What a wonderful place this would be if we all came together daily and prayed the way every player on BOTH teams, all the fans in the stadium, and all the people watching at home on TV and coming from their homes to the hospital to add more prayers did last Sunday night. We prayed for a miracle and God delivered it to us! He answers all prayers, so keep on praying and making this world a better place prayer by prayer!
In what sports world would we cancel the game in this manner? Why is it the league, who called the game, the bengals didn’t call it, wont follow its rules? If this were any other sports in blue-collar land we would consider it a FORFEIT! The Bills chose not to play albeit a tragic situation. The Bengals went along with it and frankly the game wouldnt have lived up to its game of the year hype following the incident had they played after. Monday night was fine. It’s the fallout/collateral damage. Bills have no chance at number 1? We wouldn’t as Bengals fans get to see number 1?
Ryan Clark said these guys’put their lives on the line’, if so then that equates them with firemen, police, anybody who ran into the towers when they were struck, and guess what they did the next day after tragedy struck, went back to work. The players ‘risk their lives’. They choose to play a violent sport like rodeo, boxing, bull fighting, etc. Do rodeo arenas quit the moment a guy gets gored? These guys get paid way more money than most professional sports and they should own their choices. They forfeited and no other team other than the bills should be penalized if any are penalized. A tragic situation just got worse with the nfl choices concerning the playoffs. Bengals get the shaft! Go get ‘em boys, we can overcome this too!
Great tune Paul! Being born and raised on the Buffalo Springfield, it really was a treat to hear your taste in music reaches my taste as related to the, content of your column. Glad you are back! Thank you!
I feel like the Bengals got Mooted into oblivion via ESPN. It was to be a big game for All of Us.
I guess I need to get over it and move on with the Bengals. Time to beat the Ravens and prove our worth all over again. Joe's start in the first quarter was one of his finest, from kickoff to touchdown, as if he was using a steak knife at the Precinct. We're pulling for you Men. Carry on. And I couldn't have been happier by hearing the good news about Damen.
So many share your views on these positive developments. Thank you for expressing them. With 10’s of millions, maybe 100’s of millions praying for this young man and his family and following the dailey updates, a miraculous turn of events can be taken as a message to us. Humans can embrace the better angels of our nature and see good things happen. I have been reminded many times by this of the beginning of the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”, when the whole town was praying for George Bailey. It will be very interesting to hear Damar’s responses once he realizes how many hearts and souls were pulling for his recovery. Kind of stunning--in the most positive of ways.
I'm very happy for this young man, his family, teammates, coaches and friends. Every life matters! On that note, it sort of saddens me that on the same day this near tragedy happened, 3 men lost their lives when scaffolding collapsed at their Charlotte construction site. Does anyone know their names, their stories? I get that Hamlin's collapse happened on a national stage, but why does his situation get 100% of the attention? Just wondering.
I am so glad that young Mr. Hamlin is doing better. I hope he is up and around soon. Furthermore, I hope that he has good insurance through the NFL or the Bills pick up the tab on his medical bills!
I cannot imagine the emotion that is going to course through the Stadium on Sunday. It is my hope the Bengals tap into that and beat the Ravens, host them, and beat them again the next week.
If I was a Chiefs fan, I might be a little angry at Commissioner Bowie Goddell. They might lock up the number one seed this weekend and not play the AFC title game at home. I don't even like the Chiefs, and that seems a little nuts.
I hope your vision of an energized stadium and team comes to fruition. I'm actually concerned that - at least for the team - it could go the other way. I can't imagine that either the Bengals or Bills will be emotionally prepared for their games Sunday. But I've been amazed by this bunch before, so I guess it wouldn't shock me.
The optimist in me hopes these good vibes continue . The pessimist in me remembers the first fall ball game I umpired after 9/11. It was at Bell Tower Field in Mariemont. A coach was giving me hell as the corillon bells were playing " God Bless America ". You can't make this stuff up !
Wonderful Paul, tear’d up again…the play-off scenario hardly seems fair to the Bengals? This is the best they can up with? No home game if the Bengals amd their fan base have earn it?!
Of course the Bengals postseason could potentially be decided by a coin flip. Anything else would make too much sense.
Every time I get worked up about the NFL's idiocy and heartlessness, I remind myself Damar Hamlin's situation is bigger than football. I havent lived in Cincinnati since 1996, but I'm really proud of my hometown.
I can't express how happy and relieved I am that he is doing so much better and hopefully has a long a fruitful life ahead of him. He brought the world together at an important time. Perhaps he has a higher calling to have more time to dedicate to helping the inner city children. I will continue to pray for his complete recovery.
On a negative note: Do you think the NFL would have cancelled the game if Dallas, New England, Pittsburgh, LA, or a NY team would have been involved? The Bengals definitely got the shaft if the NFL follows the playoff guidelines released by the press. If Buffalo plays KC, the game will be played at a neutral site. If the Bengals play Buffalo, it will be in Buffalo. The Bengals had an opportunity for a #1 seed if the game was continued, but receive no real recognition in the planned formats. I am also curious about whether the fans at the game will get any refunds or consideration. If the Bengals can't do it, I hope the Bills win the Super Bowl. They are a kindred spirit for all of us.
No way that game gets played after what happened. It would be a field day for all the virtue-signaling, war-mongering moral high ground media types and talking heads. The story would write itself, the clicks would follow, and the ad revenue would increase.
The more I think about it, the madder I get. Giving Baltimore a chance for home field advantage relies on the assumption that the Bengals would have lost to Buffalo. Even treating that game as a tie would still clearly put the Bengals in first place. The same NFL is giving Buffalo a chance based on the assumption that they would have won the game. This is blatant unfairness.
What a wonderful place this would be if we all came together daily and prayed the way every player on BOTH teams, all the fans in the stadium, and all the people watching at home on TV and coming from their homes to the hospital to add more prayers did last Sunday night. We prayed for a miracle and God delivered it to us! He answers all prayers, so keep on praying and making this world a better place prayer by prayer!
In what sports world would we cancel the game in this manner? Why is it the league, who called the game, the bengals didn’t call it, wont follow its rules? If this were any other sports in blue-collar land we would consider it a FORFEIT! The Bills chose not to play albeit a tragic situation. The Bengals went along with it and frankly the game wouldnt have lived up to its game of the year hype following the incident had they played after. Monday night was fine. It’s the fallout/collateral damage. Bills have no chance at number 1? We wouldn’t as Bengals fans get to see number 1?
Ryan Clark said these guys’put their lives on the line’, if so then that equates them with firemen, police, anybody who ran into the towers when they were struck, and guess what they did the next day after tragedy struck, went back to work. The players ‘risk their lives’. They choose to play a violent sport like rodeo, boxing, bull fighting, etc. Do rodeo arenas quit the moment a guy gets gored? These guys get paid way more money than most professional sports and they should own their choices. They forfeited and no other team other than the bills should be penalized if any are penalized. A tragic situation just got worse with the nfl choices concerning the playoffs. Bengals get the shaft! Go get ‘em boys, we can overcome this too!
Here's another by Neil Young, a song about his old hound dog, King. It's a hoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d4cDMiUarA
Neil Young is one of the old classic rockers that seems to be making some of his best new music later in life. This one is about an old guitar he acquired that was formerly owned by Hank Williams. https://www.bing.com/search?q=neil+young+this+old+guitar&qs=LT&pq=neil+young+%22this+old+guitar%22&sc=7-28&cvid=82F50AE00D07400ABE261F25950526B7&FORM=QBRE&sp=1
Great tune Paul! Being born and raised on the Buffalo Springfield, it really was a treat to hear your taste in music reaches my taste as related to the, content of your column. Glad you are back! Thank you!
I feel like the Bengals got Mooted into oblivion via ESPN. It was to be a big game for All of Us.
I guess I need to get over it and move on with the Bengals. Time to beat the Ravens and prove our worth all over again. Joe's start in the first quarter was one of his finest, from kickoff to touchdown, as if he was using a steak knife at the Precinct. We're pulling for you Men. Carry on. And I couldn't have been happier by hearing the good news about Damen.
Why did the NFL decide to make up a rule. There’s nothing in the rules about a COIN FLIP. It’s winning %.
Instead of a coin flip they should have a shootout between McPherson and Justin Tucker
So many share your views on these positive developments. Thank you for expressing them. With 10’s of millions, maybe 100’s of millions praying for this young man and his family and following the dailey updates, a miraculous turn of events can be taken as a message to us. Humans can embrace the better angels of our nature and see good things happen. I have been reminded many times by this of the beginning of the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”, when the whole town was praying for George Bailey. It will be very interesting to hear Damar’s responses once he realizes how many hearts and souls were pulling for his recovery. Kind of stunning--in the most positive of ways.
I'm very happy for this young man, his family, teammates, coaches and friends. Every life matters! On that note, it sort of saddens me that on the same day this near tragedy happened, 3 men lost their lives when scaffolding collapsed at their Charlotte construction site. Does anyone know their names, their stories? I get that Hamlin's collapse happened on a national stage, but why does his situation get 100% of the attention? Just wondering.
The size of the stage matters, I'm pretty sure.
Right, but those other lives are no less important, but completely ignored.
I am so glad that young Mr. Hamlin is doing better. I hope he is up and around soon. Furthermore, I hope that he has good insurance through the NFL or the Bills pick up the tab on his medical bills!
I cannot imagine the emotion that is going to course through the Stadium on Sunday. It is my hope the Bengals tap into that and beat the Ravens, host them, and beat them again the next week.
If I was a Chiefs fan, I might be a little angry at Commissioner Bowie Goddell. They might lock up the number one seed this weekend and not play the AFC title game at home. I don't even like the Chiefs, and that seems a little nuts.
I hope your vision of an energized stadium and team comes to fruition. I'm actually concerned that - at least for the team - it could go the other way. I can't imagine that either the Bengals or Bills will be emotionally prepared for their games Sunday. But I've been amazed by this bunch before, so I guess it wouldn't shock me.
I fear, and better not hear, one sound of booing when the Bengals get on the field, against either the team or Higgins.
The optimist in me hopes these good vibes continue . The pessimist in me remembers the first fall ball game I umpired after 9/11. It was at Bell Tower Field in Mariemont. A coach was giving me hell as the corillon bells were playing " God Bless America ". You can't make this stuff up !
If you think that umping situation was uncomfortable, imagine being an Iraqi in 2004!
Could not even pretend to imagine that !
Wonderful Paul, tear’d up again…the play-off scenario hardly seems fair to the Bengals? This is the best they can up with? No home game if the Bengals amd their fan base have earn it?!
Thanks for the uplifting words this morning, Doc. Your generosity of spirit is matched only by your eloquence. Both are truly appreciated.
Of course the Bengals postseason could potentially be decided by a coin flip. Anything else would make too much sense.
Every time I get worked up about the NFL's idiocy and heartlessness, I remind myself Damar Hamlin's situation is bigger than football. I havent lived in Cincinnati since 1996, but I'm really proud of my hometown.
I can't express how happy and relieved I am that he is doing so much better and hopefully has a long a fruitful life ahead of him. He brought the world together at an important time. Perhaps he has a higher calling to have more time to dedicate to helping the inner city children. I will continue to pray for his complete recovery.
On a negative note: Do you think the NFL would have cancelled the game if Dallas, New England, Pittsburgh, LA, or a NY team would have been involved? The Bengals definitely got the shaft if the NFL follows the playoff guidelines released by the press. If Buffalo plays KC, the game will be played at a neutral site. If the Bengals play Buffalo, it will be in Buffalo. The Bengals had an opportunity for a #1 seed if the game was continued, but receive no real recognition in the planned formats. I am also curious about whether the fans at the game will get any refunds or consideration. If the Bengals can't do it, I hope the Bills win the Super Bowl. They are a kindred spirit for all of us.
No way that game gets played after what happened. It would be a field day for all the virtue-signaling, war-mongering moral high ground media types and talking heads. The story would write itself, the clicks would follow, and the ad revenue would increase.
The more I think about it, the madder I get. Giving Baltimore a chance for home field advantage relies on the assumption that the Bengals would have lost to Buffalo. Even treating that game as a tie would still clearly put the Bengals in first place. The same NFL is giving Buffalo a chance based on the assumption that they would have won the game. This is blatant unfairness.
So agree with you on the NFL level. As usual, "it's just the Bengals..."