I wasn't expecting much but it has been disappointing. I would have expected 3-4 wins at this point. I agree that fans need to give Satterfield ample time to implement his system with his recruiting style. Nevertheless, I always thought this hire went against Cincinnati's successful formula of hiring ambitious MAC coaches or hot shot coordinators (Kelly, Jones, Fickell, Dantonio). Hiring a guy making a lateral move is a red flag to me - see Tommy Tuberville.
Maybe you should heed your own advice and stick to sports. I’d love to hear what new laws you propose would have stopped this man from the shooting in Maine? He appeared to be a law, abiding citizen, was former military, seemed to be a hard working employee. His friends that he played corn hole with had no idea he would something like this. How can you be so flippant about it while a latest trend is the smash and grab robberies happening in major stores and small shops all across America. You can turn on the news, and watch random acts of violence against people, like the older woman who was beaten in the subway in NY, or how about the young man in NY who was stabbed to death on the sidewalk in front of his girlfriend on their way home from a wedding. These people are fearless, and if they feel they can get away with it, nothing will stop them - unless they come into your house and you have the proper fire arm to protect yourself and your family. Where is the same fervor when street gangs are shooting and killing each other in their communities every weekend? <Crickets>. Yep…exactly.
"They had no idea he would (do) something like this" is a load of crap. This guy was already known to authorities about his mental issues and previous threats months before this incident.
Lighten up Francis, nobody is going to take away your right to defend yourself or your home, but come on...nobody needs an AR to defend their home...maybe a rocket launcher, a tank, or some napalm...but not an AR.
What would you have against mental health checks for gun ownership? Are you afraid you wouldn't be allowed to keep your guns?
Plenty of stories out there about AR15s, and guns in general, serving their purpose when in the right hands...protection of family and property. We seldom if ever hear them because they don't fit the narrative. Heard one the other day of a partially disabled person, living alone, house broken into in the middle of the night by a gang of people. Guy wakes up, grabs his weapon, gets in enough body shots to thwart the intruders and send them scrambling.
Sooooo the message is other types of violent crimes happen so why focus on guns? And because there are instances where someone defends themself with a gun guns aren’t dangerous?
Nobody is honestly arguing some form of gun legislation is going to end violent crime. Violent crime exists everywhere, the difference is the incidents you refer to - interestingly big liberal elite city focused - are not dozens of dead in minutes. That doesn’t make them less horrible, it does show a clear difference though.
For the record the states with highest murder rate (meaning murders per 100k people) are Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alaska, Maryland, Oklahoma, Mississippi and North Carolina. Yes DC holds the high #. Curious how many of the states above are big blue states?
Also we don’t hear that narrative of heroic gun wielding because it is just not nearly as routine as people want it to be. Even in mass shooter events, how often is the shooter taken down by their own hand? Near always. Jon McClain or average citizen shooting down the villain is not the norm.
The solution isn't to hurt the majority by instituting laws that need to be written because of a minority.
A start might be holding people accountable that are aware of these loose cannons but don't take the actions necessary to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. That includes the FBI and military personnel that are PAID to do these type of duties, and know about potential threats. How many times do we have to hear "he was on our radar" but they don't do squat about it?
Another thing might be to give more transparency on these shootings. Where's all the intel on the Las Vegas shooter? How'd he get his armada past security at a high end hotel? What was his motive? Where there red flags? Does it not matter since most of his victims were more conservative? What about Nashville? Why haven't they released the manifesto of she/her/he/him/it/cis? Guess they dind't want the backlash against the lbgtqif+ rainbow whatever f'n crowd. Don't ever ask for solutions to problems when the data you want to rely on is incomplete....
....like murder by state rankings you cited. I don't trust any source about highest murder rates by state. Why? Because there's no context. Is it by murder convictions? Is just deaths by firearms? Why do some states (on figures I've seen) show incomplete data? If there's a drive by shooting that leaves a dozen dead but they can't find the shooter what do they classify it as? Like everything else in our country there's a faction out there, in a paid position, that only tells us what they want us to hear, not what we need to hear. I give you # of Covid deaths as my case in point. For 9 months in 2020 CV deaths were front page, eat these with your dinner, talking points, right up until that useless stiff inhabiting the White House took office as potus. Then they magically vanished.
"Heroic gun wielding" isn't heard because more often than not it's not a mass shooting type of event. It's more one on one, or in the example I gave one on six or seven. Someone protecting their life, or lives of others, by taking out some thugs is never going to be front line news on CNN. Thugs as a rule don't take on "heroic gun wielding" types either, they look for softer targets. Like most of the posters on TML based on what I've read over the last year or so.
Yeah. The majority in this country are for gun regulation. They also accept the reality that hundreds of thousands of Americans died from Covid. No argument on more info on some of these incidents is needed, I agree, but I also think people have begun numb to it and just move on.
You lost me at thugs, which is coded. It also misrepresents the majority of violence - gun related or otherwise - is perpetrated by someone you know. Not some random act of violence. White people seem to also be the most up in arms about possibly being randomly murdered by drive by or whatever, when that’s just not reflective of reality for them.
If by softer targets you mean people who are against any reasonable gun regulation, then so be it. I’ll be part of that majority demanding more than doing nothing and deflecting and redirection discussion toward this belief we need to all become Charles Bronson in Death Wish.
UofL wasn't going to fire Satterfield, he had a Top 30 recruiting class signed up and had turned around the 2022 season. Fan base was indifferent but most every fan base is unless you're consistently ranked or aren't beating your biggest rival.
IIRC Satterfield had to replace 10 of 11 starters on offense for UC, which might explain some of the offensive woes. He's not Luke Fickell but if he can average, overall, 3 star recruiting classes, and keep the local talent home (Cincy area is a lot more fertile recruiting ground than Louisville) , he can be successful in the Big12.
Yes, let's all hope there are lots more murders of innocent children. That'll really be great. I've written this blog/newsletter since 2006. I promise you, yours is among the Top 3 worst comments I've ever had the displeasure of reading. I truly hope you're just trolling.
You misunderstood my comments and I did not communicate them very well.
My AMENs were to your comments about the mass shooting in Maine and the Speaker's disgusting and inappropriate comments and actions. I have volunteered for Moms Demand Action for years and continue to be appalled and ashamed by gun rights absolutists and the NRA. I am so sorry for the confusion about my comments!
I read an article, not sure where, that the best thing that happened to Louisville football was when UC bought Satterfield out of his contract. This allowed them to hire native son Boehm {sp} as their coach. UC with Satterfeld loses to Miami while Louisville, relieved of Satterfield beats Notre Dame and is competitive in the ACC. Satterfield might have worked wonders at App State but this is the Big12. The whole problem started when Fickle left UC at a time when the coaching carousel had stopped and there were only scraps left. From what I heard Satterfield was UC's third choice. I don't think UC is out of their league but I think Satterfield is not the guy to lead them. Bite the Bullet, eat the buyout, look for someone else and move on. Thanks Luke. How're you liking life in the Big10?
STS: There are a few issues where Americans are deeply entrenched; abortion, gay rights, and gun rights to name a few. Nothing anyone will say or do will change things. I am a gun owner, but believe in reasonable laws and restrictions. The 2nd Amendment is strangely written. Nobody really knows what the Founders meant, and even if they did, weaponry has changed dramatically since the 1780s. Basically, 5 individuals out of a country of 350 million people decided what they meant. It would be interesting to see what the results of a nationwide referendum on the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment would be? Is it the right to own any type of firearm regardless of caliber size, muzzle velocity, or magazine capacity, or should there be limitations? I don't know the right answer, but I do recognize that a high capacity firearm can kill more people faster than can be done with any other weapon, and can be done from a distance. Yes, Johnson is right regarding intent, but it's the combination of intent and means that is deadly.
Updated: I initially forgot to mention another topic. That is the reason most gun enthusiasts point out regarding the 2A. That is to allow the citizenry to remove a tyrannical government. The problem is, what does that mean? Who decides what is tyrannical? I just see this as a crutch to justify violence when a group doesn't like what the Government is doing, which basically happened on 1/6. We were lucky that that event was not more violent than it was. But it's easy to see how this rationale can be abused.
I was a Cold War warrior and the training actually deterred conflict. I still see no reason to carry a gun unless it was to honor my pledge fight enemies, either foreign or domestic.
Since, we have had a war on drugs, then a war on terror and much of it driven by those seeking power by convincing regular people they want to fix these things. Most of them just want your vote.
Grass roots organization and time is what drives sustained change in America. Woman’s Rights, Civil Rights, Disabilities Act legislation all took place after grass roots movements first.
Research some grass roots organizations and pass them along each time a shooting occurs occurs Doc. Maybe we’ll get mad and get involved.
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America have been advocating for common sense gun laws, universal background checks, red flag laws, and on and on, for 10 years now.
Thanks for good stuff today, Doc. Hard to focus on sports with all the killing happening the past week or so. We have seen so very many of these mass killings stories that we truly are numb. The same thing happened during the civil rights movement in regards to beatings and lynchings until news organizations presented the country not with words but with film of what was happening. I think we have to see for ourselves the result of the violence. I now wish that (with the permission of the families of course) the media could show the real impact of the carnage so that people would have it seared into their mind's eye. Maybe if people saw the bodies of American children and citizens of all ages and genders they would pressure the politicians to actually do something. Maybe if the media interviewed children who months later are too scared to go to school or adults who are uneasy in any crowded store, bar, or theater people and politicians would realize that the impact of these tragedies last long past the news cycle. Maybe if people were actually confronted with what these killings look like they would force the hand of congress. Every country on this planet has people with mental health issues. Every country on this planet has violent movies and video games. Most every country on this planet has religious, political, and social divisions among their populace. NO developed country on this planet has as many gun deaths than the United States. NO country on this planet has as many and as devastating weapons in the hands of its citizens. For the first 200 years or so this country recognized the 2nd Amendment for what it is, a right for an 18th century militia to have weapons. That all began to change around 1976 when the NRA radically changed it's MO from hunting and fishing to become a political (and self-enriching) force in this country. This outdated amendment is long past its usefulness.
Someone has to stand up to the NRA issues and soon. No one feels safe anymore anywhere...and that is horrible...and just how "they" want us to feel. We can't give in to these guys just because of greed and stonewalling in the White House. DT needs to be put in jail...I want to see the Marshalls take him out of the courtroom, put a bar of soap in his mouth and shut him up. It better happen sooner than later. The cowardness of the Democrates is making me crazy. We need policing of dark webs and so much more in social media to stop the fake anger. They used to arrest people who made threats to anyone in the government. WTH!! We just keep waiting for the next shoe to drop, and it will.
Suggest everyone check out "From The Jungle: Bengals All Access," Channel 12. It was on last night so I watched and was pleasantly surprised. Coverage of our games this year with up close with players during games. Loved it! You can find it on demand and record series.
Sad-derfield...not a good look for sure. QB is better as RB. We have been spoiled with good coaching...not sure how this is going to improve, but for me, bleak at this point. Plus I have to pay for Streaming. Drives me crazy, that...so I usually don't watch them anyway now.
Will try to remember to check out chat at halftime to see if you're there. My typing fingers are not to be trusted, however, "live"...so we'll see. Plus my nails are too long and I keep hitting the wrong keys...
Looking forward to game...hoping not to be disappointed. It helped to watch from the jungle to see how fired up the players get with each other during games. The attitude is there.
I could ask you to stick to sports writing because you’re out of your element when it comes to ANY other topics. But then you would tell me you’re a journalist and that’s what they do. Perhaps if you spent more time in a locker room instead of watching CNN you might agree. As for Satterfield maybe you should be taking the Bearcat boosters to task for hiring a guy who was about to be fired and definitely was 5 steps down from Fickell. That would help them better understand all the thank you notes that have come from the Ville. Ok, I’m done ranting now. PS— I’m not a 2nd Amendment enthusiast. I find people who mock prayer really ignorant.
Thomas Wilson, I respect your opinions on prayer. I’ve read the Gospels well over 20 times and read them almost daily. If you study them you will see that Jesus severely criticized the hierarchy religious establishment of his time for their hypocrisy and fake, pretentious prayer rituals which served no other purposes than self aggrandizement and their own agendas. Nothing has changed after all these years, and in fact, is probably worse. I can send you lots of His quotes if you’d like. Be vigilant of people like this, they deceive.
I am always intrigued by the "stick to sports" crowd. They often diminish or show total disdain when athletes, commentators, writers, or entertainers express a position on current events or politics. What other professions are on the list of job holders who are not supposed to exercise their 1st Amendment rights? Teachers, barbers, taxi drivers, bartenders, business owners, mechanics, construction workers, members of the military.... ?
What do you do for a living? Are you ‘qualified’ to talk about something other than sports? Prayers do nothing except give people an excuse not to take action…their ‘action’ is praying. Useless.
How about your wallet. We have a mental health crisis in America but no one, I.e. you and Daugherty want to spend money on that because it might eat into your golf stipends
Hi. Guy with Bipolar here to bristle at the drum beat of mental health. Just want to note the rush to blame mental health as though we are unique in that. Are there no schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed, etc people in Norway? Is that why they had 3 (!!!) homicides involving firearms in all of 2022?
Quick recent history reminder, just last year the House passed a bill aimed at expanding access to mental health services in schools that garnered only one Republican vote. This despite the ceaseless scapegoating of mental illness for issues in the U.S. These are serious people?
This is the wealthiest nation in the world. There is no shortage of $$$ available to improve mental health care/support. Military budget is a good place to start. Maybe a willingness to have the wealthiest and corporations pay actual taxes. Or we actually take action to solve the problem - mental health right? - rather than just pay lip service.
Remember the growing pains when they joined the Big East? It’ll work out.
Never read the Jesse Stone books. Enjoyed a movie or miniseries.
I wasn't expecting much but it has been disappointing. I would have expected 3-4 wins at this point. I agree that fans need to give Satterfield ample time to implement his system with his recruiting style. Nevertheless, I always thought this hire went against Cincinnati's successful formula of hiring ambitious MAC coaches or hot shot coordinators (Kelly, Jones, Fickell, Dantonio). Hiring a guy making a lateral move is a red flag to me - see Tommy Tuberville.
Maybe you should heed your own advice and stick to sports. I’d love to hear what new laws you propose would have stopped this man from the shooting in Maine? He appeared to be a law, abiding citizen, was former military, seemed to be a hard working employee. His friends that he played corn hole with had no idea he would something like this. How can you be so flippant about it while a latest trend is the smash and grab robberies happening in major stores and small shops all across America. You can turn on the news, and watch random acts of violence against people, like the older woman who was beaten in the subway in NY, or how about the young man in NY who was stabbed to death on the sidewalk in front of his girlfriend on their way home from a wedding. These people are fearless, and if they feel they can get away with it, nothing will stop them - unless they come into your house and you have the proper fire arm to protect yourself and your family. Where is the same fervor when street gangs are shooting and killing each other in their communities every weekend? <Crickets>. Yep…exactly.
"They had no idea he would (do) something like this" is a load of crap. This guy was already known to authorities about his mental issues and previous threats months before this incident.
Lighten up Francis, nobody is going to take away your right to defend yourself or your home, but come on...nobody needs an AR to defend their home...maybe a rocket launcher, a tank, or some napalm...but not an AR.
What would you have against mental health checks for gun ownership? Are you afraid you wouldn't be allowed to keep your guns?
Card was flagged with mental health issues. In what world should he have had access to a military killing machine?
In Germany owning a gun is a privilege not a right. You can get them but you have to be reapproved every six months.
Don’t know if we need to go that far. Australia stopped mass shootjngs. Only in America does this happen. Constantly.
Plenty of stories out there about AR15s, and guns in general, serving their purpose when in the right hands...protection of family and property. We seldom if ever hear them because they don't fit the narrative. Heard one the other day of a partially disabled person, living alone, house broken into in the middle of the night by a gang of people. Guy wakes up, grabs his weapon, gets in enough body shots to thwart the intruders and send them scrambling.
What other options did he have in that moment?
What would others here do in that moment?
Sooooo the message is other types of violent crimes happen so why focus on guns? And because there are instances where someone defends themself with a gun guns aren’t dangerous?
Nobody is honestly arguing some form of gun legislation is going to end violent crime. Violent crime exists everywhere, the difference is the incidents you refer to - interestingly big liberal elite city focused - are not dozens of dead in minutes. That doesn’t make them less horrible, it does show a clear difference though.
For the record the states with highest murder rate (meaning murders per 100k people) are Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alaska, Maryland, Oklahoma, Mississippi and North Carolina. Yes DC holds the high #. Curious how many of the states above are big blue states?
Also we don’t hear that narrative of heroic gun wielding because it is just not nearly as routine as people want it to be. Even in mass shooter events, how often is the shooter taken down by their own hand? Near always. Jon McClain or average citizen shooting down the villain is not the norm.
What solution would you offer for any of this?
The solution isn't to hurt the majority by instituting laws that need to be written because of a minority.
A start might be holding people accountable that are aware of these loose cannons but don't take the actions necessary to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. That includes the FBI and military personnel that are PAID to do these type of duties, and know about potential threats. How many times do we have to hear "he was on our radar" but they don't do squat about it?
Another thing might be to give more transparency on these shootings. Where's all the intel on the Las Vegas shooter? How'd he get his armada past security at a high end hotel? What was his motive? Where there red flags? Does it not matter since most of his victims were more conservative? What about Nashville? Why haven't they released the manifesto of she/her/he/him/it/cis? Guess they dind't want the backlash against the lbgtqif+ rainbow whatever f'n crowd. Don't ever ask for solutions to problems when the data you want to rely on is incomplete....
....like murder by state rankings you cited. I don't trust any source about highest murder rates by state. Why? Because there's no context. Is it by murder convictions? Is just deaths by firearms? Why do some states (on figures I've seen) show incomplete data? If there's a drive by shooting that leaves a dozen dead but they can't find the shooter what do they classify it as? Like everything else in our country there's a faction out there, in a paid position, that only tells us what they want us to hear, not what we need to hear. I give you # of Covid deaths as my case in point. For 9 months in 2020 CV deaths were front page, eat these with your dinner, talking points, right up until that useless stiff inhabiting the White House took office as potus. Then they magically vanished.
"Heroic gun wielding" isn't heard because more often than not it's not a mass shooting type of event. It's more one on one, or in the example I gave one on six or seven. Someone protecting their life, or lives of others, by taking out some thugs is never going to be front line news on CNN. Thugs as a rule don't take on "heroic gun wielding" types either, they look for softer targets. Like most of the posters on TML based on what I've read over the last year or so.
Yeah. The majority in this country are for gun regulation. They also accept the reality that hundreds of thousands of Americans died from Covid. No argument on more info on some of these incidents is needed, I agree, but I also think people have begun numb to it and just move on.
You lost me at thugs, which is coded. It also misrepresents the majority of violence - gun related or otherwise - is perpetrated by someone you know. Not some random act of violence. White people seem to also be the most up in arms about possibly being randomly murdered by drive by or whatever, when that’s just not reflective of reality for them.
If by softer targets you mean people who are against any reasonable gun regulation, then so be it. I’ll be part of that majority demanding more than doing nothing and deflecting and redirection discussion toward this belief we need to all become Charles Bronson in Death Wish.
UofL wasn't going to fire Satterfield, he had a Top 30 recruiting class signed up and had turned around the 2022 season. Fan base was indifferent but most every fan base is unless you're consistently ranked or aren't beating your biggest rival.
IIRC Satterfield had to replace 10 of 11 starters on offense for UC, which might explain some of the offensive woes. He's not Luke Fickell but if he can average, overall, 3 star recruiting classes, and keep the local talent home (Cincy area is a lot more fertile recruiting ground than Louisville) , he can be successful in the Big12.
Stick to Sports....
House Speaker Johnson and guns, guns, guns...
Yes, let's all hope there are lots more murders of innocent children. That'll really be great. I've written this blog/newsletter since 2006. I promise you, yours is among the Top 3 worst comments I've ever had the displeasure of reading. I truly hope you're just trolling.
You misunderstood my comments and I did not communicate them very well.
My AMENs were to your comments about the mass shooting in Maine and the Speaker's disgusting and inappropriate comments and actions. I have volunteered for Moms Demand Action for years and continue to be appalled and ashamed by gun rights absolutists and the NRA. I am so sorry for the confusion about my comments!
No worries. I overreacted a
I overreacted as well. Touchy subject.
I read an article, not sure where, that the best thing that happened to Louisville football was when UC bought Satterfield out of his contract. This allowed them to hire native son Boehm {sp} as their coach. UC with Satterfeld loses to Miami while Louisville, relieved of Satterfield beats Notre Dame and is competitive in the ACC. Satterfield might have worked wonders at App State but this is the Big12. The whole problem started when Fickle left UC at a time when the coaching carousel had stopped and there were only scraps left. From what I heard Satterfield was UC's third choice. I don't think UC is out of their league but I think Satterfield is not the guy to lead them. Bite the Bullet, eat the buyout, look for someone else and move on. Thanks Luke. How're you liking life in the Big10?
STS: There are a few issues where Americans are deeply entrenched; abortion, gay rights, and gun rights to name a few. Nothing anyone will say or do will change things. I am a gun owner, but believe in reasonable laws and restrictions. The 2nd Amendment is strangely written. Nobody really knows what the Founders meant, and even if they did, weaponry has changed dramatically since the 1780s. Basically, 5 individuals out of a country of 350 million people decided what they meant. It would be interesting to see what the results of a nationwide referendum on the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment would be? Is it the right to own any type of firearm regardless of caliber size, muzzle velocity, or magazine capacity, or should there be limitations? I don't know the right answer, but I do recognize that a high capacity firearm can kill more people faster than can be done with any other weapon, and can be done from a distance. Yes, Johnson is right regarding intent, but it's the combination of intent and means that is deadly.
Updated: I initially forgot to mention another topic. That is the reason most gun enthusiasts point out regarding the 2A. That is to allow the citizenry to remove a tyrannical government. The problem is, what does that mean? Who decides what is tyrannical? I just see this as a crutch to justify violence when a group doesn't like what the Government is doing, which basically happened on 1/6. We were lucky that that event was not more violent than it was. But it's easy to see how this rationale can be abused.
I did. Several people I know are fans. I like to start at the beginning on a series. I read the first one The Poacher’s Son.
I will look for the second one next week at the big book sale at the library. I’m working the first day - early peak before we let the throngs in.
Mike Bowditch is the warden. I think there are 14 in the series so far.
I was a Cold War warrior and the training actually deterred conflict. I still see no reason to carry a gun unless it was to honor my pledge fight enemies, either foreign or domestic.
Since, we have had a war on drugs, then a war on terror and much of it driven by those seeking power by convincing regular people they want to fix these things. Most of them just want your vote.
Grass roots organization and time is what drives sustained change in America. Woman’s Rights, Civil Rights, Disabilities Act legislation all took place after grass roots movements first.
Research some grass roots organizations and pass them along each time a shooting occurs occurs Doc. Maybe we’ll get mad and get involved.
I was a SAC warrior in the '80s. Minuteman II ICBM.
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America have been advocating for common sense gun laws, universal background checks, red flag laws, and on and on, for 10 years now.
Thanks for good stuff today, Doc. Hard to focus on sports with all the killing happening the past week or so. We have seen so very many of these mass killings stories that we truly are numb. The same thing happened during the civil rights movement in regards to beatings and lynchings until news organizations presented the country not with words but with film of what was happening. I think we have to see for ourselves the result of the violence. I now wish that (with the permission of the families of course) the media could show the real impact of the carnage so that people would have it seared into their mind's eye. Maybe if people saw the bodies of American children and citizens of all ages and genders they would pressure the politicians to actually do something. Maybe if the media interviewed children who months later are too scared to go to school or adults who are uneasy in any crowded store, bar, or theater people and politicians would realize that the impact of these tragedies last long past the news cycle. Maybe if people were actually confronted with what these killings look like they would force the hand of congress. Every country on this planet has people with mental health issues. Every country on this planet has violent movies and video games. Most every country on this planet has religious, political, and social divisions among their populace. NO developed country on this planet has as many gun deaths than the United States. NO country on this planet has as many and as devastating weapons in the hands of its citizens. For the first 200 years or so this country recognized the 2nd Amendment for what it is, a right for an 18th century militia to have weapons. That all began to change around 1976 when the NRA radically changed it's MO from hunting and fishing to become a political (and self-enriching) force in this country. This outdated amendment is long past its usefulness.
America needs a rattle call on guns. Congress can no longer hide from us as they decide to do nothing.
Again, AMEN, AMEN!
So well stated. Thanks.
Someone has to stand up to the NRA issues and soon. No one feels safe anymore anywhere...and that is horrible...and just how "they" want us to feel. We can't give in to these guys just because of greed and stonewalling in the White House. DT needs to be put in jail...I want to see the Marshalls take him out of the courtroom, put a bar of soap in his mouth and shut him up. It better happen sooner than later. The cowardness of the Democrates is making me crazy. We need policing of dark webs and so much more in social media to stop the fake anger. They used to arrest people who made threats to anyone in the government. WTH!! We just keep waiting for the next shoe to drop, and it will.
Suggest everyone check out "From The Jungle: Bengals All Access," Channel 12. It was on last night so I watched and was pleasantly surprised. Coverage of our games this year with up close with players during games. Loved it! You can find it on demand and record series.
Sad-derfield...not a good look for sure. QB is better as RB. We have been spoiled with good coaching...not sure how this is going to improve, but for me, bleak at this point. Plus I have to pay for Streaming. Drives me crazy, that...so I usually don't watch them anyway now.
Will try to remember to check out chat at halftime to see if you're there. My typing fingers are not to be trusted, however, "live"...so we'll see. Plus my nails are too long and I keep hitting the wrong keys...
Looking forward to game...hoping not to be disappointed. It helped to watch from the jungle to see how fired up the players get with each other during games. The attitude is there.
If you haven’t seen this yet, pretty funny.
I could ask you to stick to sports writing because you’re out of your element when it comes to ANY other topics. But then you would tell me you’re a journalist and that’s what they do. Perhaps if you spent more time in a locker room instead of watching CNN you might agree. As for Satterfield maybe you should be taking the Bearcat boosters to task for hiring a guy who was about to be fired and definitely was 5 steps down from Fickell. That would help them better understand all the thank you notes that have come from the Ville. Ok, I’m done ranting now. PS— I’m not a 2nd Amendment enthusiast. I find people who mock prayer really ignorant.
Hey Thomas, are you a writer? If not, then stick to what you know!
Thomas Wilson, I respect your opinions on prayer. I’ve read the Gospels well over 20 times and read them almost daily. If you study them you will see that Jesus severely criticized the hierarchy religious establishment of his time for their hypocrisy and fake, pretentious prayer rituals which served no other purposes than self aggrandizement and their own agendas. Nothing has changed after all these years, and in fact, is probably worse. I can send you lots of His quotes if you’d like. Be vigilant of people like this, they deceive.
I am always intrigued by the "stick to sports" crowd. They often diminish or show total disdain when athletes, commentators, writers, or entertainers express a position on current events or politics. What other professions are on the list of job holders who are not supposed to exercise their 1st Amendment rights? Teachers, barbers, taxi drivers, bartenders, business owners, mechanics, construction workers, members of the military.... ?
...Nurses? Librarians?
Yes, the list goes on and on!
I find people who cite prayer instead of urging action equally ignorant
What do you do for a living? Are you ‘qualified’ to talk about something other than sports? Prayers do nothing except give people an excuse not to take action…their ‘action’ is praying. Useless.
James 2
14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?
15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.
16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.
Way too much faith/prayer with no deeds.
An old African proverb. “When you pray move your feet”.
How about your wallet. We have a mental health crisis in America but no one, I.e. you and Daugherty want to spend money on that because it might eat into your golf stipends
Hi. Guy with Bipolar here to bristle at the drum beat of mental health. Just want to note the rush to blame mental health as though we are unique in that. Are there no schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed, etc people in Norway? Is that why they had 3 (!!!) homicides involving firearms in all of 2022?
Quick recent history reminder, just last year the House passed a bill aimed at expanding access to mental health services in schools that garnered only one Republican vote. This despite the ceaseless scapegoating of mental illness for issues in the U.S. These are serious people?
This is the wealthiest nation in the world. There is no shortage of $$$ available to improve mental health care/support. Military budget is a good place to start. Maybe a willingness to have the wealthiest and corporations pay actual taxes. Or we actually take action to solve the problem - mental health right? - rather than just pay lip service.
Ha yeah. You have no idea what I want regarding that issue