"Get 'em on, get 'em over, get 'em in" is far more entertaining than home run ball. Hoping Run-DLC can keep up his OBP and be a consistent menace on the base paths. Caught the storybook ending to the Canadian Open playoff and once again, real life sports drama surpasses anything Hollywood might create. May switch in and out from the Reds game just to see if the Heat double team the man who is taking the trophy from them in broad daylight. I can remember the Talking Heads debut on SNL and thinking it was too "new age" for me. Byrne's music is not my style, but considering the originality and creativity he brought to an evolving and enduring career, there's no denying he is a genius.
If everything Joker throws up goes in like last game, I don't know how you stop 'em. Shooting 5o% from lots of 3s might not be enough. I feel bad for Bam trying to contain the big guy ... even when he's on it still looks like 'winning ugly' and Bam is an all league defender
Doc, glad you asked that: that is the question about Hunter Greene, Reds Ace Pitcher. No it is not too early to pose the question, or make comparisons such as the Greene/Strider comparison you offered. My point of view says Hunter Greene is nobody's ace pitcher, definitely not the Reds ace pitcher. Key word: PITCHER. Greene is currently a thrower; hard thrower for sure with his triple-digit fastball, but he has not shown the progress you might want to see as a PITCHER. His pitch count is way too high way too early in games he starts. he is not winning and not necessarily putting the club in position to win (although much better last three starts) and he simply does not get easy outs ie: fly balls, or needed ground balls turned into DP's. Unless he learns how to PITCH and not just throw, his MLB career is going to be short and fall short of the high expectations. Personally, I was stunned when the Reds signed him to the big long-term deal earlier this season. We wait. We hope. I've been proven wrong before and hope he proves me wrong here too.
RUN-DLC, I like it. A young less “swagger-ish” Eric Davis comes to mind as I watch young Elly. As for young Mr. Greene, there’s a lot to like about him. Yesterday, he didn’t seem to be locating his pitches quite like he will as he matures BUT he kept the Reds in the game until they could score some runs. The future looks bright for Hunter. I’m excited about this team. I like everything about them.
The Canadian Open…I watched it off and on through the weekend but, yesterday, got mesmerized by the finish. I watched the entire playoff and, like you, wanted it to continue. However, that 70-something foot putt for the win was truly one for the ages. Kudos toMr. Taylor and toMr. Fleet wood for their play and their sportsmanship. A classic!
The song failed to mention that when mom changed the little pee pee's diaper, she generally got a free face shower...especially right after his bathie.
Doc, your comparison of Greene-Strider was telling. I chalk it up to Greene is still a “thrower”and is learning how to become a pitcher. In some respects he reminds me of Nolan Ryan of Mets fame. He finally did learn how to become a pitcher but he was a “thrower” for about 5 or 6 years before he could refine his pitching to the point that his pitch count didn’t exceed 100 by the 4th inning. Hopefully Greene gets there sooner but he has quite a ways to go IMO.
Have lost track of how many concerts I've seen over the decades - more than a handful of bands 3-4-5 times - guessing somewhere north of 150-200 from my first, Led Zeppelin @ Riverfront Coliseum circa '77 - but Talking Heads (w/Tom Tom Club) Stop Making Sense in '83 @ Millett Hall in Oxford is indelible in my mind and without doubt among the top 5. Truly an unparalleled music/performance art/theater experience that left no one in their seats and everyone drenched in dance sweat and with smiles a mile wide.
Not attending that show is one of my top three concert regrets, and likely my top one. I kick myself every time I watch "Stop Making Sense." Good for you for attending.
I grew up during the Big Red Machine years and lived in St. Louis during their 'speed' championships. The excitement of Morgan or Coleman getting on base was fun to watch. They had pitchers focused on them rather than the batter and totally opened the right side of the field for the hitter. These Reds can use this speed even more with the pitcher time and throws to first base limits. As I recall, Coleman also struck out a lot, but was a terror on base.
Music question: Can you think of another singer who have a voice that you would never expect based on their appearance besides Eric Burdon or Ronnie Dio?
Baseball is in such a good place right now. In a world of watching negative trends throughout all sports, the death of three outcome baseball is such a positive development. When was the last time we said any sport was getting better with rule changes? Add the excitement with the Reds and we might have an entertaining summer. I am trying to keep my expectations low - I just want to be in it during Augusts/Early September. I can't remember the last time I was jacked up for a July baseball game.
The RBC was a tremendous tournament. On a macro level, golf is in shambles but there have been some magical moments this season.
I haven't been able to get juiced for the NBA playoffs since Lebron won in Cleveland. I consistently find myself falling asleep during these games even when I bet on them. It is a shame since Jokic is such a fascinating player but I just find the game to be boring.
I’ve always been a fan of MLB base stealers. Remember Maury Wills of the Dodgers? Over 100 steals one year. He inspired my 3 brothers and me during our baseball playing days. Whenever we got on base, we were running on the next pitch.
Then there was Lou Brock of the Cardinals, always exciting. I was too busy raising kids during the Ricky Henderson era, but when I did catch an A’s game, he was always one of MLB’s most electric players.
I loved going to Reds games during the Billy Hamilton era. When he got on base, the pitchers and the defense were totally distracted and a bit unnerved. If he could have improved his hitting, he had a shot at being a superstar. It was reported they clocked him on a triple and he made 3rd base in 10.49 seconds. I wonder if Usain Bolt could match that. Making 90 degree turns are not the same as running in a straight line.
We are planning our 1st trip to GABP to see DLC soon.
I'm really starting to become engaged with the Reds' "small ball" style. Get 'em on, get 'em over, get 'em in. Swiping bags and the whole gamut. Look at the pressure it has put on opposing teams, from the pitcher to the fielders to the manager. It's forced opponents to actually think, and make decisions, instead of expecting the strikeout/homer outcome from a .210 hitter who has 35 homers. I love it.
I've been preaching to my son, the erstwhile "Kid who chose to finally play organized baseball this year," that a walk is as good as a hit. He's been listening to what I've been telling him ... in his stints off the bench (mind you, first year playing organized ball on a team populated by 15- and 16-year-olds, and he's only 14), he has accrued about a .750 OBP primarily through walks and being hit by pitches. He's swiped a couple of bags, and has some ribbies to his credit by walking with the bags full.
I've told him I'll take that productivity on the field every day and twice on Sunday, compared to whiffing every at bat or swinging for the fences.
When it comes to Greene, as Pogo previously commented, he needs to have an "out" pitch, and work on the repertoire. There's a reason why guys like Gaylord Perry, Greg Maddux, Phil Niekro and others are in the HOF, and Aroldis Chapman will never be.
Fastballs will only get you so far before you blow your arm out, or hitters get your timing down and begin playing pinball all over the ballyard.
You should try to get your son to take a protégé under his wing. Nothing accelerates and purifies the learning process more than imparting your wisdom to another and investing in their success and upping your own game thereby ...
Interesting comments about Hunter Greene. The thing I've wondered the most. How dominate are guys like him these days who rely on their fastball? As we know, good teams with great hitters can hit the fast ball. I'm more intrigued by Andrew Abbott. He seems to have a better mix of pitches to fool hitters. I hope they both have tremendous success. But If I we're a betting man, when both of their careers end. I think Abbott will be remembered as the better of the two.
I honestly think Greene has pitched better than his numbers indicate. His last two starts (prior to yesterday) were trending the right direction. Six innings pitched in each with only 1 ER across both starts. So last three starts: 17.1 innings pitched, 4 ER, 28 K's and 7 walks. I'll take it. it's not flashy or dominant but I believe he's improving overall. I'd like to see him be more pitch efficient and pitch to more contact. However, I can't blame him if he's hesitant to do that at home. I completely disregard W/L records for pitchers as I think that stat is just too flawed. For instance, his last start was credited as a loss after giving up 1 ER (struck out 8, walked 3).
And no...this is NOT Hunter Greene's "burner account" 😂
"Get 'em on, get 'em over, get 'em in" is far more entertaining than home run ball. Hoping Run-DLC can keep up his OBP and be a consistent menace on the base paths. Caught the storybook ending to the Canadian Open playoff and once again, real life sports drama surpasses anything Hollywood might create. May switch in and out from the Reds game just to see if the Heat double team the man who is taking the trophy from them in broad daylight. I can remember the Talking Heads debut on SNL and thinking it was too "new age" for me. Byrne's music is not my style, but considering the originality and creativity he brought to an evolving and enduring career, there's no denying he is a genius.
I think Run DLC should use the Run DMC 'Walk This Way' as his walk up song, credit to Doc.
These Reds are so fun to watch. Run DLC indeed. Shaking things up, and not by dealing away players.
I'd never heard that David Byrne song. Most babies want to play all night anyway :>) Good 60 Minutes piece.
We'll be flipping back and forth between Reds and NBA tonight. I expect this will be the grand finale. Could be wrong, but I doubt it.
If everything Joker throws up goes in like last game, I don't know how you stop 'em. Shooting 5o% from lots of 3s might not be enough. I feel bad for Bam trying to contain the big guy ... even when he's on it still looks like 'winning ugly' and Bam is an all league defender
Doc, glad you asked that: that is the question about Hunter Greene, Reds Ace Pitcher. No it is not too early to pose the question, or make comparisons such as the Greene/Strider comparison you offered. My point of view says Hunter Greene is nobody's ace pitcher, definitely not the Reds ace pitcher. Key word: PITCHER. Greene is currently a thrower; hard thrower for sure with his triple-digit fastball, but he has not shown the progress you might want to see as a PITCHER. His pitch count is way too high way too early in games he starts. he is not winning and not necessarily putting the club in position to win (although much better last three starts) and he simply does not get easy outs ie: fly balls, or needed ground balls turned into DP's. Unless he learns how to PITCH and not just throw, his MLB career is going to be short and fall short of the high expectations. Personally, I was stunned when the Reds signed him to the big long-term deal earlier this season. We wait. We hope. I've been proven wrong before and hope he proves me wrong here too.
RUN-DLC, I like it. A young less “swagger-ish” Eric Davis comes to mind as I watch young Elly. As for young Mr. Greene, there’s a lot to like about him. Yesterday, he didn’t seem to be locating his pitches quite like he will as he matures BUT he kept the Reds in the game until they could score some runs. The future looks bright for Hunter. I’m excited about this team. I like everything about them.
The Canadian Open…I watched it off and on through the weekend but, yesterday, got mesmerized by the finish. I watched the entire playoff and, like you, wanted it to continue. However, that 70-something foot putt for the win was truly one for the ages. Kudos toMr. Taylor and toMr. Fleet wood for their play and their sportsmanship. A classic!
The song failed to mention that when mom changed the little pee pee's diaper, she generally got a free face shower...especially right after his bathie.
Been there, been done that, lol. Always ended up laughing after the firehose finally shut down.
Doc, your comparison of Greene-Strider was telling. I chalk it up to Greene is still a “thrower”and is learning how to become a pitcher. In some respects he reminds me of Nolan Ryan of Mets fame. He finally did learn how to become a pitcher but he was a “thrower” for about 5 or 6 years before he could refine his pitching to the point that his pitch count didn’t exceed 100 by the 4th inning. Hopefully Greene gets there sooner but he has quite a ways to go IMO.
Excellent tune! Like it better now after babies. Greene needs a Mario Soto change up! Is Mario still an instructor? Italy would be sweet!
Have lost track of how many concerts I've seen over the decades - more than a handful of bands 3-4-5 times - guessing somewhere north of 150-200 from my first, Led Zeppelin @ Riverfront Coliseum circa '77 - but Talking Heads (w/Tom Tom Club) Stop Making Sense in '83 @ Millett Hall in Oxford is indelible in my mind and without doubt among the top 5. Truly an unparalleled music/performance art/theater experience that left no one in their seats and everyone drenched in dance sweat and with smiles a mile wide.
♥️Talking Heads♥️
yes yes yes! I was at that show too and it ranks up there with my favorites as well!
Not attending that show is one of my top three concert regrets, and likely my top one. I kick myself every time I watch "Stop Making Sense." Good for you for attending.
I grew up during the Big Red Machine years and lived in St. Louis during their 'speed' championships. The excitement of Morgan or Coleman getting on base was fun to watch. They had pitchers focused on them rather than the batter and totally opened the right side of the field for the hitter. These Reds can use this speed even more with the pitcher time and throws to first base limits. As I recall, Coleman also struck out a lot, but was a terror on base.
Music question: Can you think of another singer who have a voice that you would never expect based on their appearance besides Eric Burdon or Ronnie Dio?
Baseball is in such a good place right now. In a world of watching negative trends throughout all sports, the death of three outcome baseball is such a positive development. When was the last time we said any sport was getting better with rule changes? Add the excitement with the Reds and we might have an entertaining summer. I am trying to keep my expectations low - I just want to be in it during Augusts/Early September. I can't remember the last time I was jacked up for a July baseball game.
The RBC was a tremendous tournament. On a macro level, golf is in shambles but there have been some magical moments this season.
I haven't been able to get juiced for the NBA playoffs since Lebron won in Cleveland. I consistently find myself falling asleep during these games even when I bet on them. It is a shame since Jokic is such a fascinating player but I just find the game to be boring.
1. Reds are fun to watch again. All I care about.
2. 72' eagle putt in 4th playoff hole was the coolest & craziest finish I have ever seen, and I'm older than most ... and the Canadian their Open.
3. Have fun in Italy, my happy place. If you make it to Verona, Il Cinocolo for dinner. You won't forget it, ever.
I’ve always been a fan of MLB base stealers. Remember Maury Wills of the Dodgers? Over 100 steals one year. He inspired my 3 brothers and me during our baseball playing days. Whenever we got on base, we were running on the next pitch.
Then there was Lou Brock of the Cardinals, always exciting. I was too busy raising kids during the Ricky Henderson era, but when I did catch an A’s game, he was always one of MLB’s most electric players.
I loved going to Reds games during the Billy Hamilton era. When he got on base, the pitchers and the defense were totally distracted and a bit unnerved. If he could have improved his hitting, he had a shot at being a superstar. It was reported they clocked him on a triple and he made 3rd base in 10.49 seconds. I wonder if Usain Bolt could match that. Making 90 degree turns are not the same as running in a straight line.
We are planning our 1st trip to GABP to see DLC soon.
Italy is an ideal destination, enjoy!
I'm really starting to become engaged with the Reds' "small ball" style. Get 'em on, get 'em over, get 'em in. Swiping bags and the whole gamut. Look at the pressure it has put on opposing teams, from the pitcher to the fielders to the manager. It's forced opponents to actually think, and make decisions, instead of expecting the strikeout/homer outcome from a .210 hitter who has 35 homers. I love it.
I've been preaching to my son, the erstwhile "Kid who chose to finally play organized baseball this year," that a walk is as good as a hit. He's been listening to what I've been telling him ... in his stints off the bench (mind you, first year playing organized ball on a team populated by 15- and 16-year-olds, and he's only 14), he has accrued about a .750 OBP primarily through walks and being hit by pitches. He's swiped a couple of bags, and has some ribbies to his credit by walking with the bags full.
I've told him I'll take that productivity on the field every day and twice on Sunday, compared to whiffing every at bat or swinging for the fences.
When it comes to Greene, as Pogo previously commented, he needs to have an "out" pitch, and work on the repertoire. There's a reason why guys like Gaylord Perry, Greg Maddux, Phil Niekro and others are in the HOF, and Aroldis Chapman will never be.
Fastballs will only get you so far before you blow your arm out, or hitters get your timing down and begin playing pinball all over the ballyard.
You should try to get your son to take a protégé under his wing. Nothing accelerates and purifies the learning process more than imparting your wisdom to another and investing in their success and upping your own game thereby ...
Interesting comments about Hunter Greene. The thing I've wondered the most. How dominate are guys like him these days who rely on their fastball? As we know, good teams with great hitters can hit the fast ball. I'm more intrigued by Andrew Abbott. He seems to have a better mix of pitches to fool hitters. I hope they both have tremendous success. But If I we're a betting man, when both of their careers end. I think Abbott will be remembered as the better of the two.
I honestly think Greene has pitched better than his numbers indicate. His last two starts (prior to yesterday) were trending the right direction. Six innings pitched in each with only 1 ER across both starts. So last three starts: 17.1 innings pitched, 4 ER, 28 K's and 7 walks. I'll take it. it's not flashy or dominant but I believe he's improving overall. I'd like to see him be more pitch efficient and pitch to more contact. However, I can't blame him if he's hesitant to do that at home. I completely disregard W/L records for pitchers as I think that stat is just too flawed. For instance, his last start was credited as a loss after giving up 1 ER (struck out 8, walked 3).
And no...this is NOT Hunter Greene's "burner account" 😂