Great column on Trump, Doc. I agree 100%. It’s not a red vs. blue thing. Trump has no regard for our rules of law, including the constitution. That’s a danger we cannot tolerate.

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As frustrated with our government as I am with the Men’s defense last Sunday. A lot of the same things said about Trump can be said for the Biden’s. It’s unfortunate we cannot get a candidate with better character. Not healthy to have our wonderful country so divided.

I do have more confidence in the Men tomorrow night then I do with our country coming up with a candidate we can all be proud of.

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I always thought Trump would test the system and he has not dis-appointed. He is more bark than bite it seems. The system does still work...just messy IMO.

Hear anyone blasting away on affordable health care this election cycle? Seems we all like the idea of having access to best in-class, semi-affordable, medical coverage.

Major climate and long-term energy policy initiatives in play...that'll will be debated hotly, but I don't see us going back. We need all the sources of energy we can muster. It would be bad policy to suck the world dry of oil and not have other alternatives already in play.

Federal gov't said abortion rights too hot to handle. Kick it back to the states and let the states decide and they are. Good call Fed government.

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In a country with as many brilliant people as we have, this is what we are left with? I don't want either one.

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You’ve expressed my political concerns perfectly today. I think one of the saddest and eye opening parts about the Trump controversy is seeing how many of my close friends, people I thought I shared values and beliefs support Trump. It’s unbelievable to me they see things so differently. I respect everyone’s right to their own opinion, but it shocked me when I believed we were so similar and really how very different we are from each other. How can we be so far apart in what we see in Trump. It’s baffled me and broken my heart some too.

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it's hard to get around how Donald Trump has steamrolled & taken over our world. Would the man please just go away. And to echo your words, I am dumb founded that MAGA hat folks think that supporting a president who talks of immigrants polluting our blood, he already has a hit list of people such as Bill Barr (take him!) that he (Trump) plans to "go after" when president, or that he wants a loyalty test for the 1,000's of civil servants that help run our country. Oh yea, then there are his comments that he wants to remove all generals in our military, and that Miley should be put on trial for treason.

You can't make this stuff up - and 1/2 the country has hijacked our American flag by claiming it represents "real Americans" who support Trump - do these folks have any idea what patriotism & America stand for? Like separation of Church & State? separate branches of government?.. da!

o yea, we have sports.

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Excellent column, Paul. I read Heather Cox Richardson's daily email, and I feel as though I get a history lesson from her every day!

As to football, I won’t see Thursday’s game as it’s on a nonexistent network for me, but I always root for The Men. Watch out for the Broncos!

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I'm surprised there aren't as many Trump defenders now as opposed to prior years stick to sports segments. Definitely a good thing that many are figuring him out, finally. I'm also surprised to see Desantis support, trust me, if you lived in Florida he wouldn't come close to being presidential material. There are definitely some R candidates that would be really good, but sadly they will never get the chance, because the Trump cult won't give them the opportunity.

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Yeah, sure. DeSantis wins the largest re-election ever by an R a year ago and I supposed to believe your take that he is not Presidential material? I am not buying.

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Silent majority, or at least silent 50%. It's a useless attempt. Can you honestly say you'd ever be swayed?

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As a veteran, with family members who are serving now, i’m disgusted that the GOP, the party of Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Bush41 now actively support a man who denigrates veterans on a regular basis.

Doc, I’m sure you’ll take some arrows for speaking the truth, but we must all speak the truth because this country cannot quietly destroy its greatness.


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Trump is a RINO. Being a Republican starts with having a fundamental belief and trust in the Constitution.

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Gonna go straight to the politics part of today's entry, and say you give DJT too much credit. He has no idea what he is saying when he says it. He shoots off his mouth in order to get a reaction. And each time he speaks, there is volatile escalation in the hatred. He knows that by calling dissenters 'vermin' he will get a rise out of the audience that is hearing it. He loves the reaction. He has no idea of the history associated with his words. I too am amazed by the blind devotion. Just one of the many things about people in general that I don't understand.

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So the likely candidates for President are a guy that needs a staffer dressed in a bunny suit so he doesn’t get lost at an Easter egg hunt on his own damn lawn while simultaneously stopping him from sniffing little girls’ hair and the other guy is an orange insurrectionist idiot?

What a country.

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The song says it all … good pick especially in these times ….

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KISS: Bengals will lose and are done for this year. I will not vote for Trump or Biden. Both are unfit to be President of the United States. I would support a Haley/Manchin third party ticket.

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Oh, you are so right, Robert. That’s been my dream ticket since the beginning of the summer. Haley can hold her own on the world stage and Manchin would be so much more than the vacuous VP’s we have seen in the last three administrations,

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I watched the Buffalo game with my daughter, who lives there, last night...down to the last pitiful seconds. I felt like I was forced to watch the Bengal's/Houston game again. Amazing how similar they were. Allen tosses two ints back to back , their defense was about 20 yards away from the receiver who looked like he was on a remote island waiting for the ball...the ball was bounced through the defenders finger tips and over the head of the Bill's receiver...many of the passes were right in the gut of the receiver, but dropped....and on and on. Guess we watch football for these circus days...however, I've had my fill watching the old Bengals circus for the last 25 years or so...who needs it?

Okay, so last night was shot. (And this is why we need shots!) Did you know every 1 out of 6 Americans has an addiction these days? And then back to the doom and gloom of the DT Takeover. Did you all see Tuberville vote down the promotions of each and every military man in our service, over Veteran's Day Weekend...so they will not be able to relo their families in time for the new school year...and will not receive the pay that is due them? He is tearing our military apart and holding us at bay. In the name of Abortion!!, he says.

Why can't the President intercede this type of takeover? How can one good ole southern boy hold the entire country in his hot hand, who couldn't even coach a football team at UC. How can this happen? WTH! These are the weaknesses that have probably been tested in other countries that have been taken over by dictators, such as Venezuela. How about DeJoy who is still holding our USPS hostage to sabotage our mail- in votes?. Just like us who have felt comfortable for so long we forgot to lock the door to the White House and update its Constitution and mandate laws to meet the needs of today.

It's an attitude that has happened in our businesses...horrible customer service...people not calling back for service calls...people who don't speak English trying to explain how to reset our TV so it will work in Spanish or Chinese....people who don't show up on a work date at your home...and you know, The "Cableman"...people who have websites for their business, but never respond to your requests on them....I'm not surprised to see this country curl within itself. Staff your jobs with competent employees, show some pride in your work, in your family business, and most of all, YOUR COUNTRY! Fight back. Fix what's broken before it's too late. Don't let a bunch of quack attorneys not indict DT so he gets another pass because we "are too afraid of what will happen?" Look what's happening every day and it's your fault. DO SOMETHING!

Ok, that's all I got. I feel much better...at least for the moment....

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Tuberville is a disgrace. As is every senator in GOP that lets it continue. I was 18 when I entered the Naval Academy in 1974. I don’t know how young men and women make such a commitment when they see GOP leaders denigrate those who serve. It’s shocking to see how far the GOP has fallen.

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You just couldn't resist stirring the pot a little today, could you. 🙂 I campaigned for Trump in 2016 and was excited about a "non-politician" getting in office. I held my nose and voted for him in 2020. I wouldn't vote for him in 2024 if someone offered me a million dollars. I'm a lifelong Republican. I campaigned for Richard Nixon when I was in fifth grade. I've held local offices as a Republican...I was the party treasurer in my area for years. I no longer recognize the party. That said, I'll never vote for Biden. This year, it looks like I'll be casting my vote for a third party candidate.

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