Hey Paul- I may have missed you writing on this, but next time you’re in Arizona, check out the Music Instrument Museum (aka the MIM). Given your enjoyment of music, you might enjoy it. It’s amazing.

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Doc - as a writer, I'm puzzled you find it's difficult to tap into a great story in any genre. I get the issue with "country" in general - whether it's older traditional Opry but way more the ever-diminishing pop crossover arena variety. Suffice to say this: If you can't tap into this masterpiece by a legendarily troubled HOFer and a then "new country" upstart, I dunno what to tell ya.


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Magic. That's it. I watched hoping Brooks would lose. I wouldn't boo if I were there, but I wouldn't say 'awww' if he dumped it in the water. Sue me. I was confident he wouldn't lose, but I watched. And I got to see magic. Maybe it's his fifteen minutes, maybe not, but golf fans will never forget that moment.

As for country music, I don't listen to the radio. At all. My wife introduced me to Chris Stapleton, as she taught his cousins kids. That led me to Cody Jinks, Ward Davis, Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers, Justin Wells, The Turnpike Troubadours and many others. Real music, real words.

Dickey Betts! Doesn't get any better. Love his voice, his songs, and his beautiful, soaring guitar licks. Legend.

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Try listening to Cody Jinks. A little bit of outlaw county.

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I love county music but I always have specify that I don’t like the mainstream stuff. Nowadays you have brilliant song writers like Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson (and also Arlo McKinley, who I mentioned a couple Friday’s ago). When I listen to country I listen to John Prine or Willie Nelson- artists that modern radio country music fans wouldn’t like probably. We also have a newish word for “real” country, Americana.

I hope everyone got a chance to listen to Paul Simon’s new album released last Friday. It’s one piece of music and an absolute treasure.

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The Block Party was fun. I spoke with an old friend yesterday who is a PGA pro in Southern California, and he said Block has been kicking his backside for years in local events. So cool to see one of the little guys show up on that stage. Hats off to Block!

I turned if off after Hovland's mistake in the bunker on 17. I had no appetite for watching a Saudi agent win the event. Omar al-Bayoumi, Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, Fahad al-Thumairy, and Osama Basnan all walking around free in Riyahd is all anyone needs to know. I've been called sanctimonious for this stance, but I guess I'm old fashioned and don't like watching Americans take swan dives off skyscrapers.

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Michael Block was a godsend for the entertainment factor of the PGA TV broadcast. He was playing loose and still making shots and putts as needed. The on-course interviews were a highlight. Clearly, the man has media talent and made a name for himself in just a few hours of golf.

Anyone who plays golf regularly knows how tough being a club pro can be. You must be capable of listening to every kind of idiot on the face of the earth and have skin so thick, the abuse rolls off like water on a duck’s back. I have always given myself credit for surviving decades of corporate abuse, especially since I started out thin-skinned. However, nothing compares to watching a golfer rant at the club pro or his help. They have my undying respect.

My wife grew up I eastern Kentucky and always said country music is about drinking, fighting, loving, and crying and had no interest in it because of that. I, on the other hand, enjoy good melodies and musicianship without a whole lot of interest in whatever the lyrics are so I do pay some attention. However, the Porter Wagoner and Tammy Wynette stuff was a no go, and the recent hip hop trend has limited appeal.

I am enough of a sentimentalist to enjoy country entertainment that stays on a certain level and if others are involved, I can pass the fan litmus test with all the proper respect necessary. And, Doc, it is HUGE in Ireland, so there’s that. Charlie Pride is a national hero in the Emerald Isle. And check out the attendance in Dublin for Garth Brooks last year, Croke Park was sold out for five nights! Must be something in the water…

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Doc, greetings from Fort Myers. Both my wife and I played Hickory a lot when we lived in Loveland. Took quite a few lessons from Mike. Thanks for highlighting the work that Mike puts in. Great golfer, excellent teacher, and even better guy!

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Funny how getting old changes so many of my perspectives on life. I almost got teary eyed watching that hole in one. But then, Rory McIroy ( did I spell that right?) I used to despise him. Cocky up and comer. Now, I like and admire him. What a nice gesture he did. I used to despise Jason Day. Why? i do not know. Cocky up and comer? Then he married an American gal and settled down in Columbus. And had a bunch of injuries. Now I like him. I never thought getting old would be good. I like to thing it has made me a lot wiser, a lot more tolerant, a lot smarter, and a lot more forgiving.

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Following Michael Block yesterday was fun, up until he hit that hole in one and then it was nuts-o.

I'm not a big country guy, but here's a playlist of my favorite country songs that I feel like everyone should know. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/610THHgyzDVvSbi2d1ldoI?si=c924e4d40ba94848

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I have to hear the album Home by the Chicks somewhat often. They get bluegrassy on White Trash Wedding. Traveling Soldier is a good tune for Memorial Day.

I have eclectic country tastes. As a child loved Sixteen Tons and Wolverton Mountain. And of course Patsy Cline.

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You'd likely enjoy sampling this box o' chocolates


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Great story, that Michael Block. I watched his hole in one and, I gotta say, it brought me out of my recliner. A slam dunk ace, no way! By the time he got to the 18th, he was a true folk hero and none other than the great Rory McElroy recognized it and sincerely acknowledged the fact. It showed me that even the stars of the sport are human and affected by a really “human” moment.

As for the ace, I’m 73 and now play from the yellow tees. I’ve been as close as a foot and a half twice but never…NEVER…have gotten one. Meanwhile, I’ve got a friend, a good player, who, right in front of me, literally, got 2 in one season. They were the 4th and 5th of his life. To that I say…WTF?!?!? BUT, I gotta say THAT brings me back out to the course a couple of times a week.

Country music? Sure, a little. I can take George Strait and guys like that. Back in the day, I liked the Flying Burrito Brothers version of country.

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I missed my only career ace by a foot and a half or so rolling by the cup…. after it had clipped trees to the far left of the green and bounced toward the hole! Had it sunk I would not have even seen it, due to watching for the ball to fall straight down into water. Golf gods are real.

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There are plenty of great country music artists, but they are on the outskirts of the country music establishment. Sturgill Simpson, Zach Bryan and Tyler Childers to name a few. They are not played on commercial radio nor will you see them at any televised awards ceremony. They have soul, write their own songs are talented guitar players. Chris Stapleton is more mainstream but he is worth a listen.

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To answer your question, Doc, "nothing". Okay, that's harsh. I lived in North Carolina for a while and the bar we frequented after work had several of the outlaw guys on the jukebox: Waylon, Willie, Kris, Johnny, and Bocephus. They were okay, but I never put in any quarters. I love Bruce and Neil, but when they get twangy, I'm out.

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Today's country that gets played on commercial radio is horrible, IMO. Today's real country is called Americana or Alternative Country.

Shameless plug to follow: here's a sample from my youngest son, who's a carpenter by day, singer/songwriter by night. Check it out!


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Great song. Love the first line.

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That was straight out of a movie script. Wow. The only thing that could have topped that would have been winning the whole damn thing yesterday. There aren't many moments like that in sports, that's for sure. That shot will be talked about long after we're gone ...

Nice tune of the day, but found a better one simply by clicking the link and listening. Never knew Wilson Pickett and Duane Allman did a cover of "Hey Jude" together, until seeing the recommendation on the sidebar. Much like Block's ace -- WOW!

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