your continued use of overwrought and dated analogies.
I don’t recall you shooting me down on Tailhook. You did cite some other 10 year old “scandal” that most people never heard of as a means of defending the navy from criticism. Odd that the old Left defends the military and opposes free speech.
Styles change. In the 20s flapper girls would bind their breasts so they would look better in their dresses. Not so different, huh? The Greeks worshipped small penises, because they felt men should be more intellectual than carnal. Check out the statues. Women today tend to hate men in Speedos on the beach, especially Euro guys, who wear only Speedos, cuz it shows too much junk. This is a great solution. You know, create that smooooooth look. It may be be common in a few years. "Are you over endowed? Get the new tuckwear Speedos." I guess then you'd be OK with it. But when it's for trans folk, well, how disgusting. That kinda stuff needs to stay in the closet, right? Because as a good Republ, you just can't help courting the wave of transphobia sweeping the country and your party. Gee, I miss the days when Republicans could think for themselves.
Medger Evers wasn't murdered, btw. You blew that one. He was the first white student admitted into Ole Miss. On his first day of school, thousands of white racist folks rioted like insane people and tried to block him as he was led by police INTO school. I'll pretend you knew that and just got a little mixed up. If you want examples of current murders, there are plenty. My point was, and will always be, there is a continuum starting with Kennedy and Johnson in the 60s of social/political efforts to fix discriminatory practices going back to the predominant white cultural values the British brought with them to the New World. Trans is part of this same movement; it's just the latest. Instead of criticizing my comment, maybe dig in a little and learn something from it, maybe grow a little.
As for beers, affirmative. Little Miami is the new JJs, which closed the outdoor pub. Anytime's good wit me. Let's do it.
'Great Society' is what the '6os Civil Rights initiative is called, which 'coincides' with rise of the Republican 'southern strategy' ongoing (leading up/into Goldwater '64-ish) (and now expanded onto other minority/oppressed groups) initiative and the hard shift of southern democrats (Dixiecrats) 'switching parties' movement to form the core backbone of today's Republican party
This was a marketing mistake. Marketers must know their market. Target is in business to sell stuff, ALL their stuff, not just the Pride products, which are a minor seasonal sideline. You don't do that very well if you alienate your major market (see Bud Light). Budweiser, Disney, Nike and others may decide to play in the political arena but they do so at the potential peril of their stockholders. Some win (Nike), some lose (Bud, Disney). Your Medgar Evers example is about social justice. My guess is that Target has decided they are in the discount merchandise business, not the social justice business.
Wrong. They didn’t want any trouble. They wanted to do exactly as you started to say. They sell STUFF. It behooves them to have STUFF that appeals to all. Maybe their motive isn’t social justice but selling things to as many people as possible.
So when their employees were made to deal with hostile reaction to trying to appeal to everyone, they decided they didn’t wanna be in a fight and caved.
Doc, you’re not being fair to Lamar Jackson. Who knows, he may have made such a comment but you haven’t heard it. I’ve seen virtually every game in college or pro he’s played in and he always played his guts out.
He has always had more doubters than other Quarterbacks but he still wins at a 75% rate and has owned The Men except for a game or two. I am a fanboy by definition but he does deserve the cheap shots from anyone. Just sayin…
Having previously spent about three years in retail management, not that long ago with a company that also put out Pride Month/LGBTQ items for sale around this time of year, I feel I can weigh in somewhat on this topic ... it's simply the retailer pandering, in hopes of making a few extra bucks off the already tapped consumers. 95 percent of the items end up not purchased, and either marked down to 90 percent off before finally selling, or packed up and sent back off to the company distribution center, to then be sold by the company for pennies on the dollar to an discount outlet chain like Ollies, Homebuys, etc.
Retailers are just pandering now like they do at Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day and every other holiday or special month we have in existence. They're even pandering regarding Memorial Day weekend. I went to Kroger this morning, and the floral department has red, white and blue floral arrangements for sale, while other retailers have gaudy plastic wreathes up for grabs, for those who want to decorate their beloved veterans' resting place. The retailer does not care whether or not you actually lost a loved one in battle -- they only care that you think they care, so you buy their merchandise regarding Memorial Day.
Much less to say, if a retailer thinks it can get an extra dime out of you, by selling items related to a special month, day, holiday, etc., they'll do it and not think twice. In Target's instance, it appears some of the Pride items were potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids, and folks got wind of it. Now, it doesn't excuse going in to a store and harassing employees who have NO SAY in the matter of what is displayed, or trashing the display, or any of the other asinine things folks have done (and recorded for social media), but on the flip side, maybe Target will choose merchandise in the future, for such a promotion, that might be a little less questionable or a little more tasteful.
But again, in the grand scheme, retailers aren't doing it because they support a cause, or because they feel for the consumer ... they're doing it to try to make money off of us. Don't like what they're selling? Don't buy it. Don't like that they're selling it? Don't shop there. That's called freedom ... I exercise it a lot when it comes to restaurants and bad sports franchises.
Another huge causation of such hubbubs as Bud Light and Target? Social media. Everyone is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., for hours on end each day. And on each platform, all they see is both sides -- right and left -- going back and forth and back and forth over cultural issues, political issues, etc. So, folks end up thinking things like "I'm tired of this LGBTQ stuff being rammed down my throat" or "There's a whole country of MAGA fascists out there!" When, in reality, it's only prevalent on social media because those outlets are, unfortunately, the main avenues of how people get their news and information now (how sad is that), and because we've enabled those avenues to make beaucoup money off of video and page views, ad clicks, etc. We as a society, whether knowingly or unknowingly, feed into this vicious cycle, while the social media influencers, Tik Tok'ers, Twitter personalities, etc., only care about the money they're making off subscriptions, views and clicks we're giving them ... alas, just like the retailers I described above!
Meanwhile, if you turn off the news and stop being glued to social media (and believing everything you read on social media), and go out into the real world, you'll find that you won't see drag shows taking place daily at the public library for kids; you won't see Trump supporters running amok terrorizing liberals; you won't see a trans person at every street corner; and all of the other stuff we're bombarded with through social media channels. If anything, you'll see normal folks like yourselves just trying to get through this life as best as they can.
Long-winded, I know, but I hope it makes sense. We're all being played, in one way shape or form. The key is to recognize it, and alter the behavior. Then, maybe, some of this ridiculousness would cease.
Wonderful analysis, but let me be more succinct. To equate Red White Blue floral arrangements with "tuck-friendly" swimsuits doesn't compute. I'm voting with my feet - which won't be found in Target.
Still got the scripted IRA trollbot seeded and amplified rightwing "some of the items were questionable" firehosing of falsehoods culture wars narrative in it (even while properly bringing to the light why it exists so 'people get wind of it')
Hey Wayne, good sir, no trollbot seeded here. I wrote "were potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids." I didn't see the items personally, so I can't definitively make that call.
Others did, though, and had no issue with the items, while others had issue with them. I think "potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids," is a fair assessment, because again, some thought the items were out of bounds, others didn't -- just like some thought the unnecessary roughness call on Joseph Ossai, regarding Patrick Mahomes, was a questionable call, while others didn't.
Right, and we (everyone) needs to stop being so black and white on everything. If some folks thought the items were questionable it's not ok to just dismiss their opinion as "wrong" because it doesn't align with our own.
It has been thoroughly debunked that there were no satanic items on the Target merchandise and no 'tuck friendly' children's items. The deliberate IRA trolling to have that become a part of James's 'reasonable narrative' is what I'm pointing 👉 out here. It's the deliberate gaslighting tactics of echo chamber and social media trolls
Sounds like the tuck friendly swimsuit was in the women’s section from what I’ve read. So fine. But still it’s been confirmed that they had merchandise geared toward kids and that makes some people uncomfortable. We don’t get to dismiss that because we don’t agree. It doesn’t justify an overreaction by those folks, but we can’t just act like their opinion doesn’t matter.
I believe Barry Larkin once stated how proud he was to play his whole career as a Red. He said he could have made more money somewhere else, but, when you figure in the cost of living in places like New York, Los Angeles, and towards the end, Washington D.C., he was making about the same money.
Some of the items sold at Target were Satanic in nature. Satan loves trans people, stuff like that. Dig a bit deeper Doc. And like you said, vote with your wallet. Bud Light found out when they alienated their core customer base by trying to grow the brand.
In 2008 we were told gays deserved the same legal protections as straight when it comes to marriage and death. Reasonable people said OK, makes sense. Now we have an alphabet where anyone can find victimhood status and “identify” which helps when DEI enters the picture.
People push back. Not everyone agrees. Democracy, yeah?
No satanic nature products were being sold at Target, that's just a lie. The other lying right wing media claim that that 'tuck friendly' kids' swimsuits were being offered is also a lie. Seems the rightwing media is quite hypocritical being comfortable smearing their targets actively using the tactics of the so-called 'Prince of Lies'. This is what you find when you dig deeper into rightwing media ... and also being in bed with Russian propaganda peddling and amplifying the same seditious culture wars lies
I don’t shop at Target. Maybe they weren’t sold on the shelves but the company they used Abprallen absolutes makes stuff like this, and I read that on liberal USA Today.
Consumers have choices. And social media. And free speech. And like you, can believe whatever that want.
Typical whatabout gaslighting trolling ... any POS can cast aspersions about nebulous associations to whatabout this that or other ... your narrative itself is satanic in its lying so why don't you take full obvious credit for that?
Probably not your best choice for quote material, Blackwing Manual. I doubt Mick carded all those groupies he and the boyz bedded. Word has it they weren't all full fledged adults.
lol ... Mick Jagger and I were both born on 7/26, along with similar deep society observant commentators like Jung, Huxley, GB Shaw and Kubrick. Perhaps lending some credence to Jung's allowing degrees of validity could exist in support of perhaps a kind of personality matrix informing astrology as a personality template within the collective unconscious? 'Sympathy' was Mick's exploration and examination of the effect of 'the Devil' upon the soul of Man ...
If only the people who got so worked up about a lousy beer or a middle class Wal-Mart marketing to a different demographic exhibited the same passion about the utter destruction of consumer protection laws, the carcinogens companies are putting in our food supply the unethical business practices of elder care, insurance companies overriding your doctor's advice, our crumbling infrastructure, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
I agree on everything you wrote, even down to TT. She sure brought the energy, just not a fav of mine. I have a theory on the LGBTQ backlash. Consider that most people resist change. Then consider that conservatives resist more than average. Through most of human existence, change came at a snail's pace. Fast forward to the Industrial Revolution, when the rate of change started coming fast and furious. The world changed more in the 20th century than the thousands of years preceding it. Enter the Information Revolution, and now the rate of change is off the charts. Older people especially are overwhelmed. Then their world started shattering when gay people, previously relegated to the closet, actually had the audacity to want to be treated as human beings. How dare they! We'll show them! And so it goes, just like with Blacks and Native Americans. But LGBTQ is like the final frontier of hate. It never ends.
Joe values winning and knows it takes a whole squad. What is both good and bad is that the Bengals now seem to be set up for success to the point that we expect every year to be right there at the end. Super Bowl or bust. While this is what we all want, it creates real pressure to actually win one-which is no small feet. I just want one so that I can finally get my 1st (and only) tattoo.
My 1st exposure to Tina was the 'What's Love?' video as a kid. She was sleek, stunning, and carried herself as a much younger woman. I lumped her in there with Culture Club and Madonna as an 80s pop star with no cue about her early career. She was amazing.
Not a huge fan of the LGTBQ+ exploitation that so many corporations roll out this time of year. I find it a bit cheap and pandering. Similar to the uproar over Native American mascots--it's an easy way to look 'caring' without really doing much. It's easy to slap a rainbow on stuff...but do your employees have good health care? Do they lose their job if they need to stay home with a sick kid? Are any of your clothes the product of Chinese slave labor? If Target considers things like this as well, then good on them. In terms of the backlash-it's all part of the reactionary persecution complex we've been seeing since a smart black man became president. Just because there are people not like you doesn't mean anyone's telling you what to do or how to live. I'm a white hetero suburban father and marginal Catholic and have never felt persecuted or under attack. Welcome to American plurality jerks-it's not going anywhere.
Agree with you on the Bengals. We all now "expect" a SB title but a lot has to go your way to get that done. Little bit of luck involved, too.
Disagree in a small way on the Target/corporations thing. I see this stuff as marketing and nothing more. They aren't offering Pride gear out of kindness. They're offering it in an attempt to gain more customers and sell more stuff. As always...follow the money.
Well I guess my point is that the people who are enraged by it should consider the motive. Because if they did…maybe they’d see there’s not much here to be enraged about.
The Who tune from Odds and Sods brings back fond memories. I think it is the best song of a highly underrated album. I think Tina did a lot of great songs in her solo career and I admire her as a strong woman who wouldn't let bad things keep her down.
When I clicked on your tune link, this Animals song was also listed. Monterey must have been an unbelievable festival.
Keep writing the truth as you know it. It is refreshing.
I was correct on Medger Evers. Civil Rights activist murdered in 1963. You are thinking of James Meredith who was the first Black student at Ole Miss. It was late when you were typing so I will let that slide. 😉 Fun fact, James Meredith became a professor at UC in the late 80s.
My point remains that comparing the protesting of the selling of swim suits to the murder of a Civil Rights activist is not an appropriate analogy.
I do not see how opposing men with penises participating in women's sports is transphobic. It just keeps the sports fair to biological women. Also, not allowing sex change operations for children under 18 also seems logical while also not being transphobic. If you have to be 18 to smoke, vote, consent to sex, and older to drink, it seems that you should be that age to permanently remove your genitals.
For the record, I do not care one bit about the swimsuit at Target.
You heading to Little Miami this evening? If so, what time? It is a better venue and closer to my house than JJs.
I actually looked James Meredith up and typed Medger Evers. It happens. Never said I was perfect, although, if you say I am, I'll agree.
My point was built around James Meredith and the hate he experienced for wanting to go to a state funded school. As such, it was (or, rather, would have been) valid. It was about the deeply ingrained resistance to change in certain demographics. I'll try to do better next time.
I agree with you in part on your other points. The Olympics has worked hard with various experts in many scientific fields to put together a stringent set of standards for trans athletes (particularly trans women) to meet before they can compete. Seems to be working. But it is a new field, so I guess learning and tweaks may be needed. I'm not expert on any of this. I do think it was boneheaded of Penn to allow the trans kid swimmer to compete so soon after (s)he declared his/her change. It was asking for trouble. I think a wait period of at least a few years is needed, along with some testing to meet certain standards, such as post surgical status. If one choose to transition in college, maybe one needs to accept one will lose some of the competitive years. So be it. But don't slam the door. Same way with surgery before 18. Some teens are dead sure of who they are. I say require a few years of therapy before any surgical intervention. If a kid over maybe 14 is ready and approved by docs and parents, maybe it's alright. Who are you and I to say? Your argument is apples to oranges, imho. Comparing a medical condition to smoking or voting misses the mark badly.
Tall, big boned women have many biological advantages over shorter physically weaker women, too. Your level playing field argument falls apart when you admit this fact. Some biological males have less testosterone naturally than some women. I can go on if needed.
All this stuff is new and evolving. I dislike mainly the draconian laws being shoved thru by false alarmists. trying to push trans kids and information back into the closet in our schools, such as muzzling teachers from even mentioning gender issues et all by threatening their jobs. These laws are a farce. There are too many new laws in these rushed packages that are both insane and damaging. . The Christian right consrvtves are throwing out the baby with the bath water and trampling on important rights, more for transphobic reasons than logical reasons. Disappointed you gloss over this completely. Don't even try to argue it, either. It's indefensible.
Check back here later this afternoon; i'll see if BossMan is up to.
You still have my cell? Text me.
I don't understand how one can call themselves Christian when they act out with hate. What I see are Christians who cherry pick verses from the Torah that suit their narrative, while eating their BLT. If everyone would just follow The Golden Rule the world would be a much nicer place. As for trans athletes, which aren't many but garner a ridiculous amount of attention, with a little bit of thought, that playing field can be leveled.
Makes sense to me. Well put.
That’s my issue with all of the “fighting” over trans rights. People who have reasonable objections with the direction some of this is going get labeled immediately as transphobic and apparently no debate is allowed. None of it impacts my life directly in any way, so it doesn’t matter much to me. But I don’t understand how it’s become normal to basically silence or ignore those who aren’t comfortable with scenarios like the ones you outlined above. Those are very valid points and shouldn’t be dismissed in the name of tolerance and understanding. Because if they are…that means the tolerance and understanding are a one way street.
Can you be more specific as to what scenario you speak of? Please, be specific. A vague generaliziation is hard to respond to.
Again, it's new stuff, and standards are being debated. All part of a challenging growing process. Change is threatening sometimes.
When it comes to silencing people, then I have to assume you must be very upset by the laws being introduced and pushed thru at break neck speed by Republican legislatures, muzzling teachers and trampling on parental rights. If you're not, how can you complain about tolerance and understanding if you don't practice yourself?
I absolutely practice tolerance and acceptance. As I stated, these things have ZERO impact on my life besides wanting to see people treated appropriately and with equal rights. Viewing this without a true “dog in the fight”, I understand that people take issue with trans women competing against biological women. I tend to agree that it’s unfair. People born biologically male can have a significant physical advantage against those born biologically female. There is no denying that and I think it’s unfair to female athletes.
I also tend to sympathize to some degree with (biological) women being uncomfortable sharing a restroom with someone born biological male. Who are we to tell those women to suck it up and just deal with it? Is it a huge deal overall? Probably not, but acting like their discomfort doesn’t matter is hypocritical.
Speaking of vague generalizations, that’s exactly what you did with the teacher/parent comment. I’m not sure which exact laws you’re referencing but if it has to do with parents in some areas not wanting schools talking about trans/gender topics with their elementary school aged children…I think I kinda understand that, too. Of course education is key in eliminating discrimination and bigotry, but does that need to require talking about sex changes to 7 year olds?
I want to reiterate that I in no way condone mistreatment of ANY class of people. The LGBTQ community deserves to be able to live their lives the same as anyone else and I completely support that. But I think it’s ok for topics like the ones I’ve covered above to be debated in a healthy way. Too many people are trying to silence reasonable objections by labeling them as bigoted and I think that’s unfair. I understand there are folks in opposition to inclusivity that take their views to the extreme but we can’t cast everyone who disagrees in that same light.
I had to stop reading for a while. Tone it down. You want to debate or discuss? OK. Then talk to people, not at them. Non workable.
I have heard of no proposals requiring teachers to discuss the idea of sex change with 7 year olds. I mean, c'mon. Cite your source or retract this misinformation. I do know just the opposite; laws have been passed that muzzle teachers from any discussions of trans people or gay people thru grade school,, as mentioned before. One teacher has already been fired, despite being highly decorated and getting permission from parents to hold the discussion. Thankfully the idiot local school superintendent who fired her is under all sorts of fire by higher ups in his state for his, yes, bigotry, in which he takes great pride. The guy is the poster child for the arrogance of the right that supports this repressive junk.
Open discussion is a fine idea. I support it. But telling people how tolerant you are, while making uninformed statements and pleading ignorance to well-known facts makes it hard to take you seriously about the real issues. Maybe if you were to read a wide variety of news, you might come back more broadly informed. Not condemning the crazy backlash of repressive legislation recently passed seems a bad look for one who views himself as tolerant, imho.
Dang, dude. I wasn’t trying to insult you or talk down to you. Sorta seems like that’s what you’re doing to me. I respect you because i’ve read your comments over the years and you seem to be a good person. I wish you extended the same respect and benefit of doubt to me.
I never said the 7 year old thing was a real example. It was a hypothetical point. There is concern that these topics are being brought up at an inappropriate age in schools. If that is true, I think parents have a right to object if they don’t agree. Thinking gender/trans topics are inappropriate at certain ages doesn’t make someone a bigot.
I just don’t see this as black and white as you and I think that’s ok. We don’t need to agree but it should be ok for me to say (as someone who aligns center/left) that I think there is room for debate on the topic. I understand a lot of what comes from the extreme right is exaggerated in order to generate rage and fear. But sometimes where there’s smoke, there’s fire. It should be ok for parents to want to know exactly what their kids are being taught and object if the topics are sensitive in nature (like gender changes and such).
As for citations, i can’t help but notice all of yours are missing as well. You keep talking about laws taking away parents rights…care to share those?
Thanks for retracting the 7 year old statement. It read like it was fact, which is damaging to put out there if not true. Fox does this kind of stuff all the time. Thanks for the heartfelt response with much less intense emotions, too. Much easier to read and respond. I appreciate it.
A couple more states just approved more anti trans legislation this week. Some of these sessions in earlier states have been almost heart breaking as legislators with trans kids beg their ding dongs cohorts on the right not to pass such negative stuff that impacts their rights as parents to do what they feel is best for their child. We should always worry when we take away parental rights and give them to the state.
You can find this, the teacher story, and much more with just a little googling. I'm not gonna do it for ya, lol. Trust me, it's real. Or don't trust me and look it up. It's the hottest national news topic the last few months.
We trust our kids with teachers all the time. We trust that they will teach them well and openly. Why should they have to keep gay and trans topics buried? Sounds like you want to put trans folk back in the closet just when they're finally busting out of the place which bigoted people have trapped them for decades and decades. Gay folks had to fight tooth and nail to get out in the 70s.
The biggest question I ask is , how did you arrive at the place in your head where it is inappropriate for teachers to teach kids about the existence of gay and trans people and their right/need to not be hated? Someone had to program your brain with the idea it was inappropriate, possibly when you were young? Try digging a little and see if you can figure out where this conditioning came from. I'd be curious to know.
If the people objecting would make their arguments in a calm manner, without resorting to knee jerk legislation, I would be more open to listening to them.
So…essentially….”they started it! 🙃.” Got it 👍🏻
Yes, I would say so.
Mick Jagger and David Bowie courted the androgenous look on stage and look where it got them. They cashed in huge. A lot of women I knew went nuts for it. Totally turned them on. Men doing the combo-gender look in the rock world made lots of money and became sex symbols to straight folks. Gee, this was decades ago and no problem. Why now? Bowie used to do almost total drag, now that I think about it. Nobody got all upset about it. Androgeny was once cool.
Change is difficult for a lot of people. After Covid and the culture wars of "woke" versus MAGA, trans acceptance is traveling on a rocky, bombed-out road. What we're learning is how deep the conditioning is in many people to not accept trans. it's a learned dislike/ sometimes hate, fostered by both older generation conditioning and uptight religious institutions, especially Christianity. Southern Baptist-based Chrisitianity has married deeply with southern politicians, led by Marge Greene and DeSantis, and we are seeing a crazy backlash on many issues. I think it will burn out like Anita Bryant's anti-gay hate trip burned itself out. But not before more ugly stuff happens, unfortunately.
The good news is that a vast group of younger kids love their trans friends. Many young gals mimic drag fashion and looks, and love hanging with the queens. The Kardashians, world's biggest straight queens, went through the same phase. Despite the looney right wingers of the Repub party, life will march on and the younger generation will show the older generation how to be tolerant and accepting of trans folks, just like they did gay folks, because, as young folks, they just aren't that stuck in their ways.
Straight parents are scared what will happen to their social status if it turns out their kid is gay or trans. So they are trying to legislate biological urges. It don't work, folks. None of us who aren't trans can understand or appreciate what these people are feeling. We shouldn't assume to know what is best for them. In fact, the same people who screamed FREEDOM when asked to take a vaccine (no one was ever forced at gunpoint) are now wanting to take away other American's freedoms. And it's not just about athletics. Do they not see the hypocrisy?
You’re painting with incredibly broad strokes and projecting your thoughts onto others. One should never assume to know someone else’s motives. It’s healthier and more productive to ASK.
Not ok to assume what’s best for trans people but you’re ok assuming what’s best for other people’s children? Interesting opinion.
I prefer to let them decide, not you, not me, and after a certain age, not their parents.
And what age is that?
Not sure. Perhaps 16 min. I would poll the trans community.
That seems reasonable.
I say live and let live.
Newcasters and politicians who try to make being trans into an ideologue, when it is a private medical condition, really burn my toast. It is mostly an older, stodgy generation of conservatives driving all this resistance to change. Eventually the ignorance of these uber reactionaries will lead to failure and self-implosion. I feel pretty certain the younger generation has already reached acceptance and understanding, and will pass the torch to the next generation seamlessly. Another prejudice bites the dust. Slowly America grows. Baby steps.
Target changed there strategy because they lost billions in just a few days! THAT’s the real reason they are downsizing the display. The Bud-light people didn’t like it so they stopped buying it, just like you suggested above. It’s just business. If widget A didn’t sell, they wouldn’t invest and attempt to resale Widget A.
If Joe Burrow had spent the last 3 years throwing to the revolving door of wide receivers that Lamar Jackson was forced to wouldn’t be all in for his team either.
There were reasons top tier WRs forced their way out or wouldn't come to Baltimore under the OC Greg Roman, now replaced at OC by Todd Monken, which will mean the Bengals will be facing some new schemes and concepts at home wk2 as opposed to the last 3 times they played them in '22
Stick to sports: There's no excuse for intimidation but it's unwise to invite it. Perhaps putting this controversial display at the entrance of some of Target's bible belt stores was an error in marketing judgement. Now some on the left are attacking Target for "caving" to conservatives by removing some of the more controversial products. So much for Target's support all these years. Sounds to me like they're just trying to fix a marketing mistake.
Some things never change. It was the same good ol' Christian-oriented, bible belt south that attacked James Meredith in Mississippi in the 1960s, when he dared get white folks all upset. Perhaps somebody should have told him being in the front of the line to go to college in Mississippi was a marketing mistake, and he should be hidden in the back. How dare he be visible right up front. Next thing you know, he won't wanna ride on the back of the bus any more. We can't have that.
Those good ol southern folks. How dare they be so mistreated and insulted by the bad behaviors of us dam lib'rals. Good gollee, suh.
I disagree, Frankie J. It wasn't a marketing mistake. And saying Target invited it is presumptive at best, blaming at worst. It was a scared over reaction by Target to an attack by a hate group That's been forming lately and is an embarrassment to our entire country. Same group consciousness that hated on James Meredith, blacks in general, and integration 70 years ago. It's interesting and sad that the south of today still remains such a haven for bigotry and ultra right wing nonsense. There are some actual good southerners, too, but this nonsense by their cohorts overshadows them.
What you're talking about is the outcome from the deliberate anti-LGTBQ propaganda in support of the massive wave of cookie cutter Koch/ALEC 'inspired' anti-LGTBQ legislation being pushed by the right wing. Frightwing echo chamber trollbots Boebert, Greene and Pushaw are identified as top 1o trolbots in this press release
Fascist rightwing anti-woke SuperPAC Club For Growth (Harlan Crow, Jeff Yass, Dick Uihlein) are big backers of DeSantis, Boebert, Greene, Massie, Rand Paul, Hawley, Cruz et al... and social media support of outfits such as Patriot Front, as we will recall from their making news last year in events centered around attacks of LGBTQ Pride Month (June) events and which was the driver of the anti-woke Karen social/media influencer targeting of Target now
Pogo once again channeling 1963 in his static world view. At least your Tailhook reference was from only 30 years ago. Times change, bit apparently your perception don’t.
And it's Irish Bearcat, our long time super-closeted right wing guy, trying to trivialize my very on-point remark connecting the straight line growth in the progressive social rights movement since the 60s to now. It's pretty straight line, Jay. Sorry you missed it. Or more likely deny it happened at all. But not surprised, either. Let's move on. Lessee, we've had, in order, the civil rights movement, women's rights/feminist movement, gay rights, war on poverty and homelessness, GBLTQ rights, along with other smaller movements, such as anti-Semitic, Asian, and political refugees. Now we're working on trans rights. Maybe you need to get out of the gated community more often, spend a little time down in the poor Hispanic neighborhoods with the homies of inner city Arizona, get some badly needed relativity. We don't wanna see that entitled white boy lifestyle permanently lose sight of, and compassion for, less fortunate Americans whose rights have been trampled on for decades.
I like reviewing history, man. They're right to say history repeats itself and I like avoiding failure. Maybe it's you, Jay, and all those other dusty, out of touch, old, stuck GOPers who are the time trippers, trying to take this country back in time to the dull, white-run 50s. Talk about channeling the old days from a bad time long gone and good riddance, thank you. The Eisenhower days are never coming back, despite desperate efforts by old white guys to make it the heart and soul of every Republican platform in every southern state these days. (BTW, Tailhook was so last week and I shot you down good. Give up.) What's painfully obvious me lately, Jay, is that you're in crisis, trying hard to come out of your own closet ,revealing to us your secret lifestyle as an ostrich with his head permanently buried in the sands of the 1950s, which have never ended for you.
Does your straight line account for the beliefs of the million or so black members of the Southern Baptist religion? Their faith doesn't align with LGBTQ values. I'm guessing some of them shop at Target, too.
In fact many Blacks are the most homophobic, but they are also some of the most religious. But I guarantee it's not what Jesus would approve. Being religious doesn't make you right.
Jesus showed love to many, many sinners. Still does! But he never hesitated to hate the sin. "Go, and sin no more"
Curious about the “straight line growth” between the murder of a black man in 1963 by a bunch of racists and the people objecting to the sale of a woman’s swimsuit with an apparatus for a man to tuck his penis in. I’m not seeing it but I do see your continued use of overwrought and dated analogies.
I don’t recall you shooting me down on Tailhook. You did cite some other 10 year old “scandal” that most people never heard of as a means of defending the navy from criticism. Odd that the old Left defends the military and opposes free speech.
Let me know when you’re free for beers.
Styles change. In the 20s flapper girls would bind their breasts so they would look better in their dresses. Not so different, huh? The Greeks worshipped small penises, because they felt men should be more intellectual than carnal. Check out the statues. Women today tend to hate men in Speedos on the beach, especially Euro guys, who wear only Speedos, cuz it shows too much junk. This is a great solution. You know, create that smooooooth look. It may be be common in a few years. "Are you over endowed? Get the new tuckwear Speedos." I guess then you'd be OK with it. But when it's for trans folk, well, how disgusting. That kinda stuff needs to stay in the closet, right? Because as a good Republ, you just can't help courting the wave of transphobia sweeping the country and your party. Gee, I miss the days when Republicans could think for themselves.
Medger Evers wasn't murdered, btw. You blew that one. He was the first white student admitted into Ole Miss. On his first day of school, thousands of white racist folks rioted like insane people and tried to block him as he was led by police INTO school. I'll pretend you knew that and just got a little mixed up. If you want examples of current murders, there are plenty. My point was, and will always be, there is a continuum starting with Kennedy and Johnson in the 60s of social/political efforts to fix discriminatory practices going back to the predominant white cultural values the British brought with them to the New World. Trans is part of this same movement; it's just the latest. Instead of criticizing my comment, maybe dig in a little and learn something from it, maybe grow a little.
As for beers, affirmative. Little Miami is the new JJs, which closed the outdoor pub. Anytime's good wit me. Let's do it.
I would like to join you guys!
'Great Society' is what the '6os Civil Rights initiative is called, which 'coincides' with rise of the Republican 'southern strategy' ongoing (leading up/into Goldwater '64-ish) (and now expanded onto other minority/oppressed groups) initiative and the hard shift of southern democrats (Dixiecrats) 'switching parties' movement to form the core backbone of today's Republican party
This was a marketing mistake. Marketers must know their market. Target is in business to sell stuff, ALL their stuff, not just the Pride products, which are a minor seasonal sideline. You don't do that very well if you alienate your major market (see Bud Light). Budweiser, Disney, Nike and others may decide to play in the political arena but they do so at the potential peril of their stockholders. Some win (Nike), some lose (Bud, Disney). Your Medgar Evers example is about social justice. My guess is that Target has decided they are in the discount merchandise business, not the social justice business.
Wrong. They didn’t want any trouble. They wanted to do exactly as you started to say. They sell STUFF. It behooves them to have STUFF that appeals to all. Maybe their motive isn’t social justice but selling things to as many people as possible.
So when their employees were made to deal with hostile reaction to trying to appeal to everyone, they decided they didn’t wanna be in a fight and caved.
Just the week leading up to whatever 'month' celebration-specific merchandise is on the equal opportunity sales calender, i.e. June = gay Pride Month
Doc, you’re not being fair to Lamar Jackson. Who knows, he may have made such a comment but you haven’t heard it. I’ve seen virtually every game in college or pro he’s played in and he always played his guts out.
He has always had more doubters than other Quarterbacks but he still wins at a 75% rate and has owned The Men except for a game or two. I am a fanboy by definition but he does deserve the cheap shots from anyone. Just sayin…
“Doesn’t deserve the cheap shots”
Great tune, but I like Pete’s solo version even more https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J9-IyAqsn9k
That’s every bit as good as the original
Having previously spent about three years in retail management, not that long ago with a company that also put out Pride Month/LGBTQ items for sale around this time of year, I feel I can weigh in somewhat on this topic ... it's simply the retailer pandering, in hopes of making a few extra bucks off the already tapped consumers. 95 percent of the items end up not purchased, and either marked down to 90 percent off before finally selling, or packed up and sent back off to the company distribution center, to then be sold by the company for pennies on the dollar to an discount outlet chain like Ollies, Homebuys, etc.
Retailers are just pandering now like they do at Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day and every other holiday or special month we have in existence. They're even pandering regarding Memorial Day weekend. I went to Kroger this morning, and the floral department has red, white and blue floral arrangements for sale, while other retailers have gaudy plastic wreathes up for grabs, for those who want to decorate their beloved veterans' resting place. The retailer does not care whether or not you actually lost a loved one in battle -- they only care that you think they care, so you buy their merchandise regarding Memorial Day.
Much less to say, if a retailer thinks it can get an extra dime out of you, by selling items related to a special month, day, holiday, etc., they'll do it and not think twice. In Target's instance, it appears some of the Pride items were potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids, and folks got wind of it. Now, it doesn't excuse going in to a store and harassing employees who have NO SAY in the matter of what is displayed, or trashing the display, or any of the other asinine things folks have done (and recorded for social media), but on the flip side, maybe Target will choose merchandise in the future, for such a promotion, that might be a little less questionable or a little more tasteful.
But again, in the grand scheme, retailers aren't doing it because they support a cause, or because they feel for the consumer ... they're doing it to try to make money off of us. Don't like what they're selling? Don't buy it. Don't like that they're selling it? Don't shop there. That's called freedom ... I exercise it a lot when it comes to restaurants and bad sports franchises.
Another huge causation of such hubbubs as Bud Light and Target? Social media. Everyone is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., for hours on end each day. And on each platform, all they see is both sides -- right and left -- going back and forth and back and forth over cultural issues, political issues, etc. So, folks end up thinking things like "I'm tired of this LGBTQ stuff being rammed down my throat" or "There's a whole country of MAGA fascists out there!" When, in reality, it's only prevalent on social media because those outlets are, unfortunately, the main avenues of how people get their news and information now (how sad is that), and because we've enabled those avenues to make beaucoup money off of video and page views, ad clicks, etc. We as a society, whether knowingly or unknowingly, feed into this vicious cycle, while the social media influencers, Tik Tok'ers, Twitter personalities, etc., only care about the money they're making off subscriptions, views and clicks we're giving them ... alas, just like the retailers I described above!
Meanwhile, if you turn off the news and stop being glued to social media (and believing everything you read on social media), and go out into the real world, you'll find that you won't see drag shows taking place daily at the public library for kids; you won't see Trump supporters running amok terrorizing liberals; you won't see a trans person at every street corner; and all of the other stuff we're bombarded with through social media channels. If anything, you'll see normal folks like yourselves just trying to get through this life as best as they can.
Long-winded, I know, but I hope it makes sense. We're all being played, in one way shape or form. The key is to recognize it, and alter the behavior. Then, maybe, some of this ridiculousness would cease.
Wonderful analysis, but let me be more succinct. To equate Red White Blue floral arrangements with "tuck-friendly" swimsuits doesn't compute. I'm voting with my feet - which won't be found in Target.
Great post. Thank you
Best comment of the day, hands down. Bravo.
Still got the scripted IRA trollbot seeded and amplified rightwing "some of the items were questionable" firehosing of falsehoods culture wars narrative in it (even while properly bringing to the light why it exists so 'people get wind of it')
Hey Wayne, good sir, no trollbot seeded here. I wrote "were potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids." I didn't see the items personally, so I can't definitively make that call.
Others did, though, and had no issue with the items, while others had issue with them. I think "potentially questionable in nature when it came to kids," is a fair assessment, because again, some thought the items were out of bounds, others didn't -- just like some thought the unnecessary roughness call on Joseph Ossai, regarding Patrick Mahomes, was a questionable call, while others didn't.
Right, and we (everyone) needs to stop being so black and white on everything. If some folks thought the items were questionable it's not ok to just dismiss their opinion as "wrong" because it doesn't align with our own.
It has been thoroughly debunked that there were no satanic items on the Target merchandise and no 'tuck friendly' children's items. The deliberate IRA trolling to have that become a part of James's 'reasonable narrative' is what I'm pointing 👉 out here. It's the deliberate gaslighting tactics of echo chamber and social media trolls
Sounds like the tuck friendly swimsuit was in the women’s section from what I’ve read. So fine. But still it’s been confirmed that they had merchandise geared toward kids and that makes some people uncomfortable. We don’t get to dismiss that because we don’t agree. It doesn’t justify an overreaction by those folks, but we can’t just act like their opinion doesn’t matter.
I believe Barry Larkin once stated how proud he was to play his whole career as a Red. He said he could have made more money somewhere else, but, when you figure in the cost of living in places like New York, Los Angeles, and towards the end, Washington D.C., he was making about the same money.
Some of the items sold at Target were Satanic in nature. Satan loves trans people, stuff like that. Dig a bit deeper Doc. And like you said, vote with your wallet. Bud Light found out when they alienated their core customer base by trying to grow the brand.
In 2008 we were told gays deserved the same legal protections as straight when it comes to marriage and death. Reasonable people said OK, makes sense. Now we have an alphabet where anyone can find victimhood status and “identify” which helps when DEI enters the picture.
People push back. Not everyone agrees. Democracy, yeah?
No satanic nature products were being sold at Target, that's just a lie. The other lying right wing media claim that that 'tuck friendly' kids' swimsuits were being offered is also a lie. Seems the rightwing media is quite hypocritical being comfortable smearing their targets actively using the tactics of the so-called 'Prince of Lies'. This is what you find when you dig deeper into rightwing media ... and also being in bed with Russian propaganda peddling and amplifying the same seditious culture wars lies
I don’t shop at Target. Maybe they weren’t sold on the shelves but the company they used Abprallen absolutes makes stuff like this, and I read that on liberal USA Today.
Consumers have choices. And social media. And free speech. And like you, can believe whatever that want.
Typical whatabout gaslighting trolling ... any POS can cast aspersions about nebulous associations to whatabout this that or other ... your narrative itself is satanic in its lying so why don't you take full obvious credit for that?
Like Mick Jagger said, call me Lucifer, before I lay your soul to waste. Keyboard warrior.
Probably not your best choice for quote material, Blackwing Manual. I doubt Mick carded all those groupies he and the boyz bedded. Word has it they weren't all full fledged adults.
Interesting quote float. Famous heteronormative, not at all flamboyant, old fashioned manliness projecting Mick Jagger.
lol ... Mick Jagger and I were both born on 7/26, along with similar deep society observant commentators like Jung, Huxley, GB Shaw and Kubrick. Perhaps lending some credence to Jung's allowing degrees of validity could exist in support of perhaps a kind of personality matrix informing astrology as a personality template within the collective unconscious? 'Sympathy' was Mick's exploration and examination of the effect of 'the Devil' upon the soul of Man ...
Good point.
If only the people who got so worked up about a lousy beer or a middle class Wal-Mart marketing to a different demographic exhibited the same passion about the utter destruction of consumer protection laws, the carcinogens companies are putting in our food supply the unethical business practices of elder care, insurance companies overriding your doctor's advice, our crumbling infrastructure, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Maybe they do.
I agree on everything you wrote, even down to TT. She sure brought the energy, just not a fav of mine. I have a theory on the LGBTQ backlash. Consider that most people resist change. Then consider that conservatives resist more than average. Through most of human existence, change came at a snail's pace. Fast forward to the Industrial Revolution, when the rate of change started coming fast and furious. The world changed more in the 20th century than the thousands of years preceding it. Enter the Information Revolution, and now the rate of change is off the charts. Older people especially are overwhelmed. Then their world started shattering when gay people, previously relegated to the closet, actually had the audacity to want to be treated as human beings. How dare they! We'll show them! And so it goes, just like with Blacks and Native Americans. But LGBTQ is like the final frontier of hate. It never ends.
Joe values winning and knows it takes a whole squad. What is both good and bad is that the Bengals now seem to be set up for success to the point that we expect every year to be right there at the end. Super Bowl or bust. While this is what we all want, it creates real pressure to actually win one-which is no small feet. I just want one so that I can finally get my 1st (and only) tattoo.
My 1st exposure to Tina was the 'What's Love?' video as a kid. She was sleek, stunning, and carried herself as a much younger woman. I lumped her in there with Culture Club and Madonna as an 80s pop star with no cue about her early career. She was amazing.
Not a huge fan of the LGTBQ+ exploitation that so many corporations roll out this time of year. I find it a bit cheap and pandering. Similar to the uproar over Native American mascots--it's an easy way to look 'caring' without really doing much. It's easy to slap a rainbow on stuff...but do your employees have good health care? Do they lose their job if they need to stay home with a sick kid? Are any of your clothes the product of Chinese slave labor? If Target considers things like this as well, then good on them. In terms of the backlash-it's all part of the reactionary persecution complex we've been seeing since a smart black man became president. Just because there are people not like you doesn't mean anyone's telling you what to do or how to live. I'm a white hetero suburban father and marginal Catholic and have never felt persecuted or under attack. Welcome to American plurality jerks-it's not going anywhere.
Again to me it’s not about the company’s motives. It’s about the extreme reactions
Agree with you on the Bengals. We all now "expect" a SB title but a lot has to go your way to get that done. Little bit of luck involved, too.
Disagree in a small way on the Target/corporations thing. I see this stuff as marketing and nothing more. They aren't offering Pride gear out of kindness. They're offering it in an attempt to gain more customers and sell more stuff. As always...follow the money.
I don’t care about Targrt. care about people’s reactions to what target puts on its shelves
Well I guess my point is that the people who are enraged by it should consider the motive. Because if they did…maybe they’d see there’s not much here to be enraged about.
The Who tune from Odds and Sods brings back fond memories. I think it is the best song of a highly underrated album. I think Tina did a lot of great songs in her solo career and I admire her as a strong woman who wouldn't let bad things keep her down.
When I clicked on your tune link, this Animals song was also listed. Monterey must have been an unbelievable festival.
Agree on sauerkraut, also agree on Pure and Easy!