My first job was detassling corn. How old? Long before I could drive. Parents made me. I hated it. At first. 50 cents an hour? Rain or shine. Hard work with a bunch of scary bullies all older than me. They treated me well. I learned how to smoke Middleton Cherries cigars. One morning it was pouring down rain. I told mom I was not going. Hah hah. She took me. At the end of the season anyone who reported and worked every day got a ten cent bonus for every hour worked. That was nice. I do not remember if I thanked my mom but she was aware of it.
I’ve always loved this post. I also think this job was excellent preparation for becoming a newspaper reporter. One learns to smile and keep one’s mouth shut unless asking questions. And if someone doesn’t like the questions, you keep on smiling (though closer to grimacing).
I worked most of my working life , driving a forklift for the same company. My coworkers ran the gamut of college graduates to some that could barely read. We were a band of brothers for sure ! I also umpired for over fifty years from 8u to college games. My fellow umpire's were, for sure, brothers and sisters in blue ! My last few years, I worked at a Kroger store in Montgomery, Ohio. During my forklift career, I learned to cuss like a sailor. My umpiring career helped me learn, as one of my mentors called it, " People skills ". That certainly helped me at Kroger. My career ran the gamut from the nicest people you would ever want to meet, from truck drivers, coaches, and shoppers, to ones that made you fight to keep your sanity. I wouldn't have traded those experiences for anything !
A (long deceased) friend of my Dad's was a member at CCC. George Koch. Price Hill kid from Cincinnati. Lobbyist. Actually sued the club on behalf of the staff (maybe even you) for wrongfully withholding from paychecks.
On another note, shouldn't Votto run for office?
My first job was detassling corn. How old? Long before I could drive. Parents made me. I hated it. At first. 50 cents an hour? Rain or shine. Hard work with a bunch of scary bullies all older than me. They treated me well. I learned how to smoke Middleton Cherries cigars. One morning it was pouring down rain. I told mom I was not going. Hah hah. She took me. At the end of the season anyone who reported and worked every day got a ten cent bonus for every hour worked. That was nice. I do not remember if I thanked my mom but she was aware of it.
I’ve always loved this post. I also think this job was excellent preparation for becoming a newspaper reporter. One learns to smile and keep one’s mouth shut unless asking questions. And if someone doesn’t like the questions, you keep on smiling (though closer to grimacing).
I worked most of my working life , driving a forklift for the same company. My coworkers ran the gamut of college graduates to some that could barely read. We were a band of brothers for sure ! I also umpired for over fifty years from 8u to college games. My fellow umpire's were, for sure, brothers and sisters in blue ! My last few years, I worked at a Kroger store in Montgomery, Ohio. During my forklift career, I learned to cuss like a sailor. My umpiring career helped me learn, as one of my mentors called it, " People skills ". That certainly helped me at Kroger. My career ran the gamut from the nicest people you would ever want to meet, from truck drivers, coaches, and shoppers, to ones that made you fight to keep your sanity. I wouldn't have traded those experiences for anything !
Feel like I’ve read this column before. Are we in summer rerun season?
Why yes we are. I prefer to call it Greatest Hits season. 😀
A (long deceased) friend of my Dad's was a member at CCC. George Koch. Price Hill kid from Cincinnati. Lobbyist. Actually sued the club on behalf of the staff (maybe even you) for wrongfully withholding from paychecks.
I knew him! Standup guy. Got that back pay for lots of folks that deserved it.