nice read, thx

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When you retired from the Enquirer, I was afraid we’d never see (read)your kind again. But lo and behold this very surprising paisano may have outdone your best ever.

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Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing....

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I could spend every vacation for the rest of my life in Italy, and die happy.

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Superb writing , as usual! Your descriptive words flowed like mountain streams. Italy is different than our lifestyle and much healthier. Enjoy yourself and your wife. You didn’t mention her, but I assume she is along to keep you inline. Please keep us informed and enjoy the success of our Reds ! Thanks again!

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Leaves me looking at travel guides ...

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Welcome back Doc ... sorry to hear your vacation left you underwhelmed and disappointed! Seriously, never been to Italy but your recant

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Wow, what a trip! You could have been a travel writer unless that calls for sniffing disdain for those lesser lights you left unmentioned. Thanks for the vicarious experience. And welcome back!🗽

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While you were gone, our local excuse for a pro baseball team, went to Cincinnati and the series was televised, of course. Watched most of each game as JV returned to the lineup, the Reds swept the hapless Rox, and we got back on the bandwagon. Granted, I would have rather been sitting on the Adriatic coast of Italia, but Colorado is beautifully green this year from lots of rain!

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Sounds like a wonderful trip. Looking forward to seeing your photos.

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Nice to have you back Doc! With the occasional Golden Oldie filling my inbox, I barely missed ya! Italy is on our agenda for 2024, with 4 weeks in a 14th century villa outside Orvieto. All suggestions welcome.

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What a wonderful trip. As I can’t travel much anymore, I live vicariously through my friends that do. Italy was on my bucket list. You made it real. Thank you for that. I didn’t mind the past TMLs after I figured it out. When I read the annual Kelly hike, I thought for awhile that you must have done that trip before leaving for Italy. Was confused for a minute, but enjoyed the look back. Happy you’re home safe with beautiful memories to take you from here.

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Beautiful pictures and snapshot of your trip. Welcome home..

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Welcome back Paul!! Missed you in my inbox at lunchtime.. great to have you back!! Not sure which is more magical...the Reds or your trip report. This is what makes baseball great..so good for the city. We can only hope it continues. A trip to Italy will now be on the bucket list. The tune of the day was one of your best!!

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Welcome back Doc. Glad your trip was spectacular. My trips to Italy were courtesy of the U.S. Navy, mostly to Naples. 22 years old and clueless is no way to experience Italy. Our goal involved beer, food, and entertainment in rapid succession as we had to return no later than midnight. Tuscany may be in the cards in the not too distant future

As for the Redlegs, they continue to prove the naysayers (myself included back in April) wrong. One seismic shift I see is David Bell pinch hitting for J Votto. Paid dividends yesterday. Not sure how many big league Managers would(or could) do that. Unwritten rules and all that stuff.

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Doc is back and all is well! It wasn’t easy without TML but we soldiered on and now the conversation restarts. My Italian trip last month generated similar feelings. Natural beauty in every direction, ancient art and ruins to contemplate endlessly, and a daily tempo that sped up (morning), modulated (afternoon), and erupted again (evening). Tourism is an Italian mainstay, and you can feel it just about everywhere.

As for the traffic, my eyes have been opened. Only saw one accident in 10 days but the constant blaring of horns reminded me of a different mindset in getting from point A to point B. Sitting at a dinner table three feet from the scooters zooming around, as well as the non-stop parking challenges made it clear Americans have it pretty good and don’t even know it.

Last comment, from now on if I’m doing eighty in the hammer lane on I-75 and you’re blinking your lights at me to get out of your way, well, I still won’t but I certainly understand your emotions better now that I’ve seen Italian traffic. Arrivederci, indeed!

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