Thanks for jumping into the pool, Kelly. Quite Entertaining. I feel like I'm reading something your dad might have written 30 years ago. I do despise the "Stealers"...so I'm sorry about that. Their fan behavior is deplorable...especially when they taunt us as fans leaving the stadium in another loss just because they beat us up again over the past several decades. I hope somehow, you have lost that Terrible Towel. Kudos for your clever writing...following in dad's footsteps, I believe. You've got the best Mentor for sure.

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This was one I was hoping for a second look at. The first time through, I was way too busy with my job to be hanging out with the Mob, and wasn't able to give it a thorough reading. I'm really glad I had time today to do that.

Plenty to agree with. Inconsiderate oafs who treat an airliner as if it's their den would be my strongest. Little to really disagree with. Of course, I loathe the Steelers. But I love Pittsburgh, and would surely love its football team if I'd been born to it. I'll never love the Yankees. But you made a strong, logical case for choosing them.

I probably need to revisit Bill Burr's blog. For a while, I couldn't wait for the next one to drop. But - like a lot of comics (Bill Maher and Dave Chappell come to mind), his disdain for wokeism made him a one issue critic and consequently, something of a bore to me. I'm not defending wokeism. I find it as chilling and stupid as the next guy. Hopefully he's moved on from it. He's a brilliant comedian and god knows we all need to laugh more.

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That was a very nice TML, Jr. You are obviously, personality wise, very much your dad’s son. As for your teams, well, OK, I guess. Like you, I do root for the Buckeyes, in football anyway but, like you, I honestly think they have the worst fans in all of sports. I can take your Yankee love but…the SQUEALORS?…COME ON!

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Great job except for your favorite teams. You appear to have inherited your dad's people observation and empathy skills. I share your pet peeve regarding airline seats and I sometimes will hold my knees rigidly against it (they usually touch the seats even when upright) when they try to lean back. You are likely too young to remember the daily USA today paper newspapers, but they were useful for hanging of the top of the seatback to hit the top of the head for the worst seatback offenders.

My other pet peeve that I share with your dad is the people who sit and text on machines at the gym.

I agree that going places by yourself is a great thing. I had to travel alone frequently and learned how to enjoy myself without having to have someone with me. I often met interesting people and enjoyed just observing things. I saw Kansas live in Savannah by myself just prior to Covid and it was one of the best concerts I've attended. You are never alone when there are hundreds of people around you with similar interests.

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Nice stuff. My own life is divided into BP (Before Phish, 1953-1996) and AP (Clifford Ball to the present). I used to walk past Madison Square Garden to the office and noticed one week that a band I'd never heard of had sold out several shows without ever advertising. So I somehow talked my boss at GQ into letting me cover their first festival up in the decommissioned Plattsburgh AF Base. Music highlight of my life, partly because I got high so many times with their manager in the wings. If there's a better guitarist in the world than Trey, who I had breakfast with before they played Radio City, I'd love to meet them. (Also, in the late 60s, when I'd go to Yankee games for $1.35 upper deck, pre-Steinbrenner, total attendance, 7,456, we were the opposite of obnoxious. We were a club, and taking one of four from the Indians was. cause for celebration.) Look forward to your next.

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You lost me when you said your favorite teams...😄

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Well done "kid down the hall"

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The Erstwhile Kid Down the Hall - dba Son of TML - needs another guest Hemingway soon, imo.

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